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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Ben Carson Campaign in Chaos as Top Advisers Quit, Blaming Armstrong Williams

Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 11:08:18 am
Resigning staffers blame Ben Carson's business manager, Armstrong Williams, for problems in the campaign In a major meltdown, Ben Carson's top three campaign managers all resigned yesterday, along with 20 staffers; and they're blaming the campaign's dysfunction on Carson's business manager Armstrong Williams. After announcing his resignation from the Ben Carson ...

Oath Keepers Militia Founder Disbarred From Practicing Law in Montana

Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 6:58:11 pm
I missed this development in the far right fever swamp, but earlier this month the founder of the far right Oath Keepers militia was disbarred from practicing law in the state of Montana. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. 213 (h/t: Eric the Fruit Bat.)

Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson: "Maybe I'll Wear a Fetus Next Time"

Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 2:11:23 pm
Reacting to criticism of the bullet necklace she wore on CNN yesterday, Donald Trump's official national spokesloon Katrina Pierson said the necklace was made of "real ammo:" Made in #Texas! Real ammo. #2A Support your local small business owners! #Trump2016 — Katrina Pierson (@KatrinaPierson) December 29, 2015 Then she tweeted ...

Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson Wears Necklace of Bullets on CNN, Interviewer Doesn't Even Mention It

Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 6:09:54 pm
The headline says it all. Apparently, CNN doesn't think it's worth mentioning that Donald Trump's official national spokesperson is wearing a necklace made out of bullets. This presidential campaign is now all the way into Idiocracy territory.

Trump Touts Bogus Poll From Birther Conspiracy Site World Net Daily to Show Minorities Support Him

Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 12:00:49 pm
Remember when Donald Trump built his right wing constituency by being a highly visible Birther conspiracy advocate? And then refused to even discuss it in this election season? (And got a complete pass from the media on it?) Well, today he's citing a very dubious poll conducted by a little-known company ...

Former KKK Leader David Duke: Trump Speaks "A Lot More Radically" Than Me

Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 4:14:42 pm
Joseph Sohm / Notorious white supremacist David Duke says Donald Trump speaks "a lot more radically" than he does. That says it all. Donald Trump is single-handedly turning the Republican Party into an outright white supremacist hate group -- or at the least, giving the knuckle-dragging racists who were always there ...

Donald Trump's Whiplash on Wages

Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 11:10:05 am
LifetimeStock / That famous Donald Trump memory needs a reboot. Apparently, Donald Trump forgot (or more likely, is ignoring) that he was attacking Democrats for supporting higher wages. He stated unequivocally on November 12 that high wages are undermining US competitiveness against other nations. So it's rather surprising that he's ...

Photo of the Month: NASA's New High-Res "Blue Marble"

Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 8:13:31 pm
Here's a powerful reminder of the beauty and fragility of this planet on which we live: NASA Releases New High-Res Earthrise Image. "The image is simply stunning," said Noah Petro, Deputy Project Scientist for LRO at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "The image of the Earth evokes the famous 'Blue ...

Donald Trump Tries to Deny "Schlong" Means What Everyone Knows It Means

Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 5:28:36 pm
One of the essential facts about Donald Trump is that he's basically a coward. He runs his mouth off and insults everyone who crosses him, but when people react with revulsion to his crude utterances he backs down and tries to deny he said what everyone heard him say. He did ...

Donald Trump Supporter Arrested for Making Bombs to Attack Muslims

Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 1:11:56 pm
Source: Facebook A man in Richmond, California, has been arrested on suspicion of building bombs with which he planned to attack Muslims. Would you be surprised to discover he's a follower of Donald Trump? The suspect was identified by police as 55 year old William Celli.  He was arrested, and booked into the ...

Irony Meter Explodes: Donald Trump Calls Hillary Clinton a Liar

Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 11:00:41 am
YouTube The most shameless blatant liar in recent political history is calling Hillary Clinton a liar, in a move that was inevitable. Donald Trump is accusing Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton of lying in her claim that terrorists are using the Republican primary front-runner in recruitment videos. “Right, nobody has been able ...

Democratic Debate, the Cleanup

Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 7:48:33 pm
Image via Shutterstock As I write this the candidates are giving their closing statements, so here's another thread to discuss what we just saw. As Bernie Sanders just said, "On our worst day I think we have a lot more to offer the American people than the right wing extremists today." Amen. ...

