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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,475 matches, in 59 pages)

Michele Bachmann Attends Anti-Gay Sermon

Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 10:18:21 am
Yesterday in Iowa, fanatic Michele Bachmann attended a church service in which the pastor spewed hatred at gay people, and promoted the "ex-gay" therapy that Bachmann and her husband Marcus have been denying they support: Bachmann attends church service denouncing homosexuality. WAUKEE, IA –- Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann yesterday ...

Koch Bros. Conference: 'The Many Benefits of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment'

Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:26:48 pm
One of the latest front groups organized by the Koch Brothers has the lofty-yet-innocuous sounding name, "The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)," and Think Progress has a photo of the ugly anti-scientific literature they're distributing: At Koch’s ALEC Conference: ‘The Many Benefits Of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment’. Also see: VIDEO: Security Guards At ...

The Fascist Ideology of 'Fjordman'

Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 5:11:47 pm
The identity of Fjordman has been revealed. He revealed it himself, realising that media would sooner or later figure out who he is. Personally, I don't find his identity all that interesting, but it is a good thing that we now know. Just yesterday, someone else was "exposed" as being ...

Video: Rick Perry's Crazed Prayer Rally

Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 11:23:36 am
Today Texas Governor Rick Perry held his prayer rally "The Response," with a panoply of the most insane, bigoted, and outright racist fundamental Christian leaders imploring their God to help them turn America into a repressive theocracy. No, I'm not exaggerating. Right Wing Watch is posting videos from this bizarre congruence of ...

Breivik Inspiration 'Fjordman' Reveals Identity

Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 9:49:49 am
I strongly encourage any journalists writing about the no-longer anonymous blogger 'Fjordman' to actually read what this person has written, because you'll discover that his disavowals and deflections are designed to cover up not only far right opinions, but overt white supremacism. Over the years, Peder Jensen has become increasingly ...

Geller Loses It (Again): LGF is 'Infected with the Poison of Evil'

Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 2:21:18 pm
Here's anti-Muslim lunatic Pamela Geller with steam shooting out of her ears, spewing paranoia in all directions, because I ... gasp! ... pointed out the public Amazon page for her new book (and its similarity to the manifesto of Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik): LITTLE GREEN ASTROTURDS!!!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs ...

Oslo Terrorist's Call to Police: 'The Anti-Communist Resistance Against Islamisation'

Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 12:59:19 pm
Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang reports that immediately after his shooting rampage at the summer camp on Utoya, "counter-jihad" killer Anders Behring Breivik used his cell phone to call the police and boast, "Mission Accomplished." Anders Behring Breivik said "mission accomplished" during a call to police after he massacred 69 people ...

Robert Spencer Joins Pat Robertson: The Media Loves Radical Islam

Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:19:36 am
Together at last -- raving anti-Muslim bigots Pat Robertson and Robert Spencer, on Robertson's TV show "The 700 Club," explaining to their delusional audience that the media and the left wing are a bunch of no-good Muslim-lovers. The Geller-Spencer crowd hasn't even slowed down in the wake of the Oslo atrocities. ...

The Fjordman Deflection

Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 3:08:24 pm
Anti-Muslim demagogue Pamela Geller is one of the star writers at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" website, and I haven't been shy about pointing out that fact. So today I noticed that several of Breitbart's camp followers are attacking me in turn, by noting that I once linked to Fjordman's articles at ...

Pamela Geller Deletes Racist Caption, Hides Comments

Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 10:53:01 am
Today we find that anti-Muslim lunatic Pamela Geller is editing her posts again, to remove evidence of blatant racism. In her despicable post from yesterday, in which she attacked the victims of Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, she copied an entire article from an anonymous far right blog, including this picture ...

Pamela Geller Attacks Victims of Oslo Terrorist

Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 3:53:56 pm
After spending a few days mouthing the expected rote denunciations of Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, Pamela Geller was clearly chafing at the bit to get back to her usual fare, and today she did just that by attacking Breivik's victims: SUMMER CAMP? ANTISEMITIC INDOCTRINATION TRAINING CENTER!!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs. She ...

Pamela Geller Feebly Explains Edit: 'Stockpiling Weapons' is 'Self Defense'

Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 11:21:10 am
Lunatic anti-Muslim bigot Pamela Geller dredges up one of the lamest excuses in recent memory, to feebly explain away her removal of a violent comment from a deranged Norway emailer: Clarifying the Edit - Atlas Shrugs. According to the Shrieking Harpy, she edited her four-year old post because it was "insenstive" ...

