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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,475 matches, in 59 pages)

John McCain vs. Angry Wingnuts Who Are Suddenly Anti-War

Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 11:09:19 am
John McCain was raked over the coals by his own constituents in Arizona yesterday, for his support of military intervention in Syria. Witness the amazing phenomenon of Republicans opposed to military action: Video McCain, one of the most vocal proponents for military action in Syria, was berated at two events held in ...

Americans Fear Hackers More Than the Government Over Online Privacy

Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:45:18 am
Americans are concerned about internet privacy, but they're far less worried about government snooping than they are about their online activity being monitored by hackers and advertisers. That's according to a survey of 792 internet and smartphone users in the US by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, conducted ...

Snowden: All Roads Lead to Wikileaks, and on to Russia

Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:30:59 pm
Here's former NSA counterintelligence officer John Schindler on what we know so far about Edward Snowden's shady connections to Wikileaks and Russian espionage: Snowden, NSA, and Counterintelligence. All roads here lead to Wikileaks. We know that Snowden in late 2012 reached out to Glenn Greenwald and other members of the ...

Dueling Naval War College Professors: Nichols vs. Schindler on Syria

Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 5:15:37 pm
Here's a good post from US Naval War College Professor Tom Nichols, on what he sees as The Realities of the Coming Syrian War. My list is directed both to pro and anti-interventionists, in hopes of pointing out things that are true and need to be addressed no matter which ...

Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings

Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 12:04:48 pm
Vimeo Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings Today on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson told co-host Terry Meeuwsen that gay men in cities like San Francisco attempt to spread HIV/AIDS to others by cutting them with a special ring when shaking hands. However, one could ...

The Convergence of Glenn Greenwald and Rand Paul's "Southern Avenger"

Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 8:05:51 pm
Former Rand Paul adviser Jack Hunter, in his “Southern Avenger” mask. In the middle of a pretty fascinating rant about Bruce Fein (who is acting as Lon Snowden's lawyer, Lon being Edward's father) on NSFW, I saw something that actually made me lose some more respect for Greenwald, which I didn't ...

Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years, Eligible for Parole in 8

Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 9:00:09 am
Once again, we see a naïve, deluded young person paying the price for the insane nihilistic libertarianism promoted by Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald: Judge Sentences Bradley Manning to 35 Years. A military judge on Wednesday morning sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison for leaking hundreds ...

Rod Dreher Is Jumping The Shark Again...

Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 7:03:00 pm
Perpetual moral scold and professional victim town crier Rod Dreher (unintentional rhyme) has made a career of gay panic mongering on top of End of the Christian West predictions. Just in the last seven days, he has posted thirteen stories on GLBT issues wherein he praised President Putin (In ...

Ron Paul, John Birch Society President to Speak at Anti-Semitic Conference

Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:13:26 pm
Today we have news that Julian Assange's idol, Ron Paul, will be joining the president of the John Birch Society to address one of the most virulent antisemitic groups in North America: Ron Paul, Birch President to Speak at Anti-Semitic Conference. Beyond the obvious, what do a far-right Italian politician, ...

Former Washington Post Ombudman to Jeff Bezos: Fire Jennifer Rubin

Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:08:30 pm
Patrick Pexton was ombudsman of the Washington Post until March 2013, and he has some advice for new owner Jeff Bezos: [Numbered List] Have Fred Hiatt, your editorial page editor--who I like, admire, and respect--fire opinion blogger Jennifer Rubin. Not because she's conservative, but because she's just plain bad. She ...

Pat Buchanan defends Putin on Russia's new anti-gay laws

Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 3:19:57 pm
Writing for World Nut Daily (where he shares column space with the likes of Pamela Geller, Rick Santorum, and John Rocker), Pat Buchanan crawls out of his cave to defend Putin's new anti-gay laws in Russia. Our moral and cultural elites have put Putin on notice: Get in step with ...

Obama on Twitter: "Gravity Exists. The Earth Is Round. Climate Change Is Happening."

Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:21:59 pm
Perhaps in reaction to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's idiotic statement that "global warming is a total fraud," the official Barack Obama Twitter feed gets snarky: Climate change is real. #ScienceSaysSo. — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 12, 2013 Retweet if you agree: Climate change is real, and it's time for us to act. ...

Appalling Incident at Missouri State Fair: "Anyone Want to See Obama Run Down By a Bull?"

Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 12:40:27 pm
Right wing racism just keeps getting more and more overt. Here's the latest absolutely disgusting example, reported by the Kansas City Star: Shameful Missouri State Fair Stunt Smears Obama. The taxpayer-supported Missouri State Fair is getting a lot of negative publicity in social media Sunday afternoon following a report of ...

