We Got ‘Burn in Hell’ Mail!

Moonbats • Views: 22,684

Tonight’s post about Melanie Phillips’ highly dubious article on “intelligent design” creationism prompted the following email, from a creationist in Australia who emails these ranting missives within minutes of every LGF post on the subject (more than 60 emails at last count). In this one, he cites scripture and lets me know that I’m doomed to suffer in eternal torment unless I accept the truth of Biblical literalist creationism:

No, YOU are wrong about intelligent design.  You need to read, for example, the book by former atheist Antony Flew called “There is a God” in which he sets out the reasons why he became an atheist, and then the reasons why he abandoned atheism and became a theist.   I hope you will read it, but it will take a miracle for you to do so. I hope you will experience a miracle in your life.  Your attitude toward the divine, I suspect, is explained by John 3:19 and Romans 1:18. You need to think about your future, long term.  The Bible says everyone of us will be judged by our Creator and required to give an account of our lives, of the deeds we have done in our bodies. The Bible also makes it clear that we are without excuse.  Dawkins in the movie expelled said he would plead ignorance before God (did you see him?) but the Bible says we are all without excuse (Romans 1:20). Take some time out.  Think about your future. And in the meantime, drive carefully.

Just for the sheer heck of it I did a quick Google search, and it turns out that our “burn in hell, infidel!” emailer is actually a guy named Tas Walker, a full-time staff member of Answers in Genesis in Brisbane, now known as Creation Ministries International. Here’s his intelligently designed website, chock full of crunchy creationist goodness: Tas Walker’s Biblical Geology.

Gary Hurd, Ph. D., curator of Anthropology and Director of Education at the Orange County Natural History Museum, has also had some run-ins with ol’ Tas: A Response to a Dubious Diluvium: A Tas Walker Creationist Fantasy.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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