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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (1,020 matches, in 41 pages)

Tech Note: The LGF Pages Dashboard

Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:33:36 pm
Tonight I'm happy to announce a new LGF web app that I think will prove incredibly useful to our LGF Pages authors: the LGF Pages Dashboard. With the LGF Pages Dashboard, you can browse and search all the Pages you've posted, sort by the various columns, edit your Pages in a ...

Video: Climate Change Study Deals Crushing Blow to Denial Machine

Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 11:15:44 am
A team of researchers led by UC Berkeley physicist Richard Muller (a self-described "skeptic" on global warming) has dealt a crushing blow to the climate change denial machine. Their exhaustive study of millions of pieces of data, ironically funded by the far right billionaire Koch brothers, discovered that ... gasp ...

White Supremacist Gloats Over Pat Buchanan's Appearance on Radio Show

Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:11:43 am
White supremacist James Edwards, host of the overtly racist Political Cesspool radio show in Tennessee, is gloating today that he got noticed by the "extremist left" after MSNBC political consultant Pat Buchanan appeared on his show: I must be doing something right | JAMES EDWARDS. (Google cache link.) I will ...

Sen. Whitehouse's Must-See Climate Speech: We Ignore the Laws of Nature at Our Very Grave Peril

Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 1:46:53 pm
Here's an extraordinary speech on climate change and the insanely dangerous behavior of the right wing, by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), via Joe Romm. Mr. President, I am here to speak about what is currently an unpopular topic in this town. It has become no longer politically correct in ...

Global Warming Could Exceed Safe Levels in This Lifetime

Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:49:01 am
As the Republican Party sinks ever deeper into anti-science denialism, two new research papers published in Nature show that time is running out: Warming could exceed safe levels in this lifetime. (Reuters) - Global temperature rise could exceed "safe" levels of two degrees Celsius in some parts of the world ...

Pat Buchanan Promotes Book On White Supremacist Radio Show

Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 5:51:33 pm
Pat Buchanan apparently feels secure enough in his various media consulting positions to actually appear on an overtly white supremacist radio show -- again: Pat Buchanan Promotes Book On 'Pro-White' Radio Show. Buchanan has a long history marred by bigotry and hostility toward minorities. He recently released a new book, ...

Tech Note: The Opera Conundrum

Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:36:29 pm
Here's a tech note that will, as all tech notes do, almost immediately turn into a Friday night open thread. I've gotten several complaints about the LGF front page crashing in the Opera browser, or taking forever to load if it doesn't crash. I traced the problem to a recent change in ...

Tech Note: LGF Pages Improvements

Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 5:47:03 pm
This isn't a huge change, but I know that unless I explain what's up, some people will have questions so ... here's the deal. I've decided to eliminate the "alternate" method of posting LGF Pages -- clicking the "Show top rated Pages" link at the top, then clicking "submit a link." Clicking ...

Why Do the Media Ignore the GOP's Problems with Science?

Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:25:24 am
Watching the debate last night, I was struck by the fact that we've now seen several of these gabfests unfold without a single mention of one of the Republican Party's biggest and most irrational problems -- their total rejection of science in many important areas. In the early debates we saw ...

Michelle Goldberg: OWS is Not Antisemitic, But Kooks Need to Be Shunned

Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:52:22 am
Here's a good piece by Michelle Goldberg on the relentless attempt by the right wing hate machine to smear Occupy Wall Street as "antisemitic:" Occupy Wall Street Isn't Anti-Semitic, But It's Too Leaderless. One of the curses of left-wing politics is the perennial presence of International ANSWER, a front group ...

Whatever Happened to Global Warming? (A: Right Wing Anti-Science Bad Craziness)

Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 5:47:22 pm
An overwhelming majority of the world's environmental scientists are sounding an increasingly desperate alarm about the impending consequences of global warming, but one of the two major US political parties has decided to loudly ignore reality: Whatever Happened to Global Warming? IN 2008, both the Democratic and Republican candidates for ...

Herman Cain on His Electrified Fence: "That's a Joke"

Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 10:22:17 am
How many times have we seen this dodge from conservatives? They say something disgusting to pander to the loony base, then when called out on it, claim it was "a joke." This excuse is so tired and worn out by now, it's a joke in itself. Cain Says His Deadly Fence ...

