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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Sarah Palin Poetry Slam of the Day

Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 5:58:15 pm
Sarah Palin's latest disjointed rant is about NAACP Spokane president Rachel Dolezal, and like every other right winger on the Internets Palin is churning out the bizarre analogies like a Bizarre Analogy Factory. Here's her wall of gibberish as impressionistic free verse, because it really is better this way for ...

Ouch! Chuck Johnson's Latest Attempt to Sneak Back Onto Twitter Is Denied

Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 9:44:26 am
It's always nice to wake up to good news, and today we find that cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson's latest sock puppet account on Twitter, @GotNewsResearch has been suspended. Maybe Johnson should have thought better of posting a tweet in the first person, from an account that wasn't supposed to be him? ...

And Now, Chuck Johnson Is Stalking the Offices of Twitter in San Francisco

Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 11:02:49 am
The Twitter account apparently run by Chuck C. Johnson's crony Shannon Knutsen posted this creepy photo last night: Chuck C. Johnson stalking Twitter Yes, that's Chuck Johnson looking like he just rolled out of bed, lurking outside the offices of Twitter in San Francisco. The word for this kind of pathetic behavior, ...

Breaking: McKinney Cop Eric Casebolt Resigns

Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 3:45:32 pm
Officer Eric Casebolt, the cop seen manhandling a bikini-clad black teenager and pulling his gun on some other teens, has now resigned, according to Fox 4 in Dallas: McKinney Officer Resigns Due to Actions in Pool Party Video. McKinney Police Corporal Eric Casebolt has resigned after video showed him pushing ...

Sean Hannity: McKinney Cop Was Afraid of Being "Shanked" - Houston Radio Host Calls Teens "Jungle Animals"

Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 10:09:41 am
Houston right wing radio host Michael BerryAs usual, right wingers are being absolutely disgusting and openly racist as they leap to attack the victims of the pool party incident in McKinney, Texas. This is who they are. For example, Houston talk radio host Michael Berry (a wanna-be Rush Limbaugh), who calls ...

Motel Manager Pouring Acid in the Water When Black People Swam in His Pool, 1964

Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 8:47:16 pm
More: Motel Manager Pouring Acid in the Water When Black People Swam in His Pool, 1964 This famous photograph by Horace Cort shows a group of white and black integrationists in the former Monson Motor Lodge swimming pool on June 18, 1964. The photo was connected to the St. Augustine ...

Blogger Connected to Chuck Johnson's Crusade Against Thad Cochran Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy

Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 6:25:50 pm
Chuck Johnson posing in front of Thad Cohran's house Tonight we have some fallout from Chuck C. Johnson's crusade against Thad Cochran in Mississippi, as a far right blogger pleads guilty to conspiracy to commit burglary in a plot to take video of Cochran's wife as she lay bedridden in a ...

Riverfront Times Reports on Chuck Johnson's Wingnut Tea Party Lawyer

Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 4:52:55 pm
Chuck C. Johnson smiling next to Lee Harvey Oswald's sniper rifle at the JFK Museum in Dallas The Riverfront Times has a report today on the wingnut lawyer representing the dreaded Ginger Avenger, Chuck C. Johnson, in his quixotic quest to regain his Twitter account: St. Louis Lawyer Fighting to Reinstate ...

Video: Police Brutality Incident at a Pool Party in Texas - UPDATE: Cop Added Video to His YouTube Playlist

Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 12:34:12 pm
YouTube Just watch. (The Grio)The incident reportedly took place this weekend in McKinney, Texas - where a resident was having a pool party. Allegedly, neighbors were concerned about the large group of black children who were in attendance at the event, and called the police to intervene. Authorities arrived immediately to ...

Podcast of the Morning: The Bob & Chez Show, 6/2/15

Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:27:32 am /BCS_060215.mp3 I've reached a top secret agreement with Bob Cesca to make regular appearances on his podcast with Chez Pazienza, in exchange for posting the podcasts here at LGF. (Oops, I guess it isn't top secret any more.) So here's the latest edition of The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show. ...

Buzzpo Pulls an NRO: Posts Photo From African Missionary's Site Labeled as "Welfare Queen"

Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 12:10:48 pm
After the recent story about NRO doctoring a photo was posted, the link to it was posted on Fark user "Mr. Cat Poop" commented that he also exposed a similar case of deceitful use of a photo by using reverse image search. An alleged welfare queen Buzzpo smear story ...

The Chuck Johnson Saga Takes a Dark Turn

Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 4:36:07 pm
The saga of cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson takes another dark turn today, as Buzzfeed's Jessica Testa reports: Someone Impersonated Me to Trick a Sexual Assault Victim. In a piece for Jezebel, a woman using the name "Josie" wrote about her experiences at Columbia University, when she filed charges for sexual assault ...

Busted! National Review Crops and "Dirties" Photo From Austin Walmart, Claims It Shows "Venezuela"

Sun, May 31, 2015 at 1:44:17 pm
Get a load of this.... So Michelle Malkin in National Review did a piece on Bernie Sanders a few days ago, still whining about the underarm deodorant issue... Ask Venezuelans How Sanders-Style Socialism Is Working Out for Them Venezuela's vibrant economy. Wow, horrible pic of some lady in a store with empty shelves and ...

