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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,475 matches, in 59 pages)

Senate Republicans Cave on Fiscal Cliff

Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 11:13:50 am
For decades the Republican Party has been fighting tooth and nail to stop this day from ever coming: Senate Passes Tax Increases on Wealthy Americans. WASHINGTON -- The Senate, in a predawn vote two hours after the deadline passed to avert automatic tax increases, overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday that ...

Breaking: Hillary Clinton Hospitalized After Blood Clot Discovered

Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 5:46:07 pm
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been hospitalized tonight after doctors discovered a blood clot in a follow-up exam after her concussion earlier this month. It's not clear from early reports whether the blood clot is in her brain, but if so, that would be a very serious concern. She ...

Facepalm: The Wingnut Word-Counting Brigade Springs Into Action Again

Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 1:14:13 pm
'Tis the season for wingnuts to recycle their anti-Obama memes, and once again we find them diligently counting words in Obama's speeches, in order to prove -- prove, I say! -- that the President is an uppity malignant narcissist who thinks he's important for some reason: Obama Uses Funeral Service ...

"Indentured Servant" Dana Loesch Persona Non Grata at CNN?

Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 1:04:22 pm
Tommy Christopher points out that indentured servant Dana Loesch has become persona non grata (unofficially, of course) at CNN, after her comments applauding US soldiers who urinated on corpses, and her underhanded sabotage of other CNN contributors. (I have a feeling, knowing CNN, that the sabotage was more important ...

Right Wing Pro-Gun Excuse of the Day: Blame the 1968 Democratic Convention

Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:39:44 am
Daniel Henninger weighs in with yet another ridiculous right wing excuse for gun violence; in this article for Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal, Henninger argues that to really understand why the Newtown school shooting happened, we have to go back, back through years, all the way to 1968 (cue harp ...

Family Research Council Sued for Sexual Harassment and Discrimination by Former Official

Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 1:00:39 pm
In order to make it appear as if they actually care what the womenfolk think, fanatical religious right groups like the Family Research Council like to create token positions for women within the company, with lofty sounding titles like "Director of Women's and Reproductive Health." Who could ever be opposed ...

In Which Steven Crowder Works Really Hard at Getting Punched in the Face

Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:50:12 am
So, useless right wing pseudo-comedian Steven Crowder waded into the demonstration outside the Michigan Capitol yesterday, and started goading the already pissed off union members who had just seen their livelihood stripped away by a dishonest bunch of Republican 1 percenters, spewing anti-union talking points at them and trying to ...

Cliff Kincaid: The GOP Needs to Emulate Violent British Fascist Group EDL

Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:39:58 pm
Here we go, folks. The American right wing is starting to push violent, overtly fascist European groups as models for the conservative movement. For once, the paranoid obsession behind this big idea isn't anti-Muslim bigotry (but it isn't far away, see below); Cliff Kincaid of "Accuracy in Media," the politically influential ...

Fake Wingnut Outrage of the Day: "Anti-American Rapper Psy"

Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 1:39:29 pm
Well, it's Monday, which means it's time for another huge outburst of hatred and anger from the weird world of wingnuts. Like any other day. This time it's kicked off by the always enraged, where blogger Christian Toto is clutching his pearls over South Korean pop star Psy (of "Gangnam ...

Dinesh D'Souza Interviewed About Totally Not-Racist Anti-Obama Movie

Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:44:53 pm
Andrew Goldman interviews wingnut Dinesh D'Souza about his totally not-racist film predicting apocalypse if Obama was re-elected, inadvertent hilarity ensues: Dinesh D'Souza Looks Ahead. This is what passes for an "intellectual" in today's conservative movement; here's a totally not-racist section in which he explains that he just assumed Obama's Kenyan half-brother ...

Inhofe and Monckton Bring the Theocratic, Creationist Texas Eagle Forum to the UN to Deny Climate Change

Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:57:08 am
Watch the full video (available later today) at: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: The future of climate and energy policy featuring Lord Christopher Monckton and US Senator James Inhofe The current United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference, COP 18, is ongoing in Doha, Qatar and like all previous COPs ...

Marco Rubio Tries to Walk Back His Creationist Admission

Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:04:31 pm
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is the latest GOP politician forced to "clarify" his anti-science comments: Rubio: Science, Faith 'Not Inconsistent' on Earth. Speaking with POLITICO's Mike Allen at a Playbook Breakfast event, Rubio clarified his beliefs about how the universe was created, saying he believes science's conclusions -- that the ...

Rick Santorum Promotes His Loony Anti-UN Conspiracy Theory at the Daily Beast

Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:04:26 pm
Apparently, Tina Brown, publisher of the Daily Beast, sees nothing wrong with sharing the opinion pieces of heartless bastard Rick Santorum with whacked out conspiracy website World Net Daily, because today Santorum shows up at the Daily Beast with another column, still lying about the UN disability rights treaty just ...

