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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Ben Carson Is Bailing Out

Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 11:55:54 am
For some reason he's not actually "suspending" his campaign (which itself is a euphemism for "quitting") but Ben Carson has reportedly decided to become an ex-candidate. Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who briefly led the Republican presidential race before his campaign began an extended public implosion, will tell his supporters ...

The Bob & Chez Show, 3/1/16: Stump Speech

Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 8:04:08 am /BCS_030116.mp3 Today's program on our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Stump Speech: Super Tuesday is Super; We Kind of Know the Outcome; John Oliver's Mole Joke; Samantha Bee Should Host the Daily Show; Marco Rubio Attacks Trump's Penis; Trump Lies About His Hands and the KKK; Jesse Ventura Torn ...

Our Traditional Super Tuesday Live-Blogging Open Thread

Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 5:33:23 pm
Image via Shutterstock Here's an open thread to live-blog results of the Super Tuesday primaries; at this point it's looking like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are going to be walking away with most of the delegates.

Tech Note: A Big Improvement for Mobile Users

Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 8:12:06 pm
Image via Shutterstock If you're browsing Little Green Footballs on a mobile phone tonight, you'll notice a huge improvement in the speed of loading our home page. Today I implemented some code that serves tiny smartphone-sized images for all the front page articles if you're using a phone, instead of full-sized ...

UPDATE: New Video of Photographer Choked and Body-Slammed at Trump Rally

Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 5:51:50 pm
Following up on our earlier article about the Secret Service agent who choked and body-slammed White House photographer Chris Morris at a Donald Trump rally today, Morris has released the following statement: “I’ve worked for nine years at the White House and have never had an altercation with the Secret ...

John Oliver Takes Donald Trump Apart

Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 2:17:41 pm
If you haven't already watched the brilliant segment that John Oliver did last night, dismantling all the myths that are Donald's entire appeal to his ill-informed supporters, DO SO NOW. Video Why isn't he proud of his heritage? Because it sounds like mackerel guts hitting the processing floor? Oliver brilliantly, point ...

Donald Trump Retweets Troll Account With Quote From Fascist Dictator Mussolini

Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 9:55:19 am
Joseph Sohm / We're going down the rabbit hole once again. The GOP frontrunner and presumptive nominee for the GOP nomination, Donald Trump, once again was caught quote-tweeting a white supremacist. This isn't a one-off instance. And quoting a guy who follows the US Fascist party. This is part of Trump's twitter ...

Tech Note: A PHP Function to Strip Specific HTML Tags and Attributes

Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 4:39:29 pm
Image via Shutterstock Every once in a while I come up with a bit of code that does something well enough I think it's worth sharing, especially if it performs a function commonly used by lots of programmers, with a method that doesn't already have hundreds of results in a Google ...

GOP Debate Thread 2: Clowns Fighting Bigly

Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 7:03:48 pm
Image via Shutterstock Here's our second thread for tonight's very angry clown show, since the first one has filled up rapidly.

GOP Debate Thread 1: Clown Car Getting Lighter

Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:34:08 pm
We're down to five passengers in the GOP clown car now: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Ben Carson. Carson's sleeping in the backseat, Kasich is sitting as far away from Trump as he can get, Rubio's installing the latest OS in his debating card, and Cruz ...

Ted Cruz Says He Would Pardon Center for Medical Progress Fraudster David Daleiden

Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 2:45:21 pm
Image via Shutterstock A dozen states have now conducted investigations into Planned Parenthood following the release of the deceptively edited "sting" videos by David Daleiden and his "Center for Medical Progress," and every single one of these investigations has found Planned Parenthood completely innocent of any wrongdoing. But despite being cleared in ...

The Bob & Chez Podcast: "Water Boring"

Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 10:35:56 am /BCS_022316.mp3 Today's program on our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Water Boring: Trump Wins the Nevada Caucus; Senate GOP Pledges to Not Hold Hearings on Obama SCOTUS Nominee; Obama's New Plan to Close Gitmo; Trump Attacks NBC Reporter; Jeb is Out of the Race; Are the Dems Prepared to ...

Scalia Update: He Died at a Meeting of a Secret Religious Society of Hunters

Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 8:26:05 pm
Tonight we have some creepy news about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death, from the Washington Post. Apparently, when Scalia died he was vacationing with a secret society of elite super-rich "hunters." And we thought we saw conspiracy theories when reports of a pillow over his head came out. Just wait: ...

