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Searched LGF articles for: john r. bradley (1,002 matches, in 41 pages)

Video: Stephen Colbert's Hilarious Take-Apart of Trump's First 100 Days

Tue, May 2, 2017 at 1:47:05 pm
YouTube 'Face the Nation's' 'John Dickerson had the willpower to ignore the President's insults during their conversation in the White House. Luckily, Stephen doesn't have that same constraint.

Trump Abruptly Cuts Off Interview After Saying About His Obama "Wiretap" Claims: "I Don't Stand by Anything"

Mon, May 1, 2017 at 11:09:04 am
Today in an interview on CBS' This Morning, our totally unhinged so-called president brought up his bogus disproven claims that the President Obama "wiretapped" him, insisted the bogus claims were actually "proven very strongly," then pouted: "I don't stand by anything." And then he abruptly cut off the interview. In early ...

And Now, an Exquisitely Funky Live Jam From John Mayer: "Moving on and Getting Over"

Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 5:31:32 pm
YouTube A super-funky band and ultra-clean vintage Stratocaster licks make this live performance by John Mayer on the Jimmy Kimmel show one of the coolest I've seen.

John Mayer, Featuring the Dancing Pandas: "Still Feel Like Your Man"

Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 6:14:37 pm
YouTube John Mayer's new ellpee "The Search for Everything" is on heavy rotation at LGF headquarters, because it's really, really good. And here's the first music video from the LP, a very funky lament about a lost love featuring some awesome dancing pandas. One of the reasons I love this album so ...

The FBI Has Been Watching Former Trump Adviser Carter Page Since Last Summer

Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 5:39:24 pm
Tick tock. The latest piece of news linking the Trump campaign to Russia involves Trump's former foreign policy adviser Carter Page, as the Washington Post reveals that the FBI got a FISA warrant to monitor his communications last summer during the presidential campaign. The FBI and the Justice Department obtained ...

And Now, John Oliver's Hilarious Take on the Bill O'Reilly Scandal

Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 12:25:21 pm

Disturbing News of the Day: US Strategic Command Links to Breitbart "News"

Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:43:03 am
Among other duties, the Department of Defense's United States Strategic Command is in charge of the US nuclear arsenal, and is tasked with defending America against nuclear attacks. It was established in 1992 by President George H.W. Bush, to replace the outdated Strategic Air Command. And now, in the Trump era, ...

And Now, "Downward Dog" - the Web Series

Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 9:00:28 pm
Vimeo WATCH THE NEW SHOW BASED ON THE WEB SERIES STARTING WEDNESDAY MAY 17 9:30|8:30c ON ABC : 00:00 - Episode 1: Friendship 01:17 - Episode 2: Walking 02:32 - Episode 3: Aging 03:51 - Episode 4: Animal Instincts 05:22 - Episode 5: Special Time 07:06 - Episode 6: Driving 08:36 - Episode 7: One ...

Climate Scientist Faces Off With the Virulently Anti-Science House Science Committee

Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 7:39:10 am
At a congressional hearing on climate science Wednesday, Michael Mann lamented that he was the only witness representing the overwhelming scientific consensus that manmade global warming poses a major threat. "We find ourselves at this hearing today, with three individuals who represent that tiny minority that reject this consensus or ...

Trump Tried to Prevent Sally Yates From Testifying to Congress About His Links to Russia

Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 10:41:54 am
In today's episode of Trump's Russia Problem, we learn that the Trump gang tried to intimidate former acting attorney general Sally Yates out of testifying to Congress by invoking "presidential communication privilege." The Trump administration sought to block former acting attorney general Sally Yates from testifying to Congress in the ...

The Trump Administration Is Preparing to Launch an All-Out Legal Attack on Federal Agencies

Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:49:54 am
White House counsel Don McGahn is preparing an all-out attack on federal agencies Yes, it can still get worse, folks. Today we have news from TIME's Zeke Miller that the Trump Horror is assembling a high-powered legal team that will launch an all-out attack on the regulatory powers of federal agencies. ...

White House Press Room Cage Match! Fox News vs. the Second Stupidest Man on the Internet!

Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 5:08:38 pm
I've been wondering how long it would take for the genuine journalists in the White House press room to get fed up with having to share that lofty position with the likes of Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft (the fabled Stupidest Man on the Internet) and his equally moronic sidekick Lucian ...

