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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,475 matches, in 59 pages)

Breaking Exclusive Newsflash! #TwitterGulag Is Still a Paranoid Persecution Fantasy

Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:40:57 am
Gulag via Shutterstock We're going into the second straight month of the bizarre wingnut paranoid conspiracy theory they've dubbed #TwitterGulag, and the raving right wingers show no signs of re-entering the atmosphere yet. They're utterly convinced that I am the ringleader of this non-existent plot; if you follow the link above, you'll ...

Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 6:10:37 pm
The full unedited video of anti-choice group Live Action's latest Planned Parenthood hit job shows something very interesting: Cutting Room Floor: Live Action Edited Out Adoption Discussion. The edited video leaves the following on the cutting room floor: [Item List] They've learned quite a bit from the tactics of Andrew ...

Appeals Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:37:39 pm
Good news today from the US Court of Appeals: BREAKING: Two Republican Judges Declare DOMA Unconstitutional. A three judge panel of The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit just handed down a decision declaring the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. Notably, the panel included Judges Juan ...

Yet Another Right Wing Hit Job on Planned Parenthood

Tue, May 29, 2012 at 12:57:43 pm
The far right religious fanatics of "Live Action" are pushing yet another "hidden camera" hit job on Planned Parenthood today, a hit job so obvious and inept that Planned Parenthood caught on to Live Action's sneaky activities more than a month ago. This time, the heavily edited video is supposed to ...

Obama's Secret 'Kill List' Unites Far Right and Far Left

Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:46:27 am
The right wing blogosphere is having yet another anti-Obama freak-out today; this time they're ranting at Obama for doing something they would enthusiastically applaud if it were the policy of a Republican president: Secret 'Kill List' Tests Obama's Principles. This is an interesting article about the targeted assassinations of Al Qaeda ...

Twitchy Paranoia: Charles Johnson Is Persecuting Us!

Mon, May 28, 2012 at 2:05:05 pm
For several weeks on Twitter, the wingnut army has been staging a massive freak-out about a strange persecution fantasy; they imagine that they're being sent to a "Twitter Gulag" by a conspiracy of left wing activists, who somehow control Twitter with their diabolical liberal super-powers. What's really happening is that sites ...

Vetting Everywhere! Breitbart's Latest Bombshell Exclusive: Photo of Obama Does NOT Show Bill Ayers!

Fri, May 25, 2012 at 11:06:41 am
Breitbart blogger Charles C. Johnson (who is NOT me) has another exclusive BOMBSHELL SCOOP today for's "The Vetting" series of nothing-burgers, and if you can find a story in this one, you too can write for THE VETTING: IT'S OBAMA, NOT AYERS; FAMOUS PHOTO TAKEN BY ANTI-MILITARY FRIEND. Mr. ...

Quote of the Day: 'We Republicans Don't Have a Lot of Songs to Choose From'

Mon, May 14, 2012 at 12:29:55 pm
When Wisconsin GOP Senate Candidate Jeff Fitzgerald decided to use a song by the Dropkick Murphys as walk-on music, the band was not amused. "The stupidity and irony of this is laughable," the band wrote. "A Wisconsin Republican U.S. Senate candidate - and crony of anti-Union Governor Scott Walker - ...

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Makes the GOP's Reactionary Agenda Very Clear

Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:49:22 am
MSNBC Video Reince Priebus says the official position of the Republican Party is that gays and lesbians should not be allowed to marry, they do not see it as a civil rights issue, and what's more, they want a constitutional amendment to enshrine their bigotry as the law of the land, ...

Fake Outrage of the Day: Obama Campaign 'Targets' Innocent Businessman

Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:45:09 am
As usual, the wingnut mob is in a frenzy today about an imaginary case of persecution by the evil black man in the White House: Businessman Says He Lost Hundreds of Customers After Attacks by Obama Campaign. Businessman Frank Vandersloot, the CEO of Melaleuca, has been targeted by the Obama ...

Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl: A High School Bully and Proud of It

Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:21:03 am
The heirs of Andrew at have managed to turn the site into a total laughing stock; if you were ever curious what a rabidly partisan website utterly divorced from logic, reality, and simple decency looks like, here you go: The Breitbrats are coming unglued today about the Washington Post ...

WaPo: Romney's High School Anti-Gay Bullying

Thu, May 10, 2012 at 9:27:13 am
The Washington Post has a piece on Mitt Romney's high school days at an exclusive upper class prep school, featuring a disturbing incident of anti-gay bullying: Mitt Romney's Prep School Classmates Recall Pranks, but Also Troubling Incidents. Mitt Romney returned from a three-week spring break in 1965 to resume his ...

Another Horrifying Deluge of Anti-Gay Hatred and Open Racism at Fox News

Wed, May 9, 2012 at 1:56:43 pm
This Fox News comment thread is headed for some kind of record. It's the ultimate firehose of hatred, now approaching 7,000 comments overflowing with homophobia and outright racism: Obama Backs Gay Marriage, Answering Speculation on 'Evolving' Position | Fox News. WARNING: extreme hate speech. The comments are pouring in too fast ...

