1 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:10:09pm

And with this thread posted, its time for me to go to bed. Sleep well, all and keep fighting the good fight.

2 freetoken  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:13:22pm

70% of this planet is covered with water.
Our blood is a remnant of this.
We were born in the sea,
born of water.

3 iceweasel  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:15:03pm

I have a feeling that my boat
has struck, down there in the depths,
against a great thing.
And nothing
happens! Nothing…Silence…Waves…

—Nothing happens? Or has everything happened,
and are we standing now, quietly, in the new life?

Oceans, Juan Ramon Jimenez, trans. Robert Bly

4 freetoken  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:16:49pm

So, after an hour of watching live TV from India, full of Bollywood reviews and strange infomercials… that is enough.

On to watching Canal Rural Argentina

Interesting. Don’t know how many of you have watched TV (or listened to the radio) back in the midwest, but the local channels are often swamped with ag commercials, e.g., seed companies like Pioneer, John Deere commercials, etc.

Well, the Argentine station is remarkable similar (complete with John Deere commercials.) Yet more sophisticated too, especially the music.

Especially the music.

5 SteveMcG  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:16:52pm

Shouldn’t that be “Station” again?

6 Gus  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:30:41pm

Good night!

7 freetoken  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:31:05pm

Much, much better music.

8 freetoken  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:31:25pm

re: #6 Gus 802


9 iceweasel  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:46:24pm

re: #6 Gus 802

Good night!

Later, Gus! have a good one.

10 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:48:26pm
11 freetoken  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:50:11pm

Ahh… those crazy ‘70’s…

12 Firstinla  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:51:45pm

I don’t know how to do the link thing yet. I just read an interesting blurb about the Doomsday Clock scheduled to reset on Thursday. The clock may move either forward or backward, depending on the world condition at the time. I’d never heard of it before. The report was on MSNBC.

13 freetoken  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:57:12pm

re: #12 Firstinla

In a comment, you can just paste in the URL.

If you want not just the URL to show up but to make it a link to some of your text, highlight the text and then use the last button on the right at the top of the text input box.

In the spinoffs, just put the URL where indicated.

14 Velvet Elvis  Mon, Jan 11, 2010 11:58:54pm

Dust My Broom — Elmore James

15 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:02:48am
16 iceweasel  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:03:55am

re: #12 Firstinla

I don’t know how to do the link thing yet. I just read an interesting blurb about the Doomsday Clock scheduled to reset on Thursday. The clock may move either forward or backward, depending on the world condition at the time. I’d never heard of it before. The report was on MSNBC.

Here you go:
Doomsday clock to change on Jan. 14
Will the minute hand move forward or backward?

The minute hand of the famous Doomsday Clock is set to move this Thursday, and for the first time, anyone with Internet access can watch. Which way the hand will move and by how much have not been made public.

The event will take place at 10 a.m. EST on Jan. 14 at the New York Academy of Sciences Building in New York City. While the actual clock is housed at the Bulletin of Atomic Sciences offices in Chicago, Ill., a representation of the clock will be changed at Thursday’s news conference. (You can watch the live Web feed at [Link: www.TurnBackTheClock.org.)…]

It’s cool that there will be a live Web feed for it. Maybe we’ll have an open thread here to watch it.

17 freetoken  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:06:12am

re: #16 iceweasel

It’s a little bit melodramatic, don’t you think, especially for what is essentially an ideological stunt?

18 freetoken  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:12:19am

Ahh… the 1960’s… the good old days.

1969, over 40 years ago - how things have changed.

Here is a musical retrospective. Even if you don’t understand the language (Japanese), just enjoy the music and the compilation of what that time meant, by someone in another part of the world.

(as with much of Japanese video, the subtitles are the words of the songs, in case you want to practice reading your kana/kanji)

19 Firstinla  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:14:57am

re: #17 freetoken

It’s a little bit melodramatic, don’t you think, especially for what is essentially an ideological stunt?

Perhaps a little melodramatic but it sure beats some the reality shows that are the current rage.

20 iceweasel  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:18:14am

re: #17 freetoken

It’s a little bit melodramatic, don’t you think, especially for what is essentially an ideological stunt?

Oh totally. It’s kind of hard to care, too, because from looking at the article it seems like it’s always hovered around five minutes to midnight, give or take. Kind of hard to get all excited if they move it up once again.

They’ve really left themselves not very much room if they want people to be upset if they move it up again (which I expect they will).

Still, there’s generally not much going on here at 10 am EST. If I’m around I’ll likely spend a couple of minutes watching it.

21 freetoken  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:21:01am

re: #20 iceweasel

re: #19 Firstinla

Well, if the clock actually counted down, or up, it might be more interesting.

It’s allure stems from the time when the phrase “atomic scientists” struck awe or terror in the minds of the populace.

Those days are long gone.

Which is one reason I posted the retrospective video collections. Remember the late 60’s and the early 70’s were quite the violent times, even in Japan (well, by modern Japanese standards.)

22 iceweasel  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:25:20am

re: #21 freetoken

re: #19 Firstinla

Well, if the clock actually counted down, or up, it might be more interesting.

It’s allure stems from the time when the phrase “atomic scientists” struck awe or terror in the minds of the populace.

Those days are long gone.

Which is one reason I posted the retrospective video collections. Remember the late 60’s and the early 70’s were quite the violent times, even in Japan (well, by modern Japanese standards.)

Yep. I notice that now it’s also supposed to track climate change, no doubt for the reasons you mention — those days being gone.
It would be cool if someone unveiled a new clock that was exclusively tracking climate change, and counted down (or up). Probably no way to do that in a non-melodramtic, scientifically respectable fashion, though. Just too hard to assign values to what it tracks and how.

23 freetoken  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:34:24am

re: #22 iceweasel

People want drama. People need drama. There seems to be an essential component of H. sapiens that requires competition with another (we see on this board all the time.) We are a very competitive, intensely territorial species.

There is not much drama in AGW, in the real world. The sun comes up, the sun goes down. All changes seem quite slow and incremental compared to the human attention span.

No matter the human condition, we change personally much less than we would like to believe. That is what strikes me about those Japanese clips from 1969… different from today, but only on a surface level. The surface changes, like new makeup applied, but what is underneath stays the same.

I somewhat regret that the “doomsday” clock is now including climate change - there is no way to reconcile that decision with science. Yes, we are “doomed”, but not in our lifetime. Best evidence would indicate that over the next millennium we will essential transform the surface of this planet into something we have not experienced during the entirety of human civilization (since the founding of agriculture.) The result of which will be much pain and agony for billions of people, and the extinction of many species.

Yet our lifespans are much shorter than that… and the doomsday clock will be long forgotten by the time the ocean waves are lapping along 5th ave. in NY and Kansas becomes scrub land good only for goat grazing.

24 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:38:50am

Everything I know about the Doomsday Clock comes from this piece of fiction.

25 freetoken  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:49:46am

In case you couldn’t tell, I love the J-pop of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Perhaps it is the mix of the peripatetic and established, or the linguistic transition that seemed to happen from the more nasally intonations to a more anglicized pronunciation during that time…

26 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 12:56:31am

Outie. G’nite Lizards.

27 freetoken  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 1:22:50am

re: #26 Slumbering Behemoth

G’nite sleepy giant…

I think I’m out of here too… need some sleep before I go sell some silver:

[Link: www.kitco.com…]

28 Sol Berdinowitz  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 1:57:22am

Though I know the night has fallen
And the sun sailed out to sea
I will wait here for the band to play
The trumpet volunt’ry
With one foot on the seashore
And the other in the sand
I will stand here plaiting daisies
Whilst you play the piano-grande…

…Magdalene, my Regal Zonophone

29 rwdflynavy  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:13:04am

Good Morning Lizards

Drive Safe

30 srb1976  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:18:46am

Is it morning yet?

31 Sol Berdinowitz  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:20:29am

Lunchtime in Germany already

32 rwdflynavy  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:21:02am

re: #30 srb1976

Is it morning yet?

Yep, Have a good one, I’ve got to sign off.

33 srb1976  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:28:36am

Must be slow morning…..and here I was putting off getting ready for work…

34 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:47:35am

Morning People.

Morning Joe just said foxnews made more money last year than the combined totals of MSNBC, CNN, and the news programs on NBC, CBS, and ABC. That’s pretty incredible.

35 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:50:45am

Cheech and Chong go to DC:

The legendary Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are rolling into town for Wednesday night’s gala dinner celebrating the Marijuana Policy Project’s 15th anniversary. But will the comedic duo’s presence send the entire dinner up in smoke? “You’d be hard-pressed to find tie-dye at this event,” said Mike Meno, assistant director of communications for MPP, an organization with 29,000 members.

Set for the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, with tickets (which are still available) costing $250 per person, the event is still every bit the Washington formal. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) — who has a long record of supporting the rights of states to make their own decisions on legalizing marijuana — will speak. Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson — the libertarian-leaning Republican who has a political action committee set up for a 2012 White House run — will also deliver remarks. (No word on whether “Dave” will be there.)

[Link: www.politico.com…]

36 freetoken  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:51:34am

re: #34 RogueOne

I’ve been under the impression, for quite some time, that the news divisions of the major networks have always been money losers.

Indeed, hasn’t this topic come up several times over the past couple of decades? I seem to remember especially CBS news going through some tough times after the Paley glow wore off.

