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Searched LGF articles for: religion of peace (414 matches, in 17 pages)

Monday Night in Ferguson, Missouri

Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:12:10 pm
Here's an open thread to follow what's going on tonight in Ferguson, Missouri, with a fervent hope that peace will be restored. But you can almost smell Jim Hoft's eagerness for more violence in #Ferguson. The right wing blogosphere has been disgusting beyond belief today, validating once again my decision to ...

Missouri Gov. Nixon on Michael Brown Video Release: 'It's Not Right'

Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 6:43:54 pm
MSNBC Missouri Governor Jay Nixon went on Meet the Press today and seriously called out the Ferguson police department for releasing that surveillance video of Michael Brown, without consulting the Missouri Highway Patrol or his office and against the advice of the US Department of Justice. Andrea Mitchell: Well governor, there ...

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon: The Highway Patrol Will Take Over Security in Ferguson

Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 1:52:24 pm
Governor Jay Nixon announced minutes ago at a press conference that the St. Louis County police department is being relieved, and the Missouri State Highway Patrol will now take control of security operations in Ferguson. Capt. Ron John of the Highway Patrol said, "I grew up here, and I understand ...

Jim Hoft Posts Pictures of Three Looted Stores in Missouri, Commenters Spew Torrents of Overt Racism

Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:54:44 pm
All over the right wing blogosphere today, comment sections are packed with the ugliest kind of racist hate speech, reacting to the civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri -- and the website of the Dumbest Man on the Internet, Jim Hoft, is among the worst. Today one of Hoft's followers sent him ...

Breitbart Commenters Respond to Missouri Riots With Deluge of Outright Racism

Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:47:38 am
Breitbart "News" put their black Tea Party writer Sonnie Johnson on the Michael Brown story, and the headline almost seems reasonable: Riots in Missouri Turn Legitimate Outrage Over Teen's Shooting Into 3-Ring Circus. But then, Johnson opens with this incredibly inflammatory statement, which, if a white person had written would be ...

Vox Publishes Full Text of the Deleted Times of Israel Post About Genocide

Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 11:29:16 am
It's Max Fisher, but most of this is factual -- and there's one pullout I've highlighted below that Max got exactly right. ToI had the sense to take this post from a blogger, not a journalist, down quickly, so I don't see it as representing the Times at all, or ...

Twitchy: "Jew-Hating Bitch Pelosi" Says Hamas is a Humanitarian Group (A Lie)

Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 8:44:35 pm
[large]Exhibit A[/large] 'Jew-hating bitch Pelosi' says Hamas is a humanitarian group — TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) July 30, 2014 A screenshot: CNS also reported as Pelosi: Qataris Have Told Me 'Hamas Is a Humanitarian Organization' which is more accurate. What Rep. Nancy Pelosi really said with context: PELOSI: Well, we all -- war is a ...

One More Problem With That 1976 Holocaust Denial Edition of Reason

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 2:39:41 pm
Enough has been written on the "who is who in Holocaust denial" edition of the Reason magazine: Awful: Reason Magazine’s 1976 Holocaust Denial “Special Issue” Reason Magazine Addresses That 1976 “Holocaust Denial Edition” What follows is just a little footnote to that story. On p.53 of that issue we see an ad for "The ...

Buzzfeed Fires Former Breitbart/Glenn Beck Writer for Serial Plagiarism

Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:04:44 am
After being exposed as a serial plagiarist, Buzzfeed writer Benny Johnson has been fired; here's the post by Ben Smith: Editor's Note: An Apology to Our Readers. Starting this Wednesday, Twitter users began pointing out instances in which a BuzzFeed writer, Benny Johnson, had lifted phrases and sentences from other ...

Breitbart "News" Pushes Debunked ISIS FGM Story, Commenters Call for Genocide of Muslims

Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:52:30 pm
That bogus story about the ISIS Islamist group ordering all women to get circumcised has been debunked since early this morning, but at Breitbart "News" it's still on their front page without any sign that it's fake. JIHADISTS IN IRAQ ORDER WOMEN UNDERGO GENITAL MUTILATION That's their whole story in the screenshot ...

Todd Akin Tells World Net Daily the Media Makes Fun of Him Because They Want to Destroy America

Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:52:13 am
YouTube RightWingWatch has been keeping track of Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin as he goes from one far right media outlet to the next, pushing a line of persecution and victimhood that would embarrass a spoiled five-year old. Akin is doubling down on his creepy misogynistic statements by claiming the evil left ...

Update: As a Father Who Lost His Children in Gaza, I Call for an End to This Bloodshed

Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 11:58:53 am
The man in the photo below, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, was born & raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza. He studied hard and received a scholarship to study medicine in Cairo, then went on to earn a diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of London. He subsequently ...

