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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (829 matches, in 34 pages)

Conservatives Are SHOCKED at GRUBER!

Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:59:24 am
MIT economist Jonathan Gruber has caused a giant fake outrage Today the entire conservative media machine woke up in a fake rage, screaming GRUBER! GRUBER I SAY! DIE OBAMACARE DIE! Many are pretending to be outraged that MIT economist Jonathan Gruber actually was paid for his work. Charles Krauthammer is pretending outrage ...

US and China Announce Historic Agreement on Climate Change

Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:49:40 am
Image via Shutterstock Some excellent news from President Obama's trip to China: BREAKING: The US and China Just Announced a Huge Deal on Climate--and It's a Game Changer. So much for the conventional wisdom that China will never agree to reduce carbon emissions. Two of the world's major carbon-producing countries have made ...

Great Video: Bill Nye Helps You Refresh Your Understanding of the Basic Science of Climate Change

Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 6:06:06 pm

Stephen Colbert Skewers Republican Climate Change Denial

Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 8:44:25 am
Comedy Central Video It's time for Stephen Colbert's new educational series, "Professor Not-A-Scientist!"

Climate Change Denier James Inhofe to Lead Senate Environment Committee

Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 4:28:23 pm
The very last person you'd ever want to see in charge of the Senate Environment Committee will now probably be in charge of the Senate Environment Committee. On handing Republicans control of the Senate on Tuesday, Americans effectively voted for the party's hostile plans against President Barack Obama's environmental legacy. ...

Lord Monckton the Birther: Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Congressional Investigation

Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:38:08 am
Did you know that Lord Christopher Monckton, known around LGF as the Original Swivel-Eyed Loon for his long history of obtuse, deceptive climate change denialism, his frequent appearances on the Alex Jones show, and his testimony to the House Energy Independence and Global Warming Commitee as the Republican Party's sole ...

Glenn Greenwald and Pals Throw Matt Taibbi From the Train

Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 12:32:15 pm
Wow. This is an extraordinary statement from Greenwald, Poitras, Scahill and Cook, throwing Matt Taibbi under the bus and backing it over him several times: The Inside Story of Matt Taibbi's Departure From First Look Media - the Intercept. In June, Taibbi, Greenwald, Poitras, and Scahill wrote a joint letter ...

Mid-Term Elections Are Incredibly Close - and Incredibly Important

Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 2:59:11 pm
The Senate and Governor races this year are incredibly close, according to the polling: Look How Close Democrats Are to Winning ... and Losing. Using the poll aggregator at the Huffington Post, I've compiled the current state of the hottest races this cycle, as well as what would happen if ...

Gohmert! Gay Massages Will Destroy Our Military

Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 2:45:34 pm
YouTube Here he is again, folks, the Dumbest Man in Congress, with a truly crack-brained theory about why gays shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military: because they'll be sitting around getting gay massages instead of training for battle. Louie always comes through with the craziest shit. Never change, Louie! "I've ...

Pew Poll: Ebola Worries Rising, Especially Among Republicans, but Most Trust Government to Deal With It

Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 12:46:35 pm
Image via Shutterstock After the non-stop fear-mongering by most of the media (but especially right wing media) about Ebola, it's not surprising that the latest Pew poll shows a rise in the general public's fear level. But a majority of the respondents still believe the US government and hospital systems are ...

Last Month Was the Hottest September Since They Started Keeping Records

Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 4:58:59 pm
As the Republican Party sinks ever deeper into its denial of climate change (good luck finding a single GOP politician these days who doesn't deny the influence of human beings on the Earth's climate), NASA has reported that last month was the hottest September on record since the records began. ...

Breaking: Supreme Court Blocks Wisconsin's Right Wing Voter ID Law - Update: Voter ID Also Blocked in Texas

Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 6:43:51 pm
Great news from the Supreme Court for a change: a late-night order blocking the implementation of Wisconsin's Republican-sponsored voter ID law. WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court on Thursday night blocked Wisconsin from implementing its new voter identification law on the eve of next month's elections. In a related action, a district ...

AR GOP Senate Candidate Tom Cotton: Terrorists, Immigrants and Drug Cartels Want to Infiltrate Arkansas

Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 5:49:36 pm
GOP Rep. Tom Cotton is running for the Senate in Arkansas, and he's the latest Republican to try to mash all the various right wing fear memes together into a hellish brew of paranoia. Immigration, terrorism, ISIS, human trafficking -- all that's missing is a chupacabra with Ebola: Tom Cotton: ...

