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Searched LGF articles for: paul krugman (561 matches, in 23 pages)

Paul Babeu's Gay Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff Threatened Him With Deportation

Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 11:14:58 am
Far right anti-immigrant Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu is the latest Republican icon to have his secret life revealed, after he reportedly threatened to have his gay Mexican lover deported: Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's Attorney Threatened Him With Deportation. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu — who became the face ...

Rick Santorum: The New Face of the GOP

Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 11:05:57 am
The thing about Rick Santorum is that he's genuine. He really believes that anti-science reactionary bullshit he spouts. He's not just saying it to get elected, unlike Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The reactionary Republican base senses this genuineness; they see Santorum as one of them. And this has now catapulted ...

GOP Clown Car Pulls Into Nevada

Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 5:12:23 pm
Here's an open thread to keep up on news from the Nevada GOP caucuses, in which Mitt Romney is expected to thoroughly trounce Newt "Poor Kids Make Great Janitors" Gingrich. Ron "I Can't Help It If White Supremacists Dig Me" Paul, for some reason, seems confident that he'll beat Gingrich for ...

Free Republic Reacts to Ron Paul's White Supremacist Links

Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 7:41:13 pm
Today at the far right fever swamp known as Free Republic, somebody posted a link to our latest article about Ron Paul's connections to the white supremacist subculture, which led to an amusing and revealing sequence of comments. First, the wingnuts tried to argue that associating with neo-Nazis might not be ...

Anonymous Hacks White Supremacist Site, Finds Direct Links to Ron Paul

Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 11:31:47 am
The "anti-fascist" wing of the "Anonymous" hacker group has broken into a website run by the white supremacist American Third Position (A3P), and released a document dump consisting of private forum messages, emails, organizational notes, and other personal information. The documents show numerous connections between Republican candidate Ron Paul and these ...

Early Voting Gives Romney a 21-Point Lead in Florida

Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 11:27:17 am
The Florida primary may already be over. Tampa, Florida (CNN) - It's primary day in the Sunshine State, but more than 600,000 people have already voted in Florida's Republican presidential contest. And a new public opinion poll indicates that the ballots already cast may help former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ...

Quinnipiac Poll: Romney Romps to 14-Point Lead

Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 1:24:18 pm
The latest poll from Quinnipiac University is even more bad news for Newt Gingrich: he's behind Mitt Romney in Florida now by 14 points. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has a 43 - 29 percent lead over former House Speaker Newt Gingrich among Republican likely voters in Florida, the nation's ...

Christie: Civil Rights Struggle Could Have Been Resolved by Voting

Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 3:55:32 pm
A pretty amazing statement (and not in a good way) from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who made an argument against a measure legalizing gay marriage by comparing it to the civil rights movement -- and ended up saying that the civil unrest of the 1950s and 60s could have ...

WaPo: Ron Paul Signed Off On Racist 1990s Newsletters

Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 10:14:48 am
The Washington Post has new information today on Ron Paul's racist, antisemitic newsletters; a former secretary in the company that produced the newsletters says Ron Paul was fully aware of their content: Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say. Ron Paul, well known as a physician, congressman ...

GOP Clown Car Arrives in Florida for Fifth Debate This Month

Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 5:51:11 pm
Watch out, here comes the GOP Clown Car again, disgorging its endless cargo of makeup-laden performers for another fantabulous debate about nothing of consequence. In the Big Top, the Romney harlequin has no choice but to attack the Gingrich jester like a mad (but hilarious!) dog tonight; you can look forward ...

Rand Paul and the TSA Scanner Conspiracy

Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 11:51:45 am
On his way to a religious fanatic anti-abortion hatefest, Sen. Rand Paul was detained today by TSA agents in Nashville after a scanner went off, and he then refused a pat down. Now, in true Paul family fashion, Rand Paul is planning a formal Senate investigation to find out who's behind ...

Video: Ron Paul Gives Speech on Civil War in Front of Giant Confederate Flag

Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:03:11 pm
Here's Ron Paul in a video recently posted at YouTube by one of his fans, explaining why the South was the right side in the Civil War, which had nothing to do with slavery -- in front of a huge Confederate flag. Any more questions about Ron Paul? (h/t: Andrew Kaczynski.) Note: in ...

More Deranged, Racist Ron Paul Newsletters Released by TNR

Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 1:07:51 pm
Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul continues to evade responsibility for the ugly, deranged newsletters he sold for many years; recently he claimed that "only 8 to 10 sentences were offensive," out of all these newsletters. This, dear readers, is what is commonly known as "an outright lie." And today The New ...

