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Searched LGF articles for: birch (100 matches, in 4 pages)

Friday Night Jam: Snarky Puppy Feat. Magda Giannikou, "Amour T'es Là"

Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 6:45:50 pm
YouTube A few days ago we featured the official video for Banda Magda's “Amour, T’es Là?” Now here's the excellent live version from Snarky Puppy's Family Dinner - Volume One. So good. "Amour T'es La" from Snarky Puppy's live DVD/CD - "Family Dinner - Volume One" Buy It Here: album/family-dinner-volume-1 http://it vol.-1/id692332178 http://www.snarkyp / w ritten by Magda Giannikou produced by ...

Is This the Craziest Right Wing Tweet About the Paris Attacks?

Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 2:34:38 pm
Immediately following the horrific terror attacks in Paris, conservative media and blogs started pushing their usual line of horse puckey; the French had it coming because they have strict gun control laws. If they only had more guns, they could have stopped those terrorists in their tracks. Of course, France's gun ...

Far Right Takes Charge of the GOP: Trump and Carson Now Lead the Field, Jeb Bush Support Plummets

Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:11:47 am
The political news today for Jeb Bush is not good; the latest poll from Florida shows him with support in the single digits. In Florida. Ouch. But Ben Carson and Donald Trump, arguably the two most extreme Republicans in the race, have reason to party: both of them are now over ...

National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 6:48:06 pm
National Review's Jim Geraghty is disturbed and upset because Donald Trump isn't intoning the correct magic right wing words in his speeches: Donald Trump's Message Doesn't Include 'Liberty' or 'Freedom'. Did you ever think you would see the day when the GOP front-runner rarely uttered the words "freedom" and "liberty"? Perhaps ...

Why Is Glenn Greenwald Promoting an Extreme Right Wing 9/11 Truther?

Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 12:58:59 pm
Just a couple of days after he promoted the extreme right wing militia Oathkeepers (referring to them as "a coalition of current and former military, police, and other public officials"), activist Glenn Greenwald is now hyping an article by another far right conspiracy monger: Judge Andrew Napolitano. In Barrons, @Judgenap raves ...

Ron Paul, John Birch Society President to Speak at Anti-Semitic Conference

Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:13:26 pm
Today we have news that Julian Assange's idol, Ron Paul, will be joining the president of the John Birch Society to address one of the most virulent antisemitic groups in North America: Ron Paul, Birch President to Speak at Anti-Semitic Conference. Beyond the obvious, what do a far-right Italian politician, ...

John Birch Society Freaking Out About Southern Poverty Law Center

Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 1:14:34 pm
In many ways, the John Birch Society is the prototype for the modern right wing, and this deranged rant at their official website is a perfect example. The twisted talking points are identical to the stuff you can read every day at any right wing blog or media site: Extremist ...

CPAC Panel Will Feature White Nationalist Leader Brimelow

Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:45:15 am
It was bad enough when CPAC recently allowed the wacko paleo-conservative John Birch Society to have an exhibit, but this year things are exponentially worse. This year, the Conservative Political Action Conference, at which presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich will appear, is having a panel discussion featuring ...

Huntsman Makes It Official: He's Bailing

Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 9:59:31 am
Jon Huntsman made it official this morning -- he's out of the race. Right wing bloggers are celebrating, because Huntsman is relatively sane compared to the rest of the field. For example, at rabid far right blog "Weasel Zippers" (a name he stole from our random sayings, by the way), ...

Mitt Romney: I'd Vote For Ron Paul

Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 1:08:28 pm
Mitt Romney takes the concept of "party loyalty" to a ridiculous extreme, and ends up saying Ron Paul would be a better President than Barack Obama. What a beautiful example of absurd cognitive dissonance. Romney, of course, is being the archetypal cynical politician here; he only said this because he knows ...

Video: Ron Paul's 1998 John Birch Society Documentary on the UN Plot To Take Over the USA

Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 4:49:18 pm
Andrew Kaczynski has dug up yet another buried video, a 1998 John Birch Society documentary starring none other than Ron Paul -- a classic example of far right paranoia and conspiracy theorizing, as Dr. Paul calmly explains that the United Nations is plotting to take over America, create a New ...

Return of the Anti-Fluoride Right Wing Loons

Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:29:05 am
One of the craziest conspiracy theories pushed by right wing organizations like the John Birch Society is that fluoride in drinking water is a government mind control plot -- and this deranged meme is making a big comeback in the Tea Party Era: Dozens show up at Pinellas County Commission ...

