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Searched LGF articles for: john r. bradley (1,002 matches, in 41 pages)

The Bob & Chez Show: The Lucifer Burn

Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 10:36:02 am /BCS_042816.mp3 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Lucifer: We Have a Democratic Nominee; Cenk Uygur and HA Goodman Hoping for the FBI to Make Bernie the Winner; Donald Trump is Close to the Nomination; The Woman Card; Nate Silver's Electoral Vote Tally; Ted Cruz Announces His ...

Quote of the Day: Former House Speaker John Boehner Calls Ted Cruz "Lucifer in the Flesh"

Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 2:32:20 pm
Believe it or not, there's actually somebody establishment Republicans loathe more than Donald Trump: that other guy running for president. Former House Speaker John Boehner is unloading on Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, calling him "Lucifer in the flesh." "I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a ...

Video: Samantha Bee Searches in Vain for an NRA Eddie Eagle Costume

Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 6:01:27 pm
YouTube This Samantha Bee bit about the NRA's "gun safety mascot" is hilarious, in a sad yet infuriating way. Samantha and John Oliver are doing the best political comedy in the country right now. The NRA stands up for strict regulation! Of its mascot costume! Watch Full Frontal with Samantha Bee all-new ...

Funny Clip of the Day: Ben Carson to CNN Anchor: "You've Probably Been Charged" With a Crime

Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 3:01:44 pm
YouTube This video clip via TPM is pretty hilarious; watch the look CNN anchors John Berman and Kate Balduan give each other when Ben "Dr. Sleepy" Carson says Berman has "probably been charged" with a crime, after Berman asks him about Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski's arrest for battery. It's reassuring ...

Sunday Night Blues Jam: Joe Bonamassa, "Walk in My Shadows"

Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 5:51:48 pm
YouTube If anyone deserves to inherit the King Of The Blues title from Stevie Ray Vaughan, it's Joe Bonamassa. This amazing performance by Blues-Rock Titan Joe Bonamassa of the Free song “Walk In My Shadows” live at the North Sea Jazz Festival in 2007. This incredible festival has featured an unbelievable ...

The Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse Yet

Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 5:51:21 pm
Donald Trump is still trying to clean up the mess he made with his MSNBC town hall, when he said outright that abortion should be criminalized and women who have abortions should be punished. He obviously wants to take it back because he has a dim understanding of just how ...

Hilarious Short: "I'm an Expert Haggler at Garage Sales"

Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 11:30:56 am
Vimeo A short film based on Jory John's story on McSweeney's Internet Tendency: an-expert-haggler-at-garage-sales and starring Matt Ingebretson and Diane Sellers.

Tuesday Night Jam: Nigel Hall & NOLA International, "Brother, I'm Hungry"

Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:45:45 pm
YouTube "Brother, I'm Hungry" (BONUS TRACK) Nigel Hall & NOLA International from Snarky Puppy's live DVD/CD - "Family Dinner - Volume Two" ©GroundUP Music 2016 Buy It Here: es/music lbum/fam... written by Jon Cleary produced by Michael League arranged by Michael League & NOLA International recorded and filmed at Esplanade Studios in New Orleans, LA, on February 12, 2015 featuring: Nigel Hall ...

John Oliver's Piece on Trump's Border Wall Is Awesome

Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 6:00:09 pm
YouTube John Oliver continues his evil scheme to take over Jon Stewart's legacy with a brilliant piece about the feasibility (or lack thereof) of Donald Trump's big, beautiful border wall.

Fox News Cancels GOP Debate in Salt Lake City After Trump and Kasich Bail Out

Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:29:05 am
The slow-motion train wreck of the Republican presidential campaign is now beginning to accelerate as the Trumpenstein takes control of the locomotive. Fox News executive vice president Michael Clemente confirmed the cancellation in a statement, saying after Ohio Gov. John Kasich said he wouldn't attend the event without Trump, "there ...

Video: Trump Supporter Sucker Punches Protester, Says "Next Time We Might Have to Kill Him"

Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 1:46:11 pm
YouTube At 6 seconds into this video clip, you'll see a Donald Trump supporter sucker punch a black protester in the face as he's being led out by security -- and the police then arrest the protester, not the guy who assaulted him. The violent Trump supporter then told Inside Edition, "Next ...

The Clown Car Comes to Detroit: GOP Debate Thread the Second

Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 7:24:19 pm
Here's another thread to discuss the horrific "debate" still under way in Detroit. That mysterious particle launched out of his mouth & stuck to his upper lip as Cruz said, “500 BILLION DOLLARS" — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) March 4, 2016 It migrated to his lower lip. Then he licked it off ...

The Bob & Chez Show, 3/1/16: Stump Speech

Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 8:04:08 am /BCS_030116.mp3 Today's program on our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Stump Speech: Super Tuesday is Super; We Kind of Know the Outcome; John Oliver's Mole Joke; Samantha Bee Should Host the Daily Show; Marco Rubio Attacks Trump's Penis; Trump Lies About His Hands and the KKK; Jesse Ventura Torn ...

