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Searched LGF articles for: "pamela geller" (304 matches, in 13 pages)

Some Words on the Sentencing of Barrett Brown

Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 12:11:45 pm
Barrett Brown, who occasionally posted in our LGF Pages section a few years ago, was sentenced today to 63 months in prison for transmitting threats, being an accessory to hacking charges, and interfering with a search warrant. There's already an outcry against this from the libertarian "hacktivist" community, who are trying ...

Pamela Geller's Latest Anti-Muslim Ads Featuring Beheaded Journalist James Foley Are Pulled

Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 2:17:44 pm
The always disgusting hate group leader Pamela Geller has suffered a setback in her campaign to demonize all Muslims, as the family of James Foley (one of the journalists murdered by ISIS) strongly objects to Geller's use of their son's image in her ugly NYC subway advertisements, forcing her to ...

Breitbart "News" Sponsors "National Security Conference" With Crazed Survivalist Group

Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 4:27:01 pm
Coming this Monday, a must-see event in Washington DC sponsored by Breitbart "News" -- the "National Security Action Summit!" featuring some of America's foremost thinkfluencers and national security thought leaders, geniuses like Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert, Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann, Dr. Ben "The Earth is 6000 Years Old" Carson, Andy ...

Anti-Muslim Loon Pamela Geller Sues City of Edmonton for "Right" to Spread Hatred

Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:25:21 pm
Anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller (one of the main inspirations for Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik) recently tried to export her deranged views to Canada, purchasing bus advertisements to sow division and discord, but the transit company pulled the ads after receiving numerous complaints. Now, as she's done several times ...

VIDEO: Heritage Foundation's Benghazi Panelists Mock Muslim Student

Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 8:27:40 pm
Video VIDEO: Heritage Foundation's Benghazi Panelists Mock Muslim Student Speakers at a Heritage Foundation panel mocked a Muslim student who pointed out that Muslim Americans were not represented at the forum and stated that conservative rhetoric on Islam is often starkly negative. Continue reading at Media Matters. Anti-Muslim Conpiracy Theorist, Brigitte Gabriel ...

Not This Guy Again

Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 1:01:57 pm
Remember this guy? Mitt Romney poses with anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller Yes, he's popping up again like a malevolent right wing jack-in-the-box, predictably calling President Obama all kinds of names and boasting about how he would have solved everything by... well, he actually never gets around to saying how he ...

The Texas "Islamist Terror Enclave" That Wasn't

Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 8:55:22 am
This isn't a new story, but since I commented on it extensively in one of the main threads, I figured I might as well turn it into a Page in case it ever comes up. The "Investigation" Back in mid-February right-wing activists had their fainting couches out over a Clarion Project article ...

Pamela Geller: Hate Crimes Reporting Bill is "Creeping Sharia"

Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 2:26:05 pm
SoundCloud Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch reports: Conservative activists are livid about a new bill to update a 1993 National Telecommunications and Information Administration report "on the current prevalence of hate crimes and hate speech in telecommunications," which anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller said "is Sharia." While speaking to Janet Mefferd yesterday, ...

In Which Glenn Greenwald Smears Me by Citing a Faked Graphic at a Far Right Hate Site

Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:45:33 am
It's been almost a week since I wrote anything about the Mighty Glenn Greenwald, but it seems the Mighty G has been thinking of me, despite the wonderful awards he's been receiving, because today he tweeted a link to the blog run by the extreme right wing Muslim-hating weirdos who've ...

Brandeis Cancels Plan to Give Honorary Degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Critic of Islam

Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:12:41 am
I agree with and support this decision; Ms. Ali has allowed her experiences with the worst sorts of Islamic fundamentalists to shape her view of all Muslims. She has fallen into the narrow viewpoint of the standard Islamophobe that moderate Islam can not exist, much less outweigh or overcome the ...

Breitbart "News:" Pat Dollard Should Not Call Himself a Contributor

Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 3:27:52 pm
So, after genocide-lovin' wingnut Pat Dollard tweeted yesterday that it was "time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets," Mother Jones contacted Breitbart "News" for comment, since Dollard's Twitter profile says he's a contributor for them. The response: We asked the editor of Breitbart, Alex Marlow, and the ...

Glenn Beck Sued for Defamation for Labeling Saudi Student as Boston Bombing "Money Man"

Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:44:54 am
Almost immediately after the Boston Marathon bombings, Glenn Beck fixated on a 20-year old Saudi Arabian student, Abdulrahman Alharbi, who was actually injured in the attacks but was briefly questioned by police. Beck went absolutely ballistic, calling the student a "proven terrorist" and the "money man" behind the bombings. The ...

