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1 b_sharp  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 10:47:05am

Right on!

2 Interesting Times  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 10:49:45am
We knew that there were bacteria that processed arsenic, but this bacteria—discovered in the poisonous Mono Lake, California—is actually made of arsenic.

A life form consisting of and thriving in a toxic substance? Yay! Now we now what species will replace humans in ~100 years :/

3 lostlakehiker  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 11:02:36am

How did the bacteria sample die?

The lab tech forgot to put arsenic in its water.


4 SpaceJesus  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 11:07:34am

where are my aliens

5 Obdicut  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 11:20:36am

re: #4 SpaceJesus

where are my aliens

Well, where'd you leave them?

You are the sloppiest deity, I swear.

6 kreyagg  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 11:51:21am

I still think the god of Abraham is sloppier, considering that he seems to constantly leave evidence lying around that obviates the need for his existence.

7 Randy W. Weeks  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 12:46:14pm

Very cool.

If we limit our life search out there to earth-like we're going to be missing out.

8 Stoatly  Thu, Dec 2, 2010 4:52:25pm

To nitpick: it seems this isn't just about "finding" something already using arsenic in it's DNA as everyone is reporting.

From the NY Times

Scientists said Thursday that they had trained a bacterium to eat and grow on a diet of arsenic...
...The bacterium, scraped from the bottom of Mono Lake in California and grown for months in a lab mixture containing arsenic, gradually swapped out atoms of phosphorus in its little body for atoms of arsenic...
...Despite this taste for arsenic, the authors also reported, the GFAJ-1 strain grew considerably better when provided with phosphorus, so in some ways they still prefer a phosphorus diet. Dr. Joyce, from his reading of the paper, concurred, pointing out that there was still some phosphorus in the bacterium even after all its force-feeding with arsenic. He described it as “clinging to every last phosphate molecule, and really living on the edge.”

Dr. Joyce added, “I was feeling sorry for the bugs.”

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