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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

Tech Note: LGF Pages, Now with Tags

Sun, May 9, 2010 at 7:26:33 pm
Did I mention that LGF Pages is turning into a full-featured blogging tool for any registered LGF user? I did? Well, it took another step in the mutational process today, with the addition of a free-form tagging system. “Tags” are words or phrases associated with an LGF Page; there are very few ...

National Academy of Sciences Members Denounce 'McCarthy-Like Threats' by AGW Deniers

Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:08:50 am
The National Academy of Sciences has published an open letter signed by 255 members, strongly denouncing the recent attacks and “McCarthy-like threats” against climate scientists by global warming denial groups and individuals: Open letter: Climate change and the integrity of science. We are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation of ...

Army Birther Charged with Dereliction of Duty

Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:44:23 am
A lieutenant colonel in the Army has been charged with dereliction of duty and other crimes, after refusing to deploy because he believes President Obama is a sekrit Muslim alien. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is charged with one specification under Article 87, missing movement, and four specifications under Article 92, ...

Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 2:24:32 pm
So here we go again with a very touchy Islamic group threatening “South Park” creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker with death because the cartoon show dared to have a cartoon character version of Mohammed, the revered prophet of Islam, revered so much that if you don’t revere him some ...

Video: Fox News Pimps Creationist Grievance-Mongering and Book-Banning

Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 2:34:45 pm
Here’s Fox News again, pimping creationism and fundamentalist grievance-mongering in a story about a parent in Tennessee who’s trying to get a biology textbook banned. [Video] Gretchen Carlson, in a voice dripping with horror: “A high school biology book is at the center of a small-town controversy because it describes creationism as ...

The Proudly Ignorant Party

Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:49:50 pm
Senior editor for The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates puts it all in a nice neat package: Proud Of Being Ignorant. A lot of you have e-mailed me to note that Virginia governor Bob McDonnell has decided to honor  those who fought to preserve, and extend, white supremacy. I don’t really have much to ...

Moscow Suicide Bombers Kill 37

Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 5:27:56 pm
Female suicide bombers struck today in two central Moscow subway stations, killing at least three dozen people in the latest attack by Chechnyan Muslim fanatics: Toll From Moscow Bombing at 37. MOSCOW — Female suicide bombers set off huge explosions in two subway stations in central Moscow during the Monday ...

Britain Expels 'Mossad Official'

Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 9:57:43 am
Britain has expelled an Israeli diplomat said to be a “a senior Mossad official,” as a response to the use of forged British passports by the hit team that assassinated Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. Foreign secretary David Miliband also directly accused Israel of carrying out the killing, saying ...

Bad Craziness Dominates GOP

Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 9:26:37 am
John Avlon says this new Harris poll is scary, and that’s probably an understatement. Bad craziness has taken over the right to an appalling degree. Obama Derangement Syndrome—pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism—has infected the Republican Party. Here’s new data to prove it: [Item List] These numbers all come ...

AMA Endorses Health Care Reform Bill

Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:05:17 am
The American Medical Association is now officially endorsing President Obama’s health care legislation: AMA Supports House Passage of Health System Reform. Washington, D.C. – After careful review and consideration, the American Medical Association (AMA) today announced its qualified support for the current health reform bill as a step toward providing ...

Shocka! Glenn Beck Says Geert Wilders is 'Far Right', and the Far Right is 'Fascist'

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 5:13:34 pm
The wingnut blogosphere is in full shrieking harpy mode over Glenn Beck’s statement about anti-Muslim Dutch MP Geert Wilders (who wants to ban the Koran and make Islam itself illegal). This is one of those Bizarro days, because I actually find myself agreeing with Glenn Beck. Geert Wilders is a far ...

Top Homeschooling Texts Reject Science

Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:52:32 pm
Does this qualify as a mild form of child abuse: teaching children to distrust science and believe lies? I think it does. I don’t believe it’s appropriate to try to stop these parents (through legislation) from destroying their children’s ability to think critically, but it’s not hard to make a case ...

What Right Wing Racism?

Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 8:01:01 pm
This comes as no surprise to anyone who’s been reading the comments at right wing sites like Free Republic or Hot Air (where Michelle Obama is often compared to a gorilla, as we’ve documented at LGF), but now the craziness is breaking out into the open, as a prominent right ...

