
Despite Recent Claims by the Right, Noting Racism Exists is Not Racist

July 2013
re: #189 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi Minos: "Pluto?'s even worse than I thought...." :-)

There is a belief among many on the right that equates bringing up a charge of racism, or most recently, simply recognizing the existence of it, to an act of racism. They believe it’s a racially motivated division pitting whites against blacks. This belief is predicated on a definition of …

Marc Morano: Courting Mendacity

The false claim that human-generated CO2 is not enough to cause climate change
December 2012
re: #62 Kronocide More like the gish tumble to me. Take multiple strands of arguments and spin... Link Shame on CNN for not containing the situation. It was a no win situation for Nye, which I assume was the intent, ...

The Marc Morano Fudge Factor: Links to Steve Goddard Nonsense

A nod is as good as a wink.
December 2012
re: #173 slimething Where did this data come from? Dr Ryan Maue compiled the data... from where? Actual scientists note where their data came from, how it was collected. But no this graph. It's just a graph from a PhD. ...