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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (509 matches, in 21 pages)

Andrew Breitbart and 'The Turner Diaries'

Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:50:34 am
This morning we have yet another sordid tale of right wing dishonesty and smear tactics -- and for once they're not attacking the black President. They're after me. And you won't believe the ridiculous nonsense they're circulating all over the right wing blogs and Twitter, with help from none other ...

Andrew Breitbart Spreads 'Climategate' Hysteria on Twitter

Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 6:25:57 pm
I just want to make sure Andrew Breitbart's endorsement of the utterly bogus "Climategate" nontroversy doesn't go unnoticed: Did you H8 how EastAnglia emails proved leftists - as in academia, Hollywood, #Occupy - use intimidation to create 'consensus'? @Lizardoid — AndrewBreitbart (@AndrewBreitbart) January 5, 2012 This could serve as a case study ...

Big Journalism's Dana Loesch Does Not Apologize for Publishing Nazi Cartoon

Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 1:24:57 pm
As we noted yesterday, Media Matters pointed out that a Nazi-era antisemitic cartoon had been used as an illustration at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Journalism" website on at least three occasions in the past year: Andrew Breitbart's 'Big Journalism' Bloggers Use Antisemitic Nazi-Era Cartoon. It's fascinating to see how controversies like this ...

Andrew Breitbart's 'Big Journalism' Bloggers Use Antisemitic Nazi-Era Cartoon

Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 8:49:10 pm
This is just mind-boggling. On at least three occasions in the past year, bloggers at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Journalism" website have posted a modified image that comes directly from a virulently antisemitic Nazi-era German magazine: Cartoon Regularly Featured On Big Journalism Connected To Nazi-Era Magazine. The image appeared in a Big ...

Andrew Breitbart Spews Insults at Glenn Beck

Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:14:56 pm
Two of the biggest buffoons in US right wing politics, Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart, are at each other's throats today. Well, Breitbart is at Beck's throat, anyway. It started when Beck said Newt Gingrich was so much like Obama, the only reason Tea Partiers would pick Gingrich was because they're ...

Andrew Breitbart Pretends to Be Concerned About Gay Republicans

Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 7:38:47 pm
Tonight, Andrew Breitbart is suddenly very concerned about "vocational harm:" It is with sincere regret that I announce I must step down as a GOProud advisory member. On numerous occasions I have spoken with Jimmy LaSalvia and Chris Barron of the significant impact the practice of “outing” had in my ...

Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Incites Violence Against OWS Protesters

Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:52:03 am
After his amazingly dumb, self-refuting post yesterday claiming that the media is "covering up" connections between the White House shooting suspect and OWS, check out the Twitter insanity coming from Andrew Breitbart editor-in-chief John Nolte today, exulting about violence against OWS protesters and calling for more. Don't forget, though; in the ...

Man Sought for Shooting at White House, Right Wing Goes into Frenzied Denial

Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:43:26 am
Police in Washington DC are searching for a man they suspect of shooting at the White House, after the discovery of a bullet that hit a window: DC Shooting Suspect Could Be Threat to Obama, Police Say. ABC News has learned authorities are increasingly concerned that a man sought in ...

The Next Right Wing Freak-Out

Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:20:13 pm
We have yet another wingnut outrageous outrage tonight, courtesy of Andrew Breitbart camp follower Joel Pollak: » Learning from Hamas: How #Occupy Uses Human Shields-Veterans, Women, the Young, the Old, the Disabled - Big Government Yes, now the loons at Breitbart's hate sites are actually calling the OWS protesters "terrorists."

Breitbart's Fans Spew Racism, Call for President Obama to Be Lynched, 'Taken Out'

Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:30:03 am
It happens whenever Andrew Breitbart posts a video of President Obama: a sickening deluge of gutter hatred, deranged Birtherism, racial slurs, and occasionally open threats against the President: » Obama Ridicules GOP: Maybe They Couldn’t Understand Jobs Bill. These are just the comments that stood out as especially hateful -- ...

Big Government on a Roll: Obama Faked His Auto Factory Address

Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:16:48 pm
Amazingly, Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" website has topped their earlier incredibly stupid Dana Loesch post with an even more mind-bogglingly stupid post, this one by Larry O'Connor: Was President Obama Really Sitting in Front of an Assembly Line in this Video? - Big Government. Once again, these geniuses are wrongly identifying ...

Big Government's Outrageous Outrage of the Day

Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:00:36 am
Breitbart camp follower Dana Loesch has a shocking, stunning, discombobulating scoop today on the participation of major big name journalists in planning for Occupy Wall Street -- while they're reporting on it! Two of the worst offenders: Dylan Ratigan and Matt Taibbi! Journolist 2.0: Occupy Wall Street Emails Show MSM, Dylan ...

