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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

NRA Planning 'The Fight of the Century' Against Obama

Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 10:27:28 am
If you think the NRA's attempt to drum up fury and hatred for President Obama is already despicable, just wait -- you ain't seen nothin' yet: NRA Planning 'The Fight of the Century' Against Obama. The National Rifle Association cast its opposition to Obama's plans as "the fight of the century" ...

The NRA Gets Even Worse: New Ad Continues Attacking Obama's Daughters, Lashes Out at Media

Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:43:58 pm
The National Rifle Association is in full-fledged attack mode today, with another video advertisement whining about media criticism and calling President Obama a "hypocrite" for sending his daughters to a school with armed guards. There's no mystery about who they're appealing to with ads like this: the lunatic right wing base. ...

NRA Advertisement Attacks Obama's Children

Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:32:42 am
The NRA's new advertisement is a blatant appeal to the looniest segment of the right wing, to those cretins who seem to believe President Obama's children deserve no special protection just because their father is President of the US. And when they were criticized for this disgusting ad, their response was: NRA ...

Religious Caveman Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About Spankings From God

Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 5:37:45 pm
American Family Association caveman Bryan Fischer spends a lot of time thinking about important subjects like spanking. Spanking by God, not by Bryan, of course. He never spanks his kids, except when he does, because they deserved it. Spanking, God, kids, religion. A moist layer cake of Freudian dysfunction. And oh ...

Pamela Geller Defends British Fascist Imprisoned for Entering the US Illegally

Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 1:53:27 pm
I hadn't looked at Pamela Geller's site in a while, but I just did, and wow. She's always been a swivel-eyed loon, but the hate is just off the charts now. Non-stop rage and bigotry. Really ugly stuff. One of her latest crazed posts defends the leader of the fascist English ...

White House Floats Gun Control Proposals

Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 6:33:08 pm
The next right wing freakout isn't hard to predict, as the Obama administration starts putting out feelers to see if America's ready to do something about its insanely out-of-control addiction to guns: White House Weighs Broad Gun-Control Agenda in Wake of Newtown Shootings. The White House is weighing a far ...

Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About "Stilettos, a Dress, and Dangly Earrings"

Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 7:26:48 pm
Here's a glimpse into the secret fantasies of American Family Association caveman Bryan Fischer, as he imagines himself confronting an employer in "stilettos, a dress and dangly earrings" ... oh wait, that's somebody else he's fantasizing about, not himself. I don't know how I could have gotten that confused.

The Unceasing Apoplexy of Bryan Fischer: Fiscal Cliff Legislation Is 'Vicious and Demonic'

Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 5:52:19 pm
American Family Association caveman Bryan Fischer is extremely upset today about the victory of Satan's demonic ideology. In other words, the usual. Take it away, Bryan.

Breitbrat Mike Flynn: Obama Scuttled the Cliff Deal With Mockery

Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 2:20:08 pm
Over in Wingnut World, Breitbrat Mike Flynn takes his typical measured impartial stance and shouts: OBAMA SCUTTLES 'FISCAL CLIFF' DEAL? Flynn is very upset and concerned about Obama's tone in his remarks earlier today. He senses mockery. This afternoon, in one of the more bizarre appearances of his presidency, Barack Obama ...

NRA Breaks Silence, Promises 'Meaningful Contributions'

Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 1:35:13 pm
The National Rifle Association went into complete lockdown after the Newtown massacre, and even shut down their Facebook page, but four days later they've emerged from the bunker: NRA Promises 'Meaningful' Contributions. National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads, sons and daughters - ...

A Serious Question From Religious Right Caveman Bryan Fischer

Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:54:46 pm
American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer noticed that people didn't respond very well to his statement that God could have protected the children in Newtown, but "God is not going to go where he's not wanted," because he's a "gentleman." So today he posted this plaintive tweet on the Twitters: Are Gov. ...

Harvard School of Public Health: More Guns = More Homicide

Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 11:32:45 am
Some facts from the Harvard School of Public Health about the correlation between gun availability and homicides: Homicide - Firearms Research - Harvard Injury Control Research Center - Harvard School of Public Health. 1. Where there are more guns there is more homicide (literature review). Our review of the academic literature ...

Cliff Kincaid: The GOP Needs to Emulate Violent British Fascist Group EDL

Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:39:58 pm
Here we go, folks. The American right wing is starting to push violent, overtly fascist European groups as models for the conservative movement. For once, the paranoid obsession behind this big idea isn't anti-Muslim bigotry (but it isn't far away, see below); Cliff Kincaid of "Accuracy in Media," the politically influential ...

