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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,340 matches, in 54 pages)

Mitt Romney Supports the GOP's War on Women

Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:19:18 pm
In case you had any remaining doubt about how much Mitt Romney will pander to the social conservative right wing in order to get the Republican nomination, tonight he's coming out in support of the anti-contraception Blunt amendment. One day before a critical Senate vote that could loom large as ...

Rush Limbaugh Calls Georgetown Law Student a 'Slut' and 'Prostitute'

Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 1:11:21 pm
Female law student Sandra Fluke, who was prevented from testifying at Darrell Issa's anti-birth control hearing recently, spoke to a Democrat-sponsored hearing last week about the importance of reproductive health care for women, and the cost of contraception coverage. Her testimony has provoked some shockingly ugly hatred from right wingers; for ...

Bloodthirsty 'Anti-Jihad' Bloggers Rant Crazily About Apologies for Koran-Burning

Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 10:17:32 am
Frank Gaffney with hate group leader Pamela GellerHere's an astonishingly paranoid article in the Washington Times by anti-Muslim crusader Frank Gaffney, warning right wingers yet again that shariah law is about to take over America, and arguing that people who criticize Gaffney and his conspiracy theories are "precisely the same" ...

Another Front in the GOP's War on Women's Rights: Bogus 'Pregnancy Help Centers'

Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 12:37:24 pm
You've heard about Virginia's mandatory ultrasound law (several other states have already passed ultrasound laws too), and you've heard about the "Personhood" bill that's now being pushed in several states, but the Republican Party is also staging an attack on another front in their war on women's rights. In several states, ...

VA Governor Backs Down on Invasive Ultrasound, but the Bill Still Stinks

Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 12:32:13 pm
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell has issued this press release, backing down on the trans-vaginal ultrasound issue, and calling for amendments to Virginia's proposed "informed consent" law stating that invasive procedures are not mandated. Over the past days I have discussed the specific language of the proposed legislation with other governors, ...

Another Right Wing Lie: Planned Parenthood Does Not Require Ultrasounds

Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:13:59 am
One thing the right is amazingly good at: circling their wagons around an issue and parroting talking points in absolute lockstep. Whenever a controversial issue pops up, the right wing blogs and media can be counted on to almost immediately start building their wall of noise. Today, they're all in unison ...

Arpaio: I Briefed Santorum on My Birther Conspiracy Investigation

Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:06:39 pm
Today in Phoenix, Arizona, far right anti-immigrant icon Sheriff Joe Arpaio was thoughtful enough to brief Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on the status of his investigation into whether Barack Hussein Obama is a sekrit Moslem socialist Manchurian candidate: Arpaio: I Briefed Santorum on My Birth Certificate Investigation. Phoenix (CNN) – ...

Idaho Republicans Trying to Pass Bill to Allow Employers to Deny Contraception Coverage

Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:13:50 am
Male Republican religious fanatics in Idaho are now trying to pass a measure that would allow any employer to deny women contraception coverage, and once again seeking to equate contraception with abortion: Idaho Bill Targets Contraceptive Rules. Republican caveman Carlos BilbaoBOISE — A measure to allow Idaho employers to ignore ...

Paul Babeu's Gay Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff Threatened Him With Deportation

Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 11:14:58 am
Far right anti-immigrant Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu is the latest Republican icon to have his secret life revealed, after he reportedly threatened to have his gay Mexican lover deported: Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's Attorney Threatened Him With Deportation. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu — who became the face ...

Pat Buchanan Is Finally Fired From MSNBC

Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 6:43:19 pm
It wasn't clear whether Pat Buchanan had actually been fired from MSNBC or not, but tonight the grizzled old racist confirms it in a monumentally whiny article titled: The New Blacklist. My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end. After 10 enjoyable years, I am departing, ...

Federal Judge Chides Andrew Breitbart for 'Overreaching' in Shirley Sherrod Lawsuit

Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:39:21 pm
Things aren't going very well for Andrew Breitbart in the defamation lawsuit filed against him by former USDA official Shirley Sherrod, and now Breitbart and his lawyers have been scolded by U.S. District Judge Richard Leon (a George W. Bush appointee): Federal Judge: Blogger Likely 'Overreaching' With Anti-SLAPP Motion. In ...

The Republican Party's Deranged War on Women's Rights

Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:42:17 am
The truth is, the Republican Party has lost its mind. They present themselves as the party of "limited government," but they're now engaged in an all-out maneuver to vastly expand the government's intrusion into women's private lives. And it isn't just about abortion any more -- they've set their sights ...

