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Searched LGF articles for: palestinian child abuse (568 matches, in 23 pages)

GOP State Rep. Harris Exploited Foster Daughter for Political Campaign, Reportedly Whipped Children

Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 5:51:23 pm
The story of Justin Harris just keeps getting worse: State Rep. Justin Harris (R-West Fork) used photos of a foster child his family was planning to adopt during his 2012 re-election campaign. The state Department of Human Services expressly prohibits the public use of photos or any other media that ...

AR Republicans Defend Colleague Who Gave Adopted Daughters to Pedophile

Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 1:23:36 pm
In a move surprising absolutely no one, Arkansas Republicans are supporting Justin Harris, the Republican lawmaker who thought his adopted daughters were possessed by demons and who gave them to a pedophile who raped one of the girls. Secretary of State Mark Martin says Harris "humble and gentle," his critics "hypocritically ...

Reports: Harris Thought Adopted Daughters Were Possessed by Demons

Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 12:13:43 pm
More information has come out about the case of Justin Harris, the AR lawmaker accused of giving his adopted daughters to a pedophile who later raped one of them. Multiple sources close to the family are reporting that the Harris family thought the little girls were possessed by demons, keeping them ...

Arkansas State GOP Lawmaker Gives Adopted Daughter to Pedophile

Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 12:35:05 pm
Possibly the most horrifying story you'll read this week: The Harrises had adopted the girl and her 3-year-old sister through the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS). The couple also has three biological sons who are older than the girls. Pictures of the girls appeared on Justin Harris' social media ...

Watch Live: Eric Holder Speaks About the DOJ Report on Ferguson

Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 12:11:48 pm
[Live event concluded] The Seven Racist E-Mails the Justice Department Highlighted in Its Report on Ferguson Police Although the Justice Department did not identify the people who sent or received these e-mails, it said that the officials involved are all still employed and that several police officers, court supervisors and commanders ...

On Lemmings and Cliffs

Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 7:34:47 pm
I am a child of the Midwest. Around these parts, the default constructor for people is "wingnut". I was raised in the proud tradition of the Assemblies of God - a name many of you may recognize as associated with some of the derpiest hardcore creationist/Dominionist names out there. ...

Glenn Greenwald Will Speak to a Koch-Funded Event Named After a Pro-Lynching Racist Dixiecrat Congressman

Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 6:39:05 pm
"Only a short time ago... their [black] ancestors roamed the jungles of Africa in absolute savagery...[Y]ou do not know where the beast is among them. Somewhere in that black mass of people is the man who would outrage your wife or your child, and every man who lives in the ...

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: 'We Suck at Dealing With Abuse'

Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 10:02:19 pm
Tonight we're getting news of a fascinating statement from Twitter's CEO: 'We Suck at Dealing With Abuse'. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo is taking personal responsibility for his platform's chronic problems with harassment and abuse, telling employees that he is embarrassed for the company's failures and would soon be taking stronger ...

Rand Paul's Comment About Parents 'Owning' Children Was Not Random

Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 11:00:22 am
I hang around libertarians more often than you might guess. Some of them are even nice! But they're rare. Mostly I hang around libertarians to better understand how political intuition can go so far off the rails for some things. Found this on Google Images, turns out it was from a ...

Death and The Anti-Vaxxer

Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 8:30:22 pm
Death and The Anti-Vaxxer This is one blog post I've held off writing because it angers me beyond bearing, and scares me to death. 15 years ago, Andrew Wakefield, then a doctor, presented a paper to the famous medical journal The Lancet. In it he claimed there was a link between autism ...

Female Republicans Stage Last-Minute Revolt Against Draconian Anti-Abortion Bill

Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:12:38 pm
The fanatical Republican men in the House of Representatives faced a revolt from their own female members today, and backed down on a horrible Personhood-inspired anti-abortion bill at the last minute. House Republican leaders abruptly dropped plans late Wednesday to hold votes on an anti-abortion bill amid a revolt by ...

Former Congressman Joe Walsh: Let's Hope Islamists Behead Cowards at CNN and MSNBC

Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 11:24:57 am
Former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh (also known as a deadbeat dad) took to the Twitters today to call for Islamists to murder journalists. Yes, really. Let's hope that when the Islamists next strike they first behead the appeasing cowards at CNN, MSNBC, etal who refused to show the cartoons. — Joe Walsh ...

Guess Who's Been Arrested Again

Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:06:20 pm
George Zimmerman is currently in jail in Seminole County Florida on aggravated assault charges, with domestic violence and weapon enhancements. Also, he's not eligible for bail, which on top of the weapon and domestic violence upgrades is a really bad sign. Edit, Update 1: Zimmerman has now seen the judge ...

