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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

Wingnut Fight! Dana Loesch Sues

Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 5:55:09 pm
Tonight we have word of big trouble on the far right, as the Breitbrats begin fighting in earnest over the empire that Breitbart built: Talk Radio Host Dana Loesch Files Suit in St. Louis Against I've been wondering why Loesch's wingnut screeds haven't been appearing there lately -- now we ...

Ludicrous Breitbart Post of the Day: Politico's 'Hitler Photo'

Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:28:09 pm editor John Nolte is possibly the most dishonest writer at that right wing hate site, and that's really saying something. Today he's busily pumping out pro-gun propaganda, and his latest is a classic in the genre of stupid: POLITICO RUNS 'HITLER PHOTO' OF NRA CHIEF! The above is the ...

Gun Control: A Misguided Focus on Mental Illness

Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 6:30:04 pm
The big push to divert the discussion of guns and gun control into a discussion about mental illness is really beginning in earnest tonight. And unfortunately, many liberals arguing for gun control are falling for the diversion, because yes, mental health care is terrible in America and it does need ...

Susan Rice Withdraws From Consideration for Sec. of State - Over Fake Scandal

Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:11:58 pm
The Fox News/Republican Party witch hunt against Susan Rice, over a completely phony trumped-up scandal, has succeeded: EXCLUSIVE: Susan Rice Drops Out of Running for Secretary of State; Saddened by Partisan Politics. Embattled U.N. envoy Susan Rice is dropping out of the running to be the next secretary of state ...

Another Breitbart Fake Outrage Bites the Dust: Crowder Admits He Shoved Union Members

Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 12:18:32 pm
Today in the fake right wing scandal we'll call UnionThug-Gate, we learn that provocateur Steven Crowder was not just standing there minding his own business when he was punched in the face outside the Michigan Capitol -- he was shoving union members. And how do we know this? From Crowder's own ...

Witness Says Fox News Contributor Steven Crowder Goaded Union Protesters

Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:44:19 pm
According to a witness to Steven Crowder's nasty little stunt at the Michigan protest yesterday, he was provoking and insulting demonstrators, deliberately trying to goad them into violence. Knowing how the Fox News/Breitbart gang love to stage these kinds of fake incidents to picture their targets as violent thugs, it was ...

The Benghazi Fake Scandal Returns at

Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:55:57 am
Today at the reliably unhinged, we discover an article screaming, "NO SHOTS FIRED: STATE DEPT BENGHAZI SECURITY FORCE UNARMED!" Can anyone spot the huge honking problem in their lead paragraph? A source with personal knowledge of the security situation in Benghazi told Breitbart News... Why, sure -- I'll believe an ...

Fake Wingnut Outrage of the Day: "Anti-American Rapper Psy"

Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 1:39:29 pm
Well, it's Monday, which means it's time for another huge outburst of hatred and anger from the weird world of wingnuts. Like any other day. This time it's kicked off by the always enraged, where blogger Christian Toto is clutching his pearls over South Korean pop star Psy (of "Gangnam ...

Marc Morano: Courting Mendacity

Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 4:27:36 pm
A few days ago LGF and I got into a bit of a squabble with renowned climate change denier Marc Morano over an error I made concerning his "debate" with Bill Nye. I wrote that he used a talking point often trotted out by the denialists (and found on Morano's ...

The Marc Morano Fudge Factor: Links to Steve Goddard Nonsense

Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 10:50:06 am
Corrected Dec 8.12 - see below... Marc Morano, a infamous AGW denialist, debated Bill Nye the Science Guy on CNN recently. During the debate Morano peppered the air with a vituperative Gish Gallup aimed at Bill who was standing in for the climate science community. Morano threw too many talking points ...'s Ben Shapiro Attacks Ashley Judd, Uses Nude Photo

Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 5:28:32 pm
Film star Ashley Judd is reportedly considering running for the Senate in her native Kentucky, challenging Mitch McConnell. If you imagine this will provoke howls of misogynist hatred and creepy sexual innuendo from the right wing, you're right on the money, of course, and's always sleazy Ben Shapiro is leading ...

Marco Rubio Tries to Walk Back His Creationist Admission

Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:04:31 pm
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is the latest GOP politician forced to "clarify" his anti-science comments: Rubio: Science, Faith 'Not Inconsistent' on Earth. Speaking with POLITICO's Mike Allen at a Playbook Breakfast event, Rubio clarified his beliefs about how the universe was created, saying he believes science's conclusions -- that the ...

Romney Retreats to Multi-Million Dollar Mansion to Mourn His Loss

Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 11:52:06 am
There is no joy in Mitt Romney's multi-million dollar mansion on the beach at La Jolla: A Detached Romney Tends Wounds in Seclusion After Failed White House Bid. SAN DIEGO -- The man who planned to be president wakes up each morning now without a plan. In other words, exactly ...

