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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

Donald Trump Retweeted Their Anti-Muslim Videos, and Never Apologized. Now Leaders of a Far Right UK Group Have Been Convicted of Hate Crimes.

Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 7:53:37 pm
Britain First leader and deputy leader jailed for hate crimes The leader and deputy leader of far-right group Britain First have been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment. Paul Golding, 36, and Jayda Fransen, 32, were arrested over the distribution of leaflets and posting of online videos during a gang-rape trial. Fransen ...

Watch Live: CPAC 2018, Day 2, Featuring Far Right Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist Frank Gaffney

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 11:12:59 am
YouTube Oh, here we go. In the Trump era, Birther and extreme anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney is no longer persona non grata; this year he gets to harangue the crowd about Sekrit Muslim Plots from the main stage. (Note: the video begins with the current speaker, but you can set the ...

How Low Can They Go? Right Wing Media and Blogs (With Help From Donald Trump Jr.) Now in Full Attack Mode Against Parkland Students

Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 11:07:23 am
If you've watched any news programs in the past few days, you know that the students who survived the Parkland school shooting attack have been courageously speaking out, demanding action on gun control legislation. So of course, the vile bottom-dwelling operatives of the right, including Gateway Pundit, Alex Jones and Donald ...

UPDATE: White House-Accredited Fake News Blog Gateway Pundit Tries to Duck Responsibility in Doxing the Wrong Person for the Florida Shooting

Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 11:34:04 am
As we reported yesterday, the White House-accredited blog Gateway Pundit (home of the fabled "Stupidest Man on the Internet," Jim Hoft) published the personal details of someone they claimed was the Florida high school shooter, based on one tweet that spelled his name wrong. Writer Lucian Wintrich doxed the wrong ...

In a Rush to Blame the Left, White House Press Corps-Accredited Gateway Pundit Doxes Wrong Person in High School Shooting

Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 5:55:47 pm
Jim Hoft (aka, the Stupidest Man on the Internet) collaborator Lucian Wintrich is definitely working with the right person, because he's equally hateful and equally stupid. (That's his headline above.) In the wake of today's awful mass shooting at a Florida high school, Wintrich followed in Hoft's footsteps with one of ...

Twitter Begins Shutting Down White Supremacist Accounts - Including the "Britain First" Leader Retweeted by Donald Trump

Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:34:41 am
Today is the day when Twitter said they'd begin enforcing new policies designed to shut down users connected to white supremacist and Nazi organizations (and presumably other types of hate groups as well). A quick look around some of the worst corners of Twitter shows that they're beginning to make ...

Video: Trump's Reckless, Dangerous, Deeply Stupid Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 10:43:42 am
YouTube There have been many reckless and stupid moves made by this horrible man this year, but throwing 70 years of US policy into the garbage heap and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel right now, when there's no pressing need for it, will achieve nothing but to derail the ...

Today Donald Trump Retweeted 3 Anti-Muslim Propaganda Videos From a British Fascist Group

Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 12:02:12 pm
The "Britain First" party is a neo-fascist ultra-nationalist group of skinheads and Nazis that sprang out of the notorious British National Party, founded by a Calvinist minister linked to Ulster loyalist groups in Northern Ireland. Their "deputy leader," Jayda Fransen, has been found guilty of hate crimes in the past, ...

Right Wing Media Desperate to Hang Mass Murderer Devin Patrick Kelley on the Left

Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 11:19:57 am
By now, most people are aware that when an act of mass gun violence happens, the US right wing has a well-worn script they always follow: Was it committed by a Muslim or a person of color? If yes, it was an obvious act of terrorism and we need to immediately institute ...

WATCH LIVE: Trump Attempts to Fake Empathy for Victims of Las Vegas Mass Murder

Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:57:50 am
YouTube The perpetrator of last night's horrific mass shooting at a Las Vegas concert was a white male, not an immigrant or Muslim, so Donald Trump won't be able to stage his usual fear-mongering clown show today. But he's almost certain to say something shockingly offensive or tone-deaf because that's who ...

An Amazing Solo Performance by Guitarist/Singer Jon Gomm: "Everything"

Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 1:42:35 pm
YouTube Song, Album and Guitar Tab from: iTunes: Amazon UK: Amazon US: The guitar tab has full super-detailed performance notes to help you learn the song. 'Everything' is the 3rd single from my latest album, 'Secrets Nobody Keeps'. It's a twisted love song. It's about obsession. It's the song ...

Trump Bashes Our British Allies for Being Weak on Terrorism Before Attack Is Even Confirmed (Again)

Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:43:46 am
Well, our so-called president did it again today. What did he do this time, you ask? As soon as reports of an apparent attack in the London subway (which injured several people) began to appear on Fox News, the Trump-thing grabbed his iPhone, jumped on Twitter, and started ranting about ...