Breitbart's Fans React to Facts Like Vampires to Sunlight

Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 7:23:52 pm
How do Andrew Breitbart's camp followers deal with learning that one of their smears has been debunked? djmcs (-125p) · 3 hours ago -22 Newly-hired Breitbartian dunce Pollack cites a Pajamas Media story that falsely used a 14-year old Jewish girl to promote the daft idea of OWS anti-semitism... le/39299_Its... [...] IsrealFeller (82p) ...

Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 5:53:14 pm
It's a funny thing. If you point out that a right-wing pundit lied, their fans don't care. If you point out that they used extremist rhetoric, their fans don't care. But if you point out that they're unhip....have mercy! Mediaite's Tommy Christopher wrote a snarky follow-up to my ...

Photos: The Truth About Breitbart's Race-Baiting 'Black Panthers' Story

Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:02:06 am
As we pointed out on Monday, Andrew Breitbart shamelessly tried to promote a completely fake, utterly dishonest story that Barack Obama "marched with" the New Black Panther Party during a 2007 event in Selma, Alabama. In fact, there were more than 10,000 people at this event, and it had nothing ...

Christopher: Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting 'New Black Panther' Story

Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:15:05 am
Tommy Christopher has a good piece at Mediaite today on Andrew Breitbart's race-baiting attempt to tie President Obama to the New Black Panther Party, with a look back at the right's history of using the NBPP to scare white people: Andrew Breitbart Obama Black Panthers Photobomb. During the 2008 campaign, ...

Will the Right Wing Blogs Correct Their Bogus 'Black Panther' Story?

Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 10:26:28 am
Do you think there's any chance that the right wing blogosphere will do the right thing and correct the ridiculous and totally false "New Black Panther Party" story launched yesterday by the execrable Andrew Breitbart? I'm kidding, of course. Being a right wing blogger these days means never having to say ...

National Review's Andrew McCarthy Falls for Bogus Breitbart Story - Update: Entire Right Wing Blogosphere Parrots Bogus Story

Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 1:50:50 pm
At the National Review, Andrew McCarthy totally falls for Andrew Breitbart's fake story about Barack Obama appearing at a "rally for the New Black Panther Party" -- which was actually the celebration of the 1965 Voting Rights March in Selma, Alabama: Breitbart: Obama Appeared and Marched with New Black Panther ...

Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting Fake Outrage Du Jour

Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:59:24 am
This morning, Andrew Breitbart is peddling yet another race-baiting fake outrage: » Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government. It's a classic example of Breitbart's sleazy smear tactics. Notice that in his whole long overheated screed, Breitbart never actually tells you ...

Video: Steven Crowder's Painfully Unfunny Wingnut Humor

Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 5:26:48 pm
Normally, I wouldn't inflict something containing this much derpitude on the LGF audience, but here's Steven Crowder's stand-up routine at today's Tea Party convention. You don't have to watch the whole thing. Just know that it exists. Watch a few seconds and you'll get the drift. Wingnut humor: painfully unfunny racial stereotypes, ...

Video: Andrew Breitbart Spews Profanities and Insults at TeaCon

Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:37:15 am
Here's one of the star speakers at TeaBagCon this weekend, Andrew Breitbart, spewing obscenities at his enemies. He calls Janeane Garofalo "Hollywood's sympathy f*ck," to a wildly cheering audience of conservatives. He follows up this classless rant by telling union leaders James Hoffa and Richard Trumka, "F*ck you," again to wild ... Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at Democratic Strategist

Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 4:15:55 pm
You can always tell when Andrew Breitbart's fans are about to let loose with another torrent of bigotry and hatred -- it happens whenever posts another race-baiting video clip of an African American talking about racism: » Dem Strategist Calls Cain ‘Bigoted,’ ‘Racist’. These clips are guaranteed to provoke: ...

Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett's Speech Provokes Right Wing Outrage, Racial Slurs

Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:53:27 pm
Here we go again; the Perpetual Assembly Line of Fake Right Wing Outrages cranks out another bogus story, and the right wing blogs and media all start squawking in unison. President Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett gave a speech recently, in which she said that government should help create jobs so ...

Tuesday Night Open

Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 7:38:56 pm
Here's a Tuesday night open thread, as Andrew Breitbart totally tweaks out once again, asking his followers to pile on and insult me on Twitter: Twitter / @AndrewBreitbart: I need help characterizing ... I need help characterizing pathetic race-baiting piece of human excrement @lizardoid in less provocative language. Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at Sheila Jackson Lee

Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 11:15:51 am
Andrew Breitbart has spent the last few days furiously denying that there are racists infesting his websites, and pathetically claiming that all the racial slurs are being "planted" by anonymous liberals (or by me, personally!) to "falsely smear" him. So let's take another look today at, where a video clip ...

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