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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Daredevil Volume 1, Issue 13: "The Secret of Ka-Zar's Origin!"

Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 3:32:03 pm
The issue following Daredevil #12, published in February 1966, sported a beautiful cover by the late great Jack Kirby, who also shared pencilling credit with John Romita Sr. for the whole issue. This one features the origin story of loincloth aficionado Ka-Zar, who (shockingly!) turns out to be the brother ...

Daredevil Volume 1, Issue 12: "Sightless, in a Savage Land!"

Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 5:15:59 pm
The new Netflix series "Daredevil" is out, and it's really good -- much better than the sub-standard film released a few years ago. It captures the comic's dark feeling beautifully. And in honor of the excellent debut of this new series I'll be posting images of the Silver Age Daredevil comics ...

Police Release Video of Christian Band in Deadly Parking Lot Brawl

Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 11:19:06 am
Youtube Video Even going to Walmart can get weird when you are an end of times Christian Band... Arizona investigators have released dramatic video of a Walmart parking lot brawl that left a police officer wounded, one man dead, and reportedly involved members of a Christian family band. * Enoch Gaver, 21, ...

Stanford Computer Scientists Develop "Troll-Spotting Algorithm," Explodes When Analyzing

Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:40:16 pm
A group of Stanford computer scientists have developed an algorithm that supposedly can detect trolls by analyzing as few as five comments. Today, Justin Cheng at Stanford University in California and a few pals say they have created just such a tool by analyzing the behavior of trolls on several ...

Bloomberg News Falls for Fake Story About Nancy Reagan Endorsing Hillary Clinton

Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 2:45:42 pm
So today, this happened: Bloomberg News fell for a fake news story originally posted at one of those awful sites that plays on confirmation bias to circulate seemingly genuine stories and generate clicks for them: RETRACTED: Nancy Reagan Gives Her Endorsement to ... Hillary Clinton? - Bloomberg Politics. There's now a ...

The Only Confederate Flag We Ever Need to Remember

Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 5:46:39 pm
Today is the 150th anniversary of the Confederacy's Surrender at Appomattox. In the spirit of this day, there's only one Confederate flag that should ever be shown in the United States of America. 'Matthew G. Bisanz [GFDL ( , CC BY-SA 3.0 ( y-sa/3.0), GPL ( , LGPL ( ) or FAL], via Wikimedia Commons

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Answers Rand Paul on Abortion, Paul Promptly Distorts the Hell Out of It

Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:49:01 am
Yesterday, as Rand Paul was desperately avoiding answering questions about his stance on abortion, he tried to deflect the issue by calling out DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Later in the day, when asked after a campaign stop in Milford about the interview, which the Democratic National Committee had sent ...

Dutch Far Right Anti-Islam Demagogue Invited to Address Members of Congress

Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:09:21 pm
One of the horrible political developments of the past few years has been the complete acceptance of radical anti-Muslim hatred by the Republican Party. The nastiest bigoted conspiracy theories and fear-mongering have become totally mainstream GOP positions; fantasies about shariah law taking over America, accusations of terrorist ties against innocent ...

Rand Paul Wants to Abolish the Department of "Eductation"

Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:20:48 pm
YouTube In this ridiculous video from Rand Paul's campaign site, he says he wants to abolish the Department of Education, because of course he does. But Rand Paul's site gives us our funniest inadvertent right wing comedy moment of the day, because whoever put this together actually misspelled the word "education" in ...

Is Chuck C. Johnson Collaborating with a Criminal Revenge Porn Extortionist?

Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 10:26:34 am
So do any o' y'all remember super gross chin-beard aficionado Craig Brittain? He's touching your swimsuit area with his eyes. Brittain ran the revenge porn site "Is Anybody Down" until he was forced to shutter it by the Federal Trade Commission for essentially being a criminal extortion scheme: At the end of ...

'Revenge Porn' Caveman Gets 18 Years, Chuck C. Johnson Supports Him

Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 11:26:59 am
Kevin Bollaert was sentenced yesterday to 18 years in prison for running a horrific "revenge porn" site where hateful cretins could post explicit images of their ex-wives and ex-girlfriends. Kevin Christopher Bollaert, a Web developer, posted the pictures and then charged women from $300 to $350 to have the pictures ...

Pat Robertson's Latest Crazed Tirade: Gays Are Going to Force You to Like Bestiality

Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 2:35:55 pm
YouTube Here's fanatical old crocodile Pat Robertson again, weighing in on the Indiana "religious freedom" law with his carefully considered opinion that gays are going to force everyone to like anal sex and bestiality. "It doesn't matter what custom you've got, it doesn't matter what holy thing that you worship and ...

Does MSNBC Know It's Giving a Platform to an Anti-Gay Hate Group?

Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 10:57:31 am
Media Matters MSNBC hosted a spokeswoman from a notorious anti-gay hate group twice in one day to discuss controversial "religious freedom" legislation, failing to identify her as an extremist who has opposed the decriminalization of gay sex. On April 1, American Family Association (AFA) spokeswoman Sandy Rios appeared twice on MSNBC ...

The Most Awful Right Wing Tweet About California's Water Shortage

Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 5:39:45 pm
Today California Gov. Jerry Brown ordered historic restrictions on water usage, as the state faces a serious water crisis. The snow pack has decreased to only 6 percent of its normal depth, and that's bad. Very bad. So what does our stalker pal Chuck C. Johnson think about this? Maybe the 3 ...

Right Wingers Are Shrieking About New Daily Show Host Trevor Noah Because of Course

Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:44:50 am
It's getting harder and harder to check in on right-wing "news" sites, just to see what the topics of conversation are. I've long felt that one of the biggest threats to our democracy is that educated people insulate themselves in an echo chamber where they only hear thoughts and opinions ...

Indianapolis Star Front Page Editorial: "FIX THIS NOW"

Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:17:08 am
Indianapolis Star's front page editorial today on the controversial "Religious Freedom" law We are at a critical moment in Indiana's history. And much is at stake. Our image. Our reputation as a state that embraces people of diverse backgrounds and makes them feel welcome. And our efforts over many years to retool ...

Kneel Before the "Climate Moron of the Day," Earth Beings

Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 1:14:51 pm
Yes, dear readers, I have arrived at long last. Climate change denying right wing performing clown "Steve Goddard" (real name: Tony Heller) has named me his "Climate Moron of the Day," after a rather hilarious Twitter fight. Somebody's spreading nonsense, all right, but it isn't me. Here's what ground measurements show. ...

The James O'Keefe Scandal Gets Worse: Ex-Staffer Says He Crossed a Line With Vile 'Kill Cops' Stunt

Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 7:13:16 pm
I have to confess that I'm totally unsurprised by the latest news on James O'Keefe's creepy subterfuge: Ex-Staffer Slams James O'Keefe: He Crossed a Line With Vile 'Kill Cops' Stunt. Richard Valdes, the former director of special operations for O'Keefe's organization Project Veritas, told TPM on Thursday that the guerrilla ...

Nature Is Awesome: Kilauea - the Fire Within

Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 6:02:06 pm
Vimeo Available in 4K, The Fire Within is a visceral, artistic study on the Big Island of Hawaii's hyperactive Kilauea volcano. I was born and raised on the island and all my life up until last year I hadn't had the chance to come face to face with her incredible ...

Life With Gohmert: "Stop Slapping Israel Around, Obama! It's Time to Bomb Iran!"

Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:49:10 am
SoundCloud Our favorite batshit crazy Republican Congressman, the wonderfully loony Louie Gohmert, went on the radio show of anti-gay hate group leader Tony Perkins yesterday and declared that President Obama should stop slapping Israel around and just start a war with Iran right away! Bomb them back to the Stone Age, ...

Neo Nazi Gunman Arrested in Mesa, Ariz., Shootings That Left 1 Dead, 5 Wounded

Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 5:30:44 pm
The 88 and rune tattoos indicate that the suspect is likely to be a neo-Nazi or other white supremacist gang member. UPDATE at 3/18/15 5:09:15 pm by Thanos SPLC and others confirm affiliation with Hammerskins; other mass shooters like the Sikh Temple shooter have come from that group as well. ...

Did James O'Keefe Try to Plant an Undercover Operative in Ferguson to Incite Protesters to Violence?

Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 8:18:07 pm
I don't trust any of the people involved in this story, neither the James O'Keefe associates nor the New York Post, but if true this could be the end of James O'Keefe's creepy business: Activist Allegedly Tried to Bait Protesters With 'Kill Cops' Script. A controversial conservative activist is being ...

Israeli Election Thread

Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 11:45:53 am
Many eyes around the world are directed today towards Israel, where 5,883,365 eligible citizens poured into more than ten thousand voting stations to determine the identity of the country's next prime minister and the make-up of its government coalition. With polls now closed, it is estimated that 71.8% of eligible citizens ...

Capitol Police Detain and Question Chuck C. Johnson About Stalking Behavior

Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:51:41 pm
Our stalker pal Chuck C. Johnson has told his story about being detained and questioned by Capitol Police at a fundraiser for John Boehner in Bakersfield last weekend, to Daily Caller hack Betsy Rothstein: Capitol Police Detain Charles Johnson For Attending Boehner Fundraiser. This is the most interesting bit: Police asked ...

GOP State Rep. Harris Exploited Foster Daughter for Political Campaign, Reportedly Whipped Children

Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 5:51:23 pm
The story of Justin Harris just keeps getting worse: State Rep. Justin Harris (R-West Fork) used photos of a foster child his family was planning to adopt during his 2012 re-election campaign. The state Department of Human Services expressly prohibits the public use of photos or any other media that ...

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