Israeli Military Starts Ground Operations in Gaza

Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:16:38 pm
In the other big news of the day, the expected Israeli ground invasion of Gaza has begun. Israel sent ground forces into the Gaza Strip in a military offensive intended to stop the barrage of missiles fired by Hamas and other Palestinian militants, raising the stakes of the 10-day-old conflict ...

Two Young, Gun-Wielding Mothers Appear Side-by-Side on Twitter

Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:03:27 am
Holly Fisher, aka "Holly Hobby Lobby," thought she was being pretty clever tweeting her super-patriotic selfie this week. There she is, standing in front of a huge American flag, with a huge Bible in her left arm, and a serious looking assault rifle in her right. Take that, librulz! Holly Fisher aka ...

Time-Lapse: Awakening - New Zealand 4K

Sat, May 3, 2014 at 2:52:10 pm
Vimeo Part I/IV of a timelapse series through the always changing landscapes of New Zealand. Shot over 4 month, travelling through amazing landscapes, sleeping under the stars, hiking on mountains and exploring remote roads. Locations in this video where at Fjordland NP, Mount Cook NP and Arthurs Pass NP, Mavora ...

Ted Cruz Demands John F. Kerry's Resignation for Using the Word "Apartheid"

Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 3:39:06 pm
YouTube Secretary Kerry should offer President Obama his resignation, and the President should accept it. — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) April 28, 2014 Sen. Ted Cruz, always first out of the demagogue's gate, is demanding that Secretary of State John F. Kerry resign following his private remarks to a group of world ...

Breitbart "News" on Today's Big Story: US President Barack Obama Bows to Japanese Robot

Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 2:47:26 pm
Meanwhile, Breitbart "News" is covering the vital issues of the day, from the bizarre parallel universe where they live: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA BOWS TO JAPANESE ROBOT!!!!! Again with the bowing thing. One of those distorted yet revealing right wing memes that refuses to die. And wow. The comments. This puke would ...

Ron Paul Denounces US Government in Bundy Ranch Moronic Convergence

Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:32:18 pm
Ron Paul comes out in support of the far right "sovereign citizen" loons at the Bundy Ranch moronic convergence, because of course he does: The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Nevada Standoff a Symptom of Increasing Authoritarianism. A still from this videoA government that continually violates our ...

ABC's This Week Easter Show: Gays Are Going to Hell, Civilization Is Doomed

Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 3:02:24 pm
Video Today, ABC's "This Week" chose to celebrate Easter by hosting a panel of extreme religious right crackpots who say gay people are going to hell unless they repent. And no, I'm not kidding. As a part of a special Easter week discussion on religion, Graham told ABC News' Martha Raddatz ...

Louisiana Republicans Getting Set to Make the Bible the Official State Book

Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 5:47:46 pm
Road sign via Shutterstock Meanwhile in Louisiana, Republican lawmakers are getting set to make the official state book the Bible. Which would, of course, be unquestionably unconstitutional, and would face legal challenges and be inevitably struck down, wasting who knows how much state money in the process. The party of fiscal responsibility! ...

Brandeis Cancels Plan to Give Honorary Degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Critic of Islam

Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:12:41 am
I agree with and support this decision; Ms. Ali has allowed her experiences with the worst sorts of Islamic fundamentalists to shape her view of all Muslims. She has fallen into the narrow viewpoint of the standard Islamophobe that moderate Islam can not exist, much less outweigh or overcome the ...

CA GOP Introduces Their Convicted Murderer and Sexual Predator Candidate for Governor

Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 12:42:11 pm
Meet one of your new California Republican Party candidates for Governor. Please note this is one of the finalists, who was officially introduced to the party at a GOP function as a candidate. Glenn Champ, 48, addressed hundreds of GOP delegates and supporters Sunday at the site of the ...

NY Satanists to Posthumously Baptize Fred Phelps... into Homosexuality

Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 10:53:35 am
The NY Satanic Temple plans on giving the same holy ceremony they did for Fred's mother -- the Pink Mass. Lucien Greaves, the head of the Satanic Temple, has some "heartfelt"(?) words about the planned event: At the time, I predicted that Fred hadn't too much longer till he would pass, ...

GOP Rebranding Watch: S. Dakota Lawmaker Says It Should Be Legal to Deny Service to "Blacks"

Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:18:04 am
South Dakota Republican State Senator Phil Jensen is today's poster boy for the GOP's ongoing "rebranding" effort, as he tells the Rapid City Journal that businesses run by the KKK should legally be able to deny service to African Americans. Jensen goes so far as to say that businesses should ...

Rand Paul Has a Plan to Save Ukraine, and It's Completely Insane

Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 7:56:43 pm
Once again I find myself in agreement with Jonathan Chait: Rand Paul's Plan to Save Ukraine is Completely Nuts. But then, I've long considered Rand Paul to be the latest manifestation of a weird trend of bad craziness in US politics. The biggest victim of the Ukraine crisis - other ...

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