37 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:53:00am

re: #36 freetoken

Don’t doubt that at all. The only one making money is Roger Ailes.

38 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:54:57am

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Peyton Thomas: Blame the Libertarians!

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Peyton Thomas has emerged as Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s book-learnin’ alter-ego, working with Arpaio to criminally investigate, indict, and otherwise legally intimidate anyone who dares to question the fearless lawman (as well as, now, anyone who dares to question Thomas). Thomas has gone after members of the Maricopa county council, journalists, even judges. Last month, after two prosecutors in neighboring counties publicly criticized Thomas and Arpaio’s surreal, bumbling attempt at tyranny, Thomas threatened to criminally investigate them, too, calling their comments part of “an orchestrated campaign to pressure law enforcement in Maricopa County to drop charges against influential criminal defendants and suspects.”

As it turns out, before running for county attorney, Thomas was an author and pundit, penning clenched-fist screeds on a variety of hot-button culture war squabbles for the usual roster of conservative outlets, including National Review, AEI, the Weekly Standard, and The Wall Street Journal. My favorite: Thomas once called parents who put their children in daycare “more respectable, less violent versions of Susan Smith.” Smith, you may remember, was the woman who drowned her two sons in a lake in North South Carolina in 1995 … then told everyone a black guy did it.

You have to read the rest, it gets funnier from there.
[Link: reason.com…]

39 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 3:55:29am

bbiab, gotta leave for work.

40 sattv4u2  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:04:51am

re: #36 freetoken

I’ve been under the impression, for quite some time, that the news divisions of the major networks have always been money losers
They always were in the past, but about 7-8 years ago they all fundamentaly changed how they went about things.

For instance, ABC always had a bureau staffed by both ABC employees in every major city in the country (usually a staff of 10-12 people 24/7). Now what they do is rely on their affiliate in that city to provide everything they need for the “local” story and if the story has legs and national importnace they will send in a team from New York

41 TampaKnight  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:33:47am

Ok, it was nice for a while but I’m now officially sick of Florida being cold.

42 Blueheron  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:34:19am

Good morning Lizards. How is life treating you?
She is being very good to me right now. In fact life has always been good :)

43 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:35:46am

I work with a few companies that produce these coils and after hearing the horror stories from their drivers whenever I come across these things on the highway I get around them as quickly as possible:

[Link: www.indystar.com…]

Three die when steel coil falls off truck

ORLEANS, Ind. — Indiana State Police say three people died when a steel coil fell from a truck and crushed two cars in Orange County in southern Indiana.

Trooper Bill Flick says a semi-trailer was hauling steel coils on Ind. 37 about 8:30 p.m. Monday when it rounded a curve and one of the coils came loose from the trailer and crushed the vehicles. He says the truck and cars didn’t collide.

44 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:50:32am

re: #43 RogueOne

I work with a few companies that produce these coils and after hearing the horror stories from their drivers whenever I come across these things on the highway I get around them as quickly as possible:

[Link: www.indystar.com…]

Thanks for adding to my paranoia about trucks!

45 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:53:33am

re: #42 Blueheron

Good morning Lizards. How is life treating you?
She is being very good to me right now. In fact life has always been good :)

“Does your Masarati do 185?”

So far? Life is holding my down by my ears and stomping between its hands.

46 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:53:57am

re: #41 TampaKnight

Ok, it was nice for a while but I’m now officially sick of Florida being cold.

Sweet Jeebus. My Cuz said it was 22 at her home in the panhandle Sunday morning. I can only hope that sanity (and warmth!) have returned when I fly to Tallahassee next month!

Good morning LGF!

47 Walter L. Newton  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:56:49am

re: #45 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

“Does your Masarati do 185?”

So far? Life is holding my down by my ears and stomping between its hands.

You wanna by a sofa?

48 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:57:56am
49 Blueheron  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:58:33am

re: #43 RogueOne

I work with a few companies that produce these coils and after hearing the horror stories from their drivers whenever I come across these things on the highway I get around them as quickly as possible:

[Link: www.indystar.com…]

Oh yes. Another very poor place to be is in the wake of a semi where you can’t see what is coming at you from the other lanes. Get back or pass him.
My son is a volunteer fireman and the things he has seen on mountain highways have sobered him a great deal.

50 Blueheron  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 4:59:31am

re: #44 MandyManners

Thanks for adding to my paranoia about trucks!

You are right to steer clear of them whenever possible .

51 Blueheron  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:02:14am

re: #45 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

“Does your Masarati do 185?”

So far? Life is holding my down by my ears and stomping between its hands.

Oh I am so sorry to hear that. Can a lizard army help you out? We could muster up one toot sweet :)
Great music. Thanks :)

52 Blueheron  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:03:56am

re: #46 SteveC

Sweet Jeebus. My Cuz said it was 22 at her home in the panhandle Sunday morning. I can only hope that sanity (and warmth!) have returned when I fly to Tallahassee next month!

Good morning LGF!

I can’t get over looking out at the golf course and seeing it covered with frost! The birds are moving back North or so they say :)


53 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:04:01am

re: #50 Blueheron

You are right to steer clear of them whenever possible.

If that turns out to be the way that I leave this mortal coil, then so be it. I drive 70,000 miles a year. I can be careful, but I can’t avoid the trucks.

54 Walter L. Newton  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:04:36am

re: #50 Blueheron

You are right to steer clear of them whenever possible .

I’ve been seeing a lot of flat bed trucks coming down the canyon here with crushed cars. I don’t know what the source of the trucks or the crushed cars, but the trucks are in terrible mechanical condition and the cars are stacked and strapped very sloppily.

When I pass these trucks going down hill, their brakes stick, they are going slow, using their emergency flashers and driving erratically.

A month or so ago, one of them flipped in the canyon, stopping traffic for 6-9 hours. I have tried to find out the possible source of these dangerous trucks but to no avail. There is no way they are on the road unless someone is turning an eye to the safety problems.

Got to go to work.

55 Walter L. Newton  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:05:17am

re: #54 Walter L. Newton

I’ve been seeing a lot of flat bed trucks coming down the canyon here with crushed cars. I don’t know what the source of the trucks or the crushed cars, but the trucks are in terrible mechanical condition and the cars are stacked and strapped very sloppily.

When I pass these trucks going down hill, their brakes stick, they are going slow, using their emergency flashers and driving erratically.

A month or so ago, one of them flipped in the canyon, stopping traffic for 6-9 hours. I have tried to find out the possible source of these dangerous trucks but to no avail. There is no way they are on the road unless someone is turning an eye to the safety problems.

Got to go to work.

Brakes STINK (not stick) as in they are burning.

Off to work.

56 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:06:57am

re: #50 Blueheron

You are right to steer clear of them whenever possible .

I have done so ever since one forced me off the road on I-80 in Wyoming.

57 Blueheron  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:08:30am

re: #56 MandyManners

I have done so ever since one forced me off the road on I-80 in Wyoming.

Oh boy!

58 Blueheron  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:09:01am

CYA Later Taters :)

59 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:12:01am

re: #57 Blueheron

Oh boy!

Actually, my words at that time were a bit more salty!

60 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:13:01am


61 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:16:29am

re: #44 MandyManners

Thanks for adding to my paranoia about trucks!

I should show you the pictures from my accident sometime. Then you’ll be REALLY paranoid.

Oh, and a good morning to all the Lizards. 5 degrees and freezing fog - if that’s what you want to call it. Makes for an entertaining drive in to work.

62 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:20:19am

re: #52 Blueheron

I can’t get over looking out at the golf course and seeing it covered with frost! The birds are moving back North or so they say :)


We’re headed to Miami on the 24th or 25th of this month. Job should take a week or so. Better be warm by then damnit.//

63 Spare O'Lake  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:22:53am

Good Morning LGF.

64 TampaKnight  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:24:51am

I wish the water temp wasn’t so cold because the Gulf is very clear right now and would be great for diving.

65 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:25:30am

re: #64 TampaKnight

I wish the water temp wasn’t so cold because the Gulf is very clear right now and would be great for diving.

Open water? What’s that? /

66 Spare O'Lake  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:28:43am
British gov’t moves to ban controversial Islamist group ‘Islam4UK’
Britain’s government said Tuesday that it will ban an Islamist group whose proposed protest march through a town known for honoring British soldiers drew national outrage.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson said he would invoke counterterrorism laws to outlaw Islam4UK, a group led by hardline leader Anjem Choudary.

Choudary outraged Britons earlier this year by suggesting his group would march through Wootton Bassett, known because its residents fill the town’s main street when soldiers’ bodies are driven through from a nearby air base.

The group had said the march would highlight Afghan civilian deaths at the hands of NATO-led forces.

But lawmakers called the move a distasteful publicity stunt and many called for Choudary’s group to be banned.

[Link: www.jpost.com…]

Civil liberties are the first casualties of Islamofascism.

67 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:44:53am

Good morning, Captain!

68 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:47:14am

Another example of when the revolution starts, who gets lined up first (lizard lawyers like lawhawk obviously exempt)//

Wrongful-death lawsuit alleges a cell phone company is liable for a fatal auto accident allegedly caused by a customer who was driving while “engrossed” in a cell phone conversation. Sprint/Nextel “failed to warn of the hazard of cell phone use while driving.”

