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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (1,020 matches, in 41 pages)

SPLC: Rage on the Right

Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:14:41 am
The Southern Poverty Law Center has a report on the hatred and extremism that has reared its head on the right since the election of Barack Obama: Rage on the Right. And it’s especially relevant after the shootings at the Pentagon yesterday, apparently perpetrated by a virulently anti-government libertarian who drew ...

Scientific Review Shows 'Unambiguous' Evidence of Global Warming

Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:21:18 pm
A newly released year-long international scientific review of the evidence for global warming has concluded that the evidence is even stronger than the IPCC maintains. The review, published in the journal Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, found several “fingerprints” of warming that had not been established by the time of ...

Creationists Glom Onto Climategate

Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:13:27 am
I’ve written several times about the striking similarity between the tactics of creationists and climate change deniers, and about the recent efforts by creationists to use the phony controversies over global warming to legitimize their silliness. So this story by Leslie Kaufman in the New York Times comes as no ...

Video: What We Know About Climate Change

Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:03:29 am
Environmentalist Peter Sinclair has a new video with a similar theme to the NASA presentation I posted a few days ago, describing the exhaustively researched scientific foundation that underlies our understanding of global warming. In the many responses I get to these videos, it appears that a number of people ...

Al Gore in the New York Times

Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 10:31:55 am
I agree with almost everything Al Gore writes in his New York Times op-ed today, but we all know that people who despise Gore (and there are more than a few on the right) are going to reject it out of hand. Gore is a very polarizing figure, partly because of ...

Has American Thinker Saved the World from the AGW Hoax?

Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:20:51 pm
Recently I received several emails with links to an article at American Thinker by Gary Thompson, claiming to have the “smoking gun” that disproves global warming once and for all. That’s it. It’s over, Johnny. Time to fold up those weather stations and go home. Except that one of the scientific ...

Interview with the Hockey Stick Guy

Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 11:58:17 am
Randy Olson, who made a great little movie about the “intelligent design” creationism movement called “Flock of Dodos: The Evolution-Intelligent Design Circus,” interviews climate scientist Michael Mann about the barrage of recent trumped up climate change “controversies:” MIKE MANN Part II: INTERVIEW – Who will provide communication expertise and leadership ...

Video: Daily Mail Fails Again

Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 6:19:37 pm
Here’s another excellent video by ‘potholer54’ on the latest wildly overblown climate change denial claims; this one deals with the BBC’s interview with Phil Jones, and the absurd distortions touted by the Daily Mail and uncritically parroted by a host of right wing bloggers. [Video]

Live CPAC Video: Climate Denial All-Star Panel

Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 12:32:25 pm
An all-star panel of former tobacco industry shills and current energy industry shills, now beginning at “CPAC 2010, The John Birch Edition:” [Video moved to newer thread…] Saving Freedom from the Hoax of Global Warming Marriott Ballroom Chris Horner, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming Ann McElhinney, Not Evil Just ...

Virginia Challenges EPA Greenhouse Gas Finding

Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 7:18:37 pm
The attorney general of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, has filed a petition to block the Envirnomental Protection Agency from declaring greenhouse gases to be a threat to public health: Virginia Files Challenge to E.P.A. Greenhouse Gas Regulation. Mr. Cuccinelli, seeking to block the decision, also filed a petition with a federal ...

Re: 'Settled Science'

Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 6:02:53 pm
Here’s a really good post at The Island of Doubt about a talking point that’s suddenly everywhere in the denial-o-sphere: What is this ‘settled science’ of which you speak? In the past couple of days a pernicious little meme has appeared in two leading North American newspapers. I refer to ...

How the Denial Lobby and a Dishonest Journalist Created a Fake Scandal

Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 2:04:34 pm
Tim Holmes has an excellent in-depth look at the manufacturing of one of the latest phony scandals in the recent deluge of anti-AGW propaganda: the claim that the IPCC AR4 made “false predictions” about the Amazon rain forest: “AmazonGate”: how the denial lobby and a dishonest journalist created a fake ...

IPCC Errors? Facts vs. Spin

Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:45:59 pm
Gavin Schmidt of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies has an excellent post at RealClimate, going through the deluge of distorted claims about the “errors” (in reality, there appears to be only one genuine “error” and one debatable point) in the IPCC’s last report (the “AR4”), and exhaustively debunking each ...