Anti-Choice Crusader Lila Rose: Planned Parenthood Is in League With Satan

Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:05:42 pm
YouTube Video Lila Rose is a soldier in the religious right's war to drag women back to the Dark Ages, and in this clip from Right Wing Watch she makes it clear that she believes she's in a battle with Satan himself. His Nibs. Working through Planned Parenthood. We’re facing many challenges, ...

Pamela Geller: The Foiled Al Qaeda Bombing Plot Proves Obama Is Weak on Terror

Mon, May 7, 2012 at 6:13:55 pm
Here's anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller on the foiled Al Qaeda airplane bombing plot announced today; to her twisted brain, it's just more evidence that Obama is weak on terrorism: CIA THWARTS ISLAMIC UNDERWEAR BOMB PLOT TO DESTROY US-BOUND AIRLINER!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs No worries, the conceited horse's ass in ...

Far Right AZ Neo-Nazi Commits Mass Murder, Wingnut Bloggers Immediately Paint Him as a Left Winger

Thu, May 3, 2012 at 10:27:06 am
Yesterday in suburban Phoenix, J.T. Ready, the most well-known neo-Nazi in the state of Arizona, massacred four members of his family including a 15-month old baby girl, then killed himself. Now anti-immigrant Arizona Republican leader Russell Pearce is desperately trying to distance himself from J.T. Ready. As Russell Pearce’s power in ...

Was Richard M. Nixon a Closet Marxist: Forward Together

Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:13:38 am
In an exclusive to Little Green Footballs this intrepid reporter has located what seems to be evidence of the phrase "Forward Together" used for the 46th Inaugural of America's president in 1969 and being none other then the alleged anti-Communist, Richard M. Nixon. The inaugural slogan, utilized the word "Forward" ...

Romney Foreign Policy Adviser Richard Grenell Hounded Out by Anti-Gay Conservatives

Tue, May 1, 2012 at 1:52:39 pm
Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin, who recently noticed that the conservative movement is virulently anti-gay, has a headline on her latest post that says it all: EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell Hounded From Romney Campaign by Anti-Gay Conservatives. When I learned that Grenell was gay, I knew it was just a matter of ...

Fake Outrage of the Weekend: Dan Savage, the 'Vile Anti-Christian Bully'

Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 3:05:23 pm
They're at it again. The heirs of Andrew at have launched a full-scale attack against columnist Dan Savage today. As I write this, there are nine, count 'em, nine front page hit pieces on Savage, with titles like "OBAMA WHITE HOUSE FUNDRAISES FOR ANTI-CHRISTIAN BULLY SAVAGE," and "NSFW: SAVAGE'S ...

Obama Campaign Ad: Mitt Romney: Extreme on Women's Issues

Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 10:25:31 am
These Obama campaign advertisements are very powerful -- because all the President has to do is quote the words of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party to make his point that the GOP agenda is deeply reactionary and anti-woman. YouTube Video

Laughable 'Reverse Racism' Wingnut Argument of the Day

Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:27:26 am
There's so much craziness today in the right wing blogosphere that I've just been marveling at it while I drink coffee. One jaw-dropping post after another. Where to start? OK, this is probably the most ludicrous of the bunch: Islamophobia, Too, at Media Matters. Yes, mini-Breitbart Joel Pollak is now accusing Media ...

Stephen Colbert Interviews Texas School Board Creationist Don McLeroy

Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:09:36 pm
On the Stephen Colbert show, here's young earth creationist Don McLeroy, the fanatic appointed to the Texas State Board of Education by Rick Perry, and subject of many a post at LGF. Weep for the future of America, because McLeroy's stunning anti-science ignorance may seem extreme, but it's not unusual ...

Here We Go Again: Planned Parenthood Targeted for Wingnut Sting?

Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:28:54 pm
There's been a string of suspicious incidents at Planned Parenthood clinics recently, and officials believe there's another right wing "sting" video in the works. According to Planned Parenthood spokesperson Chloe Cooney, clinics in at least 11 states have reported two dozen or more "hoax visits" over the past several weeks, ...

AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer's List of Anti-Gay Demands for Romney

Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 11:27:41 am
The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer has been thrown into apoplectic rage by Mitt Romney's choice of the openly gay Richard Grenell as his foreign policy spokesman, and today he's posted a column with a list of demands for Romney: Bryan Fischer: Re: Richard Grenell: Romney Has Some 'Splaining to ...

WaPo Blogger Jennifer Rubin Suddenly Notices That the Right Is Anti-Gay

Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 6:04:39 pm
The next big rift in the base of the Republican Party may be caused by Mitt Romney's choice of the openly gay Richard Grenell as foreign policy spokesman. Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin is properly appalled at the hateful language of people like Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, ...

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