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Searched LGF articles for: Palestinian Child Abuse (496 matches, in 20 pages)

FL Gov. Scott to Sign Bill Muzzling Doctors on Gun Safety

Sun, May 8, 2011 at 11:14:21 am
Florida governor Rick Scott has a full plate of far right legislation to sign; the Tea Party is taking Florida as far back as they can, while they've got a dedicated loon in office. In addition to drug testing welfare recipients, Scott is also expected to sign a bill that will ...

Geller's Latest Conspiracy Theory: Obama's Illegitimate, So He Has 'Different Rights'

Sun, May 1, 2011 at 11:43:03 am
Illegitimate children should have 'different rights'Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller has dropped the idiotic Layergate conspiracy theory, and moved right on to the next item on the Conveyor Belt of Bad Craziness. Geller and the rest of the wingnutosphere are all lathered up over the "shocking revelations" in Obama's father's immigration ...

Wingnut Fail Continues: Power Line Insists GW Bush Issued 'Easter Proclamations'

Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:29:43 am
Yesterday we pointed out that despite the right wing's hysterical ranting that President Obama had dealt Christians a grievous insult by not issuing an "Easter proclamation," the fact is that neither Ronald Reagan nor George W. Bush (or any other President since 1980, the farthest back I checked) ever issued ...

Brunswick County Commissioner: 'Evolution is a Lie'

Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 3:21:55 pm
Across the country, Republicans in state and local governments are pushing hard to destroy environmental protections, destroy women's rights, prevent gays from having rights, destroy unions, destroy child labor laws, etc. etc. etc. There's a parade of right wing atavism going on, the likes of which I've never seen. And as ...

Idaho GOP: If Women Are Raped, It's 'The Hand of the Almighty' At Work

Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 3:31:01 pm
It's mind-bogglingly inhuman and heartless, but this, folks, is how the Republican Party views women who are victims of rape: Idaho Rejects Rape Exception In Abortion Bill Because ‘The Hand Of The Almighty’ Was At Work. Marching in step with the GOP’s nationwide war on a woman’s right to choose, ...

Right Wing Commenters: 'The Muslim Rats Need to Be Exterminated'

Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 9:00:54 pm
If you want to see how deranged the commenting sections of right wing blogs have gotten, just go read any of their posts about the violence in Afghanistan. Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller, Fox Nation -- all of them are packed with comments calling for genocide against ...

Terror Attack in Jerusalem

Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:29:45 am
For the first time in many years a terrorist bomb has exploded in central Jerusalem, murdering one person and injuring at least 30. Interestingly, this was not a suicide bomber; someone apparently left a small bag on the sidewalk. Are Palestinian terror gangs running out of dupes willing to commit suicide ...

S. Dakota Gov. Signs Yet Another Anti-Abortion Law

Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 11:04:46 am
The Republican governor of South Dakota, Dennis Daugaard, has signed a law that forces women considering an abortion to wait three days after meeting with a doctor -- and also requires them to undergo "counseling" at anti-abortion "pregnancy help centers" run by religious fanatics. And it's coupled with an attack on ...

Trump Goes Birther

Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:37:12 am
Donald Trump says he may run for President as a Republican, so naturally he's pandering to the Birther majority of the right wing base. “Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy. I was a really good student at the best school in the country. The reason I have ...

Israel Approves New Settlement Construction After Mass Murder of Family

Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:33:28 pm
Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the Israeli West Bank settlement of Itamar late Friday night, and viciously stabbed to death a family of five in their beds -- including a three-month old baby. In response to this monstrous attack, Israel today approved the construction of hundreds of new housing units in several West ...

Philadelphia Archdiocese Suspends 21 Priests in Latest Abuse Scandal

Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:22:24 pm
The Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia has suspended 21 priests, after a grand jury report revealed yet another cover-up of predatory priests. The mass suspension was the single-most sweeping in the history of the sexual-abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, said Terence McKiernan, president of, ...

Nebraska Anti-Abortion Law Forces Mother to Watch Her Baby Die

Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:10:20 pm
Witness the inhumanity of the right wing anti-choice movement: Abortion Law: Mother Denied Abortion, Then Had To Watch Baby Die. Nebraska’s new abortion law forced Danielle Deaver to live through ten excruciating days, waiting to give birth to a baby that she and her doctors knew would die minutes later, ...

