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Searched LGF articles for: robert stacy mccain (680 matches, in 28 pages)

Video: A Shocking, Blatantly Racist Ad From the Right Wing

Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:59:48 pm
If you think you've already seen the worst Tea Party racism, you're sadly mistaken. Because a group called Turn Right USA has released an attack ad directed at Democrat Janice Hahn, intended to help Republicans in the upcoming special election in California. It's a mind-blower. This freakishly awful web video was ...

Moronic Convergence: Climate Change Deniers, Creationists, and Anti-Muslim Bigots Meeting at UCLA

Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 1:54:41 pm
Today at UCLA, a group of high profile climate change deniers are featured at a conference titled: "Big Footprint: Is Green the New Tyranny?" By itself this is nothing special; climate "skeptics" are always having these echo chamber conferences, to keep the deluded masses fully stocked up with hooey. But this ...

It's Palin Email Dump Day

Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:12:56 am
More than 24,000 emails from Sarah Palin's time as governor of Alaska are being released today -- on paper, for some odd reason. ProPublica is going to make a full searchable archive available online as soon as possible: A Reader’s Guide to the (Still Coming) Sarah Palin Emails. What should ...

Right Wing Xenophobia Goes Wild in Alabama

Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:43:20 am
The new anti-immigration law just signed by Alabama's Republican governor Robert Bentley explicitly violates the Bill of Rights's provisions against unreasonable search and seizure, by requiring police to arrest anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally if they can't produce documentation -- when stopped for any reason: Alabama ...

Pamela Geller, Genocide Denier

Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:00:01 pm
"Muslims killed themselves in Yugoslavia" Remember when Muslim-hating demagogue Robert Spencer wrote a totally dishonest piece for the Guardian to run interference for his crony Pamela Geller, claiming (among numerous other lies and evasions) that she doesn't support murderous war criminals like Slobodan Milosevic and Radovan Karadzic? Today, Pamela Geller crossed ...

Hot Air Commenters Savage Mitt Romney for Accepting the Reality of Climate Change

Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:23:33 pm
A fatuous post by the anonymous blogger "Allahpundit" full of debunked right wing tropes (Climategate? he must be kidding) leads to a deluge of stunningly ignorant, hateful comments directed toward Mitt Romney for stating that he accepts the science of climate change: Romney: Sure, I believe in man-made global warming ...

Serbian War Criminal Mladic Caught - Pamela Geller Inconsolable

Fri, May 27, 2011 at 9:41:36 am
War criminal Ratko Mladic was arrested yesterday in Serbia, where he was hiding from justice under an assumed name. Time's Mark Benjamin has this excerpt from Mladic's indictment, with horrifying details of his massacre of thousands of Muslim prisoners. Between 12 July and about 20 July 1995, thousands of Bosnian ...

Rick Santorum: What Does McCain Know About Torture Anyway?

Wed, May 18, 2011 at 3:16:21 pm
It's amazing to watch one potential Republican presidential candidate after another melting down in public. Yesterday it was Rick Santorum's turn: Santorum: John McCain wrong on torture. Rick Santorum said Tuesday that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who was tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, "doesn't understand how enhanced ...

Pamela Geller Rages at the Independent's Accurate Article

Sun, May 15, 2011 at 9:48:03 am
"I ♥ me some Muslims!"The Independent's Robert Chalmers has a very balanced and fair look at Pamela Geller: American patriot or extremist firebrand? And of course, any balanced and fair examination of the Shrieking Harpy can only come to one conclusion: she's desperately unhinged. What's striking about this article, though, is that ...

John McCain: The Claim That Waterboarding Helped Find Bin Laden is 'False'

Thu, May 12, 2011 at 10:32:49 am
John McCain has a piece in the Washington Post today, definitively refuting the Republican talking point that torture helped find Osama bin Laden: Bin Laden’s death and the debate over torture. Former attorney general Michael Mukasey recently claimed that “the intelligence that led to bin Laden . . . began with a ...

Fox News Commenters Respond to Common Story with Deluge of Racism and Hate

Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:12:37 pm
The comments are really pouring in to Fox News's article about rapper Common's invitation to the White House. Here's a selection of some of the most recent ones, from just the first couple of pages: smashthetaco Just now Yo, Weed is green, watermelon too. Your wife is a sasquatch. And so are you. Word Up, Ho ------------ nappybegone2012 ...

