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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

"Response to the Pope" - a Poem by ​Donald Trump

Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:18:27 pm
You may have heard that Donald Trump is now feuding with Pope Francis, because of course he is. I thought it would help his "response to the Pope" to reimagine it in free verse format. It's much more interesting this way, I think. [large]RESPONSE TO THE POPE[/large] A Donald J. Trump Joint If ...

Did Infamous Troll Chuck C. Johnson Really "Beat Planned Parenthood?" (Nope.)

Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:30:22 am
Infamous troll Chuck C. Johnson poses with indicted Center for Medical Progress head David Daleiden, 10-25-2015 On his Facebook page yesterday, real life stalker Chuck C. Johnson posted a gloating comment that he had "won!" He "beat Planned Parenthood!" The first thing we should point out as we take apart Johnson's boasting ...

The Bob & Chez Show, 2/16/16: Emergency Transmission

Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 2:32:49 pm /BCS_021616.mp3 Today's program on our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Emergency Transmission: Antonin Scalia is Dead; This Changes Everything; The Republican Obstructionist Reaction; Ted Cruz Vows to Filibuster; Obama on a Moderate Nominee; Ted Cruz Baffled by Reality; Alex Jones, Michael Savage and Donald Trump Think Scalia was Murdered; ...

Jeb Bush Campaign Freaks Out About Mockery of His Gun Tweet

Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 9:03:09 pm
Anyone who knows how Twitter works could have predicted that Jeb Bush's tweet of a picture of a gun with the single word "America" would result in lots of mockery and laughter. A good time was had by all. But tonight the Jeb campaign is having conniptions over CNN's report on ...

Investigators Find Firearms, Explosives and Trench of Human Feces at Malheur Refuge

Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 5:26:29 pm
Cliven Bundy, 74, at his first appearance in U.S. District Court in Portland. Sketch by Abigail Marble. Investigators at the scene of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge have been discovering some interesting things left behind by the Bundy clan and their sovereign citizen accomplices: firearms, explosives and a large trench full of ...

New Details About Scalia's Death Revealed

Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 6:17:24 pm
We have some new details tonight about the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia: he had a history of heart trouble, high blood pressure, and was considered too weak to undergo surgery for a shoulder injury. A shoulder injury. That raises the possibility that he may have had symptoms of ...

Ted Cruz Says Donald Trump Will Get Rid of 2nd Amendment, Trump Threatens Lawsuit

Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 1:05:40 pm
OK, first of all -- Ted Cruz is fear-mongering about the Second Amendment again, saying if Donald Trump is elected "the Second Amendment will be written out of the Constitution." And of course that's ridiculous, because a president can't just eliminate a constitutional amendment on a whim, and Cruz knows ...

Scalia: No Heart Attack, Health Was Poor, Family Said No Autopsy, Conspiracy Theories Rage

Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:43:12 am
The Presidio Country Judge who declared Antonin Scalia dead is now saying she was misquoted by Dallas TV station WFAA, and that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia did not die of a heart attack. But according to Scalia's personal physician, he was not in good health. Guevara acknowledged that she ...

Justice Scalia Died of Heart Attack, No Autopsy Planned, Breitbart Freaking Out

Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 11:46:40 am
Credit: Josh Stephen / WFAA WFAA TV in Dallas reports that Justice Antonin Scalia's death was due to a heart attack; there are still conflicting reports about whether an autopsy will be performed, but the Washington Post says Scalia’s family declined an autopsy. Guevara said she asked the Marshals if there ...

In Which Charles Murray Defends Trump's Racism with Class Warfare

Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 7:57:30 am
It has not gone without widespread notice that Donald Trump explicitly (and implicitly) appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, yet this criticism has not appeared to slow down Trump's support among the GOP primary process. Support for Trump's campaign from the think tanks of Republicanism has been limited, perhaps because the Republican ...

CBS News Republican Clown Show, Thread 2

Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 7:06:10 pm
Image via Shutterstock Here's another live-blog thread to discuss the second half of tonight's Republican circus. Donald Trump has been getting booed very seriously tonight, but it's hard to know whether that means anything for the upcoming primary vote. And as usual, I've lost track of the lies being touted by all ...

CBS News Republican Debate, Thread 1

Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 5:56:17 pm
CBS News isn't making an embeddable live feed available (boo!) so you'll have to watch it on your old-fashioned idiot box. But here's our live-blogging thread to marvel at the antics of the remaining clowns as they pander to South Carolina. Warning: this may be very nearly unwatchable because they're all ...

