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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (843 matches, in 34 pages)

FL GOP Lawmaker: CO2 Can't Cause Climate Change Because "God Gave It to Us"

Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 11:34:28 am
As Florida governor Rick Scott tries to deny he told state officials not to use the terms "climate change" or "global warming," another Republican state lawmaker, Rep. John Wood, now says carbon dioxide can't possibly be harmful to the atmosphere because God gave it to us. Wood said he does ...

DOJ Preparing Corruption Charges Against Sen. Bob Menendez, Chuck C. Johnson Starts Boasting

Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:20:06 pm
Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez will be facing criminal corruption charges, according to CNN: Washington (CNN)The Justice Department is preparing to bring criminal corruption charges against New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, a Democrat, alleging he used his Senate office to push the business interests of a Democratic donor and friend in ...

Merchants of Doubt: What Climate Deniers Learned From Big Tobacco

Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 7:34:37 am
"Doubt is our product" Peter Sinclair from the Yale Climate Forum reviews a documentary that details how marketing doubt about science became profitable for multiple industries and their shills. YouTube In March 2015, Robert Kenner, the Director of "Food Inc" and other acclaimed documentaries, will debut his newest, "Merchants of Doubt". ...

Sen. Inhofe Competes With CPAC for Dumbest Right Wing Moment of the Day

Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 1:18:21 pm
Yes, folks, climate change deniers really are this dense. #facepalm RT @frankthorpNBC Sen Inhofe brought a snowball on the Senate floor during his climate change speech: — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) February 26, 2015

On Lemmings and Cliffs

Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 7:34:47 pm
I am a child of the Midwest. Around these parts, the default constructor for people is "wingnut". I was raised in the proud tradition of the Assemblies of God - a name many of you may recognize as associated with some of the derpiest hardcore creationist/Dominionist names out there. ...

Rudy Giuliani Enters the "Non-Apology Apology" Phase of the Wingnut Cycle

Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 11:03:51 am
Rudy Giuliani is now doing the well-known Wingnut Walk-Back, after his ugly statements that President Obama doesn't love America; he's already gone through the initial hate speech eruption and the denial stage, and now it's time for the non-apology apology. Obviously, I cannot read President Obama's mind or heart, and ...

A Climate Change Denier's Links to the Fossil Fuel Industry Exposed

Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 7:33:55 pm
Huge news on the climate change front, as one of the main climate change-denying scientist's highly lucrative links to the fossil fuel industry are exposed: Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for a Doubtful Climate Scientist. For years, politicians wanting to block legislation on climate change have bolstered their arguments by ...

Erick Erickson Declares: Barack Obama Can't Be a Christian - He's Not a Fanatic

Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 10:20:50 am
Wow. Here's Erick Erickson, supposedly one of the main voices of conservatism in this debased climate, passing judgment on President Obama and declaring: Barack Obama Is Not a Christian in Any Meaningful Way. And the reason Erickson gives for this judgment: Obama admitted having doubts about religion. He just isn't fanatical ...

Death and The Anti-Vaxxer

Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 8:30:22 pm
Death and The Anti-Vaxxer This is one blog post I've held off writing because it angers me beyond bearing, and scares me to death. 15 years ago, Andrew Wakefield, then a doctor, presented a paper to the famous medical journal The Lancet. In it he claimed there was a link between autism ...

Wingnuts Convinced They've "Debunked" Charles Blow's Story About His Son & Campus Cop

Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 12:26:39 pm
On January 26th, New York Times columnist Charles Blow posted an op-ed entitled Library Visit, Then Held at Gunpoint, where he wrote about his son being detained at gunpoint by a Yale University police officer. Right wing bloggers are certain they have "debunked" this story because Blow did not ...

Richard Muller: I Was Wrong on Climate Change

Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 12:37:30 pm
I'm thinking back to all the climate trolls who used to throw this guy in my face when arguing with them... YouTube Richard Muller founded the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Project after declaring himself skeptical about climate change. He was funded in part by the Koch Brothers. He found out what ...

Tech Note: A Regular Expression to Extract the ASIN Product Code From Any Amazon URL

Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 2:39:13 pm
Image via Shutterstock Every once in a while I come up with a bit of code that might be useful to other programmers, and here's one of those bits -- a regular expression that extracts the ASIN product code from almost any Amazon product URL, including URLs from non-US Amazon stores. ...