Rep. Paul Broun: Immigration Reform Is a Plot to Destroy America

Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 5:30:38 pm
YouTube Georgia Republican congressman Paul Broun believes that evolution, embryology, and the Big Bang theory are all lies straight from the pit of hell -- an opinion that eminently qualifies him to serve as a Republican member of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology. So it shouldn't be a surprise to ...

Fox Contributor Suggests Gays Love Each Other Just Like Ariel Castro Loved the Women He Raped

Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 10:46:31 am
SoundCloud Sandy Rios, a Fox News contributor and American Family Association radio talk show host today compared the love two gay men feel for each other to the "love" kidnapper, rapist, and murderer Ariel Castro felt for the women he kept captive as slaves in his home. Rios was speaking with ...

Creationists Get Influential Positions in Texas Science Textbook Review

Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 6:39:58 pm
Remember the last time the religious right in Texas tried to sneak Christian creationism into public school science classes? Well, they're back. Actually, they never went away, and the Republican anti-science religious fanatics on the State Board of Education are making another big play to influence the textbooks that teach American ...

Fox News Just Keeps Pumping Out Dishonest Propaganda About Benghazi

Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:37:17 pm
Media Matters The relentless Fox News propaganda about Benghazi never stops, and as all of the allegations pushed by Fox and the GOP (they're pretty much the same thing, of course) have ended up thoroughly debunked, they're now reduced to the mindless repetition of blatant lies, simply trying to trick anyone ...

Outrage After Fox News Interview With 'Zealot' Author

Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:07:02 am
YouTube Charges of anti-Muslim prejudice flew thick and fast following Fox News anchor Lauren Green's interview with Reza Aslan, a religious scholar and the author of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth in which she repeatedly asked Aslan why, as a Muslim, he is interested in writing ...

Sarah Palin: I Was 'Banned' From Talking About Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers During 2008 Campaign

Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 10:40:14 am t22o Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said she was "banned" from certain talking points while running alongside Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on the Republican ticket in the 2008 election. Palin criticized the media for "ingratiating themselves with [Obama] and vice versa" and trying to "destroy these whistleblowers" who were talking ...

Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 4:35:41 pm
Oh Glenn. Any excuse to stroke your Obama Derangement Syndrome, right? The rabidly pro-war and anti-Muslim GOP former Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Peter King, has repeatedly lavished Obama with all sorts of praise and support for his policies in those areas. The Obama White House frequently needs, ...

Ted Nugent Says He's "Anti-Racist," Then Compares Black People to Dangerous Dogs

Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:31:43 pm
Media Matters It's always a bit amazing to see right wing loons like Ted Nugent issue emphatic, categorical denials that they're prejudiced or racist in any way, then segue right into blatantly racist hate speech. National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent claimed to be "so anti-racist" that people "would be ...

Crazed Libertarian Militia Loves Edward Snowden

Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 10:43:42 am
Edward Snowden has won the support of extreme right wing anti-choice former Senators, racist Birther Fox News hosts, and now he's getting some more extremist love from the crazed libertarian "Patriot" militia known as the Oath Keepers. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has earned quite a following, sometimes in unlikely quarters. ...

Tea Party Speaker at Anti-Immigrant Rally: "You Can't Breed Secretariat to a Donkey and Win the Kentucky Derby"

Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 7:19:26 pm
YouTube The Nation's George Zornick reports: Ugly Opposition to Immigration Reform Comes Back to Capitol Hill. Ken Crow, who used to be president of Tea Party of America until he bungled logistics of a Sarah Palin speech and is now affiliated with Tea Party Community, got up and started talking ...

Snowden Says He Hasn't Released Info to Harm "Our People" - but Der Spiegel Said Exactly the Opposite

Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 12:24:49 pm
Today Glenn Greenwald is crowing about a letter to Edward Snowden from a former GOP Senator, Gordon Humphrey, that calls Snowden a "Courageous Whistle Blower." To my knowledge, Mr.Snowden has disclosed only the existence of a program and not details that would place any person in harm's way. I ...

Anti-Vaccination Fearmonger Jenny McCarthy Joins "The View"

Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:01:53 am
Now I have another reason not to watch The View -- they've hired one of the most notorious fear-mongering anti-science spokespeople of the insane anti-vaccination movement: Jenny McCarthy Joins 'The View'. "We are delighted that Jenny will be joining us as a permanent co-host," Walters says, adding McCarthy "brings us ...

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