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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Dies

Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 10:24:02 am
David Fowler / Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died after a stroke, according to multiple media reports. She was 87. BREAKING: Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died from a stroke -BW— The Associated Press (@AP) April 8, 2013 More: Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ...

Climate Change Denier James Delingpole: 'Hanging Is Far Too Good' for Climate Scientists

Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:59:23 pm
He'd be Britain's most deranged and dishonest climate change denier if that title weren't already owned by Christopher Monckton, but today's article at The Telegraph by James Delingpole breaks new ground, even for him. As Joe Romm puts it at ClimateProgress, this really does amount to hate speech, an especially ...

Breitbart Hack's Howler: Pamela Geller Is the Gay Community's BFF

Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:42:22 am
As soon as I saw this moronic headline at today, I knew I was in for some seriously delusional right wing turnspeak: SALON MAGAZINE SMEARS PAMELA GELLER!!! On April 2, Salon magazine carried a column by Chris Stedman accusing Pamela Geller of trying to drive a wedge between gays ...

Quack Right Wing "Researcher:" Gay People More Likely to Have Sex With Animals

Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:10:04 pm
Here they go with the animal-fucking again. The wingnut imagination is obsessed with bestiality for some weird reason, and quack "researcher" Paul Cameron of the rabidly anti-gay Family Research Institute (who was tossed out of the American Psychological Association for faking and misrepresenting his work) told the National Press Club ... Incites Hatred Against Minister of Obama's Easter Service

Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 11:34:48 am
OK, so what's the big right wing fake outrage today? Oh, there it is -- at, of course, where they're inciting hatred against the minister of a church attended by the Obama family who dared to criticize the religious right. First, the Washington Post report for the full context ...

Adam Lanza's Arsenal: Guns, Ammo, Knives, Swords, and NRA Certificates

Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 5:21:56 pm
At the school in Newtown, Adam Lanza fired more than 155 rounds in less than five minutes. The search warrants released by authorities today show the extent of the Lanza family's arsenal; here's the full list. At the school: [Item List] At the home: Guns: [Item List] Ammunition: [Item List] Magazines: [Item List] Knives: [Item ...

Religious Right: The RNC Is Victimizing Us

Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:51:01 am
Road sign via Shutterstock Right wing religious spokesmen are raising hell over the RNC "rebranding" scam, apparently too dim to understand that they're supposed to lay low for a while: Religious Right Could Be Left Behind by New Republican Plan. Some leaders of the religious right are openly worried this week ...

Obama Will Tell Federal Agencies to Consider Impact on Climate Change for Major Projects

Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 11:35:22 am
The next giant right wing freak-out is on the horizon, approaching fast, as President Obama prepares to make good on his promise to act alone in the face of Republican anti-science craziness: Obama Will Use Nixon-Era Law to Fight Climate Change. President Barack Obama is preparing to tell all federal ...

Glenn Beck's TheBlaze Reports CPAC Racism, Commenters Go Full-on Neo-Nazi

Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 4:50:24 pm
When the news broke yesterday about the white supremacists who crashed a CPAC panel on minority outreach and defended slavery, I wrote: What this guy says is no different than the rhetoric you can find in the comment sections of almost any right wing blog or news site. And today, ...

Jim Hoft Pathetically Tries to Excuse CPAC Racists, Commenters Respond by Going Full Metal White Supremacist

Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 2:15:59 pm
DERPAt CPAC, the incredibly dense Jim Hoft won the "Accuracy in Media" award, and today he's demonstrating the peerless skill that led to this honor with a post desperately trying to spin away the embarrassing little white supremacist incident at yesterday's festivities: BUSTED: Supposed 'Racist Event' at CPAC 2013 a Big ...

Eric Allen Bell on 'Jewish Supremacists'

Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:24:12 am
Readers may or may not remember Eric Allen Bell--he's the filmmaker and former "Kos Kid" who, back in 2010, was supportive of the construction of the Murfreesboro mosque, which had become one of the lightning rods of the anti-mosque hysteria that began sweeping the nation that summer. Eric Allen Bell ...

Iraq Inspector General: Too Much Money Spent in Iraq for Too Few Results

Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:54:09 pm
The legacy of George W. Bush's Iraq adventure continues to be a drag on the US economy, with very little to show for it: Too Much Money Spent in Iraq for Too Few Results. Ten years and $60 billion in American taxpayer funds later, Iraq is still so unstable and ...