GOP Debate Sponsored by Oath Keepers Militia and John Birch Society

Thu, May 5, 2011 at 2:18:17 pm
Tonight's first GOP presidential primary debate in Greenville, South Carolina, (at 9pm ET, live on Fox News) will be brought to you in part by the Oath Keepers militia and the John Birch Society. It's all the way out in the open now, folks. The extreme paleo-right wing John Birch Society ...

Sharron Angle: 'She Has Risen'

Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 9:49:18 am
This Easter, the right wing Las Vegas Review-Journal is running this crazed editorial by Glenn Cook, comparing Tea Party/John Birch Society lunatic Sharron Angle to ... you guessed it ... Jesus Christ. How appropriate that on this Easter Sunday, Nevada marks yet another political resurrection. And this one, so unexpected and ...

David Frum Thinks the GOP is in Great Shape

Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 11:58:35 am
Of all the partisan Republican pundits on the scene, David Frum is probably the most sensible. But occasionally he issues one of these pieces, in which his partisanship completely clouds his judgment: A Great Week for the GOP. 1) The Republican caucus accepted a deal to avert a government shutdown. ...

Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 6:06:31 pm
At LGF we've been connecting the dots between Glenn Beck's raving freakazoid conspiracy theories and the crazed propaganda of the paleo-conservative John Birch Society for years, and it's finally getting some mainstream notice on Chris Matthews' show, after the Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol delicately broached the dreaded subject. Video

Quote of the Day

Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 2:46:21 pm
As LGF has noted in many front page articles and reader-submitted Pages, the wall between the convoluted conspiracy theories promoted by raving freakazoid Glenn Beck and classic antisemitism is paper thin. Beck's brand of populist right wing craziness is drawn from many of the same discredited sources, such as racist ...

Heritage Foundation to Boycott CPAC (or, Fear of a Gay Planet)

Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 10:52:58 am
In the latest bail-out from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the far-right creationist climate change denial organization known as the Heritage Foundation is joining the fundamentalist groups who are afraid of gay cooties. Similar to last year’s CPAC, more than a half dozen groups say they won’t attend the ...

Religious Right Bails on CPAC (or, Fear of a Gay Planet)

Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:27:42 am
The Internet black hole of far right theocratic craziness known as World Net Daily is celebrating today because religious fundamentalists are abandoning CPAC out of fear of a gay planet. Two of the nation's premier moral issues organizations, the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, are refusing to ...

Onion: Is Pundit Duncan Birch a Worthless Idiot?

Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 3:06:53 pm

Religious Right Groups Call on CPAC to Eject GOProud, Like Buckley Ejected the John Birch Society

Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:33:52 am
A coalition of religious right groups has announced that they will boycott the next Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) if the gay conservative group GOProud is allowed to attend. They've posted their letter to the CPAC organizers online, demanding that teh gheys be expelled from their midst -- including this absolutely ...

Ron Paul Wants to End the Fed, So the GOP Puts Him in Charge of the Fed

Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 3:37:16 pm
For the past few years I've been watching Ron Paul's rise to power with a gut-wrenching sense of inevitability; despite his overtly racist newsletters, insane economic theories, and associations with extremists and conspiracy wackos of all kinds, from the John Birch Society to Alex Jones, his star just keeps rising ...

Election 2010, Thread Two

Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 5:35:56 pm
I wonder what brand of champagne they're drinking tonight at John Birch Society headquarters? They really are the comeback story of the last two years. Not long ago, associations with the Birchers would have been the political kiss of death. Now they're everywhere in the GOP. The resurrection of the John Birch ...

Sharron Angle to Hispanic Kids: 'Some of You Look Asian to Me'

Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:43:28 am
Jon Ralston has more video of Sharron Angle's speech to Hispanic high school students, and it's getting even weirder: Angle to Hispanic children: 'Some of you look a little more Asian to me'. "So that’s what we want is a secure and sovereign nation and, you know, I don’t know ...

Sharron Angle to Hispanic Kids: 'I'm Not Sure Those Are Latinos' in Her Campaign Ad

Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 3:23:57 pm
Sharron Angle proved yesterday that she'll lie shamelessly to anyone, telling a group of Hispanic high school students that those images of threatening Latinos in her campaign ad may not be Latinos at all. Then she went on to make an even more outrageous claim, in a campaign dedicated to race-baiting ...

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