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Searched LGF articles for: paul krugman (561 matches, in 23 pages)

Suddenly Chris Christie Is a Right Wing Hero, Invited to CPAC

Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 12:28:43 pm
You know how the right wing has always despised New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a RINO, someone who's willing to make deals and compromises; in other words, a total loser? Well, suddenly Christie is back in the good graces of the right, and all it took was a massive corruption ...

Our Oppressed Rich - Sales of $1-Million-Plus Homes Went Through the Roof in California

Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 10:45:03 am
Crowned by the sale of a Malibu estate for $74.5 million, the number of houses sold last year at $1 million and above statewide jumped to a six-year high, according to real estate information service DataQuick. In the strongest showing, the number of homes sold at $2 million and up ...

Rand Paul in a Time Warp: Bill Clinton's Infidelity Should Be a Campaign Issue

Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 11:18:06 am
MSNBC Video The recent Republican National Committee meeting got all the conservative politicians fired up about proving they're not conducting a war on women's rights, so they promptly went out to the media and shot themselves in the foot, over and over, proving beyond all doubt that they're still living in ...

On the RNC Platform Finding NSA Programs Unconstitutional

Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:53:45 pm
The Republican National Committee is claiming that the USA Patriot Act's NSA provisions are now unconstitutional? Really? And they want investigations too? A page-long resolution also called for "a special committee to investigate, report, and reveal to the public the extent of this domestic spying." This committee would then make ...

Transcript: President Obama's Remarks on NSA Reforms

Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:40:30 am
Here's the complete speech on proposed NSA reforms given by President Obama today, for the record. As Prepared for Delivery - At the dawn of our Republic, a small, secret surveillance committee born out of the "The Sons of Liberty" was established in Boston. The group's members included Paul Revere, and at ...

Ohio GOP Politician Sends Incredibly Racist Email, Not Sorry

Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 11:17:10 am
Salon's Mary Elizabeth Williams reports: Ohio Politician Not Sorry for Incredibly Racist Email. In an age where nearly every day a politician has to step forward and issue an apology for his role in a traffic mess or running over a flock of ducks or what have you, you've got ...

Rand Paul: Snowden and Clapper Should Both Go to Prison

Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 5:18:25 pm
Sen. Rand Paul, symbol of Republican rebranding, bravely stood up today and suggested throwing everybody in jail. Because that's the libertarian way. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Sunday suggested that former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper should share a prison cell in ...

About President Obama Shaking Raul Castro's Hand...

Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 2:25:20 pm
Some hand shakes and other hair raising associations through the years. Margaret Thatcher and Robert Mugabe "2012 GOP presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich, shaking hands with Yasser Arafat should not be misunderstood!" — Gus (@Gus_802) December 10, 2013 Republican President Richard Nixon shaking hands with communist "mass murderer" of all time, Mao Zedong* ...

At Rand Paul's African-American Outreach Event: A Roomful of White People

Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 5:52:19 pm
YouTube The Republican Party's Great White Hope, the guy who said he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act, is being sent on an outreach mission to African Americans, and no, you can't make this stuff up. In Detroit today, promoting his latest ridiculous scam ("economic freedom zones"), Sen. Paul took ...

Breitbart's Obamacare Expert: the GOPer Who Thinks Evolution and Embryology Are "Lies From the Pit of Hell"

Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 12:45:57 pm
Today at the increasingly unhinged right wing propaganda site that Andrew Breitbart built, they have a new "expert" on health care, with an EXCLUSIVE breaking news report: EXCLUSIVE: STOP WASTING TIME TRYING TO FIX OBAMACARE!!! This exclusive opinion on health care and medical science is the work of Republican Representative from ...

What's Wrong With Rand Paul's 'Audit the Fed' Bill? Everything.

Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 9:21:22 pm
It's clear, then, that many of the proponents of Federal Reserve transparency are simply looking for methods to advance a hard-money agenda even though inflation is dangerously low. Instead of a "transparency act," Paul's bill will probably be a "harassment act" in practice. More: Here's What's Wrong With Rand ...

Plagiarist Rand Paul's Column Moves to Breitbart

Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:33:53 am
Sen. Rand Paul's weekly column, axed from The Washington Times this week after plagiarism allegations, has already found a new outlet. The conservative media outlet Breitbart News announced on Wednesday that Paul, the Kentucky tea party favorite and possible 2016 Republican presidential contender, would become the newest contributor amid its ...

Rand Paul Blames Numerous Cases of Plagiarism on His Staff

Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:14:12 am
Like a true Republican leader, Senator Rand Paul is making excuses for his now-undeniable serial plagiarism by blaming it all on his staff. Mr. Paul's office acknowledged that it had made mistakes, but largely sought to play down the charges of plagiarism. "In the thousands of speeches and op-eds Senator Paul ...

