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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,475 matches, in 59 pages)

Wacky Wingnut Post of the Day

Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 1:59:51 pm
At fraudster Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" tabloid site, the redoubtable Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King come up with the looniest post yet on the situation in Egypt, a dimwitted conspiracy theory leading back, inevitably, as all wingnut conspiracy theories must, to Barack Obama: Did Muslim Brotherhood Learn ‘Day of ...

Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA): 'I Didn't Come From No Monkey'

Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 6:07:21 pm
In the midst of a discussion about right wing denial of climate change, Bill Maher asks Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) directly, "Do you believe in evolution?" Kingston answers, "I believe I came from God, not from a monkey, so the answer is no." And, "I don't believe a creature crawled out of ...

Study: Abortion and Mental Problems Are Not Related

Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:32:09 pm
A new study by Danish scientists, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, provides more evidence that a common talking point of the anti-choice religious right wing is false: abortion and mental problems are not related. Women do not suffer mental health problems such as depression or post-traumatic stress ...

ElBaradei Mobbed by Reporters in Cairo

Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 9:52:41 am
Former feckless International Atomic Energy Agency head Mohamed ElBaradei is making a play to assume power in Egypt, and on his arrival today in Cairo he was mobbed by reporters -- but not supporters. Cairo - Egyptian opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei arrived in Cairo Thursday, talking of 'change' as the ...

Anti-Government Protests in Egypt

Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:26:01 am
The uprising in Tunisia is inspiring mass demonstrations in Egypt -- and while the Egyptian government is massively corrupt and brutal, the only real political alternative is the Muslim Brotherhood. Police in Cairo are using tear gas and water cannon to try to quell rare anti-government protests. Thousands have joined the ... Directors' Anti-Abortion Threat: 'Repudiate the Supreme Court with Mass Bloodshed'

Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 11:24:52 am
An official post by "The Directors" of openly threatens "mass bloodshed" if abortion remains safe and legal: We Have Drawn a Line. Here at RedState, we too have drawn a line. We will not endorse any candidate who will not reject the judicial usurpation of Roe v. Wade and ...

Rick Santorum Compares Legal Abortion to Slavery

Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:15:16 pm
Religious right spokeshole Rick Santorum is in the news today for playing the race card on President Obama, by comparing legal abortions to slavery. Discussing Obama’s views on abortion during a two-hour sit-down with CNS News on Thursday, Santorum said the president’s pro-choice position meant he was valuing some lives ...

GOP and Energy Lobbies In Closed Talks to Destroy All Climate Change Rules

Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 9:28:53 am
You'll never see a more blatant expression of the Republican Party's servitude to the energy industries than this. No, the title is not an exaggeration. Top staff members for key House and Senate Republicans met in a closed-door session Tuesday with energy industry interests to work on strategy to handcuff ...

Religious Right Leader: Episcopal Church Is No Longer Christian

Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:32:27 am
In a column for the anti-gay hate group known as the American Family Association (home of the demented Bryan Fischer), religious right leader Michael Youssef said that because of the Episcopal Church's tolerance of gays, it has "defied God" and is no longer Christian. Episcopal Church: Christian? Based on everything I ...

When Dim Bulbs Attack (or, A Confederacy of Dunces)

Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 8:45:41 am
DerpImagine my surprise. Instead of retracting his monumentally dumb post claiming that the White House flashed "applause" signs at the Tucson memorial, Jim "Dim" Hoft goes on the attack -- and it's just as lame and dishonest as the stupid post he refuses to correct. Hoft's weird fantasy: Figures. Charles Johnson’s ...

Politifact Calls Out Michelle Malkin for Dishonest Anti-Obama Smear

Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:49:26 pm
Wingnut queen bee Michelle Malkin gets a nice big FALSE rating from for doing what she's done so many times before -- concocting an outrageous outrage out of thin air. And this might be the cheapest and ugliest one yet. Malkin tried to claim that the White House orchestrated ...

Video: Sarah Palin Claims She's a Victim of Blood Libel

Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 10:12:57 am
Today, Fox News commentator Sarah Palin finally emerged from her bomb shelter to make a statement on the Giffords shooting. Her highly-scripted speech was read from a teleprompter (gasp!), and was very carefully written to evoke the maximum appeal to victimhood, while not backing down at all or taking any responsibility ...

More Than a Quarter of Republicans Believe Anti-Govt Violence Can Be Justified

Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 6:20:11 pm
I rarely start a post like this, but wow. CBS News published a new poll today, showing that a majority of Americans believe Jared Lee Loughner's politics were a factor in the Arizona mass murder. (With poll questions like this, It's always important to note: all it tells you is that a ...

