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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (606 matches, in 25 pages)

Smoking Gun: The Dark Past Of The 'Weinergate' Co-Pilot

Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:00:18 pm
Another astoundingly crazy "Weinergate" conspirator is outed by the Smoking Gun: The Dark Past Of The 'Weinergate' Co-Pilot. JUNE 3--The Twitter user who first floated the rumor that a lewd photo scandal was brewing for Representative Anthony Weiner is not your typical conservative avenger, an investigation by The Smoking Gun ...

Breitbart Source for Weiner Smear Deletes Twitter Account

Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 9:19:41 am
Today we find that Andrew Breitbart's source for the smear attack against Rep. Anthony Weiner, Dan Wolfe (aka @patriotusa76) has deleted his entire Twitter account. There's been a bad smell about this story from the beginning, and it just got exponentially worse. Meanwhile, the New Republic's James Downie contacted forensic image analyst ...

Smoking Gun Investigates Weinergate's Patient Zero

Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:09:30 am
The Smoking Gun has a very interesting look at Andrew Breitbart's source for his smear against Rep. Anthony Weiner -- the obsessed Internet stalker who went by the idiotic Teabag handle "patriotusa76:" The Wolfe At Anthony Weiner's Front Door. For months, Wolfe and several Twitter sidekicks have excoriated Weiner, 46, ...

Breitbart Smear Targets Will Always Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt

Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:12:41 am
Joan Walsh makes an excellent point about the "Weinergate" idiocy -- even if it turns out that Rep. Weiner did send that penis picture that has driven right wing blogs into a frothing frenzy, there's one lesson that should not be learned: Lessons I won't learn from Weinergate. However, there ...

Jon Stewart: Distinguished Member of Congress

Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 8:48:53 am
In his disgusting, sleazy appearance on CNN yesterday, Fraud King Andrew Breitbart predicted that Jon Stewart wouldn't cover the Anthony Weiner story. Oops. Video

Video: Weiner Refuses to Answer Questions About Nontroversy

Tue, May 31, 2011 at 5:37:37 pm
On CNN, Rep. Anthony Weiner tells reporters he isn't going to talk about the incredibly dumb "Weinergate" nontroversy. Do you think this is the right way for him to handle the situation? I don't know how I'd handle it, but I do know that this is exactly what smear merchants like ...

Wingnuts Desperately Cling to 'Weinergate'

Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:53:43 am
Wow, look at all the hate coming my way through Twitter and email this morning! What's got those wingnuts all lathered up? It's the Anthony Weiner fake outrage, of course! They're ranting and spewing talking points like a bunch of brightly colored Breitbart parrots. The bottom line is that they really, really ...

Yet Another Andrew Breitbart Smear Falls Apart

Mon, May 30, 2011 at 10:36:21 am
As soon as I heard about the "scandal" involving Rep. Anthony Weiner, and saw it being pushed like crazy by fraudster Andrew Breitbart, I knew it would turn out to be yet another phony story. And that's exactly what happened. If you haven't heard about the latest Breitbart scam, here's a ...

Breitbart Smear Target Shirley Sherrod Returns to the USDA

Sat, May 14, 2011 at 11:32:24 am
The target of one of Andrew Breitbart's most despicable smears, Shirley Sherrod, is going back to work for the USDA, in a contract job to help the USDA improve its civil rights record. Sherrod will be a contract employee leading one of three field programs designed to bolster relations between ...

Right Wing Freaking Out Over Jill Scott

Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:18:11 pm
The outrageous outrages just keep on comin'! Next target on the right wing Conveyor Belt of Bad Craziness: singer Jill Scott. At fraudster Andrew Breitbart's site "Big Hollywood:" Like Rapper Common, White House Guest Jill Scott ‘Winces’ at Interracial Relationships. It's the same old tired "reverse racism" ploy, used by wingnuts ...

Univ. of Missouri's Statement on Andrew Breitbart's Videos: 'Highly Distorted'

Mon, May 9, 2011 at 12:23:30 pm
The University of Missouri-Kansas City has issued a statement about the latest deceptively edited videos from fraudster Andrew Breitbart; St. Louis Activist Hub has it. Dear Colleagues, We have finally completed viewing the videos originating at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) from the UMSL course Introduction to Labor Studies. The ...

Breitbart's Anti-Muslim Site Demands the Right to Desecrate Bin Laden's Body

Mon, May 2, 2011 at 1:04:51 pm
Andrew Breitbart's "Big Peace" is his anti-Islam site, run by Frank "Sharia Is Taking Over America" Gaffney and featuring an all-star cast of far right Muslim-hating loons. And today, they're getting out in front of the news by demanding proof that Osama bin Laden is dead: Display Bin Laden’s Body At ...

