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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (1,020 matches, in 41 pages)

Climate Change Denial Front Group Heartland Institute Sends Emails to Bloggers Threatening Legal Action

Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 8:49:43 pm
Here's the email forwarded to me today by Jim Lakely, the Heartland Institute's director of communications, threatening me with legal action because I wrote a post about the leaked Heartland documents: February 18, 2012 Mr. Charles Johnson Editor Little Green Footballs Re: Stolen and Faked Heartland Documents [Link:] Dear Mr. Johnson: It has come to our ...

Now the GOP Is Trying to Kill the Voting Rights Act

Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 12:00:31 pm
Next target on the Republican Party's hit list: the Voting Rights Act that guarantees minorities access to the ballot box. In a political system where even the most trivial issues trigger partisan rancor, the Voting Rights Act has stood for several decades as a rare point of bipartisan consensus. Until now. An ...

CNN's Dana Loesch Defends Pat Buchanan Against Evil Liberal Censorship

Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 6:08:38 pm
Here we see CNN contributor and Andrew Breitbart editor Dana Loesch defending recently-fired MSNBC contributor Pat Buchanan, saying that Buchanan's First Amendment rights have been violated by a "progressive" conspiracy to silence "diversity of thought:" Controversial Pat Buchanan Forced Off of MSNBC by Van Jones, Media Matters - Big Journalism. "Diversity ...

Pat Buchanan Is Finally Fired From MSNBC

Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 6:43:19 pm
It wasn't clear whether Pat Buchanan had actually been fired from MSNBC or not, but tonight the grizzled old racist confirms it in a monumentally whiny article titled: The New Blacklist. My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end. After 10 enjoyable years, I am departing, ...

Federal Judge Chides Andrew Breitbart for 'Overreaching' in Shirley Sherrod Lawsuit

Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:39:21 pm
Things aren't going very well for Andrew Breitbart in the defamation lawsuit filed against him by former USDA official Shirley Sherrod, and now Breitbart and his lawyers have been scolded by U.S. District Judge Richard Leon (a George W. Bush appointee): Federal Judge: Blogger Likely 'Overreaching' With Anti-SLAPP Motion. In ...

Denialgate: Heartland Institute Mistakenly Emailed Internal Documents

Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:13:47 pm
Emissions via Shutterstock There's more today on those devastating internal documents from the Heartland Institute; Heartland has confirmed that they were mistakenly emailed by a staff member. The Heartland Institute has confirmed in a prepared statement that it mistakenly emailed its board materials to an anonymous third party - confirming the ...

Denialgate: Internal Heartland Institute Documents Unmask the Climate Denial Machine

Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 7:43:44 pm
Wow, this is huge -- DeSmogBlog is releasing a cache of documents revealing the secret anti-science schemes of climate change denial front group The Heartland Institute: Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine. Internal Heartland Institute strategy and funding documents obtained by DeSmogBlog expose the heart ...

Reactions to 'Fox News Commenters Spew Racism at Whitney Houston'

Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 9:51:38 am
Here's a great post at Balloon Juice by "Soonergrunt," reacting to our post yesterday about Fox News commenters and their ugly racism: Why We Fight. This is Why We Fight. This is the nature of the opposition. I live amongst these people here in what they proudly refer to as ...

Fox News Commenters Respond to Whitney Houston's Death With Deluge of Hatred and Racism

Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 10:45:40 am
I don't even know what to say about this any more. There's a real sickness running rampant in the right wing; the Fox News comment thread on Whitney Houston's death is yet another disgusting deluge of outright racism: Singer Whitney Houston Dies at 48 | Fox News. There are almost 5000 ...

Tech Note: Comments Now Show Your 'Display Name'

Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:58:23 pm
Our new feature of the day has to do with comments; when you post a comment, your username is shown on the top line. This is how it's been at LGF for lo, these many years. But now, you can actually change the name that shows up in your comment, by ...

Climate Scientists Smack WSJ Over Op-Ed From Non-Climate Scientists

Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 10:04:45 am
The WSJ published an op-ed several days ago, in which several notable scientists and luminaries claimed there was no need to panic about global warming. They included former NASA astronaut Harrison Schmidt, Burt Rutan, and several other scientists. The rebuttal today comes from actual climatologists who study climatology, not scientists from ...

Quinnipiac Poll: Romney Romps to 14-Point Lead

Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 1:24:18 pm
The latest poll from Quinnipiac University is even more bad news for Newt Gingrich: he's behind Mitt Romney in Florida now by 14 points. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has a 43 - 29 percent lead over former House Speaker Newt Gingrich among Republican likely voters in Florida, the nation's ...

