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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (1,020 matches, in 41 pages)

Video: Are Cosmic Rays Causing Global Warming?

Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 12:05:49 pm
This excellent video by "potholer54" (the YouTube screen name for writer Peter Hadfield) is for all those right wingers who keep emailing and showing up in LGF comments gloating about a paper from CERN that "totally destroys the myth of global warming" (to quote one of more than a dozen ...

The Tea Party Debate, Thread 2

Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 5:54:05 pm
Our favorite line of the night so far is from Mitt Romney: If you need a turn-around, that's what I do. We know. Like Romney's turn-around on abortion, or his turn-around on climate change, or his turn-around on health care. If there's one skill Mitt Romney possesses, it's the art of ...

A New 9/11 Tradition

Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 6:24:30 pm
The 10th anniversary of 9/11 isn't more important than the earlier ones or those yet to come, and we may only mark it as "special" because it's a nice, neat number in our base-10 numeral system, but we feel an emotional need to mark it in some way nonetheless, don't ...

David Barton: Demonic Entities Control the Government

Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:58:36 pm
Religious right pseudo-historian David Barton is connected to at least four of the current GOP presidential candidates; Michele Bachmann has brought him to Washington DC to hold seminars for conservative politicians, and Barton was one of the sponsors of Rick Perry's "The Response" prayer rally. Here's David Barton last year in ...

Rick Perry Would Have Persecuted Galileo

Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:14:23 am
For me, the most memorable moment of last night's debate was Rick Perry's comparison of himself to Galileo -- because Perry refuses to accept the science of climate change. The cynical deceptiveness of this comment is mind-boggling. Galileo fought for years to defend the scientific theory of heliocentrism, and the people ...

Scientific Journal Editor Resigns Over Climate Change Denier's Paper

Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 1:11:17 pm
The editor of science journal Remote Sensing is resigning, after admitting that a recent paper by creationist climate change denier Roy Spencer should not have been published. Spencer's paper was another one of those "crushing blows" that was supposed to "destroy the hoax of climate change," to quote one of the ...

August Jobs and Unemployment, Digging Deeper Than The Pundits

Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 9:52:57 am
The August jobs report is out and getting lots of headlines, but as is too often the case the headlines don't really tell the story. Right off the bat, let me criticize the "no jobs" claims so common in headlines - it's just wrong. There are always new jobs ...

Rick Perry Wants to Amend the Constitution for Supreme Court Term Limits

Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 9:22:05 am
Texas's creationist governor Rick Perry really doesn't like the US Constitution very much; he has a long list of changes and amendments he wants to make, starting with term limits on Supreme Court justices. Washington - Rick Perry, like other conservatives, has lots of complaints about the Supreme Court: The ...

Bill Nye Confuses Fox News Host with Science

Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:18:34 am
Fox News seems to have decided to make an effort to appear "fair and balanced" on the subject of climate change; lately they've been bringing Bill Nye ("The Science Guy") out to argue in favor of reality (while the hosts laugh at him and ask idiotic questions). Charles Payne really sums ...

Climate Change Denial Blogs in Fail Mode Again

Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:45:32 pm
Climate change denial websites immediately jumped all over a recent paper from the CERN CLOUD project, about the effects of cosmic rays on cloud formation. I knew they had jumped, actually, before I even read "Watts Up With That" or any of the other blogs dedicated to discrediting climate science, because ...

Climate Change Denier Patrick Michaels: 'It's Doubtful Irene Will Even Cough Up 8 Bodies'

Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 1:06:33 pm
The libertarians are really distinguishing themselves this week with their comments on Hurricane Irene. First we had Ron Paul pining for that bygone year of 1900 when there was no FEMA and tens of thousands were left to rot where they died. Good times! And now we have Patrick Michaels (a senior ...

Rick Perry Takes Lead - Suddenly Romney is a Climate Change Denier

Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:58:32 am
Remember the days when Mitt Romney was considered a moderate Republican, a rational guy who didn't follow the standard GOP anti-science line? A guy who accepted the science of both evolution and global warming? Well, those days are gone: Romney says would not put limits on emissions. (Reuters) - Presidential candidate ...

