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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

Joe The Plumber's Spokesman Was Behind Breitbart Smear That Led To Missouri Professors Being Threatened

Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 12:42:09 pm
So after Joe the Plumber suggested that gun control was responsible for the Holocaust and that the Bible is more accurate than science textbooks because "it was never revised," I'm sure you're all wondering who's running his brilliant communications operation. One great introduction to Joe's "Director of Communications" Phil ...

Wingnut Blogger Outraged By Implication of Racism, While His Commenters Spew Racist Slurs at the Obamas

Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:35:17 am
In a sort of delayed derp reaction, several wingnut bloggers are having conniptions today about my post on Ann Romney's dog-whistle comment about the Obamas' "overseas vacations," because I wrote that these right wing criticisms often contain a not very subtle sub-text of racism. The dumbest and nastiest one I've seen ...

Are You Ready for the New, Improved Reverse Birther Conspiracy Theory?

Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:57:10 pm
Wingnuts may be deranged, but they're nothing if not creative. Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett pestered Hawaiian officials into providing him even more verification that President Obama was born in Hawaii, but this was just a speed bump on Bennett's Conspiracy Highway. Kids! Are you ready for the new, improved ...

PJ Media Comments for Robert Spencer: 'All Muslims Are Terrorists and Must Die!'

Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:08:04 am
Today at PJ Media, hate group leader Robert Spencer turns in another exercise in blatant bigotry: PJ Media » Is Michael Bloomberg Secretly a Muslim? He's only "kidding," of course. He doesn't really think Michael Bloomberg is a secret Muslim. He just thinks Bloomberg is acting like a Muslim, and we know ...

#TwitterGulag: The Hypocrisy of the Persecuted Wingnut

Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:51:56 pm
Gulag via Shutterstock The right wing persecution fantasy known as #TwitterGulag is still raging today, as the conspiracy theories and suspected masterminds keep multiplying and getting more ridiculous. They've now started adding a slash to any suspected mastermind's Twitter username, to avoid what they think is the DREADED REPLY TRAP that ...

Albuquerque Police Department Used a Noose as Elite Unit's Icon

Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 2:15:38 pm
Read the whole thing here. A hangman's noose. For two decades, that's what the elite Albuquerque Police Department unit assigned to the city's worst criminals has used as its symbol. It will no more. After Journal inquiries, Police Chief Ray Schultz said in an email late Thursday that he is doing away ...

Daily Caller's Neil Munro Yells, Heckles Obama During Announcement

Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:20:51 pm
Stunningly crass behavior from The Daily Caller's Neil Munro at today's White House announcement, yelling and interrupting the President in the middle of his statement. YouTube Video Note that Munro was not "going rogue" -- the Daily Caller officially approves of this kind of crude behavior: We are very proud of, @NeilMunroDC for ...

Pamela Geller's Hangover Gets Worse

Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:50:30 pm
Muslim-hating right wing ranter Pamela Geller is even more famous than usual tonight. Dangerous Minds: Atlas Puked: Allegedly Drunk Conservative Blogger Posts Utter Insanity at 8am. Pamela Geller, the rabidly Islamaphobic hate harpie whose face on cable news channels during the “Ground Zero mosque” controversy put people off their food all ...

#TwitterGulag: How It Works, and How to Avoid It

Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 11:47:02 am
Gulag via Shutterstock The right wing mass hallucination known as #Twittergulag is still a hot thread on Twitter this morning; the paranoia shows no sign of subsiding, and why should it? There's nothing more fun to wingnuts than imagining themselves as victims of a massive secret conspiracy. As we've noted before, Michelle ...

Wingnut Blogger 'Ace of Spades' Deletes Hateful Tweet About Sandra Fluke

Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 1:37:12 pm
As noted last week, wingnut blogger "Ace of Spades" was scheduled to be honored with a "Breitbart Award" for "best blog," because hate shines brightly in the Breitbart Galaxy. Today I noticed that "Ace" has deleted at least one of his ugly misogynistic tweets about women's rights activist Sandra Fluke -- ...

Sen. Sherrod Brown Shuts Down Dana Loesch: 'Not From You I Don't'

Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 6:15:45 pm
Kudos to Sen. Sherrod Brown for giving CNN contributor/ loon Dana Loesch exactly the amount of respect she deserved, when she popped up like a malevolent jack-in-the-box at the Netroots Nation conference. "Sen. Brown, do you have time for a question?" - me "Not from you I don't." - Sen. Sherrod ...

CNN's Dana Loesch Says Ending Friendships With People Because They're Gay Is Just Part of Being a Conservative Teen

Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:35:55 pm
The Advocate Magazine published a post today pointing out CNN contributer Dana Loesch's defense of some questionable comments from a teenager on YouTube. During a YouTube rant Caiden Cowger said, among other things, that he used to be friends with other teenagers but when he found out that they ...