Texas State Agency Censors Environmental Report, Removing Climate Change References

Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:29:43 pm
Professor of oceanography John Anderson was commissioned to write a report on the state of Galveston Bay by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; but when the TCEQ saw his report they decided to delete all references to human-caused climate change and other human impacts on the environment: Professor says ...

Return of the Anti-Fluoride Right Wing Loons

Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:29:05 am
One of the craziest conspiracy theories pushed by right wing organizations like the John Birch Society is that fluoride in drinking water is a government mind control plot -- and this deranged meme is making a big comeback in the Tea Party Era: Dozens show up at Pinellas County Commission ...

Herman Cain and the Glorification of Ignorance

Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:03:11 am
In today's Republican Party, ignorance is not cause for criticism; in fact, ignorance is celebrated and glorified, and the candidates who spout the most ignorant nonsense are rewarded. This ignorance is most noticeable in their attitudes toward scientific issues such as climate change and evolution, but it also extends to ...

Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 5:53:14 pm
It's a funny thing. If you point out that a right-wing pundit lied, their fans don't care. If you point out that they used extremist rhetoric, their fans don't care. But if you point out that they're unhip....have mercy! Mediaite's Tommy Christopher wrote a snarky follow-up to my ...

RIP: Civil Rights Hero Fred Shuttlesworth

Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 6:20:43 pm
Another American visionary died today, a man whose influence on the social landscape of the United States cannot be measured: Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Civil Rights Pioneer, Dies at 89. [Audio] The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, a pioneer of the civil rights movement, died Wednesday in Birmingham, Ala. Shuttlesworth led Birmingham's battle against ...

Rick Perry's N-Word Hunting Ranch

Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 11:15:40 am
The Washington Post leads today with a story about Rick Perry's hunting camp, where he entertained his good ol' boy right wing Texan political allies on numerous occasions. The name of the ranch: "n*****head." Paint Creek, Tex. — In the early years of his political career, Rick Perry began hosting fellow ...

Wingnut Outrage of the Week: The EPA's "$21B Expansion"

Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:52:22 pm
The right wing Assembly Line of Outrageous Outrages just keeps churning out bogus stories. It takes a lot of man hours to keep the Republican base as crazed and out of touch with reality as possible, but the wingnut media and blogosphere are always on the job. The latest chorus of ...

Rick Perry's Advisers: Don't Change a Thing

Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 11:34:56 am
In the aftermath of Rick Perry's pathetically awful debate performances and Herman Cain's upset straw poll win, Perry's advisers tell Politico they have no plans to change anything. Oh, well, one thing. Perry's going to get even more hostile to Mitt Romney. It's a microcosm of the Republican Party -- when ...

The Liberal Modus Ponens versus The Republican Modus Tollens

Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 5:33:38 pm In my previous post, "The Republican Modus Tollens", I pointed out that arguments apparently having the valid form [Numbered List] allow for serious irrationality when P represents a matter of well-confirmed scientific theory and Q represents a prescriptive policy preference or a tenet of religious faith. So, to use one ...

The Republican Modus Tollens - Logic, Facts, and Policies

Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 1:53:08 pm Republican leaders have become fond of denying well-supported facts in the last few years, including such well-confirmed phenomena as (at least partly human-induced) climate change, the proven safety of vaccines, and of course evolutionary theory. What seems to be guiding them, at least unconsciously, is (roughly) the following form of ...

Friday Night Open

Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 7:46:54 pm
Here’s an open thread for anything at all on a Friday night, with a note to let all LGF Pages authors know that there’s been a change to the LGF Pages bookmarklet to fix a small problem, so you should delete your current bookmarklet and reinstall the new one. The new ...

Actual News Headline vs. Fox News Headline

Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 1:34:08 pm
From Politico: Bill Clinton scorches GOP field on climate change. At Fox Nation, this is transmuted into talking point instructions for the right wing base: Impeached President Says Global Warming Deniers Embarrass America.

The Incredibly Strange Contract with America That Stopped Living and Became a Mixed-Up Zombie

Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 6:32:12 pm
Newt Gingrich is preparing to whip out his new, improved, whiter than white ‘very visionary’ Contract with America next week in Iowa! Better stand back. Nobody knows how big this contract's gonna get. Not even Abe Lincoln. “It will be 10 times deeper and more comprehensive than 1994,” he told an ...

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