PDF Link: [Link: graphics8.nytimes.com…]

69 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:49:49am

re: #68 RogueOne

Another example of when the revolution starts, who gets lined up first (lizard lawyers like lawhawk obviously exempt)//

PDF Link: [Link: graphics8.nytimes.com…]

The level of absurdity in legal actions these days has reached a new high. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your OWN actions and not blaming everyone but yourself? What’s worse is, this lawsuit will be entertained seriously because there are some times where the fault legitimately is with the other party, and a failure to properly investigate the issue could set a bad precedent.

70 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:51:30am

morning Lizards!

How’s life?

71 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:53:32am

re: #68 RogueOne

Another example of when the revolution starts, who gets lined up first (lizard lawyers like lawhawk obviously exempt)//

PDF Link: [Link: graphics8.nytimes.com…]

You know, just about every electronic device I’ve purchased in the last 20years has 3 pages (per language) of “hazard warnings” at the beginning of any user manual they might include with the product. Pretty soon the hazard warnings are going to take up more space than any actual information about the product.

72 TampaKnight  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:53:55am

Wow- here in Pinellas County, FL Crist lost a straw poll to Marco Rubio by nearly a 2:1 margin. This is Crist’s hometown and has some major Crist backers in the executive council…..he may be in big trouble.

And yes, “tea party” people are behind Rubio but I can tell you that the man is brilliant and I’d have no problem with him in office.

73 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:55:46am

re: #69 thedopefishlives

I read
[Link: www.onpointnews.com…]
[Link: www.courthousenews.com…]
almost daily just for the angry laughs.

74 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:58:18am

re: #73 RogueOne

I read
[Link: www.onpointnews.com…]
[Link: www.courthousenews.com…]
almost daily just for the angry laughs.


I don’t think my blood pressure could take the abuse. I have a low tolerance for stupid.

75 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 5:58:24am

re: #73 RogueOne

I attached the wrong video:

76 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:00:37am

re: #73 RogueOne

I read
[Link: www.onpointnews.com…]
[Link: www.courthousenews.com…]
almost daily just for the angry laughs.[Video]

from a link from your link:

“High Court Turns Down Dress Code Challenge
(CN) - The Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a student’s challenge of a Texas school district’s dress code banning shirts with words on them.
Administrators in the Waxahachie Independent School District told then-sophomore Paul Palmer that his “San Diego” shirt violated the district’s dress code.
Palmer called his parents, who brought him a “John Edwards for President ‘08” T-shirt to wear instead. That shirt wasn’t allowed, either.
Palmer sued in April 1008 and again after the school district adopted a new, more restrictive dress code for the upcoming year.
He argued that the Supreme Court had established a “bright-line rule that schools cannot restrict speech that is not disruptive, lewd, school-sponsored or drug-related.”
The district court sided with the school, and the 5th Circuit affirmed.
The New Orleans-based appeals court called Palmer’s argument “flawed, because it fails to include another type of student speech restriction that schools can institute: content-neutral regulations.”
Without comment, the Supreme Court denied Palmer’s petition for a writ of certiorari. “

77 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:01:19am

re: #76 ggt

oh geez, I meant to

block quote

not bold that last post.

need . more . coffee

78 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:03:41am

re: #77 ggt

oh geez, I meant to

not bold that last post.

need . more . coffee

What gets me is how long that case has been going on. I know that justice move slowly, but come on!

Palmer sued in April 1008 and again after the school district adopted a new, more restrictive dress code for the upcoming year.

79 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:03:50am

re: #76 ggt

I liked their headline story about the blind kid suing Sony for not making blind friendly games.

Alexander Stern sued under the Americans With Disabilities Act and California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, which bar owners of “places of public accommodation” or “business establishments” from intentionally discriminating against the disabled. He says Sony violates those laws by refusing to add visual and auditory “cues” that would help him navigate online role-playing games.

80 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:06:50am

I’d like to know more about this guy:

80 Months for 4 Machineguns
SAN DIEGO (CN) - Jason Ray Hilliard was sentenced on Monday to 80 months in federal prison for possessing four unregistered machineguns. When San Diego Police arrested Hilliard, 36, of Lake Elsinore, in May 2009, for driving erratically, they found the four machineguns in his car, two other guns, 2,000 rounds of ammo, two loaded 100-round drum magazines, more high-capacity magazines, a ski mask and “throwing stars,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said


81 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:08:03am

re: #78 SteveC

I think they should really piss-off the kid and institute a switch to uniforms.

82 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:08:29am

re: #79 RogueOne

I liked their headline story about the blind kid suing Sony for not making blind friendly games.

Which leads to the question, why are their braille bumps on ATM’s?

83 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:08:38am

re: #81 ggt

I think they should really piss-off the kid and institute a switch to uniforms.

Dude, you’re hatin’ on my “legalize pot” campaign.

84 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:08:44am

re: #82 ggt

Which leads to the question, why are their braille bumps on ATM’s?

Even at the drive-up ATM’s?

85 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:10:48am


Court Revives Woman’s Discrimination Claim
(CN) - A female business owner can sue for discrimination after a customer allegedly stopped buying her tires when she spurned his sexual advances, the New Jersey Appellate Division ruled

86 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:12:31am

re: #85 ggt


Court Revives Woman’s Discrimination Claim
(CN) - A female business owner can sue for discrimination after a customer allegedly stopped buying her tires when she spurned his sexual advances, the New Jersey Appellate Division ruled

I’m sorry. WHAT? Since when is a customer legally obligated to buy from a certain vendor?

87 CapeCoddah  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:13:07am

re: #85 ggt


Court Revives Woman’s Discrimination Claim
(CN) - A female business owner can sue for discrimination after a customer allegedly stopped buying her tires when she spurned his sexual advances, the New Jersey Appellate Division ruled

Good morning everyone…
That is surreal. Have we entered the Twilight Zone?

88 CapeCoddah  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:14:07am

re: #86 thedopefishlives

Apparently after he made a pass.. NOW she wants him to be faithful!

89 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:15:47am

re: #82 ggt

Which leads to the question, why are their braille bumps on ATM’s?

I actually know the answer to that one!

ATMs have to be ADA compliant. But the manufacturer makes somewhat standard ATM units. The bank decides if they need a walk up or drive up model and has a cabinet made.

That’s why there is braille on drive up ATMs. It’s not a drive up until when the strips are installed.

90 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:16:03am

re: #88 CapeCoddah

Apparently after he made a pass.. NOW she wants him to be faithful!

Great, so next time I hit on a cute sales clerk, I’m going to have to buy from them or get sued for discrimination? Good thing I’m married…

91 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:17:42am

There is a lot of fodder at that website.

I could be laughing for days.

92 CapeCoddah  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:17:45am

re: #90 thedopefishlives

Great, so next time I hit on a cute sales clerk, I’m going to have to buy from them or get sued for discrimination? Good thing I’m married…

LOL. I dont even know what to suggest, except maybe never make eye contact again with a female tire person.

93 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:18:55am

re: #92 CapeCoddah

LOL. I dont even know what to suggest, except maybe never make eye contact again with a female tire person.

Good thing the tire shop I go to is all guys, then. Although that could open up a whole other can of worms.

94 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:19:21am

re: #93 thedopefishlives

Although that could open up a whole other can of worms.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

95 CapeCoddah  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:19:31am

re: #93 thedopefishlives


96 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:21:42am

re: #92 CapeCoddah

LOL. I dont even know what to suggest, except maybe never make eye contact again with a female tire person.

“What you do today, Hon?”

“Usual stuff. Called Bill’s Tire Lot not long after I got to work, the sales lady said they weren’t busy and could change the tires on the van at lunch. Got that taken care of.”

“You didn’t… you didn’t look at her, did you?!?!?!”

97 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:21:52am

re: #80 ggt

Seriously, what does he need with a ski mask?

I know there are crazy gun nuts out there, but most of them just like to blow lead and have issues with having to register their big guns. Why the ski mask?

98 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:22:45am

re: #93 thedopefishlives

Good thing the tire shop I go to is all guys, then. Although that could open up a whole other can of worms.

Just tell the tire guy “A worm that small ain’t worth fishing with!”

99 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:24:03am

re: #98 SteveC

Just tell the tire guy “A worm that small ain’t worth fishing with!”

I might have to tell my wife that one, for the next time some guy makes a pass at her.

100 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:24:25am

Here’s a situation where I would have been tazed:

[Link: consumerist.com…]

I paid for my belongings and proceeded out the same door I had come into. The older lady asked for a receipt as I was walking through. I replied, “No thanks,” and walked away, headed for the Redbox to get a movie, when I was surrounded by 2 police officers, the door greeter and the head of security for Walmart.

The policeman reprimanding me for not showing the door greeter with more respect, and warned me how I do not talk to people like that and that I had better give my receipt NOW! I said OK and headed back into Walmart to the lady that checked me out and asked her to tell these people that I just bought this stuff 30 seconds ago. She put her hands up and said I don’t know anything. Refusing to tell them I was just there.

My cop buddy keeps telling me that “suck my **** pig, come back with a warrant” is not the proper response to every question an officer asks but I think he’s wrong.//

101 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:24:47am
102 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:30:47am

re: #101 MandyManners

Shame to the Japanese is like snow to the Inuit.