Far Right UK Blogger Denies Connection to Oslo Terrorist (But Wanted to See Me Shot)

Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:19:55 am
The Guardian has an article about Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik's connections to a far right "counter-jihad" blogger named Paul Ray, who goes by the name "Lionheart" online. Ray is denying having anything to do with Breivik, of course, and vocally condemning the attacks: British rightwing blogger denies meeting Norwegian ...

Fox News Anchor: Lunar Volcanoes Disprove Global Warming

Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 9:39:29 am
The Fox News anti-science agenda sometimes results in hilariously stupid moments like this one, in which a Fox News anchor reacts to the discovery of volcanoes on the moon by saying: Does it go, you know, anywhere close to the climate change debate that's under way here on Earth, I ...

Oslo Updates: Terrorist Asks Lawyer How Many He Killed

Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:12:23 pm
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has reportedly asked his lawyer how many people he killed in his rampage. The lawyer, Geir Lippestad, also said that Breivik took some sort of drugs to be "strong, efficient, and awake." In addition to his "counter-jihad" ideology (taken directly from the hateful writing of ...

NYT: US 'Counter-Jihad' Bloggers Heavily Influenced Oslo Terrorist

Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 9:53:13 am
In the New York Times, Scott Shane looks at the undeniable influence of people like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller on the Oslo terrorist: Killings in Norway Spotlight Anti-Muslim Thought in U.S. In the document he posted online, Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused of bombing government buildings and killing ...

The Oslo Terrorist's 'Counter-Jihad' Ideology

Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 1:45:01 pm
By now you've probably heard about Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik's "manifesto," a 1,516-page screed with some writing by Breivik, but mostly consisting of quotes and articles by "counter-jihad" bloggers and similar right wing sources. (You can find it on the web if you really want to read it; I won't ...

Forbes Writer Gets Oslo Terrorist Story Very Wrong

Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 9:41:42 am
Note to Forbes writer Abigail R. Esman: you really should do some research before lumping me in with the "counter-jihad" bigots: What Really Lies Behind The Oslo Attacks – And Why It May Happen Again - Abigail R. Esman. At this writing, the sole suspect in custody is 32-year-old Anders ...

Pamela Geller Lashes Out: 'The Little Green Shew'

Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 1:21:13 pm
Obviously feeling backed into a corner, Pamela Geller lashes out with her patented incoherent malice: NORWAY SHOOTER A CHARLES JOHNSON FAN!!!! The shooter links to LGF (before he went psycho). The above is the original. From here. More Screenshots here from Mark Humphries (as well as links to myriad other websites ...

Oslo Terrorist Linked to EDL and European Branch of Pamela Geller's Hate Group

Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 12:27:50 pm
Also today, the Guardian has an article about Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik's links to the UK far right. Breivik boasted online of his discussions with the English Defence League (the anti-Muslim group praised and supported by US bloggers Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller), and with "Stop the Islamisation of Europe" ...

Breaking: Oslo Terrorist 'Tied to Right Wing Extremism' - Update: A Pamela Geller Fan

Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 4:44:26 pm
The latest reports coming in from Norwegian sources say the man arrested in the bombing and massacre in Oslo, Anders Behring Breivik, has ties to right wing extremism and does not appear to be linked to Islamic terrorism. UPDATE at 7/22/11 5:26:46 pm More updates on the situation from LGF reader ...

Video: Al Franken Exposes Focus on the Family Spokesman As Liar

Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 10:39:48 am
One of the characteristics of a cult is that members systematically lie to outsiders, and you can see this behavior in almost all the religious fundamentalist groups with "Family" in their names. Today's case in point -- the testimony in the Senate's DOMA hearings by Focus on the Family’s Tom ...

Marcus Bachmann Denies Calling Gays 'Barbarians'

Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 10:15:45 am
Michele Bachmann's husband Marcus is doing some desperate damage control today, insisting that his clinics are not anti-gay, and denying he ever called gay people "barbarians". An audiotape circulating on the Internet depicts Bachmann as calling gays barbarians in a 2010 interview he gave to the "Point of View" Christian ...

Open Letter: Save the James Webb Space Telescope

Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:29:09 pm
If you think the James Webb Space Telescope is exactly the kind of cutting-edge science the US government needs to support, here's a page where you can add your authenticated signature to an open letter to Save the James Webb Space Telescope from the depredations of the anti-science right wing. ...

Anti-Science GOP Trying to Kill the Webb Space Telescope

Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 2:10:06 pm
You've got to be kidding me. One of America's greatest, grandest scientific successes -- and possibly one of the biggest scientific successes of all time -- has been the Hubble Space Telescope. It has expanded our knowledge of the universe in ways that no one could ever have imagined. NASA has been ...

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