New Info from CRU Hacking Investigation

Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 4:32:15 pm
DeSmogBlog’s Mitchell Anderson has new information on the investigation into the cyber-burglary of Britain’s Climate Research Unit (CRU), thoroughly refuting the claims that the leak came from a “whistle-blower:” Who Hacked the CRU? An interesting post on IT-NETWORKS picks apart what is currently known about the hack job and what ...

The Daily Mail's Latest Lie About Climate Change

Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 9:41:15 am
The Daily Mail’s story by David Rose, claiming that climate scientist Phil Jones “admitted” there has been no global warming since 1995, is completely false. Journalism at its most irresponsible. There really ought to be a law. At least there ought to be consequences. The BBC interviews Phil Jones: B - ...

Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?

Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 3:11:00 pm
Here’s an excellent video presentation by potholer54 that debunks several very common false claims made by climate change skeptics, tracking them back to original sources and showing the deceptive tactics used by the denial industry. For example, the claim to which the title of this post refers (“Has the Earth ...

TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:03:27 am
One of the most ignorant (and often intentionally deceptive) “common sense” talking points promoted by the climate denial industry is that cold weather proves global warming theories are a hoax. Every time there’s a blizzard, this hoary old chestnut is taken out of the freezer, thawed out, and hyped by ...

CRU Scientist Got Death Threats

Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 2:04:35 pm
Embattled climate scientist Phil Jones talks to the Times Online: The leak was bad. Then came the death threats - Times Online. At the worst possible time, in the days immediately before the Copenhagen climate summit in December, it enabled sceptics across the globe to claim that climate science was ...

Palin Thinking of Presidency in 2012, Cites Pat Buchanan

Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 11:09:23 am
Sarah Palin, who quit her elected office as Governor of Alaska in the middle of her term, now says she’s considering running for President in 2012. “I would, I would if I believe that is the right thing to do for our country and the Palin family. Certainly I would ...

TeaBagCon: Where Have All the Young People Gone?

Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 8:39:45 pm
Here’s an interesting note on TeaBagCon, from a roundup of the first day’s craziness by Mary C. Curtis at Politics Daily: A funny thing about the break-out session “How to Involve the Youth in the Conservative Movement” – not too many young people showed up. Mishelle Perkins, a 44-year-old mother ...

TeaBagCon: Theocrat Judge Roy Moore Bashes Gays, Calls Obama 'Immoral'

Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 9:58:52 am
Here’s a report by Jeff Woods at the Nashville Scene on yet another lunatic speaker at the first National Tea Party Convention, homophobic theocrat Judge Roy Moore: At Tea Party, Gay-Bashing ‘Ten Commandments Judge’ Calls Obama Immoral. Leave it to the “Ten Commandments judge” to inject gay bashing into the ...

Dominican Official Warned US Baptists About Haitian Kids

Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 9:55:37 am
The Dominican consul general told CNN today that he warned the leader of a group of American Baptists that they were going to get in trouble, because they did not have the proper documentation for the Haitian children they tried to smuggle out of the country. “I warned her, I ...

Climategate Scientist Vindicated By Penn State Investigation

Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 12:59:33 pm
Today’s news about the absurdly exaggerated “Climategate” nontroversy: an internal inquiry by Penn State University into allegations that climate scientist Michael Mann suppressed or “cooked” data has found no evidence of any misconduct by Mann. The internal enquiry has found that Mann did not “participate in, directly or indirectly, any ...

Monckton Alerts World to NASA Conspiracy, Cures Common Cold

Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:47:07 am
Lord High Climate Denier Christopher Monckton, fresh from his latest appearance on the radio show of 9/11 Truther Alex Jones (during which he compared President Obama to Adolf Hitler), told an Australian audience yesterday that NASA deliberately planned the crash of a satellite during launch last year, because it would ...

Today on Alex Jones

Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:45:14 pm
One of the world’s foremost right wing climate change deniers, Marc Morano, appears on the radio show of one of the world’s foremost raving conspiracy kooks, 9/11 Truther Alex Jones — and it’s exactly where he belongs. Marc Morano on Alex Jones Tv 1/4: NASA Scientist Demands End to Industrial Society! Also ...

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