How Unhinged Rhetoric From GOP Senators Sank a Disabilities Rights Treaty

Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 6:49:17 pm
You may have heard that Senate Republicans voted today to defeat a United Nations treaty to protect the rights of disabled people, but you may not have realized how completely insane some of the Republican arguments against this treaty were: How Unhinged Rhetoric Sank a Disabilities Rights Treaty in the ...

Anti-Vaccination Insanity Goes Mainstream in Congress

Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 12:31:07 pm
This time we can't blame the craziness entirely on Republicans, although they're the most enthusiastic promoters of this insanity: Congress Hearing on Vaccines Is a Farce of Dangerous Antivax Nonsense. Also on the anti-science side in this ludicrous hearing: Dennis "UFOs are real" Kucinich (D-Ohio). Virtually every claim made by antivaxxers ...

Republican Lunatics Vote Against Rights of Disabled People

Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 10:36:35 am
Following up on Rick Santorum's new job at the conspiracy website World Net Daily, and his absolutely insane fear-mongering column about the UN treaty on the rights of the disabled, heartless Republican bastards in the Senate rejected the treaty today -- even with Bob Dole making a special appearance in ...

Rick Santorum Now Writing for World Net Daily: 'The UN Wants to Kill My Daughter'

Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 1:22:00 pm
Rick Santorum has now joined the illustrious company of Pamela Geller, Jerome Corsi, and Joseph Farah, and is writing a regular column for one of the looniest wingnut sites on the web, the always inadvertently amusing World Net Daily, where they're still totally certain that Barack Obama is a secretly ...

Amazon Deal of the Day

Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 1:16:29 pm
Kindle Fire HD - Most Advanced 7" Tablet - Only $199 World's most advanced 7" tablet 1280x800 HD display with polarizing filter and anti-glare technology for rich color and deep contrast from any viewing angle Exclusive Dolby audio and dual-driver stereo speakers for immersive, virtual surround sound World's first tablet with dual-band, dual-antenna ...

Bobby Jindal's Anti-Science School Voucher Program Ruled Unconstitutional

Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:49:10 pm
Here's some excellent news from Louisiana, where a state judge has ruled that Gov. Bobby Jindal's outrageous school voucher program giving state funding to private religious schools that teach creationism and climate change denial is unconstitutional. Damn right. One of Gov. Bobby Jindal's signature accomplishments, a private school tuition voucher ...

GOP Appoints Climate Change Denier to Chair House Science Committee (Again)

Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:25:51 pm
For the last 6 years, the head of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology has been Rep. Ralph Hall, a right wing religious fundamentalist who denies the science of climate change. Now it's time for Hall to step down, and to replace this anti-science nutjob, the Republican Party ...

Radical Anti-Choice "Heartbeat" Bill Dropped by Ohio Republicans

Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:37:04 pm
The Republican Party of Ohio is being forced to give up their latest attack on women's rights, as their absurd and deceptive "heartbeat" bill has been abandoned. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- An Ohio bill that would have imposed the most stringent restriction on abortions in the nation met its end ...

Women's Health Clinics Offer $10 Discount, "Pro-Life" Fanatics Freak Out

Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 2:04:36 pm
On the day after Thanksgiving, a couple of women's health centers in Florida offered a $10 discount on a clinic visit -- leading to a freak-out by anti-abortion nuts, who seem to think that because the clinics are affiliated with Planned Parenthood, this can only mean one thing: the evil ...

CNN Contributor Erick Erickson's Right Wing Manifesto of Magical Thinking

Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 2:40:06 pm
You know how I said yesterday was Right Wing Anti-Science Day? Well, I was wrong, because every day is right wing anti-science day! And today we have a real howler of an anti-rational manifesto, courtesy of CNN contributor Erick Erickson. I have to give credit where it's due: Erickson does not ...

Brain-Dead Breitbart Rant of the Day: "The Onion Goes Anti-Semitic"

Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:49:53 pm
We have a winner in today's Most Ridiculous Right Wing Rant contest, and once again it goes to the inimitable, reliably deranged, where hack William Bigelow is screaming in all caps: THE ONION GOES ANTI-SEMITIC! So now The Onion, celebrated for their zany approach to the news, has fallen ...

It's Right Wing Anti-Science Craziness Day!

Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:39:20 pm
One of the most bizarre rationalizations the right uses to justify denying the reality of climate change is the whacked out fantasy that humans can't do anything to change the climate because God wouldn't let it happen. There actually used to be some commenters at LGF who used this line, ...

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