Video: Samantha Bee on the Most Important Election Ever (No, Not 2016)

Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 10:46:07 am
YouTube Jon Stewart may have retired from The Daily Show, but Samantha Bee and John Oliver are still bringing it like bosses. In this hilarious clip, Samantha explains what happens when Democrats don't vote. And it's not pretty. Also possibly NSFW. The boring, who-cares midterm snoozefest that was the most important ...

John Oliver Takes Donald Trump Apart

Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 2:17:41 pm
If you haven't already watched the brilliant segment that John Oliver did last night, dismantling all the myths that are Donald's entire appeal to his ill-informed supporters, DO SO NOW. Video Why isn't he proud of his heritage? Because it sounds like mackerel guts hitting the processing floor? Oliver brilliantly, point ...

Overnight Jam: Massive Attack, "Voodoo in My Blood"

Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 9:01:19 pm
Vimeo DIRECTOR: Ringan Ledwidge PRODUCTION COMPANY: Rattling Stick ARTIST: Massive Attack feat. Young Fathers TRACK: Voodoo in My Blood MANAGER: Marc Picken (West Management) LABEL: Virgin Records VIDEO COMMISSIONER: James Hackett ACTOR: Rosamund Pike AGENT: Dallas Smith (United Agents) ASSOCIATE AGENT: Sophie Austin ASSISTANT: Sarah Roberts MANAGER: Shelley Browning (Magnolia Entertainment, LA) FULL CREDITS LIGHTING CAMERAMAN: Franz Lustig PRODUCTION DESIGNER: John Beard INITIAL CONCEPT ART ...

GOP Debate Thread 1: Clown Car Getting Lighter

Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:34:08 pm
We're down to five passengers in the GOP clown car now: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Ben Carson. Carson's sleeping in the backseat, Kasich is sitting as far away from Trump as he can get, Rubio's installing the latest OS in his debating card, and Cruz ...

Scalia Update: He Died at a Meeting of a Secret Religious Society of Hunters

Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 8:26:05 pm
Tonight we have some creepy news about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death, from the Washington Post. Apparently, when Scalia died he was vacationing with a secret society of elite super-rich "hunters." And we thought we saw conspiracy theories when reports of a pillow over his head came out. Just wait: ...

Video: Samantha Bee Hilariously Dismantles the "Kasich Is a Moderate" Myth

Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 11:44:38 am
YouTube I've been trying for a while to point out that the media's picture of Republican candidate John Kasich as a "moderate" is so wrong it's beyond ridiculous; in the real world he's just as extreme as the other GOP candidates. Here's Samantha Bee from her latest TBS show making the ...

Trump Hails Torture, Mass Killings of Muslims With Bullets "Dipped in Pigs' Blood"

Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 8:05:25 pm
YouTube Leading Republican candidate for president Donald Trump has obviously been spending a lot of his Internet time browsing the websites of the anti-Muslim bigotry movement, because tonight in South Carolina he repeated one of their insane hate myths, advocating the mass murder of Muslims with bullets dipped in pigs' blood. The ...

Video: John Oliver Digs Deep Into Voting Rights and GOP Lies

Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 2:14:37 pm
YouTube John Oliver's long-form humor/satire is something I've really begun to look forward to, and this is one of the best examples of it yet. A brilliant exposé of GOP distortions and lies about voting rights, and how those lies are used to disenfranchise the poor and minorities.

Confirmed: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Found Dead at W. Texas Luxury Resort

Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 1:58:12 pm
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has been found dead at a West Texas luxury resort. From the San Antonio Express News: Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead of apparent natural causes Saturday on a luxury resort in West Texas, federal officials said. Scalia, 79, was a guest at the Cibolo ...

John Lewis: 'I Never Saw' Sanders at Civil Rights Events

Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 1:01:29 pm
This is quite a blow to Bernie Sanders' civil rights credibility, as Rep. John Lewis says he "never saw" Sanders at civil rights events in the 1960s. Sanders has frequently talked up his history as an activist while he was at the University of Chicago in the 1960s and touted ...

Breaking: Cliven Bundy Arrested in Oregon

Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 11:44:39 pm
Breaking news from Oregon, where Cliven Bundy was arrested a little while ago... Cliven Bundy is in Multnomah County Jail — John Sepulvado (@JohnLGC) February 11, 2016 i'm told that cliven bundy's arrest is NOT related to the occupation. Not told why he was arrested. -- this is a fluid sitch, so... — ...

Cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson Announces "Fake Rape" Website With Disgraced CTO Pax Dickinson

Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 12:10:47 pm
Chuck C. Johnson (L) and his wife pose for a photo with Ted Cruz If you've followed the strange, twisted tale of cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson (who is NOT ME) and his weird obsessions with other people's sex lives, you may recall that last May we reported exclusively that Johnson had ...

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