GOP Clown Car Arrives in Florida for Fifth Debate This Month

Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 5:51:11 pm
Watch out, here comes the GOP Clown Car again, disgorging its endless cargo of makeup-laden performers for another fantabulous debate about nothing of consequence. In the Big Top, the Romney harlequin has no choice but to attack the Gingrich jester like a mad (but hilarious!) dog tonight; you can look forward ...

National Center for Science Education to Defend Teaching of Climate Change

Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 3:01:48 pm
The National Center for Science Education has long been a leader in the battle against those who relentlessly try to insert creationism into public school science classes; they're probably most well-known for the key role they played in the Dover "intelligent design" trial. (Which didn't go well at all for ...

Tucson's Mexican-American Studies Program: Why It Was Started, Why Republicans Killed It

Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:44:10 am
Follow the links and read the complete articles for a fuller picture. The Mexican-American Studies program was started in part to "help bridge the achievement gap for Hispanic students". [...] For more than 30 years, the Tucson Unified School District operated under a federal court order to desegregate its schools. In 2009, the ...

Breaking: Huntsman Withdrawing from Presidential Race

Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 6:22:31 pm
Just in from the Associated Press iPhone app: Campaign officials: Jon Huntsman to withdraw from race for Republican Presidential nomination. Believing in evolution and climate change is a tough sell to today's Republican base. Huntsman never had a chance. Also see: Huntsman Says He's Quitting G.O.P. Race

Right Wingers Deluge MIT Climate Scientist with Hate Mail, Threats

Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 10:36:08 am
MIT climate scientist Kerry Emanuel was featured in a video interview posted recently at, and this triggered a deluge of frenzied hate mail and threats against his family from right wing climate change deniers. This is where the ignorance espoused by the Republican Party leads: hateful morons threatening the wives ...

Andrew Breitbart and 'The Turner Diaries'

Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:50:34 am
This morning we have yet another sordid tale of right wing dishonesty and smear tactics -- and for once they're not attacking the black President. They're after me. And you won't believe the ridiculous nonsense they're circulating all over the right wing blogs and Twitter, with help from none other ...

Is Pat Buchanan Fired from MSNBC?

Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 11:42:40 am
[Link:] The fact that MSNBC still thinks there's a real decision to make here tells me that they are cynically hoping that the furor dies down so they can slip him back on air later. After all is said and done, propagating a hater's viewpoints as news is actually a ...

Andrew Breitbart Spreads 'Climategate' Hysteria on Twitter

Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 6:25:57 pm
I just want to make sure Andrew Breitbart's endorsement of the utterly bogus "Climategate" nontroversy doesn't go unnoticed: Did you H8 how EastAnglia emails proved leftists - as in academia, Hollywood, #Occupy - use intimidation to create 'consensus'? @Lizardoid — AndrewBreitbart (@AndrewBreitbart) January 5, 2012 This could serve as a case study ...

Wingnuts Will Try to Imitate Progressives

Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 9:38:17 am
A group of right wing organizations that regularly promote climate change denial, Personhood, and every other far right cause is planning to imitate the Center for American Progress and launch their own "Media Matters" style advocacy group: How to fight liberals: Imitate them. Impressed by the effectiveness of the liberal ...

Ron Paul: AIDS Patients Are 'Victimizing Innocent Citizens'

Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:38:06 pm
Ron Paul has been running like a scared rabbit away from his racist newsletters, because he knows that ugly, overt racism has become political poison. But there are some kinds of bigotry that still play well with the conservative base. Soon there will come a day when haters like Ron Paul ...

Ron Paul Denial Watch: Only 'Eight To Ten Sentences' Were Offensive

Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 5:08:04 pm
Anyone who's actually read the infamous Ron Paul newsletters knows how dishonest the Crazy Uncle is being here: Ron Paul Downplays Newsletters : Only 'Eight To Ten Sentences' Were Offensive. Ron Paul on Thursday downplayed the fringe aspects of his old newsletters, saying on an Iowa radio program that the ...

Stormfront Founder Says White Supremacists Thought Ron Paul Was 'One of Us'

Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 10:54:46 am
Don Black, head racist of the hate site Stormfront, makes it clear that for many years Ron Paul appealed directly to the white supremacist subculture: Stormfront Founder Don Black Says White Supremacists Thought Ron Paul Was 'One of Us'. Ron Paul posing with Don & Derek Black at the 2007 ...

Rick Perry Joins the Heartless Anti-Choice Fanatics

Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 10:29:03 am
It's horrifying to hear almost all the GOP presidential candidates proudly saying that victims of rape or incest should be forced to give birth to an attacker's child. There's nothing that makes the utter heartlessness of this fanatical agenda more evident, and now Rick Perry (who previously supported rape/incest exceptions) ...

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