Breitbart Pushes Yet Another Deceptively Edited Video

Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 11:56:57 am
Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" smear site is pushing yet another deceptively edited video, targeting two University of Missouri pro-union professors by cutting their statements up into grossly distorted excerpts to make it appear as if they're advocating violence. At this point, Breitbart and his cohorts are only playing to the choir, ...

Flashback: Pamela Geller Proved Over and Over That Obama's Birth Certificate Was a Fraud

Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 10:32:56 am
MEGA DERPOf all the right wing conspiracy loons who promote the Birther garbage, few are as persistently idiotic and ridiculous as Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller. For a while Birtherism actually vied with anti-Muslim bigotry for space at her site, which shows you how important it is to her. In countless posts, ...

'Big Government' Goes Full On Birther

Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 10:43:19 am
Yesterday, Andrew Breitbart signed on to the world's dumbest conspiracy theory, that Barack Obama's autobiography was secretly written by Bill Ayers. Today, Breitbart's site "Big Government" is running this pile of Birther garbage: What if the Birthers Are Right? - Big Journalism. The meltdown of the right wing blogosphere into a stinky ...

Video: Andrew Breitbart Believes Bill Ayers Wrote Obama's Autobiography

Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 1:38:32 pm
In Andrew Breitbart's extremely hostile and combative interview with Martin Bashir, the most newsworthy moment is when Breitbart reveals that he actually believes in the world's stupidest right wing conspiracy theory -- that President Obama's first book was secretly written by former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers. And amazingly, Breitbart even ...

Wingnut Blog Fail of the Day: Aaron Worthing

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:38:02 am
I woke up today feeling masochistic, I guess, because I spent about 15 minutes having a look around the wingnut blogosphere to see what was shaking in the Land of Epistemic Closure. The Daily Caller has an article accusing Glenn Beck of using the work of numerous right wing loons (such ...

Madison Tea Party: Palin Introduced by Breitbart Screaming 'Go To Hell!'

Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 3:20:43 pm
"Go to hell!"Here's an update on the pitiful attendance at today's Teabagfest in Madison, Wisconsin, featuring Andrew "Go To Hell!" Breitbart and Sarah "Fight Like a Girl" Palin, who had to scream to be heard over the counterprotesters. Earlier reports of about a thousand people were slightly under the mark, ...

Teabagger Fail in Madison, with Half Governor and Breitbart

Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 11:35:00 am
Reports are that less than a thousand people have turned out for the Koch Brothers-sponsored Teabagger rally today in Madison, Wisconsin, despite the featured appearance of half-governor Sarah Palin. And the few wingnuts who showed up were confronted with hundreds of pro-union counter-protesters. It's still going on, with one deranged Tea ...

Breaking: Breitbart Booted from HuffPo Front Page

Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:49:39 pm
Speaking of video fraudsters, a lot of people got upset recently when Andrew Breitbart showed up on the front page of the Huffington Post. I knew that Breitbart had a long relationship with Arianna Huffington, and was involved with the startup of HuffPo, so I wasn't too surprised myself. But ...

Top 10 Retweeted LGF Articles in February

Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 2:16:41 pm
On Tuesday I put together a list of the most retweeted LGF Pages in February, so to complete the stats here are last month's top 10 retweeted LGF front page articles, in reverse order: #10 - 88 retweets GOP House: Planned Parenthood Bad, NASCAR Good #9 - 91 retweets Crassest Right Wing Blogger of ...

Nir Rosen Apologizes, Right Wing Bloggers Get a Pass

Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:51:10 am
Salon's Joan Walsh points out that while left-wing journalist Nir Rosen was correctly denounced by everyone for his crude comments about assaulted reporter Lara Logan (and he then apologized and resigned from his job at NYU), right wing bloggers like Jim Hoft, Pamela Geller, and Robert Stacy McCain are getting ...

Details of Sherrod's Suit Against Breitbart

Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:10:49 am
TPM has details on the lawsuit filed against Andrew Breitbart by Shirley Sherrod. Three defendants are named: Breitbart, head Larry O'Connor and a "John Doe," who allegedly edited the original video of Sherrod's speech, and "whose identity has been concealed by the other Defendants," according to the complaint. The complaint ...

Andrew Breitbart Served with Lawsuit at CPAC

Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 2:13:18 pm
In July of last year, Shirley Sherrod said she was going to sue Andrew Breitbart over the deceptively edited video that falsely portrayed her as a "racist," and yesterday at CPAC she made good on that vow. Andrew Breitbart, the owner of several conservative Web sites, was served at the ...

Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 11:58:01 am
Gail Collins has a good piece in the New York Times about the latest smears perpetrated by Lila Rose (and hyped by fraudster Andrew Breitbart) against Planned Parenthood. “Planned Parenthood aids and abets the sexual abuse and prostitution of minors,” announced Lila Rose, the beautiful anti-abortion activist who led the ...

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