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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

Anti-Muslim Bloggers Invent Another 'Honor Killing'

Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:16:48 am
The so-called "counter-jihad" bloggers are covering themselves in glory again, slobbering and ranting and trying to take advantage of a terrible crime to advance their un-American agenda. Same bigotry, different day. This time they've seized on a story about a man in Texas who killed six members of his own family on ...

Gingrich Announces Endorsement from Hate Group 'American Family Association'

Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 10:58:03 am
Today, Newt Gingrich is proudly announcing the endorsement of what may be the most insane religious right group in America: the incredibly bigoted American Family Association, home of hate monger Bryan Fischer. Newt Gingrich rolled out a pair of high-profile endorsements Tuesday, hoping to regain momentum in Iowa as recent ...

Ron Paul: Michele Bachmann 'Hates Muslims'

Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 1:48:32 pm
If I didn't know about Ron Paul's far right and neo-Confederate connections, and his history of blatantly racist newsletters, and everything else about him, I'd probably be giving him kudos right now for telling the unvarnished truth about Michele Bachmann (and most of the rest of the GOP field too, ...

American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: God Sent Hitchens to Hell Because He Loved Him

Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 11:47:21 am
Here's the politically-connected representative of the American "Family" Association again, Bryan Fischer, explaining that God loves Christopher Hitchens so much that He sent Hitchens to burn in hellfire and be tortured by malevolent demons, for all eternity. I guess the term for that is "tough love." (h/t: Right Wing Watch.)

American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: Outlaw Fornication and Adultery

Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 6:10:04 pm
Here's a great video for a Friday night drinking thread: the American Family Association's politically-connected Bryan Fischer ranting about outlawing fornication and adultery. So think carefully about the consequences before you fornicate, sinners.

Video: Lowe's CEO Responds to All-American Muslim Controversy (Funny or Die)

Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 4:12:39 pm

Jon Stewart's Epic 'Kabulvision'

Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 1:54:33 pm
This is Stewart in top form, taking on the Florida Family Association and their insanely bigoted campaign against the Learning Channel's "All-American Muslim" reality show. Video Video

Mass Murder in Belgium - Pamela Geller Instantly Assumes 'Muslim(s)!'

Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:40:31 pm
In Belgium today, a gunman with an automatic rifle opened fire on a crowded square in the city of Liege, leaving at least three people dead and scores injured. Earlier reports of more than one gunman were mistaken; it's now confirmed that the attacker, Nordine Amrani, was acting alone. Amrani was ...

American Thinker Sounds the Alarm (Again) on Stealth Creeping Jihad Halal Turkeys

Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:25:33 am
Yes, believe it or don't, the anti-Muslim hate bloggers are still ranting themselves into a sweat over the imminent threat of stealth jihad Creeping Halal Butterball suicide turkeys. American Thinker (most ironic name on the Internets) writer William Sullivan is outraged over the treatment hate group leader Pamela Geller has received, ...

Frank Luntz Teaches GOP Governors How to Lie More Effectively

Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 9:48:00 am
Just when you think you've seen the utter depths of Republican cynicism, along comes a right wing flack like Frank Luntz to take it even lower: How Republicans are being taught to talk about Occupy Wall Street. Luntz is now advising the Republican Governors Association on how to properly lie to ...

Deranged British Climate Change Denier James Delingpole in Wall Street Journal

Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 9:18:46 am
Today at the Wall Street Journal we find an appalling article titled Climategate 2.0, by one of Britain's most deranged and dishonest climate change deniers, James Delingpole -- who often appears on the crazed radio show of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Every sentence in this first paragraph is an outright lie: ...

Pamela Geller's Monumental Butterball Fail Just Keeps Going

Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 2:07:52 pm
GOBBLE GOBBLE AKBAR!Yes, Pamela Geller is still at it, relentlessly ferreting out the hidden truth behind the appalling Butterball Shariah Turkey Infiltration Plot, or as she calls it: BURKABALL BUTTERBALL: 'BACTERIAL' KOSHER VS HOLY HALAL!!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs I haven't laughed this much at a fake right wing outrage since Jim ...

Amazingly, Pamela Geller's Butterball Fail Continues

Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 10:37:03 am
Hateblogger Pamela Geller is nothing if not persistent; in fact, she's the Energizer Bunny of anti-Muslim hate speech, and her utterly hilarious Butterball conspiracy theory is still going! Now she's accusing them of a "cover up." Wingnut comedy like this is impossible to write; only the authentically insane can maintain the ...