103 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:31:15am

re: #100 RogueOne

Here’s a situation where I would have been tazed:

[Link: consumerist.com…]

My cop buddy keeps telling me that “suck my *** pig, come back with a warrant” is not the proper response to every question an officer asks but I think he’s wrong.//

Is one of the many reasons I don’t shop at Walmart.

104 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:32:46am

re: #103 ggt

Is one of the many reasons I don’t shop at Walmart.

If I have to show my receipt, I’m obviously in the wrong neighborhood…

105 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:33:02am

re: #100 RogueOne

I guess I’m failing to see the issue here. The consumer didn’t follow store security procedure, got held up by the security officers, and then started acting belligerent. Am I wrong?

106 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:33:19am

re: #101 MandyManners

How does one say “shame” in Japanese?


If you ain’t moving now, you’ve assumed room temperature.

107 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:36:53am

Well, we’ll just stay at home, then!

(IsraelNN.com) A noted Saudi preacher has called on Arabs to stop flying to the United States, in protest of “enhanced screening” procedures aimed at catching terrorists, the Dubai business website Zawya.com reported.

108 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:36:59am

re: #87 CapeCoddah

Not at all. The case itself makes it clear that the woman was being pressured by the manager at United Rental for sexual favors, and the guy groped and fondled the woman against her will. When she refused, the company started delaying payments to the company. Her response wasn’t to lodge assault charges, but to file unlawful sexual discrimination suit against the company. The law in question prohibits the following:

For any person to refuse to buy from, sell to, lease from or to, license, contract with, or trade with, provide goods, services or information to, or otherwise do business with any other person on the basis of the race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender identity or expression, affectional or sexual orientation, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, disability, nationality, or source of lawful income used for rental or mortgage payments of such other person or of such other person’s spouse, partners, members, stockholders, directors, officers, managers, superintendents, agents, employees, business associates, suppliers, or customers. [N.J.S.A. 10:5-12(1)]

It’s treated as a discriminatory termination of a contract, which is why it was litigated in this manner, rather than a simple assault case, because the damages were contractual in nature.

The defendant claims that sexual harassment is not prohibited sex discrimination. The court didn’t buy that one.

109 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:37:11am
110 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:37:18am

re: #105 thedopefishlives

No you’re right, the problem is it’s an illegal search and detention. The police aren’t entitled to hold someone and search their property without cause. BTW, Places like Wal-mart and best-buy have that process in place not to keep people from thieving, but to keep their employees in check.

111 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:37:52am

re: #105 thedopefishlives

There is no legal right to challenge a customer for the receipt, at all. None.

112 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:38:13am

re: #108 lawhawk

Thanks for the “rest of the story”!

113 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:38:38am

re: #88 CapeCoddah

It wasn’t merely making a pass, but groping and inappropriate conduct. When she didn’t go for him, he stopped payments to the company.

114 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:39:12am

re: #108 lawhawk

She doesn’t sound like a team player to me//

115 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:39:39am

re: #110 RogueOne

No you’re right, the problem is it’s an illegal search and detention. The police aren’t entitled to hold someone and search their property without cause. BTW, Places like Wal-mart and best-buy have that process in place not to keep people from thieving, but to keep their employees in check.

Alright, I’ll buy that. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing something important. For the record, I don’t think throwing a fit is the proper way to handle this situation; it would be better served to stay calm and be polite.

116 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:40:47am

re: #108 lawhawk

Aha, so there was a contract involved. That changes the nature of the game entirely. I suppose I should actually sit down and read the case next time.

117 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:41:16am

re: #100 RogueOne

Here’s a situation where I would have been tazed:

[Link: consumerist.com…]

My cop buddy keeps telling me that “suck my *** pig, come back with a warrant” is not the proper response to every question an officer asks but I think he’s wrong.//

Jack-booted thugs with the SMILEY FACE!

118 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:42:26am

Dropped the muthaf**ka (so they say)

TEHRAN (Reuters) - A remote-controlled bomb killed a Tehran University nuclear scientist on Tuesday, state media reported, in an attack which Iran blamed on U.S. and Israeli agents.

119 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:42:54am

re: #100 RogueOne

Costco has a policy in place where they require you to show your receipt before exiting the store as a theft prevention measure. However, the measures taken in that instance appear extreme and could have violated the law in that state, although if the store had a reasonable belief that a theft was involved, then the call to police was warranted.

120 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:43:33am

re: #119 lawhawk

See, this was my initial thought when I read the excerpt. It’s not an unreasonable policy, provided it’s implemented properly.

121 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:43:41am

re: #111 Obdicut

There is no legal right to challenge a customer for the receipt, at all. None.

In the one whole time I’ve been to Sams Club, I paid for my purchases at a register that wasn’t, maybe, 30 feet from the door. I literally took 4 steps and was stopped at the “security” desk, where I dutifully let them look at my receipt and check my bags.

I thought, if you guys think you are good enough to catch a criminal that is good enough to “hide” something in that short distance —you are nuts. And somehow, I think without a “body” check you are screwed against any real criminal—what idiot would try to hide something in the bag, knowing that the receipt was going to be checked? I’m not creative enough to be a criminal, I guess.

I didn’t think the store was any great shakes to begin with and can’t see spending the xtra gas and time to go there to save a total of $3 on my purchases. Perhaps if I owned a small business or had a very large family …

122 Political Atheist  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:44:22am

re: #100 RogueOne

Lot’s of retailers do that. Fry’s, Costco, Best Buy, (very aggressive). Now that is in L.A. It pisses me off too.

re: #110 RogueOne

Where did you see that?

123 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:44:36am

re: #118 SteveC

He was a Mousavi supporter, so this isn’t nearly as clear cut as a nuclear scientist getting whacked. The Iranian government says that he was not involved in the nuclear weapons program, which increases the chances that this was the Basiji working at Ahmadinejad’s and Khamenei’s orders to whack a Mousavi supporter to show the opposition that they’re deadly serious about cracking down and shutting down the opposition efforts to destabilize the regime.

124 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:45:47am

How do you say “waaahhhmmmbulance” in German?

John Demjanjuk’s lawyer made a new attempt Tuesday to halt the 89-year-old’s trial on charges that he was an accessory to the murder of thousands of Jews at the Nazis’ Sobibor death camp.

Demjanjuk’s defense team has portrayed the retired Ohio auto worker, who was deported from the United States in May, as a victim of the Nazis and then of judicial authorities in several countries.

German prosecutors, however, say he was a guard at Sobibor and an accessory to the murder of 27,900 people.


125 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:45:52am

re: #119 lawhawk

Sams Club has the same policy but you have to be a “club” member and sign on the dotted line before you’re allowed to shop there. Wal-Mart loss-prevention is different. You actually have to visibly observe someone stealing before you’re allowed to stop them from leaving the store.

126 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:46:23am

re: #116 thedopefishlives

When all else fails, check the original source. The caption makes it seem as though it’s merely a quid pro quo involved, and not a lawful contract for the sale of goods that was abrogated by one of the parties because they didn’t get sexual favors.

127 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:46:58am

re: #122 Rightwingconspirator

re: #110 RogueOne

Where did you see that?

See what?

128 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:47:51am

re: #127 RogueOne

See what?

I didn’t see it.

129 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:47:57am

A nuclear physics professor who publicly backed Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi in the disputed June presidential election was killed Tuesday when a remote-controlled bomb rigged to a motorcycle blew up outside his home.

State media identified the victim as Masoud Ali Mohammadi, 50, a professor at Tehran University, which has been at the center of recent protests by student opposition supporters. Before the election, pro-reform Web sites published Ali Mohammadi’s name among a list of 240 Tehran University teachers who supported Mousavi.

Hard-line government supporters called at recent street rallies for the execution of opposition leaders. But Ali Mohammadi was not a well-known figure in Iran.

The government blamed the rare assassination on an armed Iranian opposition group that it said operated under the direction of Israel and the U.S. Iran often accuses the two countries of meddling in its affairs — both when it comes to postelection unrest and its nuclear program. Israel’s Foreign Ministry had no comment.


130 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:49:19am

re: #110 RogueOne

No you’re right, the problem is it’s an illegal search and detention. The police aren’t entitled to hold someone and search their property without cause. BTW, Places like Wal-mart and best-buy have that process in place not to keep people from thieving, but to keep their employees in check.

To keep their employees from “giving” product to their friends or accomplices?

131 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:49:41am

St. Elizabeth and the Ego Monster

A candidate whose aides were prepared to block him from becoming president. A wife whose virtuous image was a mirage. A mistress with a video camera. In an excerpt from the new book Game Change—their sweeping account of the 2008 campaign—the authors reveal that, inside the Edwards triangle, nothing was too crazy to be true.

More stuff from the book Game Change, but you gotta check this out, for the illustrations if nothing else!

132 McSpiff  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:50:32am

re: #129 MandyManners

A nuclear physics professor who publicly backed Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi in the disputed June presidential election was killed Tuesday when a remote-controlled bomb rigged to a motorcycle blew up outside his home.


Couldn’t blame Israel (or the US for that matter) for wanting to take out those enabling the weapons program, even if politically he was on the right side.

133 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:50:51am

re: #128 ggt

I didn’t see it.

Didn’t see it, don’t know nuttin’ ‘bout it, didn’t do it, you can’t blame me this time!


