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Searched LGF articles for: |peaceful religion watch (1,832 matches, in 74 pages)

GOHMERT! Louie Wanted to Start Bombing Iran Over Those Captured Sailors, Because of Course He Did

Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 11:06:44 am
YouTube When Iran briefly detained some Navy sailors yesterday after their boats accidentally entered Iranian waters, the entire right wing universe started blustering and threatening and pounding their chests. Because this is what they do. But because President Obama has improved the United States' diplomatic relations with Iran, and the screaming threatening ...

Watch Live: President Obama's Last State of the Union Address

Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 5:33:46 pm
YouTube I'm treating this last State of the Union just like my first - because I'm still just as hungry. I hope you tune in, because it's for you. — President Obama (@POTUS) January 13, 2016 The speech doesn't start until 9 pm Eastern, but they're leading up to it with some ...

Watch Live as Donald Trump Rants in Burlington, Vermont

Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 4:34:52 pm
YouTube The chance of hearing anything new from Trump is pretty low; there will be boasting and bigotry galore, of course, but I'm interested to see if he's going to double down on his Birther criticism of Ted Cruz tonight in Burlington, Vermont.

Watch Live: President Obama Delivers Remarks on Reducing Gun Violence

Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 8:45:00 am
YouTube Live from the White House.

Donald Trump Retweets Another Outright Lie: The Al-Shabaab Video Did NOT Include Hillary Clinton

Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 7:57:34 pm
Right wing blogs are spreading another outright falsehood, claiming that the al-Shabaab terrorist recruitment video that featured a clip of Donald Trump also had Hillary Clinton in it. I’ve finished watching the entire video now and Donald Trump is definitely in it, as an example of “America’s hatred of Muslims,” but ...

The Brainwashing of America

Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:16:31 am
What is brainwashing? Margaret Singer defined it as “providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them.” Have you watched a friend or loved one go down the rabbit hole of right-wing delusion, paranoia and hatred? Likely, you ...

Tech Note: The LGF Pages Bookmarklet Source Code

Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 6:13:05 pm
Image via Shutterstock It's been a while since I posted the source code for our LGF Pages bookmarklet, and it's actually undergone some major changes recently, so let's remedy that omission right now, shall we? The biggest change: all of the code has been rewritten to use native Javascript, doing away with ...

WSJ: US Monitored Contacts Between Israel and GOP Members of Congress as They Tried to Subvert Iran Deal

Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 10:39:45 am
Right wing sites all over the net are screaming that this report from the Wall Street Journal proves President Obama "hates Israel." For example: BREAKING: Jew-hating administration singled out Jewish state for surveillance while negotiating with country pledging genocide against Jews — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 30, 2015 But if you actually ...

Watch Live: Donald Trump's Rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa

Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 5:18:25 pm
YouTube Tuesday, December 29, 2015: Donald J. Trump Live Stream in Council Bluffs- Mid-America Center, Council Bluffs, IA- 7:30 PM CST Watch Live: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Council Bluffs, IA (12-29-15)

A Song That's Lost None of Its Power: Peter Gabriel, "Red Rain"

Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 8:59:33 pm
YouTube The official Red Rain video. Directed by Matt Mahurin. Red rain is coming down Red rain Red rain is pouring down Pouring down all over me I am standing up at the water's edge in my dream I cannot make a single sound as you scream it can't be that cold, the ground is still warm ...

Hilarious Sunday Short: "The Talk"

Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 12:02:48 pm
Vimeo WARNING: Not for young children unless you want an awkward talk with them. There comes a time in every parent's life when the harsh reality hits -- their child is growing up. And with that realization comes an event, a moment, faced with fear and trepidation, when said parent ...

Try Amazon Prime Video Free for 30 Days and Support LGF

Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 9:10:43 pm
Today I want to tip you off to a great deal from Amazon; from now until January 10th, they're offering an Amazon Prime Video 30-Day Free Trial that allows you to watch any of the movies and TV shows in the Amazon Prime catalog, including their latest exclusive production based ...

