Joseph Wilson: Moonbat

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Here’s a tremendously revealing talk by former Ambassador Joseph Wilson at the “Education for Peace in Iraq Center,” in which Wilson demonstrates a level of moonbattitude that has to be heard to be believed. Among other outrageous and self-contradictory statements that wouldn’t be out of place in an Indymedia post, Wilson says that “warmongers” are assholes, and that the real purpose of the Iraq War was to benefit Israel.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page for the section about Wilson; here is a direct link to the MP3 recording of Wilson’s talk. (Hat tip: Oscar Jr.)

And by the way, an interesting footnote; at the bottom of the HTML source of this web page is a section that has been hidden from view for some odd reason, listing the sponsors of the Education for Peace in Iraq Center:

Arab American Institute, American Friends Service Committee, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Focus on American and Arab Interests and Relations (FAAIR), Friends Committee for National Legislation, American-Arab Anti-Descrimination Committee, American Muslims for Global Peace and Justice, Church of the Brethren Washington Office, Mennonite Central Committee USA-Washington Office, Muslim American Society, NETWORK, Pax Christi, Peace Action, Veterans for Peace, Voices in the Wilderness, and Women’s Action for New Directions.

(And yes—I made a copy of the source code.)

UPDATE: As of February 15, 2004, the links to the pages and MP3 sound file have been removed from the EPIC site. Covering their tracks.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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