Sarah Palin: "At Least Trig Didn't Eat the Dog"

Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 5:02:13 pm
Sarah Palin has a rather spectacular word salad for us today at Facebook, ranting at one of the right's perennial targets, PETA, after they criticized her for posting a photo of her son standing on the family dog to wash dishes. In a standard what-about deflection maneuver, she brings up, ...

Hilarious Short: El Terror - Wrath of a 4-Year Old

Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 5:17:24 pm
Vimeo A funny New Year's Day short from a Canadian artist/animator who goes by "Franco." In the wild Sonoran desert, the greatest criminal of the Far-West suffers the wrath of a four years old child after stealing her ice cream cone. I animated this with Toonboom Harmony, and did my backgrounds in ...

Torture: Not Only Was It Evil and Immoral, It Didn't Work

Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 10:53:20 am
Image via Shutterstock Dick Cheney and many other Bush administration officials were lying about torture, and now we have proof. After reviewing thousands of the CIA's own documents, the committee has concluded that torture was ineffective as an intelligence-gathering technique. Torture produced little information of value, and what little it did ...

Today's Rolling Stone Train Wreck

Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 12:10:52 pm
Today's depressing item on the state of US journalism is this very odd retraction by Rolling Stone, whose editors now say they can't back up their recent story about a gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity house: A Note to Our Readers | Rolling Stone. What a train wreck. ...

About President Obama's Executive Action on Immigration

Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:57:22 pm
Image via Shutterstock Sahil Kapur has a good backgrounder on what to expect from Obama's announcement of an executive action guaranteed to send the entire right wing into a frenzy: All You Need to Know About Obama's Executive Action to Legalize 5 Million. The cornerstone of Obama's executive action is a ...

National Review's Kevin D. Williamson: Women Who Have Abortions Should Be Hanged, and So Should Doctors

Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 11:55:01 am
National Review columnist Kevin D. Williamson So this morning on Twitter, this happened; National Review writer Kevin D. Williamson made the real "pro-life" agenda very, very clear, expressing his opinion that women who have abortions should be put to death -- by hanging. And not just the women; he says the ...

Mark Sanford's Sleazy Divorce Transcript: Dead Children and a Deadbeat Dad

Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 10:42:34 am
You may have already known that South Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Sanford was an amazingly crummy person. but the new details unearthed by Wonkette's Kaili Joy Gray take Sanford into the realm of jaw-droppingly horrible: Dead Children and a Deadbeat Dad: Mark Sanford's Sad, Sleazy Divorce Hearing Transcript. In this creepy ...

Ann Coulter Takes Jim Hoft's Misleading Bait, Says "We Saw X-Ray of Wilson's Fractured Eye Socket"

Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:42:44 am
As I pointed out on Tuesday in this article, far right blogger Jim Hoft apparently deliberately tried to mislead his readers into believing that a random example image of a CT scan he posted was actually an image of Darren Wilson's purportedly fractured eye socket. Hoft erased the words "UNIV ...

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted by Grand Jury For Abuse of Power

Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 4:40:11 pm
Wingnut creationist governor Rick Perry is having a bad day. A very bad day: Texas Governor Rick Perry Indicted by Grand Jury. AUSTIN (KXAN) - A grand jury has handed up an indictment against Gov. Rick Perry in connection with the investigation into an effort to force Travis County District ...

San Diego Business Owner Takes in Migrant Family, Receives Death Threats From Right Wingers

Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 9:53:43 am
One of the hateful things right wingers say to people who speak up on behalf of child refugees fleeing Central American countries is, "Why don't you take them into your own house if you're such a bleeding-heart liberal?" Well, in San Diego a local businessman did exactly that, after his 5-year ...

Fired Radio Host Anthony Cumia Appears on White Supremacist 'Political Cesspool' Show

Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:55:49 am
In today's news from America's caveman subculture, radio host Anthony Cumia, who was fired by SiriusXM for an extended racist tirade on Twitter, appeared Saturday on the Tennessee white supremacist radio show Political Cesspool: Radio Host Fired for Racist Tirade Resurfaces in "Pro-White" Media. Edwards wrote that he had Cumia ...

Breitbart's Absolutely Disgusting Attack On Gabby Giffords

Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 1:08:28 pm
Last week Gabby Giffords co-authored an op-ed for CNN on Domestic Abuse and gun violence. Guns killing women: Time for Congress to act Basically, she is asking Congress to extend Federal gun laws that protect married women against abusive spouses to include single women who are abused and stalked. Seems, to me anyway, ...

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