Pamela Geller's Massive Fail: Butterball Turkeys Sold in US Are Not Halal

Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 3:10:19 pm
BOOGA BOOGAJust to wrap up Pamela Geller's most ridiculous conspiracy theory yet with a nice neat bow, Melissa Harris-Perry actually contacted the Butterball company, and discovered that the only turkeys they certify halal are those headed for foreign markets. Yes, that's right -- the turkeys sold in the United States are ...

Bryan Fischer Sounds the Alarm on Butterball Terror Turkeys

Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 12:10:10 pm
In a Thanksgiving gift to connoisseurs of inadvertent right wing humor, the "jihad turkey" fail is spreading hilariously. Here's religious right crazy person Bryan Fischer, taking the lead from Pamela Geller and adding a little bit of that special magic for which he's justly famous. Warning: don't watch this while drinking. ...

Pamela Geller and the Stealth Jihad Turkey Conspiracy

Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:44:57 am
Always on the lookout for the encroachment of stealth mega-mosque shariah jihadis, Pamela Geller is once again courageously blowing the whistle on the Islamic corruption of America's precious food supply. And this time those stealth Islamic supremacists are messing with a sacred American tradition: Butterball. Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Happy Halal ...

Why Theocratic Nationalism Imbues GOP Debates: A Look at American Values

Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 9:54:35 am
Perhaps we have become so numb to the political circus by now that we don't notice the extreme, but the Saturday November 19th GOP Presidential candidate Thanksgiving Family Forum (not really a "debate") in Iowa was more about religious identity than anything to do with Presidential responsibilities or the practice ...

Muslim Leader Who Supported Cain Now 'Cynical'

Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 1:45:05 pm
Herman Cain's interview with GQ magazine (in which he claimed that the majority of US Muslims have "extremist views") has lost him a strong supporter: Herman Cain Loses The Muslims He Apologized To. Just a few months ago, Robert Marro was singing Herman Cain’s praises. Now he’s as cynical about ...

Ex-Boyfriend of Cain Accuser Corroborates Her Story

Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:28:55 pm
Now the ex-boyfriend of Herman Cain accuser Sharon Bialek has come forward and confirmed her account of sexual harassment. Victor Zuckerman said today he backs ex-girlfriend Sharon Bialek's allegation that Herman Cain "touched her in an inappropriate manner." Zuckerman, a pediatrician, came forward after Cain last week denied knowing Bialek. The GOP ...

Herman Cain Back to Hating Muslims

Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 10:18:41 am
Herman Cain's interview with GQ magazine shows him returning to the anti-Muslim hate-baiting that serves him so well with the Republican base. Apparently he thinks a little more bigotry can help him recover from his sexual harassment scandal. Herman Cain posing with anti-Muslim hate monger Pamela GellerDevin Gordon: What did ...

Pamela Geller-Robert Spencer Allies Arrested in London for Planning Attacks

Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 10:04:08 am
Anti-Muslim demagogues Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have expressed their unqualified support for the fascist English Defence League on many occasions, despite the EDL's frequently violent demonstrations and the presence of many outright neo-Nazis among their ranks. Yesterday in Britain, police arrested nearly 200 members of the EDL for planning to ...

Ann Coulter: Obama is a 'Marxist Muslim Atheist'

Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 8:52:27 am
On Sean Hannity's radio show, venomous wingnut heroine Ann Coulter says President Obama is a "Marxist." And a "Muslim." Well, not really a Muslim. Something even worse. An atheist. Video The right wing base has been so degraded by years of bogus smears and outright lies that they don't even blink at this kind ...

Fake Outrage Du Jour: 'Obama's Christmas Tree Tax'

Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:26:41 pm
In the perpetual race to the bottom of a bottomless pit that is the right wing blogosphere, a new outrageous outrage has arisen, more outrageous than all the other fake outrages of wingnut history. My friends, can your hearts stand the awful truth of the Barack Hussein Obama Christmas Tree Tax?! You ...

Another Cain Accuser Steps Forward, Wants Press Conference w/ Other Women

Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:17:30 pm
And now, the second woman mentioned by Politico in the sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain is stepping forward and identifying herself -- and she's asking for a joint press conference with the other three women. A second woman — Karen Kraushaar, a communications official at the Treasury Department – ...

Herman Cain Email: The Media Are 'Obsessed'

Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:54:13 pm
Herman Cain's campaign sent out the following email to their list today, immediately after Sharon Bialek's press conference finished: I am a serious person, seeking the opportunity to do a serious and very important job. Our nation has very serious problems, particularly of an economic nature, and Barack Obama does ...

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