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Searched LGF articles for: Stephen Harper (441 matches, in 18 pages)

Stephen Colbert Didn't Watch the RNC Last Night, and He Feels Much Better

Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 10:26:48 am
YouTube At a time when the NBA is showing more leadership than the RNC, our host found it pointless to watch Republicans spend Night 3 of their convention talking about everything but what's really going on in America, where 180,000 people have been lost to a pandemic and heavily-armed Rambo ...

Stephen Colbert's Live Monologue From Night 1 of the RNC [VIDEO]

Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 11:02:13 am
YouTube The first night of the Republican National Convention was "a long midnight of the soul" according to our host, and featured speeches from Donald Trump Jr., Nikki Hayley, and Kimberly Guilfoyle as well as multiple appearances by President Trump. #LateShowLIVE #RNC2020 #Monologue

A Fabulous Set From Rising Reggae Star Lila Iké: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 4:25:27 pm
YouTube The Tiny Desk is working from home for the foreseeable future. Introducing NPR Music's Tiny Desk (home) concerts, bringing you performances from across the country and the world. It's the same spirit — stripped-down sets, an intimate setting — just a different space. Rising reggae star Lila Iké has an ...

Stephen Colbert on Joe Biden's Running Mate: Sen. Kamala Harris Breaks New Ground

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 10:07:03 am
YouTube Friend of the show Senator Kamala Harris was Joe Biden's ruthless opponent during the Democratic presidential primary debates, but now the two will unite as running mates at the top of the national ticket. #Colbert #KamalaHarris #Monologue

Colbert Still at Home: Losing Ground to Biden, Trump Demonizes Immigrants and Targets U.S. Citizens With Secret Police

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 10:41:46 am
YouTube Stephen has a great idea in this clip: fitting Donald Trump with a doggie shock collar. This could work. At the very least it would be amusing as hell. With polls showing Americans want former VP Joe Biden to take over the country's coronavirus response, President Trump is lashing out ...

Stephen Colbert's Complete Interview With a Completely Humorless John Bolton

Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 10:27:36 am
YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube I' m not sure if this is the correct order, but these videos show Stephen Colbert's complete interview with John Bolton. Let me be perfectly clear, I'm even less of a fan of Bolton after watching this (if that's possible), but I don't think he's lying about any of it.

The Bob Cesca Podcast: Eight Foot Baby Gate

Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 4:17:21 pm f-ed60-4c38-b49e-1d641db4340f.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show: Eight Foot Baby Gate -- [Explicit Language] Trump's speech on race authored by Stephen Miller; Trump's next rally will be held in Tulsa on Juneteenth; Trump continues to defend the Lost Cause and Confederate generals; General Milley apologized for participation ...

Colbert Recaps the Week: America's Citizens Will Not Be Silenced by Government Intimidation

Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 11:44:30 am
YouTube As our leaders try to use violence to intimidate us into being silent, Stephen delivers a message of strength; a reminder that there are more of us than them. And that the government is outnumbered by a citizenry who will not stop demanding their right to life, liberty and ...

The Bob Cesca Podcast: Mister Do and Mister Don't

Tue, May 26, 2020 at 3:23:36 pm 2-73fc-4897-9ca6-804deda48bb0.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show: Mister Do And Mister Don't -- [Explicit Content] The goofuses flocking to the beaches and swimming pools in a pandemic; The American Nervous Breakdown; New cases on the rise or steady in 40 states; WHO warns of a second peak ...

Joe Biden's Great In-Depth Interview With Stephen Colbert: Trump Put the Country in a Terrible Spot by Failing to Act [VIDEO]

Fri, May 22, 2020 at 10:37:39 am
YouTube Democratic presidential candidate, Joseph Biden, Jr., links up with Stephen Colbert for a frank conversation about the nation's leadership crisis, which is compounding the suffering caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this full, uninterrupted interview, the former Vice President walks through his plan to beat Donald Trump in November ...

Here's Something You Don't See Every Day: Stephen Colbert Changes a Bike Inner Tube [VIDEO]

Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 4:37:02 pm
YouTube He's not too bad at this, although he did fumble with the derailleur a bit before remembering how to get the back wheel off. I'm a little suspicious that his hands seemed to stay so clean throughout, though. Today our host Stephen Colbert used a skill he learned at age ...

Stephen Colbert Does a Show in His Bathing Suit [VIDEO]

Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 10:22:05 am
YouTube If you're watching this from home right now, you're doing the right thing. If you're watching it from your bathtub bunker like our host, please remember to save some hot water for the rest of us. Either way, we're glad you're with us. So stay hunkered down and please ...

