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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (843 matches, in 34 pages)

Bill Nye vs Oil Industry Hack on Climate Change

Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:08:16 am
In yet more evidence why CNN's attempt to become a second Fox "News" has landed it third among 24-hour cable news outlets, Piers Morgan hosted a "debate" between Bill Nye The Science Guy and a guy named Marc Morano, a longtime climate change denier...who just happens to be a paid ...

Ta-Nehisi Coates: Slavery Is a Love Song

Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 4:24:44 pm
Ta-Nehisi Coates responds to a stunningly immoral post on Thomas Jefferson at right wing blog The Volokh Conspiracy, with a moving letter written after emancipation by a former slave: Slavery Is a Love Song. This is a letter that I often turn to. It was written to Laura Spicer by ...

Rick Santorum Now Writing for World Net Daily: 'The UN Wants to Kill My Daughter'

Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 1:22:00 pm
Rick Santorum has now joined the illustrious company of Pamela Geller, Jerome Corsi, and Joseph Farah, and is writing a regular column for one of the looniest wingnut sites on the web, the always inadvertently amusing World Net Daily, where they're still totally certain that Barack Obama is a secretly ...

Bobby Jindal's Anti-Science School Voucher Program Ruled Unconstitutional

Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:49:10 pm
Here's some excellent news from Louisiana, where a state judge has ruled that Gov. Bobby Jindal's outrageous school voucher program giving state funding to private religious schools that teach creationism and climate change denial is unconstitutional. Damn right. One of Gov. Bobby Jindal's signature accomplishments, a private school tuition voucher ...

GOP Appoints Climate Change Denier to Chair House Science Committee (Again)

Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:25:51 pm
For the last 6 years, the head of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology has been Rep. Ralph Hall, a right wing religious fundamentalist who denies the science of climate change. Now it's time for Hall to step down, and to replace this anti-science nutjob, the Republican Party ...

Sandy and the Age of Superstorms

Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 7:43:59 pm
Video Has Hurricane Sandy inaugurated a new age of climate fueled superstorms? Environmentalist Peter Sinclair interviews hurricane expert Dr. Kerry Emanuel of MIT, and Dr. Jason Box of the Byrd Polar Center. Also see: Emanuel 2007, Environmental Factors Affecting Tropical Cyclone Power Dissipation [Link:]

Sen. James Inhofe: Benghazi Is 'The Biggest Coverup in History'

Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:02:05 pm
Notice that in this ridiculous video clip from Fox News (posted at YouTube by his office), arch climate change denier James Inhofe never actually says specifically why the Benghazi attack will "go down as the biggest coverup in history." The leaders of the Republican Party are determined to continue hideously embarrassing ...

How to Totally Enrage Wingnut World: Al Gore for Secretary of State

Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 12:26:06 pm
How to spin the wingnuts up into frenzied, frothing paroxysms of total rage, and have a well-qualified Secretary of State at the same time: Al Gore for Secretary of State! I first heard this suggestion from my friend David Greenberg, the historian who writes for Slate, and I thought, nahhh. ...

It's Right Wing Anti-Science Craziness Day!

Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:39:20 pm
One of the most bizarre rationalizations the right uses to justify denying the reality of climate change is the whacked out fantasy that humans can't do anything to change the climate because God wouldn't let it happen. There actually used to be some commenters at LGF who used this line, ...

About That So-Called 'Pallywood' Video...

Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 5:47:38 pm
This is in response to a couple of other Pages posted regarding film footage of this week's Israeli air strikes in Gaza, both of which questioned the authenticity of several BBC video clips that at least one Israeli blog & one far-right Israeli news outlet are presenting as "Pallywood" productions. ...

Benghazi Boogaloo: Susan Rice Simply Relayed the CIA's Benghazi Talking Points

Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:29:30 pm
CBS News has obtained the talking points prepared by the CIA for Susan Rice following the Benghazi attack, and of course there are no surprises -- Rice simply passed on the information she was given by the CIA: CIA Talking Points for Susan Rice Called Benghazi Attack 'Spontaneously Inspired' by ...

Rebuttal: Bobby Jindal's Risible Op-Ed for CNN

Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:42:45 am
It's almost comical to see Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's efforts to position himself as the voice of reasonable conservatism. Remember, this is the Republican governor who's had more success than any other in sneaking creationism into public school science classes; make no mistake, Bobby Jindal is 100% in line with ...