Ted Cruz, "Strict Constitutionalist," Wants to Amend the Constitution to Ban Marriage Equality

Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:12:11 pm
If there's one thing we know about Republicans, it's that they have the utmost respect for the Constitution. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, for example, is a strict constitutionalist who "believes firmly in the United States Constitution." Right. That's why he now wants to change it, so that states can forever deny ...

Meet the Anti-Science, Anti-Women Republican Running for Governor of Colorado

Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 5:53:47 pm
The Denver Post's John Frank and Lynn Bartels have a jaw-dropping report on the debate between gubernatorial candidates Gov. John Hickenlooper and his batshit crazy Republican rival Bob Beauprez, a microcosm of the sheer insanity that has taken over the GOP, not just in Colorado but across the nation. Beauprez has ...

Conservatives Now Blaming President Obama For Ebola Case In Texas

Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 9:43:07 am
It's interesting watching the conservatives and right wingers attacking Obama over his assurances that Ebola was unlikely to get into the US on flights. For instance: Bingo, @ByronYork: — jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) October 2, 2014 Let's unpack this shall we? 1) The person who has Ebola was asymptomatic on the flight. ...

St. Louis County Police Semi-Apologize for "How to Handle the Media" Flyer, Delete It From Their Website

Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 2:41:17 pm
The St. Louis County and Municipal Police Academy has responded to the uproar over their course on how to handle media after an officer-involved shooting, and the instructor says he's "outraged" that anyone would "read between the lines." Police Academy spokesman Brian Schellman sort of apologizes in the usual non-apology "if ...

The Wall Street Journal Trots Out a Former Chief Scientist for BP to Argue Against Action on Climate Change

Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 6:13:13 pm
As hundreds of thousands of people demonstrate across the world to demand action on the growing threat of climate change, the Wall Street Journal trots out the former chief scientist of BP, one of the world's top fossil fuel producers, to say Climate Science Is Not Settled. And the argument boils ...

Photos from the People's Climate March in Manhattan

Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 10:11:06 am
A huge demonstration is taking place today in midtown Manhattan, expected to draw up to 100,000 people: the People's Climate March, intended to focus the world's attention on the need for action on climate change, as the disaster clock is ticking. Here's a good post at Think Progress on this event ...

Donte Stallworth on Climate Change and Vaccines

Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:04:17 am
[large]Climate Change[/large] OH NO NO NO!!! Climate change... excuse me sir no disrespect, BUT it was in the 30s in Miami for like two weeks... #GLOBALWARMING my @$$ — Donte' Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) January 28, 2010 RT @AlexU831: @D_Stallworth18 so global warming is fake ? <---the science is inconclusive regardless of the propaganda ...

The Impressive Professionalism of Breitbart "News"

Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:21:24 pm
With the whole world in flux, constantly changing, it's nice to see some things that remain the same year after year. For example, the boundless idiocy of the right wing crackpots who run Breitbart "News." Today's unchanging case in point comes via their latest fear-mongering article about the civil unrest in ...

English Professor Thrown to the Ground and Arrested for Jaywalking

Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 8:13:25 pm
Ersula Ore. Photo from Phoenix New Times. A jaywalking rarely makes national news, but the arrest of Arizona professor Ersula Ore has done just that. What began as a walk home from classes at Arizona State University ended with police charging the professor with assault. The English professor was walking in the ...

Images and Live Video From Another Night of Protest in Ferguson

Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 4:29:07 pm
After the changes made today, reducing the militarized police presence in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, there seems to be a marked improvement in the atmosphere. Here are some of the images from Twitter of the marches and protests taking place tonight, with live streaming video from Fox2Now (when ...

Glenn Greenwald Uses a Holocaust Denier as a Source, Then Defends It

Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 11:16:14 am
This morning when I looked in on Twitter, I noticed a tweet by author Jeremy Duns highlighting a comment made by Glenn Greenwald in February of this year: It's been quite a long courting leading to that. Here, for instance: — Jeremy Duns (@jeremyduns) August 6, 2014 Duns was actually pointing ...

Fired Radio Host Anthony Cumia Appears on White Supremacist 'Political Cesspool' Show

Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:55:49 am
In today's news from America's caveman subculture, radio host Anthony Cumia, who was fired by SiriusXM for an extended racist tirade on Twitter, appeared Saturday on the Tennessee white supremacist radio show Political Cesspool: Radio Host Fired for Racist Tirade Resurfaces in "Pro-White" Media. Edwards wrote that he had Cumia ...

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