Newt Gingrich Shocked (Shocked!) at Nelson Mandela Backlash

Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 1:26:06 pm
Newt Gingrich is the latest right wing figure to make a gracious statement on the death of Nelson Mandela, and find himself the target of thousands of abusive, racist and hateful messages from his own base as a result. "President Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest leaders of our ...

Geller: Oppose Resolution Condemning Ethnic Cleansing In Burma

Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 10:22:26 am
This woman is pure evil. Pamela Geller is telling her fellow anti-Muslim activists to convince Congress to reject a resolution "urging the Government of Burma to end the persecution of the Rohingya people and respect internationally recognized human rights for all ethnic and religious minority groups within Burma." The Rohingya minority ...

Muslim Brotherhood 'Uses Puppies as Firebombs?'

Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 12:09:52 pm
Yes, you read that correctly: puppy bombs. If you saw the headline and actually believed it for a second, then your bullshit detector is probably in serious need of a tune-up. Think about it for a minute--the Muslim Brotherhood soaked puppies in gasoline so they could lob them at the ...

Pat Buchanan defends Putin on Russia's new anti-gay laws

Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 3:19:57 pm
Writing for World Nut Daily (where he shares column space with the likes of Pamela Geller, Rick Santorum, and John Rocker), Pat Buchanan crawls out of his cave to defend Putin's new anti-gay laws in Russia. Our moral and cultural elites have put Putin on notice: Get in step with ...

DOJ Sets Up Email Tip Line in Zimmerman Case, Right Wing Bloggers Go Batshit

Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:56:10 am
Inexplicably, or perhaps very explicably, right wing blogs have united to defend and lionize Trayvon Martin's killer George Zimmerman, and today they're all (and I do mean "all") freaking out like chihuahuas on crack about a report that the Department of Justice is opening an email tip line: George Zimmerman: ...

Glenn Greenwald's Interview With Fox's Resident Racist, Eric Bolling

Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:42:48 am
It's curious that Glenn Greenwald spews insults at every journalist who voices even mild criticism of his tactics (a favorite epithet is "Obama worshipper"), but then turns around and gives an interview to one of the most hateful and extreme personalities on Fox News, overt racist and Birther Eric Bolling. YouTube ...

Anti-Muslim Bloggers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Banned from Entering the UK

Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 10:24:38 am
Text of letter from Home Office to Pamela Geller (Robert Spencer received a similar letter): The poisonous duoDear Ms. Geller I am writing to inform you about the British government's measures for excluding or deporting extremists under the Unacceptable Behaviour policy. The list of unacceptable behaviours covers any non-UK national whether ...

Pamela Geller Connects the NSA-Sekrit Muslim Dots: "Do They Attend the 911 Mosque?"

Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 1:09:43 pm
And now we have the definitive jump-the-shark moment for CNET's absurdly misleading NSA story, as raving demagogue Pamela Geller puts on her hate goggles and makes the connections between NSA spying and the SEKRIT MOSLEM CONSPIRACY: OBAMA ADMIN IS LISTENING IN ON YOUR PHONECALLS "SIMPLY BASED ON AN ANALYST DECIDING ...

Pamela Geller at Tennessee Anti-Muslim Protest: "Without Freedom of Speech We Must Resort to Violence"

Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 11:06:22 am
YouTube This video was proudly posted by Pamela Geller at her noxious hate site this morning, showing her speech to the mouth-breathing morons who disrupted the Tennessee townhall meeting the night of June 4th. It's easy to see why they were so worked up and hostile -- Geller even hints around ...

Dear Robert Spencer: Yes, I'm Being Paid

Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 1:24:10 pm
Anti-Muslim hate group leader Robert Spencer got very upset at my post pointing out that his partner in bigotry Pamela Geller had simply lied in a recent piece for, and dashed off a quick rant about me with the usual dark hints of conspiracies and a massive load of ...

Far-Right Extremists Chased Through London by Women Dressed as Badgers

Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 4:37:32 pm
Any day you see a headline like this has to be a damned good day. Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller's British allies on the extreme right, the English Defence League and the British National Party, were upstaged and shouted down today by women dressed as badgers. And also, Brian May. A ...

Pamela Geller Spreads Hatred and Lies at

Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:26:58 am
Anti-Muslim demagogue Pamela Geller is featured at, with another of her by-the-numbers rants spreading hatred against Muslims -- not to mention outright lies: Where Are the 'Moderate' Muslims? In the wake of the monstrous beheading of a young British man in broad daylight by Muslims who cited the Qur'an ...

Geller-Spencer Allies "English Defence League" Riot in Britain

Thu, May 23, 2013 at 10:09:44 am
EDL leader Stephen Lennon, who goes by the name Tommy Robinson, (left) with EDL supporters outside The Queens Arms pub in Woolwich The drunken racist British yahoos known as the English Defence League took to the streets and rioted yesterday following the attack on a soldier in London: Woolwich: Riot Police ...

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