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Searched LGF articles for: palestinian child abuse (568 matches, in 23 pages)

Castro Tells Ahmadinejad: 'Stop Slandering the Jews'

Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:40:25 am
Jeffrey Goldberg scored a journalistic coup on a recent visit to Havana -- an interview with Castro himself. And Fidel had a surprising message for Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Fidel to Ahmadinejad: 'Stop Slandering the Jews'. Over the course of this first, five-hour discussion, Castro repeatedly returned to his excoriation of ...

$10 Million Defamation Suit Filed Against Pamela Geller

Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:55:56 am
Last year Pamela Geller injected herself into the case of Rifqa Bary, a teenage runaway and Christian convert who claimed her Muslim parents were planning to kill her. (The Florida Department of Law Enforcement subsequently investigated these claims and found “no evidence whatsoever of alleged abuse or threats of death ...

Bibi and Abu Mazen Shake, Agree to Talk

Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 12:46:56 pm
Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas met today at the State Department, shook hands, and managed to agree on something: to have some more talks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will meet again on Sept. 14 and 15 in the Middle East, likely at the Egyptian ...

Wingnut Morons Get Their Smear On

Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 9:40:15 am
This is the kind of stuff right wing morons do if you get them mad at you; someone is using my name with a link to my website to post disgusting comments at this popular business and finance blog: 99er 5 Tier Unemployment Extension: 2 Weeks Until Senate Reconvenes | ...

Neo-Nazi Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Attack Police

Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 1:14:42 pm
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, arguably the two most visible spokespeople of the anti-Muslim group "Stop Islamization of America," are both very vocal supporters of the British organization called the English Defense League -- an offshoot of the neo-Nazi British National Party, composed in large part of skinheads, white supremacists, ...

Bogus Story Alert

Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:55:41 pm
Alert: someone is circulating a bogus story that pastor Terry Jones of "Burn a Koran Day" was recently arrested for possession of child pornography. It's not true. The email I received had a link to a user-submitted page at, which links to another user-submitted page at another site, where you ...

New Peace Talks Imminent

Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 5:57:27 pm
Apparently we're on the brink of peace in the Middle East: U.S. officials: Abbas announcement imminent, details not yet finalized. Excuse me if I don't break out the champagne just yet. U.S. officials told Jewish community leaders on a private conference call this afternoon that they believe Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud ...

GOP Senate Candidate: No Abortion in Cases of Rape or Incest

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:02:28 am
Colorado Tea Party Senate candidate Ken Buck joins the completely insane and heartless anti-choice crowd, and says women who are raped or who are victims of incest should be forced to have the rapist's child. QUESTION: How do you feel about abortion? Are you for abortion, against abortion, are you ...

Obama Warns Abbas to Resume Peace Talks with Israel or Lose US Support

Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 10:05:48 am
President Obama has reportedly sent a letter to PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, warning Abbas that unless he resumes direct peace talks with Israel, he risks losing US support for a Palestinian state.

The Wild Conspiracy Theories of an Unhinged Islamophobic Blogger

Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 11:30:35 am
Crazed wingnut blogger Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller has a book out, which must have been a real chore for the unlucky editor who had to correct her misspellings and tortured grammar. Elon Green has a look at this work of fiction (co-written with her fellow anti-Muslim fascist sympathizer, Robert Spencer), ...

Lindsey Graham: Illegals Come Here to 'Drop a Child'

Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:49:52 am
If you thought the recent right wing push to repeal part of the US Constitution’s 14th amendment and take away automatic birthright citizenship was just a wacky idea from the Rand Paul fringe, think again. Lindsey Graham eyes ‘birthright citizenship’. And in his statement on Fox News (where else?), Graham resorted ...

Glenn Beck's 9.12 Project Graduates to Book Banning

Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 9:46:47 am
Glenn Beck’s homophobic, atavistic 9.12 Project has apparently succeeded in getting a library in New Jersey to remove a book for gay high school students, even though no formal challenge to the book was ever filed: NJ Library, Citing Child Pornography, Removes GLBT Book. A New Jersey public library has ...

The NAACP Was Conned By Andrew Breitbart

Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:01:57 am
Yesterday the NAACP posted a denunciation of USDA official Shirley Sherrod, based on the edited, misleading video cooked up by Andrew Breitbart. Today this page comes up blank. But Google’s cache still has it: NAACP STATEMENT ON THE RESIGNATION OF SHIRLEY SHERROD | Press Room | NAACP. (BALTIMORE, MD) NAACP President and ...