Romney Has Commanding Lead in South Carolina and Florida

Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 9:49:05 am
It's looking more and more like the nutty right wingers who've been rabidly attacking Mitt Romney for being a RINO (and worse) are going to have to hold their noses and vote for him: Romney way up in Florida. Mitt Romney's in a strong position to win this weekend in ...

Major SC Newspaper Endorses Jon Huntsman

Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 10:28:25 am
South Carolina's The State newspaper is now endorsing Jon Huntsman in the Republican race. It's as if conservatives are playing "Wheel of Fortune;" every week they spin the wheel to see which of these interchangeable candidates is going to be the new kid on the block for a few days. And please ...

Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire Primary

Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 5:07:00 pm
NBC News is calling the New Hampshire primary for Mitt Romney, followed by Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman. The results so far: Romney - 36% Paul - 25% Huntsman - 17% Gingrich - 11% Santorum - 10% Perry - 1% Some obvious conclusions: it's all over for Rick "Evolution's Just a Theory" Perry, and Newt Gingrich's bizarre ...

Ron Paul Said 'MLK is My Hero' - But His Newsletters Tell a Very Different Story

Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 8:25:59 pm
While watching Saturday night's Republican debate, my jaw hit the floor when Ron Paul, asked a question about his now-infamous newsletters, said: "One of my heroes is Martin Luther King." My amazement stems from the fact that in December 1990, Ron Paul's official newsletter contained the following paragraphs: He was ...

GOP Clown Car Warms Up in New Hampshire

Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 5:40:54 pm
Well, it's been more than three weeks since the last GOP debate, and I'm sure you've been missing these events as much as I have, so this weekend you're going to be treated to two (2) GOP debates: tonight at 9pm ET, and tomorrow morning at 9am ET (that's right, ...

The Return of the Attack of the 2012 Iowa Caucus

Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:17:23 pm
It's too close to call yet, but if Ron Paul wins tonight, Iowa evangelicals will have voted to legalize pot.

Santorum Bubbles Up As Iowa Polls Show Very Close Race

Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 11:12:34 am
The Iowa Caucus is now basically in a three-way tie, with Rick Santorum rising. The Republican caucus in Iowa is headed for a photo finish, with the three leading contenders all within two points of each other.  Ron Paul is at 20%, Mitt Romney at 19%, and Rick Santorum at ...

Ron Paul Angrily Denies Being 9/11 Truther, But...

Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 2:48:20 pm
In this clip, ABC's Jake Tapper asks Ron Paul about a report that he believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories, and Dr. Paul goes ballistic. Video Ron Paul's angry denials should be weighed against his regular appearances on the Alex Jones radio show, since Jones is one of the loudest, most deranged 9/11 ...

Ron Paul: AIDS Patients Are 'Victimizing Innocent Citizens'

Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:38:06 pm
Ron Paul has been running like a scared rabbit away from his racist newsletters, because he knows that ugly, overt racism has become political poison. But there are some kinds of bigotry that still play well with the conservative base. Soon there will come a day when haters like Ron Paul ...

Ron Paul Denial Watch: Only 'Eight To Ten Sentences' Were Offensive

Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 5:08:04 pm
Anyone who's actually read the infamous Ron Paul newsletters knows how dishonest the Crazy Uncle is being here: Ron Paul Downplays Newsletters : Only 'Eight To Ten Sentences' Were Offensive. Ron Paul on Thursday downplayed the fringe aspects of his old newsletters, saying on an Iowa radio program that the ...

Mitt Romney: I'd Vote For Ron Paul

Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 1:08:28 pm
Mitt Romney takes the concept of "party loyalty" to a ridiculous extreme, and ends up saying Ron Paul would be a better President than Barack Obama. What a beautiful example of absurd cognitive dissonance. Romney, of course, is being the archetypal cynical politician here; he only said this because he knows ...

Stormfront Founder Says White Supremacists Thought Ron Paul Was 'One of Us'

Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 10:54:46 am
Don Black, head racist of the hate site Stormfront, makes it clear that for many years Ron Paul appealed directly to the white supremacist subculture: Stormfront Founder Don Black Says White Supremacists Thought Ron Paul Was 'One of Us'. Ron Paul posing with Don & Derek Black at the 2007 ...

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