A Fascist Summit Meeting in Belgium

Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:35:35 am
Here’s some interesting news from the far right scene in Europe. For years, the Belgian Vlaams Belang party (a European party promoted by “anti-jihad” bloggers such as Pamela Geller, Gates of Vienna, and Brussels Journal) tried to deny they had any connection to the neo-Nazi British National Party. Well, they just ...

Blumenthal Fires Back at Breitbart (Again)

Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:14:21 pm
In the very public ongoing battle between Andrew Breitbart and Max Blumenthal, Blumenthal has another article at Huffington Post on James O’Keefe and on some of the disturbing events at CPAC: Feeling the Hate at CPAC 2010 With Andrew Breitbart, Hannah Giles and the Crazy Mob. While I was filming ...

'Conservatives Can Kiss Off Hot Air Blog'

Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:51:26 am
For months, Hot Air listed Little Green Footballs under “Left Channels” before delinking us altogether, as a way of punishing me for leaving the right wing reservation. So imagine the sweet sweet irony as the religious right begins to reject Hot Air — because they’re not “conservative” enough: Conservatives can kiss ...

Former CPAC Chairman Denounces CPAC and the Right Wing

Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:02:16 am
Wow. Mickey Edwards, who chaired CPAC for five years and served in Congress for 16 years, has a powerful piece at The Atlantic explaining Why I’m Not at CPAC. The short version: because the modern right wing has been taken over by kooks. No, I’m not going to CPAC. And, ...

Far Right Texas School Board Members Push Revisionist History

Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 11:44:41 am
The New York Times has a disturbing article about the far right conservatives in charge of the Texas State Board of Education, and their outrageous attempt to manipulate curriculum development and textbook production for public schools. The social conservatives appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry (including infamous young earth creationist Don ...

New Info from CRU Hacking Investigation

Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 4:32:15 pm
DeSmogBlog’s Mitchell Anderson has new information on the investigation into the cyber-burglary of Britain’s Climate Research Unit (CRU), thoroughly refuting the claims that the leak came from a “whistle-blower:” Who Hacked the CRU? An interesting post on IT-NETWORKS picks apart what is currently known about the hack job and what ...

The Religious Right's Battle Against Hate Crime Laws

Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 6:49:58 pm
Are hate crime laws that give gay people special protections against violent crimes a sneaky conspiracy to persecute Christians? The short answer is no. Jodi Jacobson at RH Reality Check has the longer answer: Hate Crimes Laws: A Conspiracy to ‘Eradicate’ the Christian Right? Did you know that the passage of hate ...

Glenn Beck Exposes Truther 'Tea Party' Candidate, Hypes Theocratic Fanatic

Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:57:51 am
Glenn Beck deserves some credit today for exposing Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina as a 9/11 Truther. Medina was known as the “tea party candidate,” which shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been following the recent bad craziness at tea party events. It’s not mentioned in this article, but she has also appeared ...

Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:57:59 pm
Today’s unbridled paranoia from Pamela Geller at Andrew Breitbart’s “Big Government:” the US government is totally controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Good grief. Did you know in the FBI’s Counter-Terrorism Manual, the word jihad is not to be found? Not once. This is no accident. This is happening because for decades ...

Pamela Geller Shrieks on Joy Behar

Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:10:19 am
Pamela Geller’s appearance last night on the Joy Behar show with Ron Reagan and Stephanie Miller perfectly demonstrates why Geller has become known on the Internet as the “shrieking harpy.” Geller actually seems to think she came off well on this show, in which she tells Ron Reagan what his own ...

Anti-Vax Study Retracted by The Lancet

Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:09:27 pm
British medical journal The Lancet has officially retracted the study they published in 1998 that began the still-spreading anti-vaccination craziness. [Video] Britain’s General Medical Council has issued a ruling as well, calling the research done by Dr. Andrew Wakefield for his discredited study linking MMR vaccine to autism “callous, unethical, and dishonest.” ...

Anglican Vicar Uses Police To Intimidate Blogger

Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:58:39 am
In Britain, a blogger who’s been blowing the whistle on the Holocaust denial activities of an Anglican vicar finds himself in trouble with the cops: Harry’s Place » Anglican Vicar Uses Police To Intimidate Blogger. As some people have noticed, I’ve been rather quiet in blogging about the Reverend Stephen Sizer’s ...

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