Calls for the GOP to Break Out of Its "Media Cocoon"

Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:49:48 am
Politico has a piece today on some conservatives' calls for the GOP to break out of its self-reinforcing echo chamber: The GOP's Media Cocoon. A long-simmering generational battle in the conservative movement is boiling over after last week's shellacking, with younger operatives and ideologues going public with calls that Republicans ...

Letter to a Future Republican Strategist Regarding White People

Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 9:01:06 pm
This is an entertaining read for those of us who already feel the same way, and probably pearls before swine to those who really need to absorb this information. I assume most of you will be highly entertained. Letter to a Future Republican Strategist Regarding White People To whom it may ...

Saturday Night Short Film:Town of Ghosts

Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 6:48:12 pm
Town of Ghosts Bodie is by far the best preserved ghost town in the United States. Gold was discovered back in 1859 by William S Bodey and at its apex, the town had a population of 10,000 residents through the 1880's. Bodie was replete with the makings of old west folklore; ...

Laura Ingraham: Did "BHO" Push Out Petraeus to Keep Him Silent About Benghazi?

Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 1:36:52 pm
You know how all the conservative pundits are writing columns about the right's denial of reality, and how the Republican Party needs to shake off the kooks and conspiracy nuts? Now watch as the entire right wing universe goes wacky about David Petraeus's resignation, in unison, screaming "BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI!" For example, ...

Why I'm Voting to Re-Elect Barack Obama

Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 2:18:43 pm
I have to admit I'm making a deliberate effort to ignore the political world today, at least more than usual. I made up my mind a long time ago to vote for Barack Obama, and against anyone the Republican Party put up. I don't agree with everything Obama has done, ...

Why I'm Voting for President Obama

Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 5:59:14 pm
I'm voting for President Obama because I trust him to do the right thing, and even on the issues where we don't agree I know that he will make his choices based on principles and what he sees as best for our country as a whole rather than based on ...

Ohio Republicans Make Last-Ditch Effort to Steal the Election

Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 10:31:20 am
Andrew Cohen has the details on an absolutely blatant attempt by Ohio Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted to suppress the vote for Barack Obama: Ohio's Provisional Ballot Order: The Biggest Legal Story of the Weekend. Here's what happened. On Thursday, voting-rights advocates filed an "emergency motion" with a federal ...

Video: Romney Supporters Respond to Climate Change by Yelling "USA! USA! USA!"

Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 7:39:04 pm
A heckler at a Mitt Romney campaign event yelled the question, "What about climate? That's what causes monster storms..." And the crowd responded by booing loudly, then breaking into a sustained chant of, "USA! USA! USA! USA!" Just the latest appalling example of why I ran away from the Republican Party as ...

Video: Mitt Romney Loses His Cool in an Interview About the Mormon Position on Abortion

Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:45:43 pm
Here's a very revealing video of Mitt Romney totally losing his cool in a radio interview at Iowa's WHO 1040, when asked to comment on his Mormon faith's position on abortion and women's rights. Note that the interviewer, Jan Mickelson, actually seems to be on Romney's side, but Romney rants ...

As Mitt Romney Spreads Lies That Hurt Their Business, Chrysler and GM Call Him Out for Dishonesty

Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:15:51 am
It's really not surprising that spokespeople for both General Motors and Chrysler have now denounced Mitt Romney's shockingly blatant lies about their companies. In his zeal to smear President Obama in any way possible, Romney is actually willing to spread false claims that could seriously damage the auto industry; he's ...

Hurricane Sandy Open Thread

Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 11:13:24 am
The latest hurricane image from NASA - click to enlarge Here's an open thread for updates and news about the gigantic hurricane now beginning to batter the east coast. Landfall is predicted at 6 pm Eastern, near Atlantic City. Also see: In Hurricane Sandy's Fury, the Fingerprint of Climate Change

As Hurricane Sandy Strikes, Mitt Romney Wants to Drastically Cut Federal Disaster Relief

Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 11:28:03 am
As Hurricane Sandy prepares to slam into the east coast, threatening disastrous flooding for millions of people, we should mention that Republican candidate Mitt Romney wants to drastically cut federal disaster relief programs like FEMA. And we should also mention that the Republican Party's 2011 spending bill slashed the budget for ...

Funniest Wingnut 'Fact-Check' of the Day: The Military Still Has Horses and Bayonets!

Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 12:21:18 pm
The Daily Caller's David Martosko wins our coveted "Stupidest Wingnut Article of the Day" award (not for the first time), with this absurd "fact-check" article that totally misses the point of Obama's statement that the military has "fewer horses and bayonets:" Obama Line About Horses, Bayonets Fails Fact-Check. In a ...

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