Norquist Predicts a 'Tea Party Second Wave,' #Breitbart Commenters Want 'Armed Insurrection'

Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 3:16:39 pm
Today at we learn that we're about to face yet another tsunami of old white people ranting about tyranny, dressing up like Lipton's boxes and Revolutionary War soldiers, and demanding to see Obama's birth certificate, because hold on your tricorne hats... Grover Norquist says a New, Larger 'Tea Party ...

It's Monday, So Ben Shapiro Is Outraged About Sandra Fluke Again

Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:58:13 pm
Tonight, cub reporter Ben Shapiro is outraged and flabbergasted that TIME Magazine plans to honor women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke: TIME HONORS SANDRA FLUKE AS 'PERSON OF THE YEAR' FINALIST! After calling Ms Fluke a "contraception advocate extraordinaire" and a "condom rights advocate," Shapiro pretends to be completely innocent of ... Desperately Tries to Keep the Benghazi Fake Scandal Alive

Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 5:50:49 pm
Remember Benghazi? Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi? It slipped off the radar this week, so you may have already forgotten about it, which would be healthy. But not everybody's healthy, and tonight at the reliably crazed, John Nolte's feverish fantasies are feeding on themselves: BENGHAZI-GATE ENTERS NEW PHASE: THE COVER UP OF ...

"Obama's Godless Thanksgiving" Fake Outrage Meme Spreads Rapidly Through Wingnut Media

Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 3:14:41 pm
Sure enough, Breitbrat Ben Shapiro's moronic attack on President Obama's Thanksgiving address was rapidly picked up by the rest of the right wing Fake Outrage Machine. The Daily Caller has this article based on Shapiro's post: Obama Thanksgiving Address: Calls to Unite Behind WH, Doesn't Thank God. Watch how the Daily ...

Obama's Thanksgiving Message: Not Enough God for

Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 4:42:11 pm
They don't really take holidays over at; they're in wingnut auto-rant mode 24/7, 365 days a year, and Thanksgiving is no exception. Ben Shapiro, for example, can always find time to dash off an overheated tirade about Barack Obama's insidious socialist atheist Muslim agenda: FOR FOURTH STRAIGHT YEAR, OBAMA'S ...

Glenn Beck Decides: The Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:32:45 pm
Following Marco Rubio's comments about the age of the Earth ("I'm not a scientist, man"), it's been tragically hilarious -- and sadly revealing -- to watch the entire right wing wrestle with the issue. Here's Glenn Beck and his crew struggling to figure out whether the Bible actually gives an age ...

Brain-Dead Breitbart Rant of the Day: "The Onion Goes Anti-Semitic"

Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:49:53 pm
We have a winner in today's Most Ridiculous Right Wing Rant contest, and once again it goes to the inimitable, reliably deranged, where hack William Bigelow is screaming in all caps: THE ONION GOES ANTI-SEMITIC! So now The Onion, celebrated for their zany approach to the news, has fallen ...

Read of the Day: Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin, and a Right Wing Blueprint

Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 2:23:10 pm
Here, my friends, is the fascinating tale of Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin, and a Right Wing Blueprint. With lots of details about some extremely sleazy and very real conspiracies to cause real harm to real people. Starring Andrew Breitbart, and also featuring Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Patrick Frey (aka "Patterico") ...

Lindsey Graham Says Romney Harmed the GOP, Then Rants About Benghazi Fake Scandal

Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 11:51:58 am
Here's an absolutely classic case of Republican cognitive dissonance today on Meet the Press, as Lindsey Graham castigates Mitt Romney for "digging a hole for the Republican Party" with his comments about self-deportation ... MSNBC Video ... then proceeds to launch yet another insane partisan character assassination attack on Susan Rice and ...

Rebuttal: Bobby Jindal's Risible Op-Ed for CNN

Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:42:45 am
It's almost comical to see Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's efforts to position himself as the voice of reasonable conservatism. Remember, this is the Republican governor who's had more success than any other in sneaking creationism into public school science classes; make no mistake, Bobby Jindal is 100% in line with ...

Creationist Gov. Bobby Jindal Calls for the GOP to Stop Being Stupid

Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 11:18:46 am
Some Republican politicians are trying to get out in front of their massive loss this election by making speeches calling for the party to stop being so stupid. No, really -- that's what Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said yesterday. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday called on Republicans to "stop being ... EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Romney Lost

Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:23:39 am
As the right wing recriminations get louder and more strident, one of the big stories in Wingnut Land today is the Romney campaign's absolutely pitiful "get out the vote" effort they dubbed "ORCA." At the ridiculous fake news site, hack Joel Pollak (who, last week, was busy churning out ...

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