Glenn Beck: Breitbart "News" Is the "Goebbels" to Donald Trump's "Brownshirts"

Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 1:19:06 pm
Rena Schild / How awesome is it that crackpot shouter Glenn Beck is now fighting a tooth-and-nail battle against the far right movement he helped create? It's almost enough to make an atheist believe in karma. Following up on our earlier article about Donald Trump crashing Beck's Nevada speech promoting Ted ...

Donald Trump Crashes Glenn Beck's Speech, Causing Beck to Rant Hilariously

Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 10:36:00 am
Glenn Beck obviously didn't expect Donald Trump to show up where he was speaking in Nevada last night, but that's what happened as the crowd started chanting "Trump Trump Trump" over Beck's speech pushing Ted Cruz. Here's video posted to Twitter of the Trumpenstein's latest bullying stunt. How laughably fitting, as ...

NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert: Wilco

Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 8:23:02 pm
YouTube February 23, 2016 by BOB BOILEN Thousands of bands have made strong debuts, and many of those have made good second and third records — it's harder, but not unusual. It's truly rare to make your 10th album exciting and relevant more than 20 years on. For all that, ...

Tech Note: New Feature! Easy Embedded Instagram Photos and Videos

Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:27:44 pm
We have a new feature to announce today: you can now embed photos and videos from Instagram very easily. To embed an Instagram post, don’t use the embed code; just post the address of the photo’s page. If you’re looking at an index page with more than one photo on it, ...

Ted Cruz Says "Of Course" He'll Round Up and Deport 12 Million People

Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 7:55:58 pm
Credit: Gage Skidmore In January, GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz was still attempting to sound reasonable on immigration: In an interview with CNN, Cruz said, “No, I don't intend to send jackboots to knock on your door and every door in America. That's not how we enforce the law for any ...

It's Official: “MRA” Robert Stacy McCain Is Permanently Suspended From Twitter

Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 11:44:47 am
Over the weekend we reported that Robert Stacy McCain, formerly known as a racist and neo-Confederate with white supremacist associations but now self-rebranded as a rabid "men's rights activist," had been suspended from Twitter. We also noted that McCain had a second account, @SexTroubleBook, and was publicly tweeting from that account ...

Conservative Groups: Obama's Court Nominee Must Be Stopped at All Costs

Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:51:55 am
Obama-hating conservative groups are really freaking out about the loss of right wing icon Antonin Scalia from the Supreme Court, and are now demanding that Mitch McConnell do everything possible to block anyone Obama nominates -- even if it means the GOP loses their Senate majority. There are so many of ...

SMOTI Jim Hoft IDs Kalamazoo Shooter as "Progressive" - He Worked for Progressive Insurance

Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 10:46:18 am
The fabled Stupidest Man on the Internet, Jim "Gateway Pundit" Hoft, has performed another glorious face plant for his knuckle-dragging right wing followers today, identifying the suspect in last night's terrible random shootings in Kalamazoo, Michigan, as a "progressive leftist:" "Progressive" Jason Brian Dalton Arrested for Random Kalamazoo Shootings After ...

Ted Cruz and Ben Carson Held a Secret Meeting in a Closet: 'It Didn't Go Well'

Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 6:21:01 pm
What if Ted Cruz and Ben Carson secretly went into a closet together and spent a half hour in there? I'm just askin'. Because this actually did happen. And only these two manly Republican men know what went down in that fateful closeted meeting. We can report, however, that both men subsequently ...

Donald Trump Isn't Telling the Truth About Opposing the Iraq War

Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:21:21 am
Gage Skidmore/Flickr You know how one of Donald Trump's constant talking points is that he was opposed to the Iraq War from the start? For one example of many, in the New Hampshire debate recently, Trump said, “I’m the only one up here, when the war of Iraq... in Iraq, I ...

The Bob & Chez Show, 2/18/16: "The Almighty Zuckerberg"

Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 8:46:41 pm /BCS_021816.mp3 Tonight's program on our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: The Almighty Zuckerberg: Rare Species of Dolphin Killed by Selfie Seekers; Humans Suck; Trump Gets into a Pissing Match with the Pope; Mika Brzezinski Nails Trump; Facebook Controls the Election and the Internet; Bernie's Legislative Road Map; New Polls ...

Dueling Town Hall Night, Thread 1

Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 5:59:10 pm
Tonight we have dueling town hall meetings; CNN is hosting the Republican clown car, while MSNBC is hosting the slightly less clownish Democratic town hall with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. I'm going to focus mainly on the Democratic town hall because who doesn't know exactly what the Republicans are going ...

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