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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Massive Whining Issues From Republicans After Obama Criticizes Them for Refusing Refugees

Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 1:05:22 pm
Christopher Halloran / Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz are whining furiously after President Obama had the nerve to criticize them for their mean-spirited calls to turn away Middle Eastern refugees and anti-Muslim fear-mongering. "Our president instead of going full bore against ISIS seems to be more intent ...

Did the Bible Tell Ben Carson New England Looks Like This?

Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 10:28:02 am
In your right wing inadvertent comedy moment of the day, "pious Christian" Ben Carson is joining the rest of the Republican Party in turning his back on desperate people fleeing war and terrorism. But in doing so, his campaign created a US map that apparently comes from an alternate universe, ...

When Will Americans Learn...

Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 7:13:50 pm
Image via Shutterstock A simple question, on a day when far too many Americans are surrendering to fear-mongering and bigotry. When will Americans learn that turning their backs on desperate Muslim refugees is EXACTLY what ISIS wants them to do? — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) November 18, 2015

Ben Carson's Own Advisers Say They're Failing at "Making Him Smart"

Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 2:40:24 pm
How bad does it have to be when your own advisers are going on the record to the New York Times, criticizing your ability to understand vital issues? Ben Carson Is Struggling to Grasp Foreign Policy, Advisers Say. Faced with increasing scrutiny about whether Mr. Carson — who leads in ...

Donald Trump Says He Can Magically Sense an Approaching Terror Attack

Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 8:23:57 pm
How much more ridiculous is the Republican presidential campaign going to get? “I predicted Osama bin Laden,” Mr. Trump declared in Knoxville, adding, “In my book, I predicted terrorism. Because I can feel it, like I feel a good location, O.K.?” “In real estate — my father always used to tell ...

Ben Carson Says Al Qaeda Wasn't a Threat in 2003

Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 5:26:40 pm
Albert H. Teich / Here goes Ben Carson, trying to sound knowledgeable about foreign policy and national security and just coming off as a multi-level ignoramus: Carson: al Qaeda was not a threat in 2003. “A lot of Americans really think back to 2003, and they remember Saddam Hussein and ...

Donald Trump Says We May Need to Shut Down Some US Mosques

Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 1:39:48 pm
Xenophobic Republican candidate Donald Trump is working hard to capitalize on the Paris attacks, saying on Morning Joe that we need to "watch and study the mosques" here in the US. “You’re going to have to watch and study the mosques, because a lot of talk is going on at ...

Passport Found Near Terrorist's Body May Have Been Planted to Stir Up Anti-Migrant Hatred

Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 11:06:29 am
Some interesting news from the investigation into the terrorist attacks in Paris: the Syrian passport found near one of the terrorists' bodies may have been planted in an attempt to stir up anti-immigrant hatred in Europe. “The single most intriguing fact is that the passport was there at all,” one ...

Jeb Bush Knows How to Deal With ISIS: Moar War

Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 11:53:52 am
Here we go again. Jeb Bush urges U.S. declaration of war against ISIL. Republican presidential contender Jeb Bush said on Sunday, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on Paris, the U.S. should “declare war” on the Islamic State, which is blamed by the French for the deadly attacks. “We should ...

Democratic Debate, Thread One

Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 6:02:40 pm
The terror attacks in Paris are casting a dark shadow over this debate, and will certainly be a topic of discussion. This debate will include Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley; Jim Webb bailed out after the last one. Note: You can watch live over the web at this page. ...

Saturday Jam: Typhoon, Tiny Desk Concert

Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 3:09:26 pm
YouTube I just discovered this amazing band through Apple Music, immediately searched the Tiny Desk concerts -- and there they were. This show is from 2013, and it's just incredible. This band is making a unique new kind of progressive rock. The appropriately named Typhoon is a sprawling band with an ...

Horrible Conservative Tweets About the Paris Attacks

Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 5:44:17 pm
Image via Shutterstock Presented without comment. Maybe guard the border before the massacre — David Frum (@davidfrum) November 13, 2015 Imagine a theater with 10 or 15 citizens with concealed carry permits. We live in an age when evil men have to be killed by good people — Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) November 13, 2015 ...