Overnight Surreal: Codswallop

Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 8:26:23 pm
Codswallop is a short animated film based on a series of stream-of-consciousness illustrations by Greg McLeod which were sent on postcards to his son. More information http://www.brothersmcleod. Awards Nominat ed for BAFTA Film Award, 2009, Short Animation Mention Spéciale du Jury at the 31st Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival Winner of Best Short Short, 17th Annual Saint ...

Pamela Geller Unceremoniously Tossed Out by CPAC, but White Nationalists Welcome

Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 10:13:42 am
You may have heard that hate-monger Pamela Geller is persona non grata this year at the right wing festival of epistemic closure known as CPAC, and of course she's raging and spewing insults like a lunatic -- in other words, Geller's standard mode of operation: StandWithPamelaGeller - Atlas Shrugs. This ridiculous ...

Authentic Wingnut Gibberish: Michelle Malkin Stands With Pamela Geller

Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 6:15:23 pm
Michelle "Muslim Concentration Camps" Malkin agrees with the xenophobia part of Pamela Geller's schtick. Maybe not the Birther stuff, but the jury's still out. I don't agree w/her on everything, but when it comes to natlsec & defiance of GOP's soft-on-jihad lobbyists, yes, i #standwithpamelageller — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 2, 2013 ...

Sarah Palin: The Government Is Stockpiling Ammo to Use Against US Citizens

Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:44:10 pm
Look out, half-governor Sarah Palin has emerged from her bunker to spread the right wing fairy tale that the federal government is stockpiling ammunition to use against American citizens when civilization breaks down and the US becomes a nightmare hellscape where the law of the jungle rules the streets. We're ...

Overnight Short: The Jockstrap Raiders

Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:27:14 pm
The Jockstrap Raiders is a Student Academy Award winning animated short film about a group of misfits during world war I. It takes place in Leeds, England where our heroes are all excluded from the war due to various abnormalities. Threatened by the invading German Kaiser and his army, ...

Not Right Wing Journalism's Finest Hour

Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:06:06 pm
When's Ben Shapiro posted his now-infamous fake story about Chuck Hagel and "Friends of Hamas," it's noteworthy that the entire right wing media machine immediately jumped on the story and spread it far and wide. It's difficult to find a right wing website that didn't run the story; this ...

American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: "President Obama Is Our Enemy"

Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 5:37:41 pm
"Ladies and gentlemen," Fischer declared, "we should be under no illusions here; President Obama is not our friend, President Obama is our enemy." What do you think follows from this in the warped mind of the wingnut? What are people supposed to do to their enemies? And remember, Fischer's ...

Bryan Fischer: Beware the Full Moon, Satan's Gonna Getcha

Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:26:58 pm
American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer helpfully explains that Satan chooses to activate his influence over mankind when the moon is full. Snark fails me.

Catholic Diocese Boots Anti-Muslim Demagogue Robert Spencer

Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:20:59 pm
Add this to the increasing marginalization of radical anti-Muslim views: A Catholic diocese in Massachusetts today rescinded its invitation to Robert Spencer, a prominent anti-Muslim writer and activist, to speak about Islam at an upcoming conference. "Although the intention of the conference organizers was to have a presenter on Islam ...

The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:44:52 pm
AARP AFL-CIO Ambulatory Pediatric Association American Academy of Pediatrics American Civil Liberties Union American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing American Medical Women's Association American Medical Student Association American Medical Association American Association for the Surgery of Trauma American Trauma Society American Federation of Teachers American Association of School Administrators American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities American Medical Association American Bar Association American Counseling Association American Academy of ...

Fly Lands on Obama's Face, World Net Daily Raves About Satan - Update: Satan Discovered Writing for WND

Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 1:26:38 pm
Today at the craziest of the crazy right wing sites, ace reporter Aaron Klein is covering an issue that the mainstream media are too afraid to touch: Is Obama Biblical 'Lord of the Flies'? Yes, in addition to being a socialist, a Marxist, Hitler, an angry black radical, a secret Muslim, ...

Ted Nugent at Gun Show: "I've Got Some Buddies" Ready to Start a Revolution

Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:33:49 pm
Speaking at the Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT) in Las Vegas (a major gun industry trade show), Ted Nugent launched into another vitriolic tirade against President Obama, calling him "an evil, dangerous man who hates America," and coming very close to outright advocation of assassination and revolution. It seems ...

NRA Cites to Falsely Claim School Attended by Obama's Daughters Has '11 Armed Guards'

Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:22:10 am
The National Rifle Association's ugly ad targeting President Obama's children accuses him of being a "hypocrite" because the school his daughters attend has "11 armed guards." The ad also attacks NBC journalist David Gregory for the same alleged "hypocrisy." And to back up this claim they cite the right wing attack ...

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