Report: LAX Shooter Purchased Guns Legally, Targeted TSA Agents

Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 6:01:08 pm
The latest information on the news wires about LAX shooting suspect Paul Ciancia reveals that Ciancia went to the airport with the intention of killing as many TSA agents as possible. And he brought a lot of ammunition. In court documents and interviews, authorities spelled out a chilling chain of ...

If You Accuse Rand Paul of Plagiarism, He'd Like to Kill You

Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 10:26:09 am
Loony libertarian Rand Paul is feeling the heat from criticisms that he has repeatedly engaged in plagiarism in his speeches, and today on ABC's This Week he expressed a desire to kill his critics: Rand Paul on Plagiarism Charges: If Dueling Were Legal in Kentucky... Sen. Rand Paul said Sunday ...

Saturday Shred: Paul Gilbert and Marco Minnemann: The Jackhammer

Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 4:43:48 pm

LAX Shooting Update: Suspect IDed as Paul Anthony Ciancia (w/ Photo)

Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 3:12:48 pm
According to multiple sources, the suspect in the LAX shootings has been identified as 23-year old Paul Anthony Ciancia, from Pennsville, New Jersey. RT @LukeRussert: . @PeteWilliamsNBC reports LAX shooting suspect 23 yr old Paul Anthony Ciancia, apparently had strong anti-government views — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) November 1, 2013 Ciancia was shot ...

Hilarious: Stephen Colbert Defends Rand Paul Against Plagiarism Charges

Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 4:51:03 pm
Video Increasingly, it seems like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are doing the best reporting on television. (Click below if you can't see the MP4 video.) Comedy Central

Rand Paul Threatens to Block Janet Yellen Nomination to Fed

Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 10:40:11 am
I hope no one's surprised that Rand Paul is now making a big push for one of the libertarian right's cherished hopes: auditing the Federal Reserve. And by "auditing," they mean going on a fishing expedition to find something they can use to destroy it. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has threatened ...

Wall Street Is Underestimating How Dangerous Republicans Are For The World's Economy

Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:45:02 pm
This post originally appeared at When Standard & Poor's downgraded America's credit rating from AAA to AA+ after 2011's debt limit crisis, President Obama was apoplectic. "Our problems are eminently solvable, and we know what we have to do to solve them. With respect to debt, our problem is not confidence ...

New Frontiers in GOP Ridiculousness: Ted Cruz's Faux Filibuster

Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 2:37:30 pm
You may have thought the Republican Party's irrational hatred of Obamacare couldn't possibly get any more ridiculous, but think again: Ted Cruz Launches Faux Filibuster as Senate Readies Spending Bill Vote. Congress continued its steady march toward a government shutdown Tuesday with another round of posturing but little action to ...

Saturday Night Jam: Basement Jaxx - What a Difference Your Love Makes

Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 6:59:27 pm
Vimeo Director: Damian Weilers D.O.P's: Robo Wilson and Damian Weilers Production Managers: John Norman, Paul Mosotho Moabelo, and Charles Phasha Editor: Ben Harrex (Final Cut) Grading: Julien Biard (Finish) Stylist: Gareth Cowden Main Dancers and Brothers: Donald Shongwe and Investment Shimane Mdluli Older Mother: Grace Pilane Younger Mother: Tebogo Khalo Younger Brothers: Loyde Mabasa and Phasha Mogale Group Dancers: Leaders of ...

Today's Incredibly Creepy Republican Anti-Obamacare Video

Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 10:37:09 am
YouTube The Republican Party just keeps getting stranger and more dysfunctional. Today's freakishly bizarre train wreck is a video funded by the Koch Brothers that attempts to convince young women to "opt out" of the Affordable Care Act by scaring them with a creepy giant puppet-headed speculum-wielding Uncle Sam, getting all ...

Instead of Gun Violence, Republicans Want to Talk About 'Mental Health'

Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:11:50 pm
Photo: Brittany Randolph via This post originally appeared at In the wake of a mass shooting, the National Rifle Association goes silent as its members and fans spew insults they learned from the movie Mean Girls at anyone who would dare talk about gun safety. This is typically followed in the ...

5 Ways Republicans May Be About To Permanently Destroy The GOP Brand

Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 10:05:54 am
This post originally appeared at All signs continue to point to a House GOP crackup that will either lead to a government shutdown or -- even worse -- a default on America's debt. Republican leaders had hoped that the situation in Syria would give them cover, allowing them to somehow keep ...

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