The Weirdest Stephen Colbert Ever: The First-Ever No-Audience Late Show Monologue

Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 10:19:07 am
YouTube For the first time ever, Stephen Colbert hosted The Late Show without an audience after New York City ordered its Broadway theaters to go dark in an effort to halt the spread of the coronavirus. #Colbert #Monologue #Coronavirus

Seth Meyers on Trump's Reckless, Flailing Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak [VIDEO]

Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 10:22:01 am
YouTube Comedians like Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert continue doing a better job of parsing the insanity of the Trump gang than traditional "both sides" media. Seth takes a closer look at President Trump appointing Mike Pence to take charge of the response to the coronavirus outbreak and reassuring absolutely nobody. ...

Stephen Colbert's Hometown Hospitality With Senator Elizabeth Warren [VIDEO]

Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 9:57:37 am
YouTube This may be the best video I've ever seen featuring a presidential candidate. I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the California primary, and this just makes feel even better about it. I want this woman in the White House, please. Stephen Colbert travels to his home state of South Carolina ...

Colbert's Live Monologue After Trump's 2020 State of Disunion Address [VIDEO]

Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 10:04:16 am
YouTube After President Trump delivered a divisive State of the Union, Stephen Colbert delivered his LIVE Late Show monologue. The one thing we can all agree on: "My fellow Americans, the state of our union was long." #Monologue #StateOfTheUnion #Colbert

Stephen Colbert's Debate Wrap-Up Hits All the Points [VIDEO]

Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 10:22:38 am
YouTube Stephen Colbert delivers his opening Late Show monologue LIVE following the Democratic presidential primary debate in Des Moines, Iowa. #Monologue #DemDebate #LateShowLIVE

Stephen Colbert Tries to Figure Out What the Trump Gang Wants Us to Believe About Soleimani [VIDEO]

Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 10:28:41 am
YouTube Administration officials like Sec. of State Mike Pompeo and Sec. of Defense Mark Esper continue to offer inconsistent explanations of the Trump administration's justification for the targeted killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

Stephen Colbert Ruins GOP Sen. Mike Lee's Reputation by Agreeing With Him [VIDEO]

Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 1:30:03 pm
YouTube Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican, expressed his extreme discomfort with the way President Trump's team treated Congresspeople in a briefing about the administration's Iran strategy. #Monologue #LSSC #Colbert

Colbert Returns, Discovers That an Impeached President Can Wage War With No Understanding of the Consequences

Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 10:08:59 am
YouTube In his first Late Show monologue of 2020, Stephen Colbert breaks down the sequence of events that led to President Trump's strike on Iranian military general Qasem Soleimani. #Monologue #LSSC #Colbert

A Gorgeous Harp Guitar Piece by Antoine Dufour: "You & I" [VIDEO]

Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 10:34:04 am
YouTube Here's a harp guitar version of my old song «You & I» (Toi et moi). That's a song that I actually wrote just before getting this harp guitar. It was inspired by Stephen Bennett playing his harp guitar. I was trying to emulate the feel of his writing on ...

The Bob Cesca Podcast: Stephen Miller's Finger Nails

Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 3:26:08 pm 7-a6f0-4109-9c96-af5f101e9df0.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show, powered by Emerson Straw PL: Stephen Miller's Finger Nails -- NSFW! Buzz Burbank from Buzz Burbank News and Comment is here; Trump will be impeached this week; We were super wrong about the British election; Rachel Maddow and the Resistance ...

Hozier Does the "Jackboot Jump" [VIDEO]

Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 9:20:19 pm
YouTube #Hozier #JackbootJump Listen to “Jackboot Jump” (Live): Follow Hozier : Hozie r Store : Direct ed by Sydney Gawlik Vocals and Guitar: Andrew Hozier-Byrne Drums: Rory Doyle Videographer: Sydney Gawlik Sound: Stephen Pattison Lighting Designer: Steven Douglas Mixed by: Andrew Scheps Lyrics: At Standing Rock the Jackboot Jump You’d swear was all the rage Whether tearing up old treaties, Or just ...

New: Leaked Emails Show Trump's White Supremacist Adviser Stephen Miller Planted Tons of Stories at Breitbart "News"

Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 11:57:20 am
The SPLC is continuing their report on White House senior policy adviser (and outright white supremacist) Stephen Miller's leaked emails, and today they're highlighting the disturbing fact that Miller was actually giving editorial orders to Breitbart "News." Miller viewed the highly trafficked Breitbart as a way to promote his nativist, ...

Colbert: Republicans Cite Insane Debunked Conspiracy Theories During Bill Taylor Testimony [VIDEO]

Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 10:23:32 am
YouTube When it was the Republicans' turn to question acting Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, GOP members like Rep. Stephen Castor used their time to recite a laundry list of insane debunked conspiracy theories. #Monologue #Impeachment #Colbert

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