Breitbart Commenters Cheer Probable Christmas Day Arson Attack on Houston Mosque

Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 11:40:55 am
On Christmas Day, a fire broke out at a mosque in southwest Houston, and the ATF has now confirmed it's a probable case of arson. This is apparently the latest in a string of anti-Muslim hate crimes since the San Bernardino attack. HOUSTON - An ATF spokesperson has confirmed the ...

Donald Trump Tries to Deny "Schlong" Means What Everyone Knows It Means

Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 5:28:36 pm
One of the essential facts about Donald Trump is that he's basically a coward. He runs his mouth off and insults everyone who crosses him, but when people react with revulsion to his crude utterances he backs down and tries to deny he said what everyone heard him say. He did ...

Watch Live: Democratic Debate, Thread 1

Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 5:00:00 pm
Joseph Sohm / Well, after the data-stealing brouhaha of the last couple of days, I doubt Bernie and Hillary are going to be quite as jovial as they look in the picture above. But here's our first thread for the debate, starting at 5 pm Pacific time, with embedded live ...

Breitbart "News" Reacts to Arabic Calligraphy Lesson With Horrifying Deluge of Hate Speech

Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 5:00:19 pm
A horrible story from Virginia shows how many noxious bigots have been incited by right wing anti-Muslim propaganda, as schools in central Virginia have been forced to close after a deluge of threats and hatred prompted by a geography lesson in Arabic calligraphy. Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in ...

Watch Live: President Obama's Final 2015 Press Conference

Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 11:09:47 am

GOP Debate Thread 1: The Kiddie Clown Car

Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 3:37:58 pm
Image via Shutterstock And here we go with yet another clown show, as the Republican Party puts its best and brightest clowns on CNN to basically all say the same things, interspersed with personal attacks and boasting. This show is on CNN and they don't have an embedded version, but you can ...

Donald Trump Picks Fellow Conspiracy Theorist Wayne Allyn Root to Emcee Nevada Rally

Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 4:12:49 pm
YouTube This has really been the year that the Republican Party went totally, irrevocably off the rails. With the campaign of Donald Trump and the rest of the lunatic presidential candidates, we're seeing the mainstreaming of a host of bizarre and bigoted conspiracy theories that used to be relegated to fringe ...

Watch Live: President Obama's Statement on the Climate Agreement

Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 2:31:43 pm
YouTube Live from the White House.

Video: Carly Fiorina Snaps at CNN's Chris Cuomo When Questioned About Her Planned Parenthood Lies

Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 12:43:38 pm
YouTube In an amazingly revealing interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carly Fiorina looks right into the camera and lies over and over about Planned Parenthood and the edited Center for Medical Progress videos. As Cuomo presses her, Fiorina gets very sarcastic and nasty, insisting that the videos weren't edited (they absolutely ...

GOP Sen. Sessions Says It's "Appropriate to Discuss" Trump's Muslim Ban

Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 12:55:40 pm
SoundCloud After initially making a big show of being horrified by Donald Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the US, conservative pundits and politicians are now executing an about-face. The talking point they seem to have settled on is that Trump's astoundingly bigoted position is "opening a discussion" on this ...

Donald Trump's Brilliant Plan to Ban Muslims Is Brilliant

Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 10:33:16 am
Donald Trump went on MSNBC's Morning joe today and explained his brilliant plan for preventing Muslims from entering the US, and I just can't even. During an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that lasted more than 30 minutes, co-host Willie Geist repeatedly asked Trump how such a ban would work, ...

Breitbart Commenters Love Trump's Call to Ban Muslims From the US, of Course

Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 2:57:20 pm
Some Republican candidates are denouncing Donald Trump's call for a total ban on Muslim immigration to the US, but let's check out how the GOP voting base is reacting, shall we? For example, the commenters at Breitbart "News." Let's face it -- this is only going to make Trump more popular ...

The Disturbing Dashcam Video of Officer Jason Van Dyke Shooting Laquan McDonald

Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 4:12:43 pm
YouTube This is the dashcam video released today, showing Officer Jason Van Dyke executing teenager Laquan McDonald in the street, and continuing to fire even as he lay helpless and dying on the ground. Warning: there's nothing too graphic here, but it's very disturbing to watch. Viewer discretion advised. Police released ...

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