Watch Live: CPAC, Festival of Right Wing Lunacy, Featuring Lots of Guns

Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 11:26:33 am
NBC News Here's the live video feed from CPAC, the annual exhibition of right wing bad craziness. For example, as I write this, the current "panel discussion" is an NRA-sponsored nightmare urging women to buy lots and lots of guns because it's the only way for them to be "safe." After ...

The Bob & Chez Show: Lieutenant General Chest Rockwell

Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 8:34:10 pm _022317.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Lieutenant General Chest Rockwell: Farewell, Alan Colmes; The collusion between Trump and the conservative press; Keeping Trump off Twitter; Bill O'Reilly and the Founders; Trump nominates cool names; Mayor McCheese is Very, Very Terrific; Mike Pence and Obamacare; Obamacare ...

Boehner Doesn't Give a Fck: Repealing Obamacare Is Just "Happy Talk"

Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 11:36:30 am
Now that John Boehner is no longer Speaker of the House, he's free to tell the truth; the Republican noise about "repealing and replacing Obamacare" is just "happy talk" for the delusional right wing base. Former House Speaker John Boehner predicted on Thursday that a full repeal and replace of ...

Video: John Oliver Explains the Putin-Trump Convergence

Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 7:42:21 pm
YouTube Vladimir Putin is known as a ruthless leader and master manipulator. John Oliver enlists a group of singing dancers to explain that to Donald Trump.

Video: John Oliver on Trump's Hostile Relationship With the Truth

Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 2:18:27 pm

High Energy Jazz From the Funky Knuckles: "New Birth"

Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 4:11:26 pm
YouTube And now, some Snarky Puppy-esque fusion jazz from a super-tight high-energy band, the Funky Knuckles. This Funky Knuckles song "New Birth" from their latest record "New Birth". Grab "New Birth" on iTunes: Scoop up a physical copy: Wes Stephenson - bass Cedric Moore - composer/drums Caleb Sean McCampbell - keyboards Frank Moka - percussion Phill ...

Bullshit! Or, How to Frankfurt a Trump

Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 2:36:02 pm
Uncredited image: As I mentioned in my recent post, "How To Nussbaum a Trump", others have pointed out the relevance of Harry Frankfurt's analysis of bullshit to Trump's rhetoric, and a few have alluded to how he might be the first post-modern President. However, given how "truth-challenged" his administration appears ...

The Bob & Chez Show: Pee Pee Tape

Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 8:52:15 pm _011717.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Pee Pee Tape: The Trump Crisis Day 80; Putin reignites the Russia urination story; Trump under investigation for espionage; Bravo to SNL, Alec Baldwin and Lorne Michaels; Nobody Likes Trump; Trump says polls are rigged; Infowars might get press ...

Saturday Jazz: The Funky Knuckles, "Arise"

Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 12:49:55 pm
YouTube Another fantastic band that's a semi-spinoff from Snarky Puppy, the Funky Knuckles remind me of a 21st century Brecker Brothers with the Snarky musical ethos and excellent musicianship. This Funky Knuckles song "Arise" from their latest record "New Birth". Grab "New Birth" on iTunes: Scoop up a physical copy: Wes Stephenson ...

Breaking: At Least Six People Shot at Ft. Lauderdale Airport, Some Dead

Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 10:57:24 am
This news is just coming across the networks; it looks bad. According Broward Sheriff Fire, there are at least six people shot at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport with multiple fatalities. FLL officials said the shooting took place in the lower level baggage claim area, in Terminal 2 ,at around 12:55 p.m., Friday. There ...

Trump's Praising Wikileaks Today, but in 2010 He Called for Them to Be Executed

Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 12:15:14 pm
YouTube Early this morning, Donald Trump hauled his carcass out of his 2400-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and while sitting on his solid gold toilet in the Trump Tower penthouse tweeted some ringing praise for Julian Assange and Wikileaks, his new best buddies. Julian Assange said "a 14 year old could have ...

Saturday Jam: Lucy Woodward, "Live Live Live"

Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 1:26:26 pm
YouTube Another great artist from the GroundUP label, with a fun song for a New Year's Eve Saturday. "Live Live Live" is featured on Lucy Woodward's "Til They Bang On The Door", her 4th solo record to date. Five years in the making, the record came out July 15th on GroundUP ...

The Most Repulsive Right Wing Comment Yet About the Israel Controversy

Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 11:18:27 am
Today we have a winner for the most vile, repulsive comment about the current controversy over Israel and the United Nations, from far right pundit/loon Kurt Schlichter. If you are Jewish and supporting Barack Obama and John Kerry, well, you would have made a fine helper at Auschwitz. — Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) ...

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