Right Wingers Already Having an Orgy of Conspiracy Theories About Scalia's Death

Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 4:14:19 pm
Yes, of course the right wing blogs and media sites are already overflowing with conspiracy theories about Antonin Scalia. Every single wingnut site is packed with them. Here are a few examples out of too many thousands to count: Went to see what was happening at Breitbart Propaganda - here’s the ...

Confirmed: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Found Dead at W. Texas Luxury Resort

Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 1:58:12 pm
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has been found dead at a West Texas luxury resort. From the San Antonio Express News: Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead of apparent natural causes Saturday on a luxury resort in West Texas, federal officials said. Scalia, 79, was a guest at the Cibolo ...

John Lewis: 'I Never Saw' Sanders at Civil Rights Events

Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 1:01:29 pm
This is quite a blow to Bernie Sanders' civil rights credibility, as Rep. John Lewis says he "never saw" Sanders at civil rights events in the 1960s. Sanders has frequently talked up his history as an activist while he was at the University of Chicago in the 1960s and touted ...

Breaking: Cliven Bundy Arrested in Oregon

Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 11:44:39 pm
Breaking news from Oregon, where Cliven Bundy was arrested a little while ago... Cliven Bundy is in Multnomah County Jail — John Sepulvado (@JohnLGC) February 11, 2016 i'm told that cliven bundy's arrest is NOT related to the occupation. Not told why he was arrested. -- this is a fluid sitch, so... — ...

Donald Trump Retweets Outright Neo-Nazi AGAIN, Then Deletes It

Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 5:58:48 pm
A little while ago, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump once again retweeted an outright neo-Nazi. We reported on this last month, when he retweeted "@WhiteGenocideTM," a blatant racist who uses a picture of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, as his avatar and links to a film ...

Texas Researchers Who Confirmed Planned Parenthood Cuts Harm Women Are Now Under Attack

Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 4:23:48 pm
a katz / Two researchers for the Texas Health and Human Services agency are finding out what Republicans do when they encounter scientific studies that contradict right wing orthodoxy -- they attack and smear the people who conducted the study. Rick Allgeyer, director of research for more than 20 years, and ...

Say Goodbye to Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie

Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:07:57 pm
Two more Republican candidates are bailing out after their awful showings in New Hampshire: Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie. Chris Christie may have dealt a death blow to Marco Rubio's campaign in the last GOP debate by tagging him with a "robot" description he'll never shed, but it was evidently a ...

Judge's Ruling Shows the Sleazy Extent of the Center for Medical Progress Conspiracy

Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 10:43:45 am
Planned Parenthood has released the ruling issued by federal Judge William Orrick that prohibits the Center for Medical Progress from releasing videos they obtained illegally at National Abortion Federation meetings, and the document is incredibly revealing. The 42-page judgment describes in detail the CMP's conspiracy to smear and libel Planned ...

Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 2/9/16

Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 9:05:57 pm /BCS_020916.mp3 Tonight's program on our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Big Beautiful Dick: Big Announcement from Bob; The Hilariously Ridiculous GOP Debate; Marco Rubio Crashes and Burns; The New Hampshire Primary; Trump Calls Cruz the P word; Hillary Scolding Millennials; Alex Jones Attacks Bernie Supporters; Best SNL Episode in ...

New Hampshire Primary Live-Blog Open Thread 2

Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 6:56:29 pm
Here's a second thread to discuss what just happened in New Hampshire: Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Polar opposite time.

New Hampshire Primary Live-Blog Open Thread

Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 4:46:45 pm
Here's an open thread to keep track of the results now starting to come in from the New Hampshire primaries.

Anti-Choice Activist David Daleiden Claims His New Video Release Did Not Violate Injunction

Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 11:02:10 am
Infamous troll Chuck C. Johnson poses with Center for Medical Progress head David Daleiden, October 25, 2015 David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress now says his release of a new video featuring National Abortion Federation members did not violate the injunction issued by federal judge William Orrick, because it ...

Anti-Choice Fanatic David Daleiden Violates Federal Judge's Order, Releases New NAF Video

Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 3:42:10 pm
I'm not going to post the video at LGF, and I've redacted the name of the National Abortion Federation employee shown above for her safety, but David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress are now flagrantly violating the injunction issued by federal judge William Orrick, releasing another video on ...

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