Armstrong Hits Back Against Doping Allegations

Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:49:01 am
Before the start of Stage 10 in the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong gave an in-depth interview to reporters about the recent doping allegations from Floyd Landis; VeloNews has a good report on it: Lance Armstrong hits back at systematic doping allegations, addresses ownership of USPS team. Speaking to reporters ...

The Johnston-Palin Convergence

Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:19:33 am
Isn’t it wonderful when a self-proclaimed “f-ckin’ redneck” and the unwed mother of his child finally patch things up and decide to get hitched? I just love happy endings: Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Are Engaged! I wonder when they’re planning to let Sarah know? Oh, wait! I have just the music to ...

David Horowitz Dumps Alex Knepper for Dissing Coulter

Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 3:13:21 pm
Alex Knepper explains how he was dumped from David Horowitz’s Newsreal blog, for criticizing Ann Coulter’s newfound opposition to the Afghanistan War: How I Got Dumped for Criticizing Coulter. NewsReal writer David Swindle responds with an unhinged post, spewing insults like a firehose: The Liar Alex Knepper Wasn’t Fired for Criticizing ...

Report: Belgian Cardinal Linked to Convicted Sex Killer

Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 9:29:38 am
The Catholic Church child abuse scandal in Belgium just got a whole lot worse. Belgian newspaper Het Laaste Niews is reporting that when authorities searched the home of the former archbishop of Brussels, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, they discovered a hidden cache of documents and photographs on notorious child sex killer ...

Why I Left the Right, Exhibit R for Robinson

Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:02:42 am
Recently we’ve had several front page posts about Arthur Robinson, the GOP mutant candidate for Oregon’s 4th Congressional District, and his incredibly strange views on … well, everything. In addition, LGF reader freetoken put together an excellent Page on Robinson’s Christian Dominionist connections. But it gets worse: Oregon GOP Congressional Candidate ...

Rick Santorum: Obama is 'Detached From the American Experience'

Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:51:23 pm
Former Senator Rick Santorum gave an interview to the Iowa Republican blog last Friday, and said the reason why President Obama “doesn’t connect” with ordinary Americans is that he isn’t really an American. Obama is detached form the American experience.  He just doesn’t identify with the average American because of ...

Pope Benedict Condemns Belgium For Raiding Child Molesters

Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 1:47:11 pm
Here’s today’s genuine outrage, as Pope Benedict once again sides with child molesters within the Catholic Church against government officials trying to bring the molesters to justice: Pope deplores ‘sex abuse’ raids by Belgian police. Pope Benedict has joined mounting Vatican criticism of raids by Belgian police investigating alleged child ...

Bay News 9 Profiles an Alternate Reality Version of LGF

Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:51:48 am
It’s always nice to see Little Green Footballs featured on a local news show; but it would be hard to imagine how a reporter could get things any more wrong than Al Ruechel does in this confused piece for Florida’s BayNews9. [Video] For example: Don’t expect to hear both sides of any ...

NYT: Gaza Through Fresh Eyes

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:09:45 pm
During the Gaza flotilla incident, there was a deluge of propaganda from pro-Palestinian sources claiming that Israel’s blockade was causing poverty and starvation in Gaza. But here’s an article and photo essay from noted pro-Israel shill the New York Times (ahem) with a perspective that might surprise you: Gaza, Through ...

Right Wing Blogs: Possessed?

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:50:12 am
Some days it seems as if the right wing blogosphere has become possessed by the Demons of Utter Stupidity. Today the wingnuts are overwhelmingly falling in line to support Pamela Geller, spewing hatred at PayPal for shutting down her account (because she’s using it to promote hatred), and accusing PayPal of ...

Photos: Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Pictures Hanging Out with Terrorists

Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:40:12 am
Turkish journalist Adem Ozkose was aboard the Mavi Marmara when it was boarded by the IDF, and he is the person credited with the photos that were misleadingly cropped by someone unknown. (And Reuters has ignored requests for more information and accountability, by the way, which means you can expect ...

Israeli Government Expresses 'Grave Concern' Over Cropped Photos

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 9:44:59 am
The Jerusalem Post reports that the Israeli government has sent an official letter to Reuters CEO Tom Glocer about the photo cropping exposed at LGF: Gov’t disturbed by cropped photos. A letter was sent to Reuters chief Tom Glocer on Monday expressing the “grave concern of the government of Israel” ...

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