Announcing the Andrew Breitbart Bottom Feeder Awards for Right Wing 'Journalism'

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 7:36:38 pm
This weekend the right wing Heritage Foundation is hosting an awards dinner in honor of Andrew Breitbart, and the award for "Best Blog" will go to "Ace of Spades." The same "Ace of Spades" who said this about women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke: Please don't call Sandra Fluke a slut. Respect her ... Says 'Liberals' Are Posting Death Threats on Twitter

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 12:01:15 pm, Michelle Malkin's fake right wing news site, has developed a great formula for firing up the wingnut blogosphere: they search Twitter for random nasty comments about conservatives, then label the tweeters "libs" and repost the tweets, leading to a right wing pile-on and rage-gasm. Today's case in point: “Kill Scott ...

Birther Whacko Orly Taitz Will Not Be a Senator

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 9:49:56 am
Scott Walker may have survived the recall in Wisconsin, but in California's first-ever open primary election, loony Birther lady Orly Taitz's challenge to Sen. Dianne Feinstein went down in flames. The scary part, though, is that despite being a certified Grade A crackpot, Taitz convinced at least 113,000 California right wingers ...

Breaking Exclusive Newsflash! #TwitterGulag Is Still a Paranoid Persecution Fantasy

Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:40:57 am
Gulag via Shutterstock We're going into the second straight month of the bizarre wingnut paranoid conspiracy theory they've dubbed #TwitterGulag, and the raving right wingers show no signs of re-entering the atmosphere yet. They're utterly convinced that I am the ringleader of this non-existent plot; if you follow the link above, you'll ... Bombshell Exclusive: Professor Did Not See Barack Obama at Bill Ayers' House!

Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:58:10 pm
Yes, they're at it again; is recycling the Bill "Booga Booga" Ayers scare story with yet another ridiculous post in their "Vetting" series: Exclusive - the Vetting - Senator Barack Obama Attended Bill Ayers Barbecue, July 4, 2005. You may have noticed that most of their "vetting" stories involve recycling ...

Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 6:10:37 pm
The full unedited video of anti-choice group Live Action's latest Planned Parenthood hit job shows something very interesting: Cutting Room Floor: Live Action Edited Out Adoption Discussion. The edited video leaves the following on the cutting room floor: [Item List] They've learned quite a bit from the tactics of Andrew ...

Wingnut Artist McNaughton Comes Out as Hardcore Birther, Cites as Source

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:32:38 pm
Recently Sean Hannity's favorite "artist" Jon McNaughton, whose Mormon/JW leaflet-style painting "One Nation Under God" was too extreme for Brigham Young University (McNaughton is a BYU alum) and who thinks that lectures about evolution at BYU show it has a problem with "Liberalism", has come out as a hardcore birther ...

Politico Adopts Breitbart's Ridiculous 'Vetting' Frame

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:15:51 am
When I first clicked a link to this article at Politico today, I thought my browser had been hijacked and redirected to To GOP, Blatant Bias in Vetting. In their constant quest for that Drudge Report link and the resultant millions of page views, Politico even adopts's ridiculous "vetting" ...

Breitbart Blogger Dana Loesch Lies on CNN: 'Nobody Believes Obama Wasn't Born in Hawaii'

Wed, May 30, 2012 at 11:08:51 am
Another day, another outright lie from one of the most dishonest right wing "pundits," Dana Loesch, who told CNN's Carol Costello this morning that right wing Birthers don't exist. Here is what -- nobody -- nobody believes that the President wasn't born in Hawaii except for people like Phil Berg ...

Twitchy Paranoia: Charles Johnson Is Persecuting Us!

Mon, May 28, 2012 at 2:05:05 pm
For several weeks on Twitter, the wingnut army has been staging a massive freak-out about a strange persecution fantasy; they imagine that they're being sent to a "Twitter Gulag" by a conspiracy of left wing activists, who somehow control Twitter with their diabolical liberal super-powers. What's really happening is that sites ...

Tacit Consent From Encourages Riehl To Make Sexist Attacks On Conservative Women

Sun, May 27, 2012 at 9:56:55 am
Adam Serwer, writing about Huslter Magazine's despicable portrayal of conservative S.E. Cupp, made a great observation: Where conservatives look at the Hustler "parody" as indicative of liberal contempt for conservative women, feminists see a larger problem about how women are treated that affects everything from health insurance to how much ...

Irony Alert! Loesch Distracts From Riehl's Misogyny By Tag-Teaming With Another Misogynist

Sat, May 26, 2012 at 7:23:08 pm
After Breitbart blogger Dan Riehl's sexist comments about Joan Walsh were publicized, Mediaite's Tommy Christopher asked Dana Loesch for a comment, which makes sense given that Loesch works at and frequently claims that the War on Women is a liberal conspiracy. Loesch, as is her usual practice, refused ...

Romney Blogger Dan Riehl: 'If Joan Walsh Is Going to Open Her Mouth, She Should Do Something I'd Enjoy'

Sat, May 26, 2012 at 12:33:52 pm
Here's Dan Riehl, a writer who's on Mitt Romney's list of approved bloggers, reacting to Salon editor Joan Walsh's criticisms of Andrew Breitbart: I don't mind Joan Walsh getting low, but if she's going to open her mouth, wish she'd do something I might actually enjoy for once! — DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) ...

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