Daily Beast Reports: Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies in the US

Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 8:32:36 pm
We learned last week that Russian front groups had purchased at least 3,000 politically divisive advertisements on Facebook during the 2016 election, but tonight the Daily Beast is reporting that the propaganda effort went farther than ads; Russia also used Facebook Events to organize anti-immigrant rallies on US soil. Russian ...

Photo of the Day: GOP Rep. Rohrabacher Poses With Holocaust Denier Chuck C. Johnson at Assange Meeting

Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:23:16 am
Here we see Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher posing on the steps of the Ecuadoran embassy in London with Holocaust-denying white supremacist Chuck C. Johnson (who is NOT ME), as they prepare to meet with Julian Assange. Johnson, of course, is making that hand sign that white supremacists love to pretend ...

Trump's Muslim Ban Shut Down Again by the 9th Circuit Court

Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 11:28:40 am
Donald Trump's grotesque, bigoted and un-American ban on travel from Muslim areas has been shut down again by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The ruling from a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is yet another stinging loss from a court that similarly refused to reinstate ...

In Which Donald Trump Embarrasses America and Makes an Ass of Himself Again

Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 12:49:28 pm
Following the attack in London yesterday, our so-called president did what he does best: he launched a stream of fear-mongering, opportunistic tweets, and retweeted an early unconfirmed post at Drudge Report, because who needs intelligence services and experts when you can just browse over to Drudge Report for your information? We ...

Trump's Staff Finally Responds to Portland White Supremacist Murders

Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:35:18 pm
Today Donald Trump's staff finally tweeted something for him, tepidly denouncing the murders in Portland Oregon by a white supremacist. The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them. — President Trump (@POTUS) May 29, 2017 ReplyReply w/ ...

Trump Returns From Europe, Immediately Goes on Rage-Tweeting Binge

Sun, May 28, 2017 at 11:09:57 am
Our so-called president couldn't even wait one day after returning from Europe before going on a typically deranged tweeting spree, spewing conspiracy theories, praising violent people and accusing journalists of making up sources. Interestingly, this blinkered buffoon calls the information coming out of the White House "leaks" at the same time ...

Federal Judge in Hawaii Extends Injunction Against Trump's Muslim Travel Ban

Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 8:10:19 pm
(Image: Hawaii News Now) Tonight, the injunction blocking Donald Trump's Muslim ban has been extended by federal Judge Derrick Watson in Hawaii. The original injunction was only valid for 14 days; this will keep Trump's bigoted order from being enforced until the issue is decided in court. HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A federal ...

Another Loss for Trump: Hawaii Judge Denies Request to Limit Muslim Ban Injunction

Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 3:07:31 pm
The Trump Justice Department filed a motion asking federal Judge Derrick Watson to limit his injunction against Trump's second attempt at banning Muslims and refugees from entering the US, but today in Hawaii Judge Watson denied this request. He's losing every legal fight so far over his unconstitutional bigoted attempt to ...

Top NSA Official Ridicules Trump's Conspiracy Theory That Britain Spied on Trump

Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 11:35:47 am
The deputy director of the National Security Agency minced no words today in an interview with the BBC about Donald Trump's claim that Britain helped President Obama spy on him during the campaign; he called Trump's accusation "arrant nonsense." And that's not all he said. President Trump has stood by ...

In Press Conference With Angela Merkel, Trump Blames Wiretap Lie on 9/11 Truther Napolitano

Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 1:07:16 pm
Once again, our so-called president has embarrassed the United States in front of the whole world, at his press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, by: Refusing to withdraw his claim that Obama ordered him to be "wiretapped." Refusing to withdraw his claim that British intelligence helped Obama commit this alleged crime. Citing ...

The Bob Cesca Show: Fetuses in Food

Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:15:46 pm _031617.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show: Fetuses in Food: Cliff Schecter joins us for the hour; Cliff versus Cleta Mitchell; The Left and Winning; Trump campaign chair caught having hotel sex with a minor; Latest Muslim ban thwarted by Hawaii federal judge; Trump is a political ...

Federal Judge Shuts Down Trump's Latest Travel Ban Nationwide

Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 5:50:29 pm
Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin Donald Trump's second attempt to impose an un-American Muslim ban on the United States has been blocked by a federal judge in Hawaii. Yes. A federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order Wednesday evening blocking President Trump’s ban on travel from parts of the Muslim world, ...

Dutch PM Mark Rutte Set to Beat Geert Wilders in Election

Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 2:26:52 pm
Dutch PM Mark Rutte Far right anti-Muslim Dutch demagogue Geert Wilders has been riding a populist wave and getting campaign funding from right wing US organizations, in an effort to become the largest political party in the Dutch parliament. But in a piece of good news, the latest exit polls from ...

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