Mike Huckabee Said He Played an Edited "Clean" Cut of Dirty Nugent Song, But He Lied

Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:43:46 am
Ted's drunk on freedom, Huck's drunk on derp. After Huckabee slammed the President for letting his daughters listen to the "toxic mental poison" of Beyoncé's music (which he later compared to buying a 12-year-old a stripper pole), comedian Jon Stewart confronted Huckabee on air about a time when he played ...

GOP Posts Crudely Edited Copy of State of the Union Speech, Deletes Sections on Climate Change and Antisemitism

Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:59:00 am
YouTube I started to write "unbelievable," but this is sadly all too believable -- and horrifyingly emblematic of a political party that is quite literally denying reality: Republicans Post Doctored Version of State of the Union, Censor Facts on Climate Change. (The video above is set to start right before the clumsy ...

Creationist Bobby Jindal Represents America's Stupid Party to Europe

Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 11:21:38 am
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal just keeps proving over and over that the Republican Party really is the "stupid party," going all the way to London to spew discredited far right talking points about nonexistent "no-go zones" in Muslim areas that even Fox News had to retract: Jindal Stuck After Spreading Discredited ...

NOAA State of the Climate: 2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record Globally

Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 6:01:53 pm
Global temperature time series: land and ocean components.From 2014 Global Report Supplemental Information. We have big news on the climate change front today from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and it's not bad -- it's terrible: 2014 Earth's warmest year on record; December 2014 record warm; Global oceans also record ...

Video: President Obama Announces New Steps to Create Affordable High-Speed Broadband

Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 5:48:34 pm
YouTube The state of Internet broadband access in the US is a national disgrace, and the big providers have very little incentive to change it because they have de facto monopolies and are able to charge exorbitant prices for sub-par service. It's good to see the President working on solutions to ...

Senate to Vote on Whether Climate Change Is Real

Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:42:46 pm
Senate Democrats led by Bernie Sanders have proposed a measure designed to make Republicans go on the record as climate change deniers: Senate to Vote on Whether Climate Change Is Happening. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday he will allow the Senate to vote on an amendment asking ...

That GOP Representative Who Compared Obama to Hitler? He's Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Energy.

Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 1:07:35 pm
Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas)Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas)Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) is in the news after he was forced to apologize "to all those offended" by a tweet comparing President Obama to who else? Hitler. And in light of the previous post in which Rand Paul and Lamar Smith risibly tried to ...

Rand Paul Pens Politico Piece Denying the GOP Is Anti-Science (With a Climate Change Denying Co-Author)

Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 11:38:26 am
When Rand Paul says, "No, the GOP is absolutely not doing that thing you think they're doing," be assured that yes, they very definitely are doing that thing. Case in point: No, the GOP Is Not at War With Science - Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Lamar Smith. Sen. Paul and ...

All Over the Right Wing Media Sites, Commenters Calling for Genocide of Muslims

Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 1:24:23 pm
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, anti-Muslim ranting at right wing blogs has reached an insane feverish pitch, totally out of control, and not a single blogger or commenter is denouncing it. It's off the scale; I've never seen it worse than this. For example, at Breitbart "News," ...

North Korea's Internet Access Is "Toast"

Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:51:07 pm
Image via Shutterstock Even if the US had something to do with this, the government would probably never admit it, but I think it's doubtful. North Korea's network is very small by world standards, and it wouldn't require a nation state to take it offline with a simple brute force DDoS ...

A Former Bank Teller With an Unbelievable Voice: St. Paul and the Broken Bones

Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 6:06:34 pm
YouTube We first saw this fantastic group from Alabama with their incredible singer on the 2014 Americana Music Honors & Awards show, and now here's a Tiny Desk Concert right in time for a Sunday night music thread. Close your eyes and listen, and you might imagine someone who looks a ...

Racism, Discrimination and Privilege

Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 10:23:03 am
I have known and seen racism and discrimination. I have known and experienced privilege. And I have the common sense to distinguish between the two. Ferguson is a place that is riddled with racism and discrimination. The police are known by all to engage in discrimination and racism. The state has disbanded ...

Most Evangelicals Believe Natural Disasters Are the Apocalypse, Not Climate Change

Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 10:31:15 am
Yep, according to almost half of the Americans surveyed, there's no such thing as climate change. It's just the End Times. Poll results released by the Public Religion Research Institute on Friday showed that sixty-nine percent of Americans believe there is solid evidence that Earth's temperatures are increasing. This ...

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