Shooter Planned Assassination, Compared Abortion to Terrorism

Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 1:24:05 pm
The New York Times has some details from the federal complaint filed against Jared Lee Loughner, showing clear evidence of premeditation. In a search of Mr. Loughner's home, authorities found a note in a safe with a handwritten note saying, "I planned ahead," "My assassination," and "Giffords," as well as ...

Fox News Stokes the Climate Change Denial Machine

Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 11:43:23 am
Fox News continues promoting anti-science rubbish to the rubes, with an article about Eight Botched Environmental Forecasts. What do you notice about these "botched forecasts?" The most recent one they could find dates back to 2000, and all the others are much older. Here are the dates of these 8 "mistaken" ...

Pamela Geller Makes It Into the SPLC Intelligence Report

Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:50:24 pm
Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller has hit the big time; she's featured in the Southern Poverty Law Center's Winter 2010 Intelligence Report, along with deranged preacher Terry Jones: Geller, Jones Amp Up Anti-Muslim Hate Rhetoric. The annual observances in New York City of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the ...

Hilarious Anti-Evolution Rant of the Month, Courtesy of Sharron Angle's PAC

Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 2:05:20 pm
A few days ago we noted that Tea Party loon Sharron Angle had launched a new organization called "The Patr Jot Cauc SPAC" ... ... oh, wait ... that's "The Patriot Caucus PAC." Anyway, LGF reader Sergey Romanov browsed around the site and dug up this gem of an anti-evolution rant ...

Religious Right Attacks Southern Poverty Law Center

Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:20:00 am
A who's who of right wing politicians, religious right spokesholes, and anti-gay loons have signed a statement opposing the Southern Poverty Law Center's classification of many far right religious organizations as hate groups. LGF reader Gus 802 pasted together this picture of the statement, which they placed as an advertisement ...

Wikileaks' Russian Representative: A Holocaust Denier

Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 6:19:49 pm
One of the craziest weirdos LGF has been following for years is a guy named Israel Shamir, a Russian-born bark-at-the-moon antisemite and Holocaust denier who used to write for the Saudi English-language journal Arab News. Here's an LGF Search page with some of our articles about this noxious psycho. After the ...

At NYU, Pamela Geller Claims She Isn't 'Anti-Muslim' (Again)

Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 9:45:51 am
On Wednesday, Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller took her Traveling Bigotry Roadshow to an NYU class on "Cultural Wars." As usual when she's trying to appear rational, Geller denied that she has a single prejudiced bone in her body; this is her schtick at personal appearances, while on her website she ...

The GOP's Quid Pro Quo

Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:22:33 pm
The right wing astroturfers are calling in their markers. After defeating Feingold, Johnson himself has turned to K Street for help - hiring homeland security lobbyist Donald H. Kent Jr. as his chief of staff. Johnson is not alone: Many incoming GOP lawmakers have hired registered lobbyists as senior aides. Several ...

Family Research Council's Perkins on Fox: 'Homosexual Behavior is Harmful'

Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 9:03:31 am
Tony Perkins of the extreme fundamentalist group Family Research Council is outraged that the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed the FRC as an anti-gay hate group. Here he is seething and whining about it on Fox News, claiming he's not anti-gay at the same time as he promotes bogus ...

Joe Scarborough to GOP: 'Man Up' and Confront the Idiot Half-Governor

Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 8:39:14 am
In an opinion column for Politico, conservative MSNBC host Joe Scarborough rips Sarah Palin, and calls on the GOP to "man up" and confront the populist right wing icon. I hope he isn't holding his breath. This is one Republican who would prefer that the former half-term governor promote her reality ...

Fox Nation Links to Onion Satire, Readers Don't Get Joke, Go Nuts

Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 3:41:08 pm
The editors at Fox Nation may have realized they were posting a link to a satirical article from the Onion, but they curiously forgot to mention it to the readers of their website. And the vast majority of those readers had no idea whatsoever that it was a joke, because it ...

Thanksgiving Day Pages

Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 3:04:33 pm
Here's an open thread for a beautiful Thanksgiving afternoon, with links to some interesting LGF Pages you should check out: Rep. Todd Akin: The Pilgrims Came To America To Flee 'Unbiblical' Socialism In The 1620′s Palin's reckless views on obesity Cyberspace Vulnerabilities It's Pie Day! Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie The changing landscape of online fraud: Long ...

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