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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

The Trump "U" Scam

Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 11:29:40 am
There's a reason Donald Trump wanted people to pay attention to his nonsense about the veterans' donations yesterday. As a reminder for that nonstop train wreck, yesterday Trump finally provided a list that still fell short of the $6 million in donations raised he claimed back in January at a ...

And Now, Trump's 3rd Party Challenger: A Raving Wingnut, of Course

Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:28:56 pm
So today Bill Kristol unveiled his independent conservative candidate for president, and it's David French -- a guy who posted this at his Patheos blog last year: "A defense of hatred." Have you ever seen a better summation of the deranged American right wing in 2016? I can't even start to list ...

Glenn Beck Suspended From SiriusXM for a Week After Guest Suggests Assassinating Trump

Tue, May 31, 2016 at 12:03:21 pm
Joseph Sohm / Glenn Beck has been suspended for a week from SiriusXM, after guest Brad Thor suggested a "patriot" might need to "step up" and assassinate Donald Trump if he's elected. At least this time the right wing kooks who appear on Glenn Beck's radio show weren't suggesting assassinating a ...

California Gov. Jerry Brown Endorses Hillary Clinton

Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:58:20 am
Frederic Legrand - COMEO / A week before the California primary election, Gov. Jerry Brown announced today that he's supporting Hillary Clinton for president: An Open Letter to California Democrats and Independents. This is a big one for Clinton, from a governor with a 74 percent approval rating among California Democrats. ...

Breitbart Readers React to Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla Story With Deluge of Ugly Racism

Mon, May 30, 2016 at 5:44:09 pm
At Breitbart "News," climate change denier and hack pseudo-journalist James Delingpole takes a short break from anti-science propaganda to engage in Breitbart's favorite sport: race-baiting their knuckle-dragging commentariat: Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect 'White Privilege'. Delingpole's idiotic "gotcha" point is that a few Twitter users mistakenly assumed the boy ...

Trump: "I Will Give You Everything. I'm the Only One."

Mon, May 30, 2016 at 11:48:41 am
a katz / Donald Trump says so many ridiculous, hateful and nonsensical things that it's all turning into a blur of idiocy, but this week in his speech about his so-called "energy policy" (which is basically: abolish all environmental protections and turn the country over to the energy industries), he ...

Marco Rubio Apologized to Donald Trump, Has No Problem With His White Supremacist Fans

Sun, May 29, 2016 at 12:47:01 pm
Of all the Republican #NeverTrump advocates who are now groveling at Trump's feet, the most craven groveler has to be "Little Marco" Rubio, who went on CNN this morning and explained that he isn't just a supporter now, he actually apologized for making fun of Trump's tiny hands. "I ...

In San Diego Speech, Trump Personally Attacks Judge in Trump U Case as "Mexican"

Sat, May 28, 2016 at 11:16:51 am
lev radin / Yesterday Donald Trump devoted a large portion of his stump speech to attacking the judge in the ongoing case against his Trump University scam, describing him as a "hater" and a "Mexican." In what the Wall Street Journal characterized as an “extended tirade,” Trump spent 12 minutes ...

Donald Trump: "I'd Love to Debate Bernie but They've Gotta Pay a Lot of Money for It"

Thu, May 26, 2016 at 11:33:00 am
Crush Rush / In the latest chapter of the ongoing saga of History's Weirdest Presidential Election, Bernie Sanders says he'll "debate" Donald Trump. So here we have a guy who's not going to be the Democratic nominee agreeing to "debate" a guy who's not yet the Republican nominee. Who benefits from ...

Leading White Supremacist Says Trump Is Bringing New Legitimacy to Racism

Wed, May 25, 2016 at 2:17:11 pm
Joseph Sohm / White supremacist Jared Taylor gave an interview to an "alt-right" podcast earlier this month and predicted Donald Trump's administration (assuming he's elected; shudder) would be stacked with people who think like Taylor, and expressed his gratitude that Trump is "making it impossible" for people to ignore this ...

Next Up in the Donald Trump Attack Plan: Whitewater

Wed, May 25, 2016 at 10:49:02 am
Today Politico confirms that Donald Trump plans to dredge up every single discredited allegation from the 1990s against both Bill and Hillary Clinton. This week, he hauled out the corpse of Vince Foster for some conspiracy-mongering BS. Next up (you knew this coming): Whitewater. Donald Trump, who in recent days ...

Bottom Line: Donald Trump Blatantly Lied About His Veterans' Fundraiser

Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:11:17 pm
OK, we all know politicians lie like badly crocheted rugs. But has there ever been a candidate for president of the United States who has been such a blatant, continual, unrepentant liar as Donald Trump? Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group. When asked ...