Breaking: Multiple Attacks Kill at Least 18 People in Paris

Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 1:59:08 pm
Awful news from Paris today, in what looks like a terrorist attack. The New York Times reports: Multiple Attacks Roil Paris; President Hollande Is Evacuated From Stadium. PARIS — Shootings in central Paris on Friday night have left several people dead and wounded, French television reported, while an explosion near ...

The Federalist Beclowned: Sean Davis Screams "Poop Swastika Hoax," Then Police Report Confirms It Happened

Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 11:16:50 am
When reports started coming out that someone had used feces to draw a swastika in one of the University of Missouri's dorms, right wing bloggers immediately jumped to the conclusion it was all a "hoax," because this is what they do. Sean Davis of The Federalist was probably the loudest screamer ...

Wednesday Night Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 11/10/15

Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 7:13:01 pm /BCS_111015.mp3 Here's the program for tonight's episode of The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, featuring an extremely creepy painting of Ben Carson hanging out with Jesus in a bathrobe: Jetpacks Made Of Beef: We Preview the GOP Fox Business Debate; Ben Carson in Full Meltdown; Ben Carson's Press Conference Freakout; ...

Carson to Media: "Go Jump in a Lake"

Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 9:53:10 am
Ben Carson is sick and tired of people asking questions about what he's written, and after last night's debate he told reporters that if they persist in asking him about his autobiography he'll tell them to fu... uh, I mean "go jump in a lake." “From this point on, I ...

Fox Business Debate: Republican Bad Ideas That Stopped Living, Part 3

Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:10:02 pm
Image via Shutterstock Whew. That was grueling. So many bad ideas and outright lies (Dodd Frank does raise capital requirements for large banks) crammed into a mere two hours, briefly interrupted by commercials touting the work of rapacious corporations and their right wing "think tank" fronts. As I write this, Ted Cruz ...

Fox Business Debate: The Republican Bad Ideas That Stopped Living and Became Mixed Up Zombies

Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 5:23:14 pm
Image via Shutterstock Here's a second thread for the arrival of the main Clown Car, as the first rung candidates tell us why their crackpot bad ideas about the economy are what America really needs, and why Hillary Clinton is evil incarnate.

Grotesque Photo of the Day: Chuck C. Johnson Hanging With George Zimmerman

Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 2:12:49 pm
Welp, here's one of the ugliest images I've seen so far this year, as cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson poses with his arm around the racist killer of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman. This is exactly the kind of person Chuck admires: a guy who murders a black teenager and gets away ...

Jeb Bush Would Totally Kill a Baby: "Hell Yeah!"

Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 12:53:18 pm
Jeb Bush to-do list from his Iowa campaign office America needed to know the answer to a burning question: Would Jeb Bush kill baby Hitler? “Hell yeah, I would!” the former Florida governor told HuffPost. “You gotta step up, man.” [...] Bush did acknowledge that murdering the future German dictator before he had ...

Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show

Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 11:02:46 am /BCS_110415.mp3 It's a few days old, but still timely, so let's kick off this Saturday with The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show. Eighteen Wheeler Transport: Special Wednesday Show; We Recap the Good News and the Bad News from Election Day 2015; Erick Erickson Calls LGBT Citizens Perverts and Liars; Goodbye ...

Watch Live: Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum, Hosted by Rachel Maddow

Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 6:02:13 pm
MSNBC Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum | MSNBC If the embedded video above doesn't work for you, try watching it at the MSNBC site.

Video: Ben Carson Rants at the Press, Recites a Litany of Anti-Obama Conspiracy Theories

Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 5:29:28 pm
YouTube This press conference was the most awake I’ve seen Ben Carson in…. well, ever. I half expected him to pull out a hammer and go after that guy on his left who kept asking him the uncomfortable questions. Don't miss the section where he runs through a selection of choice anti-Obama ...

Ben Carson Now Says His "Scholarship Offer" Was Actually "Informal"

Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 12:12:35 pm
The New York Times asked Ben Carson about his West Point controversy today, and Carson told them he never actually applied for admission but had received an "informal" offer of an appointment to the school. In an interview with The New York Times on Friday, Mr. Carson said: “I don’t ...

Ben Carson's Campaign Admits His Story About a West Point Scholarship Was a Lie

Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 10:20:47 am
Albert H. Teich / This Politico report looks very bad for the creationist neurosurgeon, as one of the key details in his much-hyped story of personal redemption seems to have been fabricated. The academy has occupied a central place in Carson’s tale for years. According to a story told in ...

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