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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,475 matches, in 59 pages)

The Ludicrous Lies of Robert Spencer

Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:03:53 am
If you've read anything by Robert Spencer, you already know that he will blatantly lie when cornered. Today he responds to my piece for the Guardian, with a ridiculous article that calls Pamela Geller a defamed freedom fighter. Spencer leaves out all the childish insults that he normally posts at his ...

Glenn Reynolds: Anti-Muslim Craziness Is All Obama's Fault

Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 10:45:17 am
Glenn Reynolds provides us with a textbook example of Obama Derangement Syndrome, mixed with a blind dumb partisan instinct to deny responsibility for their own inflammatory rhetoric, and blame the other side for absolutely everything. It occurs to me that right after 9/11 we saw the beginning anti-mosque demonstrations but ...

When Germany Lurches to the Right, the World Should Pay Attention

Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 5:46:45 pm
Survey findings on far-right views give Germany its latest Führer furore. GERMANY IS undergoing its annual Führer furore, this time over a new survey suggesting that extreme-right views are on the rise. Some 13 per cent of Germans in a new survey said they felt “Germany needs to be ruled with ...

Pamela Geller and the Secret Stealth Jihadi Meat Conspiracy

Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 10:50:06 am
I'd say Pamela Geller is off the deep end, but she's so far underwater at this point, the deep end is up. Her latest clumsily written rant warns the world of the creeping sharia and stealth jihad caused by THE SECRET SELLING OF HALAL MEAT IN THE U.S.! In today's Human ...

Prosecutors Recommend Acquittal for Geert Wilders

Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 10:25:20 am
Dutch prosecutors have asked the high court to acquit anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders on charges of hate speech and incitement. The judge has apparently not ruled on the request yet, but this is the right decision. I've always said Wilders should not be prosecuted for the hateful rubbish he spews. But make ...

Pamela Geller and the Bloggers of Hate

Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 9:29:11 am
Here's my first piece for the Guardian's "Comment is free" site: Pamela Geller and the bloggers of hate. (I didn't pick the title or subheading, but they fit pretty well.) I'll cross-post the article here (including its British spellings), but you should also check out the comments at Cif; some of ...

Jeffrey Goldberg: Reuel Gerecht on Pamela Geller's Foul Anti-Muslim Ideology

Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:29:39 am
Jeffrey Goldberg has an interesting post featuring Reuel Marc Gerecht, former CIA operative and expert on militant Islam. Goldberg asked Gerecht for his reaction to some of the outrageously ignorant and bigoted comments from Pamela Geller quoted in the New York Times, and Gerecht's response is a must-read: Reuel Gerecht ...

GOP Global Warming Denial Watch: Pat Toomey

Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 9:52:09 am
As if to illustrate my point that every single GOP candidate in this election is a denier of global warming, even Philadelphia's Pat Toomey (considered one of the few remaining moderate Republicans) is toeing the anti-science line. [Video] My view is: I think the data is pretty clear. There has been ...

How Glenn Beck and Right Wing Media Drove Byron Williams to Violence

Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 10:00:29 am
Last July, when Byron Williams was arrested in Oakland after a shootout with police, we learned that he was on his way to attack the offices of the ACLU and the Tides Foundation -- two frequent targets of Glenn Beck. The circumstantial connection of Williams's violent plans with Glenn Beck's ugly ...

What Right Wing Extremist Violence?

Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 9:33:13 am
In Michigan, a man is being investigated by the FBI after weapons, body armor, and bomb-making materials were found in his car, along with a laptop containing information about the crazy Christian militia group Hutaree: Sheriff's lieutenant says FBI probing local case. The FBI is investigating whether a Brighton-area man ...

Violent British Anti-Muslim Gang Connects with Tea Party Movement

Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 10:46:51 am
The violent British anti-Muslim gang known as the English Defence League (a group of football hooligans and criminals with roots in the neo-Nazi British National Party) is developing links with the Tea Party movement -- and is being legitimized in America by Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and their Bigot Brigade. ...

English Defense League Riots Again in Britain

Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 9:26:28 pm
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, arguably the two most visible spokespeople of the anti-Muslim group "Stop Islamization of America," are both very vocal supporters of the British organization called the English Defense League -- an offshoot of the neo-Nazi British National Party, composed in large part of skinheads, white supremacists, ...