Lindsey Graham Sneaks Onto the Trump Train

Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:18:28 am
Imagine my overwhelming surprise that even Lindsey Graham, who called Donald Trump "crazy" and "a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot" just a few months ago, is now bailing out of #NeverTrump and joining the #GoTrumpGo movement. (CNN)Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Donald Trump's fiercest critics, is now calling on Republicans to ...

Tech Note: A Graphic Display of All Installed Imagemagick Fonts

Sat, May 21, 2016 at 9:21:41 pm
As I've mentioned previously, every once in a while I manage to come up with a bit of code that doesn't seem to exist elsewhere on the web, and if that code is useful I see it as a duty to share it with the world, as a way of ...

That Time When James O'Keefe Forgot to Hang Up the Phone and Ended Up Stinging Himself

Sat, May 21, 2016 at 1:31:38 pm
One of James O'Keefe's dumbest stunts: wearing a crude Osama bin Laden costume, crossing the US-Mexico border Right wing smear merchant James O'Keefe performed a majestic face plant recently, when he phoned the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundation posing as a "Hungarian-American" named "Victor Kesh" to set up one of his ...

It's Time for Bernie Sanders to Suspend His Campaign and Help Hillary Beat Trump

Fri, May 20, 2016 at 1:02:38 pm
The Hill has an article today quoting many Democrats and Hillary Clinton campaign insiders, who aren't happy that Bernie Sanders continues to pretend he has a chance to win the Democratic nomination. At this point, Clinton needs to win only 10 percent of the remaining delegates to lock in the ...

Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Donald Trump Bumper Sticker Generator

Wed, May 18, 2016 at 5:57:12 pm
At LGF we’re all about giving options to our users, and we think it’s important that voters get to create their own bumper stickers to show how they really feel about the GOP’s nominee for President of the United States, Donald Trump. So here’s your chance, with our brand new ...

Ivanka Trump's Ringing Endorsement of Dad: "He's Not a Groper"

Wed, May 18, 2016 at 11:10:27 am
Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka joins Donald's wife Melania today with another ringing endorsement of her father: "He's not a groper." "I'm not in every interaction my father has, but he's not a groper. It's not who he is," she said. You've got to admit, the women in the Trump family ...

A Ringing Endorsement From Melania Trump: "He's Not Hitler"

Tue, May 17, 2016 at 1:54:36 pm
So at least Donald Trump has this going for him. Melania Trump also said Donald Trump shares no similarity with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler after proposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. "We know the truth," she said of the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee. "He’s not Hitler." It does ...

Breitbart "News" Tells Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Get Lost

Mon, May 16, 2016 at 5:16:22 pm
When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced he was planning to meet with some representatives of Donald Trump and right wing media, to try to allay their fake outrage about Facebook "censoring" them, here was the reaction I posted on Twitter: It’s just going to make it even worse. The way to ...

Breitbart "News" Hack John Nolte Suddenly Announces He Resigned Two Months Ago

Mon, May 16, 2016 at 11:08:13 am
For years he's been one of the most unhinged writers at Breitbart "News," but today we learn the reason why John Nolte's byline hasn't appeared at the site for two months: @Capitalics I resigned from Breitbart 2 mos ago. — John Nolte (@NolteNC) May 16, 2016 Scanning through his Twitter timeline, it's ...

Donald Trump's Energy Guru: An Anti-Science Climate Change Denier, of Course

Mon, May 16, 2016 at 10:18:58 am
In addition to everything else wrong about Donald Trump -- the racism, the conspiracy theories, the xenophobia, the sheer ignorance about foreign policy, the misogyny -- he's a climate change denier. Of course. Almost all Republicans are. And now he's picked as his energy guru a very well-known climate change denier ...

Rage Furby Chuck C. Johnson Gets Suspended From Facebook for the Second Time This Year

Thu, May 12, 2016 at 7:08:42 pm
Yes, folks, our cyberstalker pal Chuck C. "Rage Furby" Johnson has gotten himself suspended from Facebook again, for the second time this year, and all he did was post some "jokes!" WOW:'s Charles C. Johnson Suspended From Facebook Over Trump and Ryan Joke, Praising George Zimmerman Of course, what the Chuck-thing ...

NY Times Profiled Trump's Racist Birther Butler in March

Thu, May 12, 2016 at 3:02:58 pm
The Trump campaign is busily denying now that his racist Birther ex-butler Anthony Senecal works at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate. "He hasn't in many years," they say. Trump spox re: butler: "He does not work at mar-a-Lago and hasn't in many years. We totally disavow and condemn these horrible statements." — Alexandra Jaffe ...

Trump's Longtime Butler Is a Racist Birther Who Wants Obama to Be Killed

Thu, May 12, 2016 at 11:19:42 am
Source: Facebook Did you know Donald Trump has a butler? Of course he does! A guy like Trump, without a butler? That would be inconceivable! And of course, one of Trump's former butlers (who retired after 17 years of making sure Trump's other servants were doing their jobs) is a racist, misogynist ...

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