Video: Rachel Maddow Goes to the NRA Convention

Mon, May 9, 2011 at 3:00:34 pm
Rachel Maddow goes to the NRA convention with Megan McCain, then takes a tour of Pittsburgh with Councilman Ricky Burgess. Video Video

Overnight Open Thread

Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:21:25 pm
We disparage reason. But all the time it’s what we’re most concerned with. There’s will as motor and there’s will as brakes. Reason is, I suppose, the steering gear. -- Robert Frost, A Masque of Reason

Far Right Billionaire David Koch: Obama Deserves No Credit for Bin Laden

Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:46:02 am
A few right wing politicians have made graceful statements praising President Obama for the bin Laden operation; John McCain, for example. But if you read right wing blogs, you'll discover a flood of utter denial and mean-spirited refusal to credit Obama. It's an almost universal opinion, which is how things ...

Wingnut Fail All Over Fox News: Obama Hates Easter But Loves Muslims

Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 2:12:02 pm
Fox News didn't just promote the idiotic "Eastergate" fake story once today; Steve Doocy also had an extended segment on Fox & Friends interviewing Baptist pastor Robert Jeffress, who is predictably outraged about this outrageous outrage. Related: Wingnut Fail of the Day: Obama Didn't Proclaim Easter (But Neither Has Any Other President) Wingnut ...

Law Firm Drops DOMA Case

Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:19:02 am
The top-priced law firm retained by the Republican Party and John Boehner to defend the religious right's anti-gay "Defense of Marriage Act" is bailing out. King and Spalding Chairman Robert D. Hays, Jr., whose partner Paul Clement was to lead the defense, said in a statement through a spokesman, Les ...

Hateblogger Pamela Geller Testifying for Alaskan 'Anti-Sharia' Idiocy

Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:20:35 am
"I ♥ Muslims."Republicans in Alaska, as in many other states, are pushing ridiculous fear-mongering "anti-sharia" legislation instead of doing the real work of the government. Today in Alaska, Rep. Carl Gatto is holding a hearing to promote this absurd nonsense, and he's calling as a witness none other than one ...

Pastor Hagee's Rapture Novel Goes Hollywood

Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 6:59:09 pm
Coming soon to a theater near you: the film adaptation of Pastor John Hagee's best-selling End Times novel, "Jerusalem Countdown." Yes, really. Featuring Stacy Keach and Lee Majors, who have discovered the elephant's graveyard of filmmaking. Looks like good clean CGI fun -- except that the intended audience actually believes this is going ...

Robert Stacy McCain's 300th Post on My Total Insignificance

Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 5:19:40 pm
"You buy the ticket, you take the ride."Meanwhile, knuckle-dragging white supremacist blogger Robert Stacy McCain has decided it's time for his 300th post about how insignificant I am: He Who Hates Attractive GOP Women : The Other McCain. (No link, of course.) His premise is that because I criticize Michele Bachmann ...

John Bolton Would Send the US Army into Libya

Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 12:26:40 pm
John Bolton (another possible GOP presidential candidate) says he knows how to handle Muammar Gaddafi, unlike President Obama who's leading the US into a "quagmire." (Look out! The Q word!) Ironsides Bolton would have gone in with boots on the ground and guns a-blazing the second day of the conflict.

Sarah Palin on Why McCain-Palin Lost in 2008: 'I Wasn't at the Top of the Ticket'

Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 12:11:15 pm
Sarah Palin's on one of her rare trips outside the US, and told a reporter for India Today that the reason why the Republican ticket failed to win in 2008 was because she wasn't at the top. Speaking at the India Today Conclave in New Delhi, Palin was asked why ...

NPR Journalists 'Appalled' by Schiller's Comments

Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 2:04:03 pm
Twenty-two journalists at NPR have signed a statement denouncing former fundraiser Ron Schiller's remarks at a dinner set up by scam artist James O'Keefe: NPR hosts, journalists ‘appalled’ by Ron Schiller’s comments. An Open Letter from Journalists at NPR News..... Dear Listeners and Supporters, We, and our colleagues at NPR News, strive ...

By Focusing Only on Muslims, King's Agenda is Clear

Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 11:51:50 am
My take on the Peter King hearings: People shouldn't pretend that there are no problems at all with radicalization among Muslims -- clearly, we need to be aware of the extent, and do what we can to defuse it and deal with its causes, while preventing attacks from any fanatics who ...

Sharia Takeover of America Narrowly Averted

Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:02:45 pm
You may have heard about a demonstration scheduled for today at the White House, called "Sharia4America," announced by British radical Islamic buffoon Anjem Choudary. Frank Gaffney, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Glenn Beck, and the rest of the Bigot Brigade were convinced it was the beginning of the end. Glenn Beck's ...

Defense Secretary Gates: US Should Never Have Another War Like Iraq

Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 1:28:55 pm
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said yesterday in a speech at West Point that getting into any more wars like Iraq or Afghanistan would be crazy. WEST POINT, N.Y. — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates bluntly told an audience of West Point cadets on Friday that it would be unwise for ...

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