The GOP's War on Climate Science

Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:46:24 am
In the GOP war against climate science, the latest tactic is to launch "investigations" of their real enemies: the scientists themselves. It's a pretty obvious political calculation; since they can't argue with the scientific facts (not honestly, anyway) they're trying to discredit the researchers personally. One of the most aggressive attackers ...

Anti-Mosque Fox Reporter Charged with Child Abuse

Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 9:46:26 am
Charles Leaf, the reporter for New York's Fox 5 who's been aggressively promoting the "Ground Zero Mosque" bigotry, has been charged with sexually assaulting a 4-year old girl. Award-winning Fox 5 news reporter Charles Leaf was charged with sexually abusing a 4-year-old girl at his Wyckoff home, Bergen County Prosecutor ...

Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 8:04:01 pm
Oregon GOP congressional candidate Arthur Robinson, subject of several posts at LGF, was on the Rachel Maddow show tonight. And you won't believe how crazy this one gets. Robinson claims to be a scientist, when he's one of the most rabid, irrational anti-science GOP fools in an election full of them. ...

NRSC Ad for John Raese Uses 'Hicky' Actors

Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 12:18:07 pm
Republican John Raese is running for the late Robert Byrd’s Senate seat in West Virginia, spewing anti-science nonsense like almost every other Republican candidate. Raese's Democratic opponent is Gov. Joe Manchin, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee has released an ad attacking Manchin, shot in Philadelphia using actors chosen for ...

New Poll: Christine O'Donnell is Going to Need Witchcraft to Win

Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:17:21 am
Before the Tea Party loons had their big Delaware primary victory with Christine O'Donnell, Republican incumbent Mike Castle was favored for an easy win. Then came the teabaggers; Castle was declared a despicable RINO. The anti-masturbation, anti-evolution religious fanatic candidate was in! The Tea Party's march to greatness was under way! They ...

Christine O'Donnell's Super Secret Classified Chinese Takeover Plot

Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:52:13 pm
In a 2006 Delaware Senate primary debate, anti-wanking Republican candidate Christine O'Donnell boasted that she was "privy to" secret classified information about a Chinese plot to take over the United States. WASHINGTON — Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell of Delaware said in a 2006 debate that China was plotting to ...

Update: At Least 80 GOP Candidates Would Force Women to Bear Rapists' Babies

Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 12:27:25 pm
Raw Story picked up on my post about the Republican National Coalition For Life's appallingly large list of GOP candidates who support extreme anti-abortion positions (no exceptions for rape and incest). They counted the number of candidates who actually won their primaries and will stand for election, and came up ...

Sharron Angle: Sharia Law is Already Taking Over

Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 11:27:21 am
On Thursday night the Nevada member of the GOP's Crazy Candidate Club, Sharron Angle, met with a hand-picked group of teabaggers behind closed doors and told them (among other things) that sharia law is already taking over America. One of the last questioners asked about "Muslims taking over the U.S.," ...

Why I'll Never Vote GOP Again, Part 65: Ron Johnson (R-WI)

Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 4:46:58 pm
Impenetrably ignorant Republican Senate candidate Ron Johnson, last seen at LGF when he said global warming is caused by sunspots and CO2 is harmless because it's "sucked down by trees," has made the news again with another outburst of anti-science idiocy: Wis. US Sen. hopeful: Global warming 'unproven'. MILWAUKEE — ...

O'Donnell's False Oxford Claim Found on Second Website

Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:06:06 am
When the false claims about her education posted at LinkedIn were discovered, GOP anti-wanking candidate Christine O'Donnell said the information was posted by someone else. Unfortunately for O'Donnell's rather transparent attempt to cover up a lie with another lie, now another site has surfaced where the same claims were posted -- ...

Charlie Crist's Anti-Vaccination Backer Wants Your Sealed Immunization Records

Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 2:57:29 pm
The weirdest story of the day comes from Florida (where else?), where one of Gov. Charlie Crist's biggest financial backers is trying to use his political pull to gain access to scores of the state's sealed immunization records -- records that include Social Security numbers and home addresses. The guy who's ...

What Right Wing Extremist Violence?

Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 2:42:16 pm
This incident took place a few days ago, but in case you missed it, another deranged person spouting anti-Muslim smears and threats against the President was arrested in East St. Louis and ordered to undergo a mental evaluation. EAST ST. LOUIS • A federal judge on Thursday ordered the man ...

Rush Limbaugh, Creationist

Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 1:53:00 pm
Rush Limbaugh, chairman of the modern day anti-science Know Nothing party, shares his deep thoughts on the subject of human evolution. Video

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