134 Political Atheist  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:51:20am

re: #110 RogueOne
re: #127 RogueOne
Whoops should have quoted.

BTW, Places like Wal-mart and best-buy have that process in place not to keep people from thieving, but to keep their employees in check.
135 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:51:32am

re: #131 SteveC

St. Elizabeth and the Ego Monster

More stuff from the book Game Change, but you gotta check this out, for the illustrations if nothing else!

Illustrations from a book about John Edwards? The very idea gives me the creepy crawlies.

136 CapeCoddah  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:52:21am

re: #108 lawhawk

That makes it a bit different.

137 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:52:34am

re: #130 ggt

I know that’s why Wal-Mart does it, I’m just assuming about the others. Most retail loss is due to human error (wrong tags, wrong place, etc..), #2 is theft by employees.

here’s a typical story of why they want to check the receipts:
[Link: consumerist.com…]

138 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:53:06am

re: #132 McSpiff

Good gravy. You didn’t ding me down.


139 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:53:53am

re: #132 McSpiff

Couldn’t blame Israel (or the US for that matter) for wanting to take out those enabling the weapons program, even if politically he was on the right side.

The reports all seem to indicate that the scientist was not involved in the nuclear program.

Now, it is possible that he was and that it was a western attempt to whack someone involved in the nuclear program (eliminate those who have the knowledge and ability to implement the nuclear technologies needed to build nuclear weapons).

However, it appears that this was a message delivered by the Basiji to the Mousavi opposition that the regime isn’t going to stop cracking down on the opposition until they’re gone.

140 McSpiff  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:54:08am

re: #138 MandyManners

Good gravy. You didn’t ding me down.


Even updinged it.

141 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:54:16am

re: #132 McSpiff

Um… you can’t blame someone for assassinating an opposition leader in Iran, because he happened to know a lot about nukes?


A spokesman for the atomic agency, Ali Shirzadian, told The Associated Press that Ali Mohammadi had no link with the agency responsible for Iran’s contentious nuclear program. Iran is under pressure from the United States and its European allies, which suspect Tehran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies that.
“He was not involved in the country’s nuclear program,” Shirzadian said of the victim.

142 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:54:58am

re: #140 McSpiff


143 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:55:15am

re: #140 McSpiff

Don’t make me grin.

144 McSpiff  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:55:54am

re: #139 lawhawk

The reports all seem to indicate that the scientist was not involved in the nuclear program.

Now, it is possible that he was and that it was a western attempt to whack someone involved in the nuclear program (eliminate those who have the knowledge and ability to implement the nuclear technologies needed to build nuclear weapons).

However, it appears that this was a message delivered by the Basiji to the Mousavi opposition that the regime isn’t going to stop cracking down on the opposition until they’re gone.

Fair enough, that’s a loss than.

145 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:56:05am

re: #132 McSpiff

Couldn’t blame Israel (or the US for that matter) for wanting to take out those enabling the weapons program, even if politically he was on the right side.

You missed the point.

Iran killed him. Not Israel or America.

146 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:57:45am

re: #134 Rightwingconspirator

Sorry, should have added you to my reply. See:
re: #137 RogueOne

147 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:57:46am

*jello molds…potlucks…jello molds*

148 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:58:50am

re: #145 MandyManners

You missed the point.

Iran killed him. Not Israel or America.

And made it look like we wanted to kill him by floating the rumor that he was involved in their nuclear program and we were that desperate to stop them. Only fools will be fooled by that line.

149 MandyManners  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:59:19am

Things to do and places to see.

150 McSpiff  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 6:59:40am

re: #145 MandyManners

You missed the point.

Iran killed him. Not Israel or America.

Didn’t originally see that he wasn’t involved with the nuclear weapons program. My comment in #132 was basically the idea that if someone was both an opposition leader, and a scientist on the weapons program, I put more weight on the second. It sucks, but I don’t trust the Iranian opposition to overthrow the Mullah regime before the weapons program successfully obtains a weapon. In that case, let Mossad do what needs to be done. Again, I realize that was not the case here.

151 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:00:01am

Just when you think you’ve seen everything they come up with something new. Modern science:

Nothing Like Genital Dye To Dye Up Those Genitals
[Link: consumerist.com…]

152 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:01:19am

re: #151 RogueOne

OMG, there’s even video (possibly NSFW, SF daytime tv tho):

[Link: thedoctorstv.com…]

153 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:02:40am

em>re: #152 RogueOne

sorry to triple post but I should have watched the video. They have a “labia color wheel”. I have to have one!

154 darthstar  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:04:48am

re: #151 RogueOne

Just when you think you’ve seen everything they come up with something new. Modern science:

Nothing Like Genital Dye To Dye Up Those Genitals
[Link: consumerist.com…]

Well, at least you can make it so she matches your eyes.
eye tattoos

155 darthstar  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:06:34am

re: #152 RogueOne

OMG, there’s even video (possibly NSFW, SF daytime tv tho):

[Link: thedoctorstv.com…]

My god, that’s a huge labia she has on that video!

156 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:07:01am

re: #154 darthstar

Wow. Good thing those idiots don’t need a job.

157 SteveC  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:07:02am

Number 37?

When my friend, cardiac surgeon Peter Alivizatos, returned to Greece after 10 years heading the heart transplantation program at Baylor University in Dallas, the one-year heart transplant survival rate there was 50%—five-year survival was only 35%. He soon increased those numbers to 94% one-year and 90% five-year survival, which is what we achieve in the U.S. So the next time you hear that the U.S. is No. 37, remember that Greece is No. 14. Cuba, by the way, is No. 39.

158 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:11:58am

Interesting take on the Reid/Obama issue:

[Link: www.slate.com…]

Code Black
Of course Obama talks differently to different groups. So do most politicians.

Harry Reid’s comment that Barack Obama could get elected because he was a “light-skinned” African American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one,” may not have been artfully put. But subtract the poor choice of words—Negro sounds more fuddy-duddy than racist—and the statement, reported in the book Game Change, is fairly uncontroversial. Not only is it undeniable that Obama’s skin tone and way of speaking had something to do with his election. Reid was praising Obama for one of the oldest political skills there is: the ability to adjust one’s speech, and one’s mannerisms, to different audiences.

159 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:12:01am

How long before this becomes a boob thread?

160 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:13:06am

re: #158 RogueOne

Interesting take on the Reid/Obama issue:

[Link: www.slate.com…]

I see articles about Obama’s skin color or manner of speech and my response is “Who gives a fuck?”

Really, is this the only thing that sells ads?

161 darthstar  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:14:57am

re: #160 ggt

I see articles about Obama’s skin color or manner of speech and my response is “Who gives a fuck?”

Really, is this the only thing that sells ads?

But they’re not about Obama’s skin color. They’re about talking about Obama’s skin color. And it’s okay to talk about articles that talk about talking about Obama’s skin color.

162 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:15:16am

re: #160 ggt

I see articles about Obama’s skin color or manner of speech and my response is “Who gives a fuck?”

Really, is this the only thing that sells ads?

No, suave, slick and sexy biden sells ads too:

Hennesy pulls Biden ads:

[Link: www.theonion.com…]

163 filetandrelease  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:16:13am

From the latest rumor mill down here in FL, expect Crist to be stepping out of the race in the near future. He is toast. GO RUBIO!

164 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:17:02am

re: #162 RogueOne

No, suave, slick and sexy biden sells ads too:

Hennesy pulls Biden ads:

[Link: www.theonion.com…]

“sexual, powerful”

I think I’m going to barf.

165 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:17:26am

re: #161 darthstar

But they’re not about Obama’s skin color. They’re about talking about Obama’s skin color. And it’s okay to talk about articles that talk about talking about Obama’s skin color.

I get it, thanks .


166 darthstar  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:18:26am

re: #163 filetandrelease

From the latest rumor mill down here in FL, expect Crist to be stepping out of the race in the near future. He is toast. GO RUBIO!

Well, that’ll help cancel out the possible loss in North Dakota.

167 Jeff In Ohio  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:19:42am

re: #158 RogueOne

Interesting take on the Reid/Obama issue:

[Link: www.slate.com…]

From what I read, that’s the conventional wisdom.

168 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:21:11am

What the F is the “Institute for the Study of War”? I just got a an email from them and I’ve never heard of them. I know, “go google it yourself, ggt.”

169 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:21:41am

re: #166 darthstar

Well, that’ll help cancel out the possible loss in North Dakota.

Possible loss? Possible?

(voice in my head made it sound like Mora)

170 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:23:08am

re: #168 ggt

What the F is the “Institute for the Study of War”? I just got a an email from them and I’ve never heard of them. I know, “go google it yourself, ggt.”

Spam or scam?

171 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:24:33am

re: #170 thedopefishlives

Spam or scam?

Staff Bios

172 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:27:50am

re: #171 ggt

Staff Bios

Wow. It’s actually legit. I have to admit I’m a bit surprised.

173 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:27:58am

[Link: www.miamiherald.com…]

Hallandale Beach grandma sent to jail — and forgotten
A 78-year-old woman spent more than two weeks in jail, including Thanksgiving, because her case slipped through the courtroom cracks.

A 78-year-old Hallandale Beach grandmother ticketed for driving with a suspended driver’s license spent 15 days in jail before authorities announced her license wasn’t suspended and an outraged judge set her free.