9-Week Old Fetus Called As Anti-Abortion 'Witness' in Ohio

Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 12:26:06 pm
Sometimes I can hardly believe how crazy the social conservative movement has gotten, and this is one of those times. As we reported last month, Republicans in Ohio launched their latest attack on women's reproductive rights by introducing the "Heartbeat Bill," which states that human life legally begins as soon as ...

Shock! Kathryn Lopez Wants to 'Turn Back the Clock'

Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:43:10 am
If you're one of the billions of women whose lives have been brightened, improved, or even saved by the availability of modern contraception techniques, you may be under the impression that having choices is a good thing. But here's the National Review's Kathryn Lopez, letting you know that the world was ...

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's SIOA Listed As Hate Group

Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 1:42:58 pm
Congratulations to Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller and Robert "Poison Dwarf" Spencer; their "Stop the Islamization of America" is listed in the Southern Poverty Law Center's annual survey of extremist organizations, under the heading of anti-Muslim hate groups. Anti-Muslim hate groups are a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, most ...

Georgia Republican Sponsors Bill to Require Investigating All Miscarriages

Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:34:49 pm
Here we have yet another unbelievably ugly right wing attack on women's rights, in Georgia this time, where Republican Rep. Bobby Franklin has sponsored a bill that requires police to investigate all miscarriages to make sure they weren't actually secret abortions. One in three pregnancies end in miscarriage. As a ...

Gov. Scott Walker: Anti-Union and Anti-Women

Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 12:47:30 pm
Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker is not only trying to destroy public employees' unions. For years, he's also been working hard to force women back into the Dark Ages: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's Abortion Crusade. Walker's nearly nine-year record in the Wisconsin Assembly, the legislature's lower house, reads like a ...

S. Dakota Republicans Want to Legalize Killing Abortion Providers

Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 9:23:02 am
It was bad enough when they tried to redefine rape, and worse when they tried to let pregnant women die rather than have abortions, but now the Republican Party in South Dakota is actually trying to pass a law that would legalize killing abortion providers. A law under consideration in ...

Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 11:58:01 am
Gail Collins has a good piece in the New York Times about the latest smears perpetrated by Lila Rose (and hyped by fraudster Andrew Breitbart) against Planned Parenthood. “Planned Parenthood aids and abets the sexual abuse and prostitution of minors,” announced Lila Rose, the beautiful anti-abortion activist who led the ...

Now the Right Wants to Redefine 'Preventive' to Exclude Contraceptives

Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 10:21:54 am
When the GOP made big gains in the 2010 midterm election, I predicted that we were going to see a full-out onslaught against women's rights -- and today we learned of the latest front in this misogynist war, as the religious right tries to redefine the word "preventive" in order ...

14th Amendment Under Attack in Arizona

Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 5:16:05 pm
Today Arizona Republicans launched their first direct attack on the 14th amendment: Proposed Arizona law targets 'birthright' citizenship. PHOENIX (Reuters) – Arizona Republicans are to introduce legislation on Thursday seeking to challenge the right to U.S. citizenship for the children of legal and illegal immigrants born in the state. State Rep. ...

Vatican Instructed Irish Bishops Not to Report Abuse

Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 1:54:14 pm
A 1997 letter from the Vatican to Ireland's Catholic bishops has surfaced, confirming what has been obvious for quite some time -- that the Catholic Church's world-wide cover-up of child molestation by priests went all the way to the top. (AP)  DUBLIN - A newly revealed 1997 letter from the ...

Facebook Backs Down on Outrageous Privacy Violation

Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:12:40 am
This is why I've never liked Facebook: Facebook thinks twice on giving dev access to phone, address data. Facebook has put off its plan to allow developers access to users' phone numbers and home addresses. The company posted an update on its Developer Blog Tuesday morning, saying that it got ...

When Dim Bulbs Attack (or, A Confederacy of Dunces)

Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 8:45:41 am
DerpImagine my surprise. Instead of retracting his monumentally dumb post claiming that the White House flashed "applause" signs at the Tucson memorial, Jim "Dim" Hoft goes on the attack -- and it's just as lame and dishonest as the stupid post he refuses to correct. Hoft's weird fantasy: Figures. Charles Johnson’s ...

Christine O'Donnell: Biden and the Liberals Are Out to Get Me

Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 9:37:14 am
In one of the most predictable reactions of the year, Tea Party wacko Christine O'Donnell responds to the news that she's under investigation for personal use of campaign funds by concocting a conspiracy theory. In a statement issued Wednesday, O'Donnell also suggested the investigation was the work of Vice President ...

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