Michelle Obama’s Name Removed from Terrorist Fundraiser’s Web Page - Update: Terror Fundraiser’s Page Disappears!

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Curiouser and curiouser.

As we noted a few days ago, Hatem El-Hady, former chairman of the Toledo-based Islamic charity Kindhearts (closed by the US government in 2006 for terrorist fundraising), has now devoted himself to raising money for the Barack Obama campaign.

He has a web page at the official Obama campaign site. On Wednesday when we posted about El-Hady, there were three “friends” listed on his page, and one of them was none other than Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle Obama. Here’s the screenshot we took:

But this morning, there are suddenly only two friends listed on that page. Guess whose name disappeared?

There’s a lot of talk about William Ayers and his connections to Obama, but please note that in El-Hady we have someone who is apparently connected with Hamas—not decades ago, but as recently as 2006. Here’s our post at the time, including a press release from the Justice Department detailing the Hamas connections of El-Hady’s organization, Kindhearts for Charitable Human Development: ’Kind Hearts for Charitable Human Development’ = Hamas.

And now the Obama campaign has silently removed Michelle Obama’s name from El-Hady’s page, thinking no one would notice—and probably hoping against hope that the story won’t get picked up by the media.

(Hat tip: TheMadKing.)

UPDATE at 4/25/08 7:39:22 am:

And now, El-Hady’s entire page has disappeared:


For more details, see:
Clarification: Michelle Obama’s Terrorist Fundraiser ‘Friend’

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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