Denialgate: Internal Heartland Institute Documents Unmask the Climate Denial Machine

Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 7:43:44 pm
Wow, this is huge -- DeSmogBlog is releasing a cache of documents revealing the secret anti-science schemes of climate change denial front group The Heartland Institute: Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine. Internal Heartland Institute strategy and funding documents obtained by DeSmogBlog expose the heart ...

Va. GOP Demands Invasive Vaginal Ultrasound Procedure Before Abortion

Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 5:36:13 pm
The GOP's uterus inspection device Republicans in Virginia's House of Delegates really have their hearts set on new legislation that will force all women seeking abortions to first undergo penetration by a transvaginal ultrasound transducer. They're so enthralled with this harlot-shaming tool that today they voted down an amendment that would have ...

Rick Santorum: The New Face of the GOP

Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 11:05:57 am
The thing about Rick Santorum is that he's genuine. He really believes that anti-science reactionary bullshit he spouts. He's not just saying it to get elected, unlike Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The reactionary Republican base senses this genuineness; they see Santorum as one of them. And this has now catapulted ...

At Geller-Spencer's CPAC Panel, Anti-Muslim Activist Says He's Proud of Attacks on Mosques

Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 5:10:12 pm
Speaking today at the unofficial CPAC panel “Islamic Law in America: How the Obama Justice Department Is Selling Us Out,” sponsored by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Sharia Task Force was "proud to say" that most of the mosques attacked in the US were in ...

Video: Rick Santorum's Astoundingly Anti-Science Rant

Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:39:56 pm
I commented yesterday that it was almost unbelievable how crazy the right wing rhetoric is getting, and here's yet another example from reactionary candidate Rick Santorum, speaking in Oklahoma and telling the crowd that the science of global warming is a myth, now totally disproven and rotting in the dustbin ...

CPAC Panel Will Feature White Nationalist Leader Brimelow

Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:45:15 am
It was bad enough when CPAC recently allowed the wacko paleo-conservative John Birch Society to have an exhibit, but this year things are exponentially worse. This year, the Conservative Political Action Conference, at which presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich will appear, is having a panel discussion featuring ...

Santorum Upsets Romney's Apple Cart

Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:59:36 am
Rick Santorum's big wins last night in Minnesota, Colorado, and Missouri are important signs of the power of reactionary religious thinking in today's right wing. Of all the candidates, Santorum is by far the most fanatical; he's absolutely opposed to all contraception, wants to see abortion made completely illegal, is anti-gay ...

Karen Handel Resigns From Komen, Mitt Romney Attacks Planned Parenthood

Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:49:28 am
Republican anti-choice activist Karen Handel is resigning from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, with an angry statement defending her work against Planned Parenthood: Karen Handel Resigns From Komen for the Cure. I am deeply disappointed by the gross mischaracterizations of the strategy, its rationale, and my involvement ...

Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at LGF Again

Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:09:19 am
Hate group leader Pamela Geller is spewing insults at me again, for pointing out her disgusting exploitation of a murdered Muslim woman. As usual with right wing tirades, she attempts to reverse the reality and project her own illness onto me, accusing me of being "pro-jihad," of being a "misogynist ...

Very Poor GOP Voter Turnout in Nevada

Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 10:15:20 am
The Las Vegas Sun reports that voter turnout for the Nevada caucuses was very low, despite the Republican Party's constant fear-mongering and attacks on President Obama. Something's going wrong with the GOP strategy of demonization and Tea Party ultra-conservatism; I suspect the toxic atmosphere of the far right is beginning to ...

Pamela Geller's Ghoulish Obsession With 'Honor Killings' Takes an Ugly Turn

Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 11:22:00 am
Anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller has seized on the murder of a 20-year old Muslim woman in Michigan, labeled it an "honor killing," and is now planning to hold a "conference" using the murdered woman's name -- against the wishes of the woman's family, and even though both the ...

Komen VP Karen Handel: I'd Outlaw Gay Adoptions

Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 2:54:04 pm
The ideological bent of Komen Foundation public policy VP Karen Handel really becomes clear in this 2010 interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on the topic of gay marriage and adoption, in which she says she favors outlawing gay adoptions: Handel Says Gay Parents Not as 'Legitimate' as Hetero Ones. Q: ...

Komen Apologizes, Reinstates Planned Parenthood Funding

Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 10:22:06 am
Apparently, the people in charge of merchandising at the Susan G. Komen Foundation had a little talk with their anti-abortion executives, and today the Komen Foundation is reinstating their Planned Parenthood funding, and apologizing to Planned Parenthood and the American public. Planned Parenthood has released the following statement in response: “The ...

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