Joseph Farah: Virginia Earthquake a Sign from the Big Guy

Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 2:39:27 pm
After the Virginia earthquake, you knew it was just a matter of time before one of the religious right's odd fear-mongering fanatics started ranting defensively about signs from the heavens; World Net Daily publisher and relentless Birther Joseph Farah is one of the first out of the gate. For some ...

The Tea Party Base Falls for Rick Perry

Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 12:53:30 pm
The Republican base has spoken, and they're very impressed with Rick Perry's creationism, climate change denial, and extreme religious fundamentalism: Perry Zooms to Front of Pack for 2012 GOP Nomination.

Tech Note: The Two-Minute Comment-Editing Pencil Icon

Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 6:17:00 pm
In the 10 years we've been online, the single feature most requested by LGF users has been the ability to edit comments after they're posted, to fix typos, bad HTML tags, etc. Sure, we have a nice Ajax-based preview function that lets you see exactly how your comment will look ...

Yet Another Investigation Vindicates 'Hockey Stick' Climate Scientist Michael Mann

Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 1:30:48 pm
The National Science Foundation has concluded yet another investigation into the work of climate scientist Michael Mann (creator of the famous "hockey stick" temperature graph you see above), whose research and personal character have been targeted in a years-long, relentless smear campaign by energy industry front groups and the right ...

Jon Huntsman: Maybe Not Anti-Science, But Definitely Anti-Women's Rights

Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 10:31:42 am
In an interview for ABC News, Jon Huntsman called out his Republican opponents for rejecting the science of evolution and climate change. Tapper asked, "Were you just being cheeky or do you think there's a serious problem with what Governor Perry said?" Huntsman's response: "I think there's a serious problem. ...

Right Wing Blogs in Massive Anti-Science Fail Mode

Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 9:27:43 am
It's always fun when right wing bloggers encounter a story about scientists doing what scientists do, and promptly turn into a mob of shrieking monkeys flinging poo at something they don't understand. Today, nearly the entire right wing blogosphere is moronically piling onto a story from the Guardian about a research ...

Is the GOP Smarter Than the Animal Kingdom?

Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:39:58 pm
The world's plants and animals are migrating as the climate changes. “The more warming there’s been in an area, the more you would expect a species to move, and the more they have moved,” said Chris D. Thomas, a conservation biologist at the University of York in England, who led ...

Rick Perry: Scientists Are Lying About Climate Change to Make Money

Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 10:14:34 am
It's pathetic and sad (not to mention insane) that the default conservative position on the science of global warming is total denial of reality. But Texas Governor Rick Perry's taking the right wing anti-science meme even farther. Today in New Hampshire, Perry not only denied the existence of climate change, he ...

Rick Perry Stands by Implied Threat to Fed Chief

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:27:20 am
Well, Rick Perry surprised me. I thought even Perry would have to realize that his statement implying Fed chairman Ben Bernanke should be lynched went way too far, and that he'd walk it back with one of the standard political non-denial denials. Instead, Rick Perry's campaign issued an official "clarification" ... ...

Pawlenty Bails

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 10:32:23 am
Following the Iowa straw poll, one of the climate change denying creationist Republican candidates dropped out this morning -- leaving only six other creationists and eight climate change deniers in the GOP race: Pawlenty Drops Out. The final straw poll results: [Item List]

Poll: GOP Hurt by Debt Ceiling Debacle

Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 11:35:45 am
A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey on the debt ceiling debacle shows that Republican attempts to dodge responsibility are not working: Democrats helped by debt debate, Republicans hurt according to poll. And the Tea Party's favorable ratings have hit an all-time low, as people remember their leaders' insanely nihilistic rhetoric (i.e. ...

The Right Wing War Against the Environmental Protection Agency

Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 3:24:15 pm
The Tea Party's activists in Congress aren't finished with America yet; their next target for destruction is the Environmental Protection Agency. Congresswoman and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann doesn't want to wait for extinction, she advocates abolishing the EPA as soon as God puts the Tea Party in charge. She blames ...

The Fascist Ideology of 'Fjordman'

Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 5:11:47 pm
The identity of Fjordman has been revealed. He revealed it himself, realising that media would sooner or later figure out who he is. Personally, I don't find his identity all that interesting, but it is a good thing that we now know. Just yesterday, someone else was "exposed" as being ...

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