Chuck Johnson Threatens Everybody: "This Will Be the Summer of Justice!"

Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:07:09 pm
BEWARE, journalists! Chuck is COMING FOR YOU! When even Daily Caller hack Betsy Rothstein mocks you openly, as she does in this interview with Chuck "Babycakes" Johnson (she calls him "Gingerhead" throughout), you know you've got no friends left even on the loony right: BEWARE! Charles Johnson Is on the Warpath ...

New Evidence Chuck Johnson May Have Been Behind the "Pretty Little Liar - Rape Hoax" Posters at Columbia

Thu, May 28, 2015 at 2:02:25 pm
During Commencement Week at Columbia University earlier this month, someone hung posters on the Columbia campus and on Broadway with a photo of activist Emma Sulkowicz and the words "Pretty Little Liar." At the same time, someone created a Twitter account: @fakerape, and according to Anna Merlan's article linked above, ...

Armed Biker Gang Plans Open-Carry "Draw Mohammed" Contest Outside Phoenix Mosque

Thu, May 28, 2015 at 11:00:27 am
Video Here we go again. This time it's a crazed anti-Muslim right winger in Phoenix, planning to hold a 'Draw Muhammad' Contest right in front of the Islamic Community Center. The organizer of the event, Jon Ritzheimer, has held two protests in Phoenix since the Texas shootings. The chants and slogans ...

Chuck Johnson's Last Twitter Account, @GotNewsDotCom, Is Now Suspended Too

Tue, May 26, 2015 at 10:01:50 am
In the final chapter of cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson's ignominious downfall on Twitter, his last remaining account, @GotNewsDotCom, which he used for auto-posting links to his awful website, is now... This brings the grand total of Chuck Johnson suspensions to seven. Chuck really messed with the wrong guy when he posted that ...

Chuck Johnson Registers Another Twitter Account, Is Suspended Again, Registers Another, Threatens to Sue Me

Mon, May 25, 2015 at 10:25:39 am
This morning Chuck Johnson tried to get back on Twitter despite being suspended yesterday, by registering a new account with the name @citizentrolling. And in short order, this account was suspended too. So Chuck being Chuck, he immediately registered another account: @freechucknow. And one of the first things he did with ...

Mike Huckabee Stands By Josh Duggar

Fri, May 22, 2015 at 10:12:43 am
Huckabee praised the Duggar family, who took over a year to bring the matter to law enforcement, saying that they "dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities." He adds that Josh is a good person who "confessed his sins to those ...

Family Values, Duggar Style: Jim Bob Duggar Didn't Report Son Josh's Alleged Sex Offenses for More Than a Year

Thu, May 21, 2015 at 5:17:35 pm
Entertainment journal In Touch has the latest horrible news about the scandal breaking for the far right ultra-Christian incredibly fertile Duggar family: Bombshell Duggar Police Report: Jim Bob Duggar Didn't Report Son Josh's Alleged Sex Offenses for More Than a Year. Josh DuggarJim Bob Duggar waited more than a year ...

Jeb Bush Has the Gall to Accuse Climate Scientists of "Intellectual Arrogance"

Thu, May 21, 2015 at 1:05:52 pm
Jeb Bush shows the disturbingly awful attitude of the GOP towards the most serious problem the human race has ever faced; in his latest statement on climate change he has the absolute gall to accuse the climate science community of "intellectual arrogance." As he has before, Bush acknowledged "the climate ...

Is @ChuckCJohnson Planning to Monetize His Obsession With Rape?

Wed, May 20, 2015 at 2:46:32 pm
Chuck C. Johnson smiling next to Lee Harvey Oswald's sniper rifle at the JFK Museum in Dallas (Source: Twitter) Last month, our deranged stalker pal Chuck C. Johnson posted a couple of comments on Twitter that caught a lot of people's eyes: What is extortion? And should it be illegal? — Charles C. ...

New Images of Ceres Show Mysterious Bright Spots in More Detail

Wed, May 20, 2015 at 1:25:18 pm
Here's the latest image from NASA's Dawn Mission, now in orbit around the protoplanet Ceres in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, with a clear shot of those mysterious bright spots first sighted months ago. The composition of the material causing these bright areas is still unknown as of ...

Searching Google Maps for the N-Word Directs You to the White House and the Lincoln Memorial

Wed, May 20, 2015 at 11:20:12 am
The Washington Post has a report on this ugly story: If You Search Google Maps for the N-Word, It Gives You the White House. Someone on Google Maps just labeled President Obama a very bad word. A reader points out that if you enter a search for "N***** king" -- which ...


Wed, May 20, 2015 at 3:40:18 am
OMG Y2K WTF? I stole this title from a bumper sticker I saw a while back that said something like OMG GOP WTF. ☺ I was looking through an old file recently and came across a pamphlet I saved to show my kids, called Y2K Citizen's Action Guide. Here ...

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