Watch Live: Democratic Debate, Thread 1

Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 5:00:00 pm
Joseph Sohm / Well, after the data-stealing brouhaha of the last couple of days, I doubt Bernie and Hillary are going to be quite as jovial as they look in the picture above. But here's our first thread for the debate, starting at 5 pm Pacific time, with embedded live ...

Accusations Fly Over Democratic Database Breach

Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 11:02:12 am
Joseph Sohm / We have what appears to be a bit of circular firing squad today in the Democratic Party, as the Democratic National Committee cuts off the Bernie Sanders campaign's access to an important voter database, following reports that a bug in the database sofware enabled the Sanders campaign ...

MSNBC: DHS Nixed Plan to Screen Visa Applicants' Social Media

Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 10:42:39 am
Image via Shutterstock Right wing blogs are currently going bananas over this report from MSNBC: Exclusive: Homeland Security passed on plan to vet visa applicants' social media. Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security considered a specific policy to strengthen security screenings for foreign visa applicants’ social media accounts, but ...

Carly Fiorina Insists Retired General Had a Dispute With Obama Even Though the Actual General Says He Didn't

Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 5:30:56 pm
I read this earlier and just can't stop chuckling about it. In the debate last night, Carly Fiorina said, “One of the things I would immediately do in addition to defeating them here at home is bring back the warrior class: Petraeus, McChrystal, Mattis, Keane, Flynn. Every single one of ...

Podcast o' the Day: The Bob & Chez Show, 12/15/15

Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 2:22:40 pm /BCS_121515.mp3 Today's program on The Bob & Chez Show: Astonishingly Excellent: We Preview the Las Vegas GOP Debate; Hate Mail of the Week; Ted Cruz Will Not Be the Nominee; Trump is Destroying the GOP; Trump's Hilarious Doctor Report; Trump Says He Would've Stopped the Paris Terrorists with His Gun; and ...

After GOP Debate Fear-Mongering About "Political Correctness," SB Shooters Never Posted Jihad Messages Publicly

Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 10:14:59 am
One of the big talking points in last night's GOP debate was decrying "political correctness," and one of the main examples supposedly showing how America's response to terrorism has been undercut by "political correctness," brought up by several of the candidates, was the report that San Bernardino terrorists Syed Farook ...

GOP Debate Thread 4: Cleaning Up the Clown Mess

Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 7:44:51 pm
Image via Shutterstock Here's a wrap-up thread; I have to admit my eyes are glazing over now. CNN seems to be trying to bludgeon us into submission with this endless parade of bloodthirsty right wing ideas and egotistical boasting.

GOP Debate Thread 3: Clowns Just Want to Kill and Destroy

Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 6:37:17 pm
Image via Shutterstock As the previous thread fills up with comments, here's another one to discuss this disturbing exercise in fear and bigotry, aka the Republican presidential debate.

GOP Debate Thread 2: Fear the Trumpenstein

Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 5:26:05 pm
Image via Shutterstock Now it's time for the adult clowns to entertain us all with their world class lunacy, including the clowniest clown of all, Donald "The Clown" Trump, bane of the establishment GOP's existence. I think we know what's going to be discussed, but if I had to sum it up ...

GOP Debate Thread 1: The Kiddie Clown Car

Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 3:37:58 pm
Image via Shutterstock And here we go with yet another clown show, as the Republican Party puts its best and brightest clowns on CNN to basically all say the same things, interspersed with personal attacks and boasting. This show is on CNN and they don't have an embedded version, but you can ...

Tonight at Donald Trump's Rally in Nevada: "Light the Motherfcker on Fire!"

Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 9:06:24 pm
Presented without comment. And about ten minutes into the Trump rally, this happens. — McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) December 15, 2015 @mckaycoppins And someone off camera says "light the motherf-cker on fire." This is horrifying beyond words. — Kate Spencer (@katespencer) December 15, 2015

Donald Trump's Doctor Letter: He "Will Be the Healthiest Individual Ever Elected to the Presidency"

Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 11:20:27 am
Shhh, everybody... I think we're not supposed to notice that Donald Trump wrote this letter from his doctor himself. This is Trump's doctor. For serious. — Neil Irwin (@Neil_Irwin) December 14, 2015 Would it be unsporting to point out that Donald Trump actually claimed a medical exemption from the draft ...

White Supremacist Groups See Donald Trump as "Golden Opportunity" for Recruitment

Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 10:55:49 am
Here's where US politics is in 2015: the leading presidential candidate of the Republican Party is seen as a "golden opportunity" by the nation's white supremacist groups. For example, Stormfront, a center of racist hatred for years, is now having to upgrade their web servers to deal with the increased traffic. ...

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