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freetoken  Feb 28, 2011 • 7:00:31pm

Leave it to Fox to put their conspiratorial spin on this.

1. Try to discredit the EPA.
2. Try to validate parents’ suspicions of government and medical science in general.

What is missing from the Fox article? The whole story.

Fox (and Don Imus’ wife) say:

In a surprising reversal, last month EPA’s announced that it intends to lower the maximum amount of fluoride in drinking water because of growing evidence supporting the chemical’s possible deleterious effects to children’s health.

Here’s what the EPA really says:

HHS’ proposed recommendation of 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water replaces the current recommended range of 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams. This updated recommendation is based on recent EPA and HHS scientific assessments to balance the benefits of preventing tooth decay while limiting any unwanted health effects. These scientific assessments will also guide EPA in making a determination of whether to lower the maximum amount of fluoride allowed in drinking water, which is set to prevent adverse health effects.

The EPA only goes on the recommendations of the health community, so the EPA doesn’t “reverse” itself ala Fox exaggerations.

And note this: The new recommendations are some of the same as the old! The old range was there because of the different amount of water that is normally consumed per day between those living in warm areas vs. those living in cold areas. The new limit is now set uniformly to that for people living in warm areas.

Put simply, the Fox article reads like it was written by someone from the JBS.

freetoken  Feb 28, 2011 • 7:09:17pm

Oh, look who’s promoting a book on the autism-vaccination supposed link - it’s Diedre Imus:

Gus  Feb 28, 2011 • 7:09:52pm

re: #1 freetoken

Leave it to Fox to put their conspiratorial spin on this.

1. Try to discredit the EPA.
2. Try to validate parents’ suspicions of government and medical science in general.

What is missing from the Fox article? The whole story.

Fox (and Don Imus’ wife) say:

Here’s what the EPA really says:

The EPA only goes on the recommendations of the health community, so the EPA doesn’t “reverse” itself ala Fox exaggerations.

And note this: The new recommendations are some of the same as the old! The old range was there because of the different amount of water that is normally consumed per day between those living in warm areas vs. those living in cold areas. The new limit is now set uniformly to that for people living in warm areas.

Put simply, the Fox article reads like it was written by someone from the JBS.

Here’s an important note from the linked LA Times article:

According to the Centers for Disease Control, a 1986-87 study showed that nearly 23% of children ages 12 to 15 had fluorosis. That rose to 41% in a study that covered 1999 through 2004. “It is not the water that’s causing this,” said Dr. Robert Barsley, a professor at Louisiana State University’s Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry. “It’s the extra fluoride products — toothpaste, mouthwash — that people are using. And people want nice white teeth so they brush three times a day.”

So it’s likely that the same people that are worried (I say so kindly) about fluoride are seeking to remove the substance from water supplies yet are ingesting it in large quantities through toothpaste and mouthwash.

My favorite part of the article is in Mrs. Imus’s closing statement NOTE: A reverse osmosis system is needed to remove fluoride from drinking water. A product of course which is constantly advertised on talk radio and a favorite of conspiracy theorists everywhere.

Gus  Feb 28, 2011 • 7:22:47pm

re: #1 freetoken

And more detailed information linked at your link which I’m sure you’ve already scanned:

Proposed HHS Recommendation for Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water for Prevention of Dental Caries

And this excerpt:


HHS recommends an optimal fluoride concentration of 0.7 mg/L for community water systems based on the following information:

• Community water fluoridation is the most cost-effective method of delivering fluoride for the prevention of tooth decay;

• In addition to drinking water, other sources of fluoride exposure have contributed to the prevention of dental caries and an increase in dental fluorosis prevalence;

• Significant caries preventive benefits can be achieved and risk of fluorosis reduced at 0.7 mg/L, the lowest concentration in the range of the USPHS recommendation.

• Recent data do not show a convincing relationship between fluid intake and ambient air temperature. Thus, there is no need for different recommendations for water fluoride concentrations in different temperature zones.

This is also very important:

Trends in availability of fluoride sources:

Community water fluoridation and fluoride toothpaste are the most common sources of non-dietary fluoride in the United States (CDC, 2001b). Community water fluoridation began in 1945, reaching almost 50% of the U.S. population by 1975 and 64% by 2008, source. Toothpaste containing fluoride was first marketed in the United States in 1955 (USDHEW, 1980) and by the 1990’s accounted for more than 90 percent of the toothpaste market (Burt BA and Eklund SA, 2005). Other products that provide fluoride now include mouthrinses, fluoride supplements, and professionally applied fluoride compounds. More detailed explanations of these products are published elsewhere (CDC, 2001b) (ADA, 2006) (USDHHS, 2010). More information on all sources of fluoride and their relative contribution to total fluoride exposure in the United States is presented in a report by EPA (US EPA 2010a).

researchok  Feb 28, 2011 • 7:53:11pm

For the record, I updinged the story because I thought is was important.

Ultimately though, the EPA has offered up new guidelines, with the new cap set at .07 mg/l.

Bob Levin  Feb 28, 2011 • 8:44:51pm

I agree that it’s news. However, I can’t find a decently written news story on this. They all bring in the Flouride Action Network to sex up the story.

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