Pamela Geller's New Ad: A Picture of the 9/11 WTC Attack and a Quote From the Quran

Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 1:49:03 pm
Remember how hate group leader Pamela Geller claimed that her subway/bus advertisements about Muslim "savages" were only intended to apply to radical jihadis? Not to Muslims in general? Remember how she claimed she truly loves Muslims, and her purpose was to spread love, not hate? Well, you can forget all that. ...

Republican Lunatics Vote Against Rights of Disabled People

Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 10:36:35 am
Following up on Rick Santorum's new job at the conspiracy website World Net Daily, and his absolutely insane fear-mongering column about the UN treaty on the rights of the disabled, heartless Republican bastards in the Senate rejected the treaty today -- even with Bob Dole making a special appearance in ...

Rick Santorum Now Writing for World Net Daily: 'The UN Wants to Kill My Daughter'

Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 1:22:00 pm
Rick Santorum has now joined the illustrious company of Pamela Geller, Jerome Corsi, and Joseph Farah, and is writing a regular column for one of the looniest wingnut sites on the web, the always inadvertently amusing World Net Daily, where they're still totally certain that Barack Obama is a secretly ...

Breaking: UN General Assembly Recognizes Palestine as 'Non-Member State'

Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:10:19 pm
NPR has details: U.N. Votes to Give Palestinians 'Non-Member Observer State' Status. Exactly 65 years after the General Assembly, convened at Lake Success, New York, voted to divide Palestine between a Jewish state and an Arab one, the same body voted 138 to 9 in favor of recognizing the State ...

Inadvertent Wingnut Humor Site of the Day: Conservative Fact Check

Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 3:57:58 pm
As a connoisseur of wingnut craziness, I was very pleased to discover the excellent website called Conservative Fact Check, a right wing attempt to do for fact-checking what Unskewed Polls did for legitimate surveys -- completely reinvent reality itself! This stubborn refusal to bow to the demands of logic and rationality ...

American Religious Fanatics Praise Uganda for Making Homosexuality Illegal

Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 11:07:36 am
The far right freakazoids at World Net Daily are praising Uganda's fanatical Christian fundamentalist president today for making homosexual behavior illegal and for staging a public show of "repentance." And American Christian Taliban leaders are pointing at Uganda as a future model for the United States. Massachusetts pastor and activist Rev. ...

Obama's Thanksgiving Message: Not Enough God for

Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 4:42:11 pm
They don't really take holidays over at; they're in wingnut auto-rant mode 24/7, 365 days a year, and Thanksgiving is no exception. Ben Shapiro, for example, can always find time to dash off an overheated tirade about Barack Obama's insidious socialist atheist Muslim agenda: FOR FOURTH STRAIGHT YEAR, OBAMA'S ...

Egyptian President Morsi Makes Himself a Pharaoh

Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 1:34:22 pm
Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi took a very disturbing step today, essentially turning the government into an autocracy: Egypt's Morsi Grants Himself Far-Reaching Powers. Liberal and Christian members withdrew from the assembly during the past week to protest what they say is the hijacking of the process by Morsi's allies, who ...

A Thanksgiving Story About One of Those 47-Percenters

Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 11:23:50 am
Tuesday I had to go over to Newark to visit a client to provide training for the new CMS (content management system) we installed for their website. The visit was uneventful. I wrapped things up and left, then called for a taxi and went outside to wait for it. The ...

Brain-Dead Breitbart Rant of the Day: "The Onion Goes Anti-Semitic"

Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:49:53 pm
We have a winner in today's Most Ridiculous Right Wing Rant contest, and once again it goes to the inimitable, reliably deranged, where hack William Bigelow is screaming in all caps: THE ONION GOES ANTI-SEMITIC! So now The Onion, celebrated for their zany approach to the news, has fallen ...

It's Right Wing Anti-Science Craziness Day!

Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:39:20 pm
One of the most bizarre rationalizations the right uses to justify denying the reality of climate change is the whacked out fantasy that humans can't do anything to change the climate because God wouldn't let it happen. There actually used to be some commenters at LGF who used this line, ...

Glenn Beck Rants Crazily About the Petraeus Scandal and the Muslim Brotherhood

Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 3:19:03 pm
Glenn Beck is well known around here as a raving freakazoid nut sandwich, and he doesn't disappoint in this clip from Right Wing Watch, standing in front of his chalkboard and ranting about the secret connections that tie together all the strands of a vast conspiracy by the Muslim Brotherhood ...

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