County Court Judge Lee J. Seidman ordered Gabrielle Shaink Trudeau’s release in December at her arraignment.

“She’s handcuffed like Houdini, for the record. She’s got chains around her waist, and she’s got handcuffs in front around her hands as if she was some kind of a violent criminal,” the judge said, according to a transcript. “I want her released. I think she’s suffered enough at our system’s mistakes.”

174 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:28:33am

re: #84 ggt

Even at the drive-up ATM’s?

The same console is used for drive-up and walk up. They do not make distinct ATM consoles for drive-up and a different model for walk-up.

175 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:29:12am

re: #172 thedopefishlives

Wow. It’s actually legit. I have to admit I’m a bit surprised.

Really legit —but no real idea of with whom they might be affiliated and why I got their email.

Some of there newsletters look interesting.

176 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:29:48am

re: #173 RogueOne

[Link: www.miamiherald.com…]

No one wondered why Grandma wasn’t at Thanksgiving dinner? WTF?

177 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:31:33am

Cat Overlord is telling me I’ve been neglecting my feeding and watering duties. I think I should go.

Have a great day all!

178 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:32:07am

re: #176 ggt

Poor old lady, she had a real crappy 2009 according to the story.

179 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:32:32am

Gitmo detainee suing in federal court over violation of speedy trial provisions.

The judge, Lewis A. Kaplan of United States District Court, listened as a lawyer for the suspect, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, indicated that he was not challenging the government’s authority to decide to detain his client or the wisdom of that decision. The government held Mr. Ghailani to try to obtain intelligence about Al Qaeda.

But the government “cannot have it both ways,” said the lawyer, Peter E. Quijano.

Once these decisions are made, he added, “they can’t just simply change their mind, their political mind, 57 months later, and say, ‘You know, that indictment before Judge Kaplan? Let’s try it now.’ ”

The judge did not say when he would rule. The debate over the significance of the delays in bringing Mr. Ghailani to trial arises in a case that is seen as crucial because it could foreshadow a key issue in the prosecution of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the professed organizer of the 9/11 attack, and four other Guantánamo detainees accused in the plot who were recently ordered to New York for trial.

Last spring, Mr. Ghailani became the first Guantánamo detainee moved into the civilian court system. A Tanzanian, he faces charges of conspiring in the 1998 bombings of two American Embassies in East Africa, which killed more than 200 people. He later worked for Osama bin Laden as a bodyguard and a cook, military authorities have said.

180 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:35:35am

Good morning, Lizards
Such a gorgeous day. My outrageously good coffee is now further enhanced with Irish Creme *Coffee-Mate. A complete winner.

181 Mad Al-Jaffee  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:46:05am

Sure is quiet here this morning. Is everybody out looking for ropes?

182 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:47:06am

I was wondering the same…

183 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:47:51am

Iceweasel posted the story over the weekend about the edwards affair in the new book everyone is talking about “Game Change”. I think they were a little harsh on Elizabeth Edwards. This story is the same, too harsh:

[Link: www.doublex.com…]

Elizabeth Edwards, Monster

Game Change, the new dishy book about the 2008 campaign, contains an incredibly disturbing portrait of John and Elizabeth Edwards, excerpted in New York magazine. The surprise revelation about him is that his staff considered him virtually “asexual.” Rielle Hunter, his mistress, got to him not through his vanity but through his growing messiah complex. (You are the next Ghandi, the next MLK). The book’s portrayal of Elizabeth, meanwhile, will break your heart. She comes across as haughty, mean-spirited, unhinged—and this is before she knew about the affair. “The nearly universal assessment among [the staff] was that there was no one on the national stage for whom the disparity between public image and private reality was vaster or more disturbing,” the authors write.

We have no idea how many affairs she has had to deal with, or the drugs and cancer therapy problems. Coming down hard on her for being married to a dirtbag seems a bit rough.

184 Jeff In Ohio  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:48:16am

The Bizarro Convention Seeks To Deny Itself Publicity:

“(Tea Party Convention) Organizers say that journalists without passes will not be allowed into the convention at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. (A Star Tribune request for a pass was denied, the paper’s interest in covering its home-state congresswoman notwithstanding).
Convention spokesman Judson Phillips informs us that most of the sessions are closed “at the request” of the presenters. “Given the media interest, I don’t want the sessions disrupted and overrun with the media,” he said.”

185 Donna Ballard  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:49:34am

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday everyone! I see you’re all in fine form, whats shakin?

186 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:52:57am

re: #183 RogueOne

Where was the media to cover this particular story? The Game Change book details the incident where she supposedly tore her blouse off on the tarmac. It was an incident that was likely viewed by others - campaign staff and workers, and yet nary a peep in the media about the incident? You would think that something like that would have been reported? What about the reporters who were flying with the campaign as it traveled around the country? They didn’t notice the incident? Or, did they choose not to notice?

The book highlights media failures more than it does the personal interactions, statements, etc. by the politicians involved. Where was the media to report on these events when they occurred? Not all of them occurred behind closed doors.

187 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:56:31am

Just bit into something too firm in my apple cake. It’s either a small piece of apple core or a finger nail clipping. Shaped a little like the latter.
I’ll let it dry before final determination. In the meantime I’ll finish my apple cake.

188 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 7:57:46am

re: #186 lawhawk

First they (Heilemann & Halperin) did their best to keep these stories quiet then after the election they seem to be in a big hurry to bury people so they can sell a book. IMHO, disgusting all the way around.

189 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:01:22am
190 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:04:18am

It’s a piece of apple core unfortunately shaped like a clipping. All is well.

191 andres  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:05:08am

re: #158 RogueOne

Interesting take on the Reid/Obama issue:

[Link: www.slate.com…]

It’s also interesting to note this other article: When Did the Word Negro Become Taboo? By the time the word Negro was tabooed, Reid was in his late 20’s. It’s very hard to change one’s quick reactions at that age (conscious reactions, OTOH, are easier to change).

192 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:05:08am

Newark Liberty Airport security is a mess and the Port Authority of NY/NJ had better get its act together. The screwup with the lovestruck guy getting into the secure area of Terminal C without screening was the tip of the iceberg.

The airport was lucky to not have a disaster on its hands over the weekend when the United Air plane crash landed when one of its landing gear failed to deploy. Radio systems crashed, and while emergency personnel were able to use cellphones to communicate, the main system was inoperative.

That’s on top of the problems with the video systems that were inoperative when the Haisong Jiang sauntered into Terminal C through the exit without being stopped by TSA. There were no barriers to keep people from reentering via the exit area. In the interim, TSA is stationing two guards at the exits to prevent a repeat.

193 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:07:29am

re: #192 lawhawk

That’s on top of the problems with the video systems that were inoperative when the Haisong Jiang sauntered into Terminal C through the exit without being stopped by TSA. There were no barriers to keep people from reentering via the exit area. In the interim, TSA is stationing two guards at the exits to prevent a repeat.

This is typically the case at most of the airports I’ve been in. However, there have been guards stationed at all such exits at the places I’ve gone, to ensure that no one enters the gate area without going through security. That Newark didn’t have any guards there in the first place strikes me as unusual and a bit disturbing.

194 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:09:29am

re: #193 thedopefishlives

I thought the video showed an officer there who left to respond to a call?

195 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:10:12am

re: #194 RogueOne

I thought the video showed an officer there who left to respond to a call?

Oh yeah, that’s right, I remember that now. Which would be more a case of poor training.

196 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:10:13am

re: #184 Jeff In Ohio

Wow. That’s some pretty strange logic there.

I have no clue where this Tea Party deal is going to end up. It seems kind of like it’s on the verge of collapsing under the weight of astroturf and corruption.

But maybe that’s too much to hope.

197 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:12:57am

re: #193 thedopefishlives

They did have a guard as the videos show, but the guard got distracted (was using a cellphone) and then wandered from his post. That let Jiang slip right by without being stopped.

198 Donna Ballard  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:13:33am

Well, see ya!

199 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:14:53am

re: #197 lawhawk

They did have a guard as the videos show, but the guard got distracted (was using a cellphone) and then wandered from his post. That let Jiang slip right by without being stopped.

Hence the mention of two guards, which would provide redundancy to supposedly ensure that one guard being distracted wouldn’t provide a lapse in security. Which is good protocol anyway, but man, that guy must be feeling like a moron right now.

200 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:15:10am

Speaking of angry spouses:

[Link: www.accessatlanta.com…]

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Court papers allege that an Olympia woman, angry that her husband left her, tampered with his power tools so that he received a powerful electric shock. Carolyn Paulsen-Riat was booked Friday into the Thurston County Jail for investigation of third-degree assault, domestic violence, and second-degree malicious mischief. A judge released the 33-year-old woman on her own recognizance.

The Olympian newspaper reported that court documents said that on Jan. 1, the man was using a 220-volt table saw when he received the shock, knocking him to the ground. Thurston County sheriff’s deputies said the man did not need to go to a hospital.

201 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:15:34am

re: #185 Dragon_Lady

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday everyone! I see you’re all in fine form, whats shakin?

Good morning, Dragon Lady. Some lizards have taken to doing chores and such. I’m still having difficulty with slow computer response. Don’t know why. It’s a fine morning for a walk.

202 MrSilverDragon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:17:12am

Good morning, folks.

Hope there’s a positive outlook for your day today.

203 theheat  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:17:23am

re: #189 RogueOne

I’m not sure how a policeman is able to kick in a door and shoot a woman on her knees, holding her baby in her arms, and a jury come back with a not guilty of manslaughter. If a soldier in a war zone did that, he’d be charged.

Because we’re indoctrinated since birth to believe policemen are good and don’t lie. That’s total bullshit, of course. From my personal experience, and people I’ve known, I’ve seen them lie like rugs to cover each other’s asses.

The War on Drugs has been a bullshit war, born of good intentions. But it’s devolved into more of stormtrooper approach, with people’s property being confiscated and held, and their lives severely complicated both emotionally and financially, defending themselves against the often trivial charges leveled against them the police heap on top of each other to make their case as strong as possible. Guilty or innocent, it’s a major undertaking to defend yourself against such charges if the police have a hard-on for you.

I’ve seen people’s lives ruined over something as stupid as a bag of pot in their dresser. This is after their door’s been kicked in, their dog shot - the typical guns blazing bullshit. And heaven help them if they own a firearm - the police will paint them as the next fucking Osama bin Laden to make their case.

I’ve seen it happen too many times. If this were cowboys and Indians, I am rooting for the indians.

204 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:18:07am

re: #202 MrSilverDragon

Good morning, folks.

Hope there’s a positive outlook for your day today.

Indeed there is. The trees have been beautifully frosted and there was “freezing fog” on the way to work this morning - almost like snow, but it hung in the air instead of falling. It was a wondrous sight and definitely made my morning.

205 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:18:12am

re: #189 RogueOne

A friend of mine who’s a SWAT officer is mounting a campaign against home invasion techniques. He feels that not only is the loss of life during this missions unconscionable, but that the lives of his officers are being risked for nothing as well.

I’ve got an email from him that says it well:

“My nightmare is that one day some bunch of dicks order us to invade a house of a guy they suspect of being a militiaman with illegal weapons, but turns out he’s just someone who’s trying to protect home after repeated break-ins, and shoots and kills me. I have no fear of death in the line of duty: I have a sick horror of trading my life for absolutely nothing.”

He feels a strong defense of the 2nd amendment— which he favors— is entirely incompatible with allowing no-knock raids.

Not to mention that the raids simply don’t work compared to other techniques, and are massively manpower intensive.

206 Randall Gross  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:19:24am

things that make you go hrmm?

[Link: www.theglobeandmail.com…]

207 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:20:15am

So, will Coakley get hammered for this? In a long article covering the debate in Mass. between Coakley (D) and Brown (R), there’s an exchange over the situation in Afghanistan:

Gergen asked Coakley how it’s possible to succeed in Afghanistan without the surge — and Coakley gave a very risky answer for a politician. “I’m not sure there is a way to succeed,” said Coakley. She explained that her concern was with the definition of the very mission there: “If we went in because we decided the Taliban was giving harbor to terrorists, we supported that, I supported that. They’re gone.”

Brown called her thinking “naïve.” She shot back: “I think it’s naïve to say we have troops that we can send anywhere and they’re the best way to go after terrorists who train in the night, and get on planes with bombs in their shoes.” Instead, she said, the better path in some situations is to use intelligence and targeted missions by the CIA and other agencies to go after terrorists as individuals, whether it’s in Afghanistan or Yemen or elsewhere.

They’re gone? No, they’re out of power, but they’re not gone. They keep coming back and until they’re gone, we have to stick around to keep them from reasserting themselves to become a safe haven once again to al Qaeda.

208 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:23:21am

re: #202 MrSilverDragon

Good morning, folks.

Hope there’s a positive outlook for your day today.

Thanks. The day has good possibilities. I’ll make big headway on my tax prep later this morning.

209 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:25:36am

re: #203 theheat
+1. They always shoot the dogs first.
re: #205 Obdicut

I have a buddy who is the head of his towns SWAT team in a suburb of Indy and we’ve talked about the same issue. He’s a military trained guy so I trust his judgement when he’s doing an entry not to mistakenly shoot someone but I wouldn’t say the same about 90% of the other officers around the country. I think it’s a mistake to treat police like they’re military. They don’t have the level of training or professionalism drilled into their heads on a daily basis like a soldier and the use of SWAT tactics for non-violent offenders just makes it more likely someone is going to die needlessly.

210 theheat  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:25:42am

re: #207 lawhawk

Until that ideology doesn’t exist, they’ll never be gone. America got itself in the whack-a-mole business, and there’s no shortage of moles. An endless supply.

Jihadis don’t raise their hands to be counted. We can only assume there are hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of active recruits. One falls, and another takes its place. Daily. Hourly.

And because the ideology behind them isn’t anything new, it also isn’t anything temporary.

211 lawhawk  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:26:40am

“Protesters” claim NATO forces destroyed copies of the koran; riots and fun ensue.

Protesters claiming that international troops destroyed copies of the Quran clashed with Afghan and foreign security forces on Tuesday, leaving six people dead, Afghan officials said.

Also in the south, 13 insurgents were killed by a missile that international forces fired from an unmanned drone, NATO said.

A protest of about 2,000 people in Helmand province’s Garmsir district turned violent as demonstrators fought with security forces, leaving six civilians dead, according to the top official in the province, Abdullah Barak. Provincial spokesman Daoud Ahmadi confirmed six dead but did not say if they were civilians.

NATO said only one person was killed during the protest — an insurgent sniper who allegedly shot at an Afghan official and was killed by NATO troops.

A NATO spokesman denied that the foreign troops desecrated any copies of Islam’s holy book in Sunday’s operation with Afghan forces in Garmsir. Lt. Nico Melendez said no shots were fired, and no property was damaged.

It’s a poorly written article, and the only attribution for the desecration comes from the headline, which reads Afghan officials claim korans were desecrated. The lede says that protesters rioted based on the claim that korans were desecrated.

212 Mad Al-Jaffee  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:29:03am

re: #192 lawhawk

That story reminds me of Big Red gum commercials.

213 theheat  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:30:03am

re: #211 lawhawk

In the stinking shithole that is Afghanistan, it would be amusing to think such priority is put on a book, if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Gee, it isn’t like they might consider other priorities.

214 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:30:14am

re: #205 Obdicut

BTW, if you’re not a fan of Balko I’d suggest you read up on his stuff. This is his area of writing expertise.

215 Randall Gross  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:30:33am

Moorehead city port closed after PETN (per CNN just now) containers punctured

[Link: abcnews.go.com…]

216 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:32:37am

re: #214 RogueOne

Thanks, never seen that site before.

217 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:34:07am

My 189 got deleted. Did I do something wrong?

218 Mad Al-Jaffee  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:34:49am

re: #217 RogueOne

My 189 got deleted. Did I do something wrong?

Did you say “Jehovah”?

219 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:35:37am

re: #218 Mad Al-Jaffee

No, but it had “reagan” in there so that’s close right?//

220 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:36:25am

re: #217 RogueOne

My 189 got deleted. Did I do something wrong?

Did you post an email link?

221 reine.de.tout  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:38:10am

The reviews for this are hilarious!

Playmobil TSA security checkpoint

222 Mad Al-Jaffee  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:38:58am
223 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:39:28am

re: #221 reine.de.tout

The reviews for this are hilarious!

Playmobil TSA security checkpoint

That is all kinds of win.

224 Ojoe  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:40:26am

Early morning in the San Gabriel Mountains of California. Towercam, Pacific time zone.

You can see the obviously burnt areas.

Nature break.


225 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:40:34am

re: #220 Dark_Falcon

Did you post an email link?

No, it was a link to a reason story. It was violent story so maybe it tripped some filter?

226 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:40:45am

re: #221 reine.de.tout

The reviews for this are hilarious!

Playmobil TSA security checkpoint

Boy, the people venting at the TSA have active imaginations, don’t they?

227 Randall Gross  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:41:36am

re: #217 RogueOne

I’ve never seen a link to Reason.com stay very long, they have Justin Raimondo and other scions of Willis Carto as regular contributors and they were also big for Luap Nor last election.

If you go back in archives here you will find them called out a few times by Charles. There are some articles way back in past archives when they had different editors & staff that have been linked and survived, like the one on Howard Ahmanson.

228 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:41:48am

re: #225 RogueOne

No, it was a link to a reason story. It was violent story so maybe it tripped some filter?

Try posting it again, with just the link, and no accompanying text.

229 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:42:29am

re: #227 Thanos

I’ve never seen a link to Reason.com stay very long, they have Justin Raimondo and other scions of Willis Carto as regular contributors and they were also big for Luap Nor last election.

If you go back in archives here you will find them called out a few times by Charles. There are some articles way back in past archives when they had different editors & staff that have been linked and survived, like the one on Howard Ahmanson.

Forget my #228.

230 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:43:32am

re: #222 Mad Al-Jaffee

Skywalkers in Korea Cross Han Solo

Stay On Target!

231 Randall Gross  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:45:43am

re: #229 Dark_Falcon

Forget my #228.

It’s kinda like hot air, the entire pub’s not bad, but they promote some smelly bigots, and sometimes their commenters run way overboard.

232 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:46:26am

re: #228 Dark_Falcon

You trying to give me a time out? I’ve already had one (stupid balloon boy!), I don’t wanna push my luck//

I haven’t had any probs before with reason links, I’ll refrain from now on. I’ll post a link to the story from Balko’s personal site:

[Link: www.theagitator.com…]

233 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:49:42am

re: #232 RogueOne

You trying to give me a time out? I’ve already had one (stupid balloon boy!), I don’t wanna push my luck//

I haven’t had any probs before with reason links, I’ll refrain from now on. I’ll post a link to the story from Balko’s personal site:

[Link: www.theagitator.com…]

No, sorry, you’re OK! Just tell your X-Wings to abort that strafing run they’re lining up for.

/Star Wars geek

234 Randall Gross  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:00:23am

It’s confirmed that the containers are PETN at Moorehead city.

235 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:02:14am

re: #234 Thanos

wow. that could have been real ugly.

236 Randall Gross  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:03:59am

re: #235 RogueOne

wow. that could have been real ugly.

What I’m not sure about is were they coming or going, are they a regular shipment, or were they smuggled in or being smuggled out.

237 Kragar  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:07:26am

re: #236 Thanos

What I’m not sure about is were they coming or going, are they a regular shipment, or were they smuggled in or being smuggled out.

Morehead City is right next to Camp Lejeune. Depending on what the shipment actually was made up of, there are all kinds of legitamate reasons for it.

238 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:07:45am

Always keep your hands visible when stopped by the police:

[Link: abclocal.go.com…]

A police involved shooting is under investigation after an officer wounded a man who turned out to be uninvolved in the crime in question.

“This was a very unfortunate incident,” Suffolk County Police Chief Dominic Varrone said.

Police announced the surprising turn of events on Monday afternoon.

The suspect shot by an officer wasn’t a suspect at all — just the wrong guy, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
“He commanded them to keep their hands up and commanded the person in the back seat to show his hands,” Det. Lt. Gerard Pelkofsky said.

But police say the driver got out of the car and confronted the cop as the backseat passenger suddenly put his hands between his knees. The officer shot him right through the car window.

“It was clearly an emotionally charged situation. The officer clearly felt these may have been involved in the robbery,” Varrone said.

The 31-year-old man was shot in the abdomen. The man was transported to Huntington Hospital where he was admitted and listed in stable condition.

Turned out the men in the car were unarmed and had nothing to do with the taco bell robbery.

239 rwdflynavy  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:07:46am

re: #221 reine.de.tout

The reviews for this are hilarious!

Playmobil TSA security checkpoint

Great stuff, but you cannot beat for pure enjoyment on the comments

240 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:11:01am

re: #238 RogueOne

Always keep your hands visible when stopped by the police:

[Link: abclocal.go.com…]

Rule #1 of talking to a police officer: Always explain clearly what you are going to do, and do it slowly. If he asks you for your driver’s license, tell him that it’s in your wallet and you’re going to have to get it out of your pocket, then very slowly and obviously reach for it and take it out. Sudden actions, especially unexplained, make officers very nervous.

241 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:14:23am

re: #238 RogueOne

Always keep your hands visible when stopped by the police:

[Link: abclocal.go.com…]

The average person just has no experience with being considered a possible suspect.

242 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:14:54am

re: #240 thedopefishlives

Rule #1 of talking to a police officer: Always explain clearly what you are going to do, and do it slowly. If he asks you for your driver’s license, tell him that it’s in your wallet and you’re going to have to get it out of your pocket, then very slowly and obviously reach for it and take it out. Sudden actions, especially unexplained, make officers very nervous.

Not without reason. Many police officers over the years have lost their lives when some criminal decided to shoot them and they could not react fast enough. For that reason, cops are extremely swift to respond if they sense a threat.

243 RogueOne  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:17:10am

re: #240 thedopefishlives
Language warning:

244 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:18:25am

re: #242 Dark_Falcon

Not without reason. Many police officers over the years have lost their lives when some criminal decided to shoot them and they could not react fast enough. For that reason, cops are extremely swift to respond if they sense a threat.

Totally agreed there. I have a few relations on both sides of the family that are in police work, so I get to hear all the crazy stories.

245 reine.de.tout  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:18:31am

re: #239 rwdflynavy

Great stuff, but you cannot beat for pure enjoyment on the comments


Unfortunately I already had this exact picture tattooed on my chest, but this shirt is very useful in colder weather.

246 rwdflynavy  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:22:39am

re: #245 reine.de.tout

i just thought i would let you all know about the shirt that changed my life. at first look i thought that it was way over priced i mean $14.98! that would buy me a couple packs of pabist blue ribbon but i decided after reading all 1,649 reviews that it would be money well spent. after watching out the front window of my trailer for three days it finally came, when i opened the box i swear i could hear the angels singing “free bird” and i picked up the 100% pre-shrunk cotton in my hands and put it on without even messing up my mullet and i knew instantly that a trip to walmart was in need. so i jumped in my black 1977 trans am SE with Screaming Chicken hood decal, removable glass roof panels, and gold cast alloy wheels and was on my way. once i arrived at walmart the shirt started glowing and women were instantly attracted to me i mean i had this super hot babe in sweet pants that said jucy on her rear with most of her teeth just walk up to be and offer to shave my back for free if id let her move in with me. so of corse i was like hell ya baby. since she moved in a few months ago we have been goinn steady and were gonna have the the first jr. which is crazy because she wont have sex with me cause shes tired but i just figuere the shirt must have impregnated her. also since buying this shirt i have had supermodels approch me. i was recently invited in a vision quest, i am recording a new rap cd, and iv been noticeing less problems with involuntary urination.

247 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:24:54am

Chuck Norris Hunts for Obama’s ‘Secret Vault’ as Interpol Conspiracy Theories Get Wilder

In a new column on World Net Daily, the right-wing Web site, he claims that Obama signed the executive order so that he can slyly, without anyone noticing, create a “secret vault” at Interpol’s New York office to conceal important records about the war on terror from the American public.

“Is it merely coincidental that Obama signed this executive Interpol order, and that the feds want to try these 9/11 terrorists in civilian courts rather than military courts?” Norris asks in his bizarre and hard-to-follow rant.

He continues: “Is it merely coincidental that Obama signed this executive Interpol order and that he often goes out of his way to sympathize with and advocate pro-Muslim culture, beliefs and issues?”

“Is it merely coincidental that Obama signed this executive Interpol order, and that the following events are converging at this time in American history: the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, the closure of Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention facility, Obama’s indifference and even defense of Islamic extremists like the Fort Hood shooter or Northwest flight 253’s attempted bomber?”

248 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:25:01am

re: #244 thedopefishlives

Totally agreed there. I have a few relations on both sides of the family that are in police work, so I get to hear all the crazy stories.

I haven’t heard many such stories but I have read some. While most thugs will surrender if cornered, some will try to kill police officers. Every now and then, one such scumbag is a actual quickdraw who has practiced quickly bring his weapon to bear. In a situation like that its like the Old West, The only question is: Which person is The Quick One, and which person is The Dead One.

249 Mad Al-Jaffee  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:25:41am

re: #247 Killgore Trout

I bet the nirth certificate is in the secret vault!

250 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:26:08am

re: #248 Dark_Falcon

I haven’t heard many such stories but I have read some. While most thugs will surrender if cornered, some will try to kill police officers. Every now and then, one such scumbag is a actual quickdraw who has practiced quickly bring his weapon to bear. In a situation like that its like the Old West, The only question is: Which person is The Quick One, and which person is The Dead One.

Well, most of the time it’s stuff like a police officer getting shot at during a routine traffic stop. I don’t know that any of my police-minded relations have had any actual run-ins with gun-toting baddies, but they pass along stuff from the department that would raise your hackles.

251 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:26:09am

re: #247 Killgore Trout

Chuck Norris Hunts for Obama’s ‘Secret Vault’ as Interpol Conspiracy Theories Get Wilder

I restate my contention that Chuck Norris is suffering the after-effects of being kicked in the head too many times.

252 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:28:16am

re: #249 Mad Al-Jaffee

I bet the nirth certificate is in the secret vault!

No, that’s not it. The vault is part of a sekrit underground Soros Lair that also has swimming pool. In that pool is the Elephant Seal that eated the Nirth Certifikat. Fer Realz.

253 rwdflynavy  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:29:39am

re: #252 Dark_Falcon

No, that’s not it. The vault is part of a sekrit underground Soros Lair that also has swimming pool. In that pool is the Elephant Seal that eated the Nirth Certifikat. Fer Realz.

I KNEW IT!!!!!

254 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:30:50am

re: #247 Killgore Trout

Is it just a coincidence that the guys at Ali Baba gave me four falafel when I only paid for three?

Is it only coincidence that Chuck Norris hasn’t kicked a terrorist of any sort in years? If anyone’s gone soft on them, I think it’s Chuck.

Think about it: He’s the ultimate islamofascistacaliphatiedhimmimonger. Hiding in plain sight this whole time!


255 Semper Fi  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 9:34:12am

Till next time, have a great day, all.

256 Ericus58  Tue, Jan 12, 2010 10:05:29am

re: #203 theheat

Nice smears… I call Bullshit.
Your broad-brush attitude is not the reality that I’ve experienced, nor my family and many friends from a wide range of backgrounds.

Are there assholes in law enforcement